Publication Draft
Chwilio sylwadau
Canlyniadau chwilio Europa Way Consortium
Chwilio o’r newyddCefnogi
Publication Draft
Do you support or object to the preferred option for the Natural Environment, particularly in respect of amendments to the Area of Restraint designation?
ID sylw: 7395
Derbyniwyd: 24/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Europa Way Consortium
Asiant : Entec UK Ltd
The Consortium fully supports the removal of Land west of Europa Way from AOR policy.
The Consortium believes that Land West of Europa Way site is not justified as AOR land as it fails to fulfill a number of AOR purposes. Principally, the site is excluded from public view, and there is no public access to or through the site; it therefore fails to be of benefit to the local population as it would not 'retain attractive landscapes and open spaces within and adjoining the urban areas for the benefit of the urban population'
Publication Draft
Do you support or object to the preferred option for Sustainable Buildings, particularly in respect of higher targets for the reduction of carbon emissions?
ID sylw: 7396
Derbyniwyd: 24/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Europa Way Consortium
Asiant : Entec UK Ltd
We note that evidence that will inform a Sustainable Buildings policy is still being prepared. The Consortium believes evidence on the viability of on-site renewable energy targets and Code levels is vital. The Consortium looks forward to responding to this policy at the Draft Core Strategy stage.
The Consortium will aim to provide on-site low carbon, decentralised, or renewable energy sources at Europa Way as part of an integrated scheme following consideration of a range of viability tests at the time of development.