Issue and Options 2023

Chwilio am ymatebion i ffurflenni

Canlyniadau chwilio North Warwickshire Borough Council

Chwilio o’r newydd Chwilio o’r newydd
ID Ffurflen: 75639
Ymatebydd: North Warwickshire Borough Council


No comment, but please see comments submitted separately dealing with Q-E7.2 and comment in Q-E11


Agree, but aware that current NPPF guidance and permitted development right changes may make this approach difficult to achieve/implement. No further comments.

ID Ffurflen: 75641
Ymatebydd: North Warwickshire Borough Council


ID Ffurflen: 75642
Ymatebydd: North Warwickshire Borough Council

Note following comments in relation to Issue E1 and the HEDNA, that identified the need for a proportion of the 709 hectares of strategic B8 employment land (i.e. warehousing and distribution) identified for the wider Coventry and Warwickshire sub-region to be addressed, the subsequent supporting text for the Gaydon M40 J12 Major Investment Area does not address this issue. NWBC would raise concerns with the SWLP reference to Gaydon Area/M40 Junction 12 in relation to the comments the Plan makes (page 89) regarding the location and Logistics/B8 potential opportunity. The Issues and Options document/Plan text states as follows; “This automotive hub is home to the iconic British brands Jaguar Land Rover and Aston Martin Lagonda. In addition to the economic activities on the Gaydon proving ground, circa 105ha of land has been allocated in the Core Strategy for employment purposes. Through the SWLP, there is an opportunity to capitalise on the existing economic base and grow this area with further automotive-related manufacturing (i.e. Use Class B2). Whilst well-located to the M40, we do not see this location as appropriate for strategic logistic uses (i.e. Use Class B8).” The Gaydon Area / M40 Junction 12 should not be excluded as a potential opportunity for strategic logistic uses. The main motorway junctions have previously been highlighted within regional strategic employment studies as having clear potential and as appropriate locations for strategic logistic uses. The site also has clear cross linkage and economic supply relationships between logistic uses and the adjoining automotive hub manufacturing and development activities at this location. Such uses should not be seen as “mutually exclusive” in policy or locational terms in these strategic locations. It is considered that the Gaydon Area / M40 Junction 12 major investment area could potentially address ‘a proportion of the 709 hectares of strategic B8 employment land (i.e. warehousing and distribution) identified for the wider Coventry and Warwickshire sub-region’ as stated in the Issues and Options document/Plan text. Similarly, other Core Opportunity Area and Major Investment Sites identified the following are also considered relevant suitable and potential areas for addressing a proportion of the 709 hectares of strategic B8 Logistics element employment land (i.e. warehousing and distribution) identified in the HEDNA for the wider Coventry and Warwickshire sub-region (to be added to main comments contained in Appendix 1 to LDF Sub-committee report) including; South of Coventry Area – particularly the area around the airport, supported by the significant transport infrastructure improvements, implemented and ongoing. Wellesbourne Area – potential for some additional strategic logistics uses could be considered and supporting B8 uses (smaller scale) accommodated, in relationship with on-site B2 and research and development activities. Long Marston Area – As noted in the supporting text to Issue E7, The Long Marston Rail Innovation Centre’s connection to the national rail network, provides a unique opportunity to act as a catalyst for growth. It is considered this growth potential should include consideration for B8 strategic logistics opportunities given the national rail network link. The opportunity for a more sustainable links with Logistics operators on this site/area at an active rail hub should be considered/referenced. Stoneleigh Area – again the links, potential future improvements to transport infrastructure noted and its location and relationship with south Coventry area, the site should not be precluded/excluded from consideration of its potential to accommodate some of the wider strategic B8 needs identified.

ID Ffurflen: 75643
Ymatebydd: North Warwickshire Borough Council


No further comment.

ID Ffurflen: 75645
Ymatebydd: North Warwickshire Borough Council

Agree with Option H2.2a primarily for Plan consistency but consider potential to include elements of H2-2b referenced within a planning policy. This provides for a consistent approach across the Plan area with the policy able to provide reflection of urban and rural settlement situation or circumstances across the two authorities. No further comment.




Address elderly need within Plan policy either as a specific element/part of housing type and mix for specific strategic sites/allocations (using identified age profile needs for specific settlements or areas, if available) or include as a %percentage requirement within strategic policy for strategic proposals to address, based on ONS/Census data and age profiles/projections for the South Warwickshire Plan area. Alternatively consider specific allocations for Extra Care units and High Dependency units along with their associated health care provision, related to the specialised needs generated by the elderly (either through targeted contributions from development to address those needs or on-site provision as part of the proposal/allocation) as part of the housing need and type to be directly addressed. No further comment

ID Ffurflen: 75646
Ymatebydd: North Warwickshire Borough Council





ID Ffurflen: 75648
Ymatebydd: North Warwickshire Borough Council


Agree. This is an essential area of cross-boundary co-operation and an active element for the Duty to Co-operate. The Plan should clearly identify and reflect the current commitments included within existing adopted Local plan. This commitment be included/reflected as part of the current need in addition to any emerging need, and the approach used as part of the legal requirement in the Duty to Co-operate (as part of the wider GBBCHMA and CWHMA work) to continue in order to address future need, Base the accommodation on evidence of travel to work/commuting patterns to provide a true reflection of relationship with GBBCHMA. No further comment.

Incorporate the shortfalls as an integral part of the Plans overall housing requirement, to be provided within the Plans overall settlement site allocations or similar. Advisable to avoid specific site allocations/identification to address the shortfall to be accommodated. No further comment.

ID Ffurflen: 75649
Ymatebydd: North Warwickshire Borough Council




ID Ffurflen: 75651
Ymatebydd: North Warwickshire Borough Council




Recommend Option H6a only as providing best potential to address Gypsy and Traveller needs but focussing on small family group pitch numbers as a preference. Inclusion of small family group pitches on small sites in addition to larger 15 pitch/ strategic site allocations has been indicated by the travelling community as the preferred approach, but sites are in short supply and delivering larger sites of 15 or more pitches in size would provide an element of certainty of delivery. Option H6c, using a criteria based policy, is not considered robust enough approach to address needs and requirements with any certainty. In addition the Plan should clarify or address the need for transit and emergency pitch provision. Showpeople needs (if identified) may be difficult to include within Option H6b in relation to their larger site requirements for equipment etc.

ID Ffurflen: 75652
Ymatebydd: North Warwickshire Borough Council




Am gyfarwyddiadau ar sut i ddefnyddio’r system ac i wneud sylwadau, gwelwch ein canllaw cymorth.