Issue and Options 2023

Chwilio am ymatebion i ffurflenni

Canlyniadau chwilio North Warwickshire Borough Council

Chwilio o’r newydd Chwilio o’r newydd
ID Ffurflen: 85733
Ymatebydd: North Warwickshire Borough Council

In respect of the comments around Issue E1: Growing the South Warwickshire economy and Issue E7: Core Opportunity Area and Major Investment Sites and the site locations and investment areas identified the following are also considered relevant suitable and potential areas for addressing a proportion of the 709 hectares of strategic B8 Logistics element employment land (i.e. warehousing and distribution) identified in the HEDNA for the wider Coventry and Warwickshire sub-region (to be added to main comments contained in Appendix 1 to LDF Sub-committee report); South of Coventry Area – particularly the area around the airport, supported by the significant transport infrastructure improvements, implemented and ongoing. Wellesbourne Area – potential for some additional strategic logistics uses could be considered and supporting B8 uses (smaller scale) accommodated, in relationship with on-site B2 and research and development activities. Long Marston Area – As noted in the supporting text to Issue E7, The Long Marston Rail Innovation Centre’s connection to the national rail network, provides a unique opportunity to act as a catalyst for growth. It is considered this growth potential should include consideration for B8 strategic logistics opportunities given the national rail network link. The opportunity for a more sustainable links with Logistics operators on this site/area at an active rail hub should be considered/referenced. Stoneleigh Area – again the links, potential future improvements to transport infrastructure noted and its location and relationship with south Coventry area, the site should not be precluded/excluded from consideration of its potential to accommodate some of the wider strategic B8 needs identified. The resistance to considering or accommodating strategic B8/logistics uses and operators is made on the grounds of lower job ratios and the need to “capitalise on the strengths of the existing sectors and skills of the workforce”. However, it should be noted that the lower job ratio assumption has been challenged on numerous sites and submissions by the Logistics Industry and operators and the close operational relationship between General industrial, High-Tech Industries (Battery production and development)B1/B2 research and development with the logistics support and supply services should be recognised. A closer locational relationship would also help address sustainability and carbon reduction in seeking to reduce transport distances travelled by logistics supply services to these industries. As highlighted by the HEDNA and noted in the Issues and Options document, a proportion of the 709 hectares of strategic B8 employment land (i.e. warehousing and distribution) identified for the wider Coventry and Warwickshire sub-region will be required and the points noted above should be included as part of the options to be considered, to address the issue of sharing the burden across the Coventry and Warwickshire sub-region. The Plan should reflect the potential for addressing this need using the strategic road network within the Plan area. In addition to the inclusion of consideration for strategic B8 employment land in Core Opportunity Areas and Major Investment Sites in Issue E , any strategic logistics considerations should also address lorry parking provision, for which there is a regional and national shortage of provision. This lorry parking need/issue should be addressed in Issue T3: Road travel, employment, and freight, possibly in response to QT3 (a) as part of a policy encouraging more sustainable road-based transport for businesses, in order to manage and service the distribution of freight and other materials.

ID Ffurflen: 85734
Ymatebydd: North Warwickshire Borough Council

Ni roddwyd ateb




Issue H2: Providing the right tenure and type of homes Additional points were also raised around Issue H2 and the need to address elderly housing raised in Q-H2-3. To address the issue of increasing aging population a robust approach should be taken, seeking provision of elderly housing and adapted housing as a specific element in strategic proposals/allocation (particularly around Extra Care opportunities and potential) using available HMA, ONS and County based evidence. Also consider specific allocations for Extra Care units and High Dependency units along with their associated health care provision, related to the specialised needs generated by the elderly as part of the housing need to be directly addressed. Furthermore, an additional standards issue that may not be adequately covered in Issue H3: Providing the right size of homes also relates to affordable housing provision and delivery within housing developments. Affordable housing delivery as part of major applications or allocations, whether standard housing or elderly, should not be concentrated in one part of a site but spread evenly or “pepper-potted” throughout the site layout. This requirement needs to be reinforced in any subsequent affordable housing policy developed.

ID Ffurflen: 85735
Ymatebydd: North Warwickshire Borough Council

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

Ni roddwyd ateb

Issue H4: Accommodating housing needs arising from outside of South Warwickshire The Plan should clearly identify and reflect the current commitments included within existing adopted Local plan. This commitment be included/reflected as part of the current need in addition to any emerging need, and the approach used as part of the legal requirement in the Duty to Co-operate (as part of the wider GBBCHMA and CWHMA work) to continue in order to address future need

ID Ffurflen: 85736
Ymatebydd: North Warwickshire Borough Council




Issue H6: Pitches and Plots for gypsies, travellers and travelling showpeople Do not seek a mix of option H6a and H6b but to ensure delivery of pitches to address the needs , robustly apply Option H6a only. In addition need to clarify or address the need for transit and emergency pitch provision. This does not prevent Option H6b approach from being considered but only on basis Option H6a has been applied and direct sites are being provided.

ID Ffurflen: 85739
Ymatebydd: North Warwickshire Borough Council

Ni roddwyd ateb

Finally, on the Issue T1: 20-minute neighbourhoods, there is a need to have an eye to the financial economics and implications of the application of the 20 minute neighbourhood approach. Focussing on future “hubs” or links between close settlement groups (in terms of physical proximity, from which joint service use/provision can be focussed and outreach services provided from) in rural areas may be one way of moving towards or delivering this approach, noting the difficulty caused by lack of public transport services and cycle footway links to and from potential hubs and settlement groups.

ID Ffurflen: 85741
Ymatebydd: North Warwickshire Borough Council
ID Ffurflen: 85742
Ymatebydd: North Warwickshire Borough Council

Issue I2: Infrastructure Requirements and delivery Q-I2: Please select the option which is most appropriate for South Warwickshire NWBC Response – Recommend Option I2a: Set out infrastructure requirements for all scales, types and location of development - Although strategic sites do require specific focus/addressing in infrastructure terms, the wider impact of multiple smaller developments must not be ignored and can and will ultimately have similar scale infrastructure and service impacts to the specific large strategic proposals. NWBC Response – Agree that all identified options need to be used to address infrastructure requirements and delivery including; 1. On-site directly by the infrastructure provider as a requirement of an individual planning permission – e.g. digital communications, energy, water, roads, cycleways, access to public transport 2. On-site incorporated into the design of the development by the developer – e.g. renewable and low carbon energy, green infrastructure, affordable housing, design quality 3. Off-site through the provision of financial developer contributions to pay for the provision of infrastructure to be provided elsewhere – e.g. education, health facilities, biodiversity restoration Issue I3: Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Q-I3: Please select the option which is most appropriate for South Warwickshire NWBC Response – No comment. North Warwickshire Borough do not currently apply the CiL approach, only the use of S106 Obligations. The new ‘Infrastructure Levy’ proposed in the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill may need to be reflected by the emerging joint Plan.

ID Ffurflen: 85743
Ymatebydd: North Warwickshire Borough Council


North Warwickshire have in certain circumstances in the Local Plan Policy proposals indicated the need for, or requirement for safeguarding for Infrastructure requirements or potential schemes, where they are essential to help support and deliver the development proposed in the Plan.

ID Ffurflen: 85744
Ymatebydd: North Warwickshire Borough Council



Am gyfarwyddiadau ar sut i ddefnyddio’r system ac i wneud sylwadau, gwelwch ein canllaw cymorth.