Issue and Options 2023

Chwilio am ymatebion i ffurflenni

Canlyniadau chwilio TERRA

Chwilio o’r newydd Chwilio o’r newydd
ID Ffurflen: 79467
Ymatebydd: TERRA


Terra consider the Vision and Strategic Objectives for the SWLP to be appropriate in principle, with further commentary as below: • Providing infrastructure in the right place at the right time Terra support ensuring that the right infrastructure is secured at the right time. Planning Obligations and CIL provisions should be used to secure this. • Delivering homes that meet the needs of all our communities Terra support the ambition to deliver housing of a mixture of types, sizes and tenures, to cater for a range of needs. Land at Plough Lane, Bishop’s Itchington is available, suitable and deliverable for residential development. Additionally, the option of providing an all-affordable scheme in this location is achievable, as Terra believe there is a demand for this type of accommodation in this location. The allocation of the site for housing in the SWLP would also help to support the wider ambitions of theSWDP. Terra consider that caution should be taken in promoting self-build and custom-build housing on general housing sites, as such housing can complicate and delay the delivery of much needed market and affordable housing. There should be flexibility as to whether self-build or custom-build housing is provided on qualifying sites and should be a matter for detailed consideration between applicants and the Councils at the planning application stage. • Contributing towards Net Zero Carbon targets Terra support the Objectives of ‘contributing towards Net Zero Carbon targets’. Terra is affiliated with Hayfield Homes, a West Midlands Housebuilding business who have committed to providing betterment to current Building Regulations in all their new developments. Hayfield look to achieve an EPC ‘A’ Energy Efficiency Rating on all their developments – something which only 2% of all new homes in the UK currently achieve. • Creating attractive places Terra support the principles of creating attractive places. It is important that new development is sustainable as well as being responsive to its surrounding context. New development should improve areas for both current and future residents. • Protecting and enhancing our heritage and cultural assets Terra support the general principle of protecting and enhancing heritage assets. However, it should be recognised that the approach for achieving this will vary dependent on the specifics of each case. Sites should be assessed on the basis of the specific heritage asset’s significance, rather than taking a blanket approach.

ID Ffurflen: 79468
Ymatebydd: TERRA

Q-I2: Please select the option which is most appropriate for South Warwickshire Option I2a: Set out infrastructure requirements for all scales, types and location of development If this detail was included within the Part 1 Local Plan then the requirements would be established which apply equally across South Warwickshire. Option I2b: Focus on the strategic infrastructure relating specifically to the growth strategy In this option, the focussing only on infrastructure relating to the growth strategy would mean that requirements in other locations would not be set until the Part 2 plan was adopted. In the interim, theexisting Core Strategy and Local Plan policies would be retained, resulting in different approachesacross the two Districts. The delivery of supporting infrastructure is fundamental to the delivery of any site, whether strategic or non-strategic. However, the Part 1 Plan seeks to focus more so on the strategic growth elements. Therefore,Option 12b would be more appropriate. However, Terra believe that both options should be amalgamated in some form to ensure that infrastructure delivery is suitably accounted for. The Councils run the risk of neglecting smaller settlements, such as Bishop’s Itchington, which are in need of infrastructure improvements if they focus purely on the strategic options. Further, leaving infrastructure provisions to a Part 2 Plan could cause significant delays if the Part 2 Plan is delayed or, indeed, the strategy changes. This could exacerbate existing or future problems. Therefore, Terra believe that it would be more appropriate to identify the infrastructure requirements through the Part 1 Plan, with any additional detail being introduced through the Part 2 Plan. Q-I3: Please select the option which is most appropriate for South Warwickshire. Terra agree that a single Levy should be applied to the entire South Warwickshire Authority as this will enable to Councils to deliver their joint strategy in an effective way. The charge should additionally be zoned to enable it to react to varying markets and viability conditions. Q-I5: Please add any comments you wish to make about infrastructure, viability and deliverability As detailed above, Land at Plough Lane, Bishop’s Itchington as identified at Figure 1 is available and suitable for development. The site is capable is of delivering residential development, with generous open space and a biodiversity net gain. Additionally, there is an opportunity to bring the site forward as an all-affordable development to help meet the needs of the village. Terra would ask that the Council take these points into account when assessing the villages for potential allocations.

