Issue and Options 2023
Chwilio am ymatebion i ffurflenni
Canlyniadau chwilio L&Q Estates Ltd
Chwilio o’r newyddQ-S1: Please select the option which is most appropriate for South Warwickshire As set out in the Vision Document (Appendix 2) prepared for Land at Warwick Road, Kenilworth, there is an existing watercourse (brook) located outside of, but immediately adjacent to, the south eastern corner of the Site. This provides an important blue corridor for wildlife and is proposed to be retained and protected within a suitable buffer of 8 metres to prevent disturbance to commuting species. Existing hedgerows and selective ‘gap’ planting will be retained and enhanced within the Site in order to preserve biodiversity both within the Site and connectivity across the wider landscape. SuDS will also form an integral part of the development’s green infrastructure, providing ecological benefits and habitat creation, as well as performing their principal function of controlling and managing the flow of surface water run-off during periods of heavy and persistent rainfall. The proposals will deliver a number of landscape benefits, including new Public Open Space, in addition to the creation of new habitats, such as wildflower grassland areas, native woody tree planting, wetland areas and ponds, providing opportunities for net gains in biodiversity. Therefore, the proposals for land at Warwick Road, Kenilworth demonstrate that green and blue infrastructure can be incorporated into development in many forms. It would be advantageous for additional evidence from the emerging Sub-Regional Green Infrastructure Strategy to be made available as soon as possible in order to inform the proposals for the Site. Therefore, Option S1a would be preferable, considering the production of a Local Nature Recovery Strategy will come after the SWLP Spatial Growth Strategy has been determined.
NPPF Paragraph 32 advises that local plans should address relevant environmental objectives, including opportunities for net gains. Where significant adverse impacts are unavoidable, suitable mitigation measures should be proposed (or, where this is not possible, compensatory measures should be considered). Further, Paragraph 174 advises that planning policies and decisions should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by minimising impacts on and providing net gains for biodiversity, including establishing coherent ecological network that are more resilient to current and future pressures. L&Q Estates are supportive of Option C9.1a: Include a policy requiring new development and changes to existing buildings to incorporate measures to increase biodiversity. The Site will seek to deliver a minimum 10% in biodiversity net gain, alongside other on-site habitat provision and enhancement, through the retention of existing hedgerows, the retention and enhancement of the off-site brook located adjacent to the south eastern corner of the site, and the creation of new habitats including wildflower grassland areas, native woody tree planting, wetland areas, ponds and Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS). It should be noted that the large arable field to the south of the Site (approximately 50% of the total site area) is proposed to be retained in agricultural use. It is proposed to provide a large landscape buffer between the field to the south and built development in the northern half of the site. This will provide significant opportunities for good quality habitat creation and to achieve a net gain in biodiversity.
Ni roddwyd ateb
Q-C4.1: Please select all options which are appropriate for South Warwickshire We are generally supportive of Option C4.1c – a phased approach to net zero carbon - setting a future date by which all new development will need to achieve net zero standards. L&Q Estates are committed to responding to the climate crisis and are actively looking to deliver housing to standards above those set out in current building regulations in response to this challenge. Indeed, their most recent Corporate Strategy includes a commitment to setting an L&Q design standard in response to the emerging Future Homes Standard, as well as more broad investment in modern methods of construction. However, it is important to note that renewable and low carbon energy dwellings may not always be practicable or viable in new developments. Therefore, we are supportive of Option C4.1c insofar as this option allows time for the cost of achieving these standards to come down, and may mean that more affordable housing and community benefits can be secured from development.
Q-D2: Please select all options which are appropriate for South Warwickshire L&Q Estates intend to engage with the local community and other stakeholders through public consultation events to help influence the design of the Land at Warwick Road, Kenilworth development during the preparation of the outline planning application, following the adoption of the South Warwickshire Local Plan. A site-specific design code will be developed for the Site in accordance with NPPF Paragraph 129. Therefore, L&Q Estates are supportive of Option D2c: Develop design guides/codes for strategic development sites/locations, particularly as the planned public engagement will ensure the design of spaces and buildings will be appropriate and will respond to local context and identified needs in terms of size, type and tenure. The Vision Document demonstrates that much work has already been undertaken into achieving a well-designed neighbourhood. Q-D5: Should we continue with the approach to include a high-level strategic policy within the Part 1 plan and to utilise heritage assessments to inform the growth strategy, and delay detailed policies to Part 2? L&Q Estates agree that a high-level strategic policy that seeks to protect and enhance existing heritage assets should be included within the Part 1 plan, in accordance with Paragraph 190 of the Framework. Detailed heritage policies should be deferred to Part 2. An initial appraisal of the extent and nature of known heritage assets within the Site and the surrounding area has been undertaken and summarised within the Vision Document accompanying these written representations. The Site contains the Grade II Listed Wootton Grange Farmhouse, which is located to the south west of the site. It is also considered that the site is within the setting of the Leek Wootton Conservation Area to the south. The initial assessment of heritage impact considers that the mid-to-late nineteenthcentury agricultural structure of Wootton Grange Farmhouse is of low heritage significance and, subject to appropriate mitigation, is not considered a constraint to development. Indeed, it is proposed to retain the large arable field to the south of the Site (within which the Farmhouse is located) and to provide a large landscape buffer between the field and built development in the northern half of the site. Accordingly, it is considered that the proposed development at land at Warwick Road, Kenilworth will not impact harmfully on the ability to experience the Grade II Listed Wootton Grange Farmhouse or to understand or appreciate its significance, as the development will have very limited impact upon the ‘openness’ of the area and the view through to the Farmhouse and to the Conservation Area further to the south.
