Issue and Options 2023
Chwilio am ymatebion i ffurflenni
Canlyniadau chwilio L&Q Estates Ltd
Chwilio o’r newyddSites of national importance are protected by national planning policy. Duplication of that policy is not strictly necessary in the SWLP. However, L&Q Estates are supportive of a policy which seeks to require the safeguarding of such sites, unless the benefits of the proposal clearly outweigh the need to protect the site. A desk-based assessment and extended Phase 1 habitat survey has been undertaken for the Site, as summarised within the Vision Document accompanying these written representations. There are no statutory or non-statutory designated sites that would be significantly adversely affected by the development of land at Warwick Road, Kenilworth. Whilst there are known non-statutory sites within 1km of the Site, none of these are anticipated to be affected by the development proposals given the nature of and proposed scale of development. The Site comprises an arable field with areas of bare ground which are of negligible ecological importance. The field is bordered by intact, native, species-poor hedgerows with trees. These should be retained and protected within suitable buffers (3-5 metres), where possible. The features identified of highest ecological importance comprise a brook located beyond the south eastern boundary of the site, in addition to a pond in the south western corner of the Site. These features are surrounded by dense scrub and woodland areas. The masterplan allows for these to be retained and protected within suitable buffers, including an 8 metre wide buffer for the watercourse. It is also proposed to create new habitats on site with the provision of wildflower grassland areas, native woody tree planting, wetland areas, ponds and SuDS, in order to achieve net gains in biodiversity. On this basis, it is considered that biodiversity will be enhanced by the proposals and the development would not prejudice any protected species in accordance with the guidance contained within Paragraph 174 of the Framework.