ID Ffurflen: 79469
Ymatebydd: TERRA



ID Ffurflen: 79470
Ymatebydd: TERRA

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

Terra agree with the general principle of safeguarding land to deliver infrastructure schemes. This strategy was taken within the Stratford-on-Avon Core Strategy where the Council identified a number of projects. However, some projects, namely the Stratford South Western Relief Road, have yet to be realised due to environmental and physical constraints, as well as fundamental funding gaps. Further, a number of theallocations within the Core Strategy are reliant upon the delivery of the Relief Road and this has thereforeconstrained their delivery. Terra agree it is important to forward Plan for fundamental infrastructure projects and appropriately safeguard land in order to realise them, but Terra would caution the Councils relying on the delivery of these projects too heavily prior to assessing their realistic deliverability.

ID Ffurflen: 79471
Ymatebydd: TERRA




Appropriate strategy

Appropriate strategy

ID Ffurflen: 79472
Ymatebydd: TERRA



ID Ffurflen: 79473
Ymatebydd: TERRA

Q-S9: Please select the option which is most appropriate for South Warwickshire Option S9a: Save all existing settlement boundaries where these are already defined within the Core Strategy, Local Plan, emerging SAP or an NDP. Option S9b: Within this Part 1 Plan, review which settlements have boundaries defined and which do not, as well as the extent of any such boundaries. Terra consider that through developing the strategy for South Warwickshire, it will become apparent which settlement boundaries require reviewing. Therefore, Terra believe Option S9b would be the most appropriate strategy. The South Warwickshire Plan provides the opportunity to ensure that villages are well supported with a sufficient growth strategy. Boundaries for sustainable settlements, such as Bishop’s Itchington, should be reviewed and amended to support future growth.

ID Ffurflen: 79474
Ymatebydd: TERRA

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

As part of the Housing Market Area (HMA) for Birmingham and Black Country, Terra believe that is wholly appropriate for South Warwickshire to contributed to the identified shortfall. Birmingham alone has a reported shortfall of c. 78,000 dwellings. The Country is currently in a housing crisis, and substantial unmet need coming out of large cities such as Birmingham should be met in neighbouring authorities where possible.

Terra believe that the shortfall could be met in a combination of ways. This could be accommodated in new settlements as well as areas on the urban edge, to provide existing and future residents with a range of choice. Any housing numbers set within the Local Plan should also be set as a minimum figure to ensure flexibility and this will also allow the Plan to react to future demand.

ID Ffurflen: 79475
Ymatebydd: TERRA




ID Ffurflen: 79476
Ymatebydd: TERRA

Ni roddwyd ateb

Q-T1: Please select all options which are appropriate for South Warwickshire Option T1a: Include no policy on the principles of the 20-minute neighbourhood for new development. Option T1b: Include reference to the principles of a 20-minute neighbourhood or other similar design approach (e.g. Building for a Healthy Life) within a broader overarching policy. Option T1c: Include a bespoke policy requiring the principles of 20-minute neighbourhoods to be included within development proposals. Terra believe that Option T1b would be most appropriate for the Local Plan, particularly if the Councils opt to introduce new settlements through the Plan. Terra agree with the principle of exploring the ‘20-minute neighbourhood’, particularly in light of the Councils’ declared climate emergency, but this should not be applied as a blanket policy expectation. This aspiration will be most appropriate when applied to new settlements as they provide the opportunity to capitalise on the existing surroundings, as well as incorporate new principles such, as the 20 minute neighbourhood, into the initial design framework. Conversely, for existing settlements, it may provide more difficult to “retro-fit” the 20-minute neighbourhood principles. Furthermore, South Warwickshire is predominantly rural in nature and, in these location, there is an reliance on private car travel. The Councils should use this opportunity to address and improve existing infrastructure provisions, such as enhanced bus services or providing new greenways to support growth within settlements

Am gyfarwyddiadau ar sut i ddefnyddio’r system ac i wneud sylwadau, gwelwch ein canllaw cymorth.