Q-W2: Please select the option which is most appropriate for South Warwickshire We are supportive of Option W2a and consider a policy should be included on Health Impact Assessments. This option seeks to deliver appropriate local facilities to support residents and to enhance the sustainability of existing areas. The Vision Document prepared for the Site has been structured to follow Building for a Healthy Life (BHL) principles. BHL is one of the most widely used design tools in England for creating places that are better for people and nature. It was written in partnership with Homes England, NHS England and NHS Improvement and is structured to set clear expectations for new developments. By following BHL, a critical aspect of the Vision for the Site is to design for active travel and access to green space. The ability to be able to walk and cycle within the new neighbourhood and the site’s good accessibility to the built-up area of Kenilworth, a town with many local services, is key in order to minimise traffic and mitigating climate change. Equally, and as BHL sets out, the COVID-19 pandemic has reinforced the importance of designing for active travel. This is in recognition that design choices that help people feel disposed to walk or ride a bicycle in their neighbourhood are critical to supporting a sense of well-being from outdoor exercise. It is considered that the healthcare requirements for strategic sites should be set out in the Infrastructure Delivery Plan, once prepared. We note that work is ongoing in relation to the Infrastructure Delivery Plan. We therefore reserve the right to comment further at a later stage, once the specific requirements for sites have been clearly defined.
Ni roddwyd ateb
Q-T1: Please select all options which are appropriate for South Warwickshire Paragraph 110 of the Framework advises that in assessing sites that may be allocated for development in plans, it should be ensured that appropriate opportunities to promote sustainable transport modes can be taken up, and that safe and suitable access to the site can be achieved from all users. Therefore, it is considered that Option T1b would be most appropriate. It is considered that the new homes at land at Warwick Road, Kenilworth will comply with the 20-minute neighbourhood concept. The Vision Document sets out that the Site benefits from the existing footway provision that runs along the western side of Warwick Road adjacent to the Site. This connects to the wider footway networks that provide journeys to Kenilworth and Leek Wootton to the south. The adjacent neighbourhood to the north (known as ‘Castle End’) includes essential local services, including a post office and St John’s Primary School within a 15-minute walk. National Cycle Route 52 passes through Kenilworth and runs from Warwick to the south to Loughborough to the north. The cycle networks can be accessed via Rouncil Lane, which is a 4 minute cycle ride north of the Site along Warwick Road. The whole of Kenilworth is accessible by a 5km or around a 20-minute cycle distance. The Site is also located within 500m (or 8-minute walk) of bus stops located on Warwick Road. Services from these stops connect to Hatton, Kenilworth and Warwick. In addition, here are further bus stops located at the Kenilworth Gyratory, approximately 700m (or 12-minute walk) from the site. Services from these stops connect the site to Coventry (including University of Warwick and Coventry Railway Station) and Royal Leamington Spa. Q-T2: Please select the option which is most appropriate for South Warwickshire L&Q Estates are supportive of Option T2a as a hierarchical approach in terms of prioritising transport infrastructure for those living in rural areas and urban areas would be most appropriate. In particular, we are supportive of exploring opportunities to use existing green and blue infrastructure as potential active travel options. This approach is consistent with Paragraph 110 of the Framework, which advises that in assessing sites that may be allocated for development in plans, it should be ensured that appropriate opportunities to promote sustainable transport modes can be taken up, and that safe and suitable access to the site can be achieved from all users. Warwick Road to the east of the Site is the solely adopted highway frontage with the Site, and hence all points of access for both non-motorised and motorised users should be taken from this highway. The majority of facilities and services (including public transport services) are located to the north of the Site in Kenilworth. Therefore, pedestrian and cycle access is proposed to be provided to the north of the site. The access will have footpaths on either side of the road, linking into the existing and improved footpath network beyond the Site to ensure good and convenient pedestrian links to facilities and bus stops to the north.