Issue and Options 2023

Chwilio am ymatebion i ffurflenni

Canlyniadau chwilio TERRA

Chwilio o’r newydd Chwilio o’r newydd
ID Ffurflen: 82019
Ymatebydd: TERRA

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

Terra agree with the general principle of safeguarding land to deliver infrastructure schemes. This strategy was taken within the Stratford-on-Avon Core Strategy where the Council identified a number of projects. However, some projects, namely the Stratford South Western Relief Road, have yet to be realised due to environmental and physical constraints as well as fundamental funding gaps. Further, a number of the allocations within the Core Strategy have been held to the delivery of the Relief Road which has compromised their delivery. Terra agree it is important to forward Plan for fundamental infrastructure projects and appropriately safeguard land in order to realised them, but Terra would caution the Councils relying on the delivery of these projects too heavily prior to assessing the realistic deliverability.

ID Ffurflen: 82020
Ymatebydd: TERRA


Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

Q-S5.2: Terra believe that new settlements should be part of the overall strategy. Stratford-on-Avon have successfully delivered new settlements, such as Meon Vale, as part of their previous strategy and the new settlement at Lighthorne Heath/Gaydon is currently in development. Figure 1 demonstrates the location of Land east of Junction 12, M40 which is available for a new settlement. Terra would welcome the Councils to consider this location for providing a new settlement. Q-S5.4: Terra agree in part that rail corridors should be considered. As part of the previous consultation on the Scoping Document, the Councils put forward a number of Growth Options for the industry to respond to, which included the below: • Option A: Rail Corridors • Option B: Main Bus Corridors • Option C: Main Road Corridors • Option D: Enterprise Hubs • Option E: Socio Economic • Option F: Main Urban Areas • Option G: Dispersed Terra still contend that the Councils should incorporate the benefits of each growth option to suitably meet the requirements of the merged district. Whilst Terra agree that, in a climate emergency, focusing on rail corridors as a preferred approach could reduce reliance on private car use through sustainable transport planning, focusing solely on Rail Corridors limits the growth option and could potentially neglect the needs of the entire district, including the rural areas. This is particularly as large areas within the district do not fall within the identified rail corridors. The Council should ensure that they explore all options for providing new infrastructure along the existing rail lines if this is to be the main focus. Land to the east of Junction 12, M40 is in close proximity to an existing railway line (Banbury – Leamington line and the Kineton – Fenny Compton line). If this site is identified for a new settlement, this could include provision of a new station in close proximity along the existing rail lines. If the rail corridor option is carried forward as the preferred option, this should also be balanced with improving other forms of sustainable transport, including bus services or introducing further initiatives, such as the Stratford Greenway. Increasing connectivity and opportunities for active travel not only encourages healthier living, but also increase a scheme’s sustainability and future proofing of developments. This is particularly important as the rail system can be unreliable and is not always the most convenient mode of travel. Further, many areas within the district fall outside of a rail corridor.

ID Ffurflen: 82021
Ymatebydd: TERRA




Appropriate strategy


ID Ffurflen: 82024
Ymatebydd: TERRA





ID Ffurflen: 82025
Ymatebydd: TERRA

Q-E7.1: Terra believe that the Councils should be focusing on directing employment to the Core Opportunity Areas. These areas clearly have a strong potential for providing and supporting additional employment growth and should be further explored within the Local Plan. Terra particularly agree that the Gaydon Area / M40 Junction 12 should be explored for additional growth. Land east of Junction 12, M40, as identified at Figure 1, is available to provide a mixed use New Settlement, if the Council seek to pursue this option.

ID Ffurflen: 82026
Ymatebydd: TERRA

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

As part of the Housing Market Area (HMA) for Birmingham and Black Country, Terra believe that is wholly appropriate for South Warwickshire to contributed to the identified shortfall. Birmingham alone has a reported shortfall of c. 78,000 dwellings alone. The Country is currently in a housing crisis, and substantial unmet need coming out of large cities such as Birmingham should be met in neighbouring authorities where possible.

Terra believe that the shortfall could be met in a combination of ways. This could be accommodated in new settlements as well as areas on the urban edge, to provide existing and future residents with a range of choice. Any housing numbers set within the Local Plan should also be set as a minimum figure to ensure flexibility and this will also allow the Plan to react to future demand.

ID Ffurflen: 82027
Ymatebydd: TERRA




ID Ffurflen: 82028
Ymatebydd: TERRA

Ni roddwyd ateb

Q-T1: Terra believe that Option T1b would be most appropriate for the Local Plan, particularly if the Councils opt to introduce new settlements through the Plan. Terra agree with the principle of exploring the ‘20-minute neighbourhood’, particularly in light of the Councils’ climate emergencies. This will be most appropriate when applied to new settlements as they provide the opportunity to capitalise on the existing surrounds as well as incorporate new principles such as the 20 minute neighbourhood. Whereas, for existing settlements, it may provide more difficult to “retro-fit” the 20-minute neighbourhood principles.

ID Ffurflen: 82029
Ymatebydd: TERRA




ID Ffurflen: 82030
Ymatebydd: TERRA

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

Issue B5: Environmental Net Gain The requirement for sites to provide a 10% Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) will come into force in November 2023, as dictated by the Environment Act. Terra consider that there is no justification for an Environmental Net Gain Policy going above and beyond this. The delivery of a biodiversity net gain needs to be considered on a site-by-site basis, as the ability to deliver a net gain of greater than 10% will be dependent on the baseline habitat conditions. The Environment Act will ensure that every new site achieves a 10% minimum BNG, so there is no need to pursue any higher requirement than this.

Am gyfarwyddiadau ar sut i ddefnyddio’r system ac i wneud sylwadau, gwelwch ein canllaw cymorth.