Issue and Options 2023

Chwilio am ymatebion i ffurflenni

Canlyniadau chwilio Barratt David Wilson Homes (Mercia)

Chwilio o’r newydd Chwilio o’r newydd
ID Ffurflen: 79653
Ymatebydd: Barratt David Wilson Homes (Mercia)
Asiant : Savills






ID Ffurflen: 79654
Ymatebydd: Barratt David Wilson Homes (Mercia)
Asiant : Savills

The NPPF8 identifies that planning policies and decisions should aim to achieve healthy, inclusive and safe places and provide the social, recreational and cultural facilities to serve the needs of the community. This includes the provision of safe and accessible green infrastructure, sports facilities and well-designed development layouts that encourage walking and cycling. Blue infrastructure corridors, including canal corridors, can play an important role in providing spaces which encourage people to spend time outside as well as providing direct active travel routes. BDWH has submitted a separate submission as part of the Call for Sites process, supported by a Vision Document, which outlines the opportunity that the allocation of land to the north west of Warwick Parkway Railway Station, adjacent to the Grand Union Canal, for residential development can provide in facilitating the creation of healthy active communities. 8 National Planning Policy Framework (2021). Paragraphs 92-93.

ID Ffurflen: 79655
Ymatebydd: Barratt David Wilson Homes (Mercia)
Asiant : Savills




ID Ffurflen: 79656
Ymatebydd: Barratt David Wilson Homes (Mercia)
Asiant : Savills

Ni roddwyd ateb

Q-T1: QT1b: Include reference to the principles of a 20 minute neighbourhood or other similar design approach (e.g. Building for a Healthy Life) within a broader overarching policy. National policy does not currently require all developments in all locations to achieve Building for a Healthy Life accreditation or endorse the principles of a 20 minute neighbourhood. The connectivity and context of developments can be determined on a site by site basis.

ID Ffurflen: 79658
Ymatebydd: Barratt David Wilson Homes (Mercia)
Asiant : Savills



ID Ffurflen: 79659
Ymatebydd: Barratt David Wilson Homes (Mercia)
Asiant : Savills

Ni roddwyd ateb

Q-T2: Option T2b: Do not include a policy which takes a hierarchical approach. Option T2b provides a greater degree of flexibility to take site-specific and location-specific factors into consideration and encourage a modal shift away from the use of the private car in order to address climate change objectives and create more sustainable communities. The NPPF9 states that transport issues should be considered from the earliest stages of plan-making. Therefore the choice of site allocations should be taking into consideration the accessibility of development sites to public transport (bus and / or rail networks) and active travel networks (such as footpaths and canal towpaths) to ensure that there are alternative travel options available for residents living in the new developments and opportunities to improve existing networks to serve new developments. To this end the SWLP should allocate sites within sustainable travel corridors, particularly rail corridors, for residential development to assist with meeting the sustainable housing need for the Local Plan period. Allocating development in locations with good access to existing public transport services also provides the opportunity to increase the patronage for, and therefore the viability of, these services. The site being promoted by BDWH to the north west of Warwick Parkway Railway Station provides a genuine opportunity to accommodate residential development in a location which benefits from existing rail, bus, walking and cycling networks (including a canal corridor). 9 National Planning Policy Framework (2021). Paragraph 104.

ID Ffurflen: 79661
Ymatebydd: Barratt David Wilson Homes (Mercia)
Asiant : Savills




ID Ffurflen: 79662
Ymatebydd: Barratt David Wilson Homes (Mercia)
Asiant : Savills

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

Q-B3: Option B3b: Maintain Special landscape Areas within Stratford-on-Avon District but don’t introduce them within Warwick District There is no requirement on a national basis for Strategic Landscape Areas to be in place. Q-B6: No “Wildbelt” is not a recognised land use defined in the NPPF which Local Plans need to accommodate. Q-B8.1: Do you agree that the plan should include a policy avoiding a development on the best and most versatile agricultural land, unless it can be demonstrated that the harm to agricultural land is clearly outweighed by the benefit of development? No This policy does not need to be included in the SWLP given that the approach to development on agricultural land is already included in the NPPF.

ID Ffurflen: 79663
Ymatebydd: Barratt David Wilson Homes (Mercia)
Asiant : Savills


ID Ffurflen: 79665
Ymatebydd: Barratt David Wilson Homes (Mercia)
Asiant : Savills


Ni roddwyd ateb

Am gyfarwyddiadau ar sut i ddefnyddio’r system ac i wneud sylwadau, gwelwch ein canllaw cymorth.