Proposed Modifications January 2016
Chwilio sylwadau
Canlyniadau chwilio CEG Steel/Pittaway
Chwilio o’r newyddGwrthwynebu
Proposed Modifications January 2016
Mod 23 - Paras New2.1 to New2.3
ID sylw: 69256
Derbyniwyd: 22/04/2016
Ymatebydd: CEG Steel/Pittaway
Asiant : Nexus Planning
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Nac Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
Council should allocate both H42 and S1 as a single strategic allocation, with a restriction on dwelling delivery in advance of the required highway interventions being delivered. Consistent with NPPF and would provide logical and robust framework for comprehensive planning of area.
Council's current strategy likely to result in multiple housing schemes planned and delivered in isolation, not in the spirit of the emerging policy and supporting text. The only way to secure a comprehensive scheme is to allocate both sites and require the production of a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to establish key masterplanning principles, infrastructure delivery and phasing.
see attached
Proposed Modifications January 2016
Mod 20 - DS NEW1
ID sylw: 69258
Derbyniwyd: 22/04/2016
Ymatebydd: CEG Steel/Pittaway
Asiant : Nexus Planning
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Nac Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
S1 could come forward as part of a comprehensive development with site H42, delivering up to 1,500 dwellings and at least 425 dwellings within the Plan period. This would not address all development pressures south of Coventry and should be seen an initial phase of wider development growth.
WDC should prepare an Area Action Plan (AAP) for the wider area south of Coventry, rather than dealing with it through a partial review of the Local Plan. The broad area could be referenced in the Local Plan with the exact extent determined through the preparation of the AAP itself
see attached
Proposed Modifications January 2016
Mod 21 - new paras New1.1 to New1.11
ID sylw: 69259
Derbyniwyd: 22/04/2016
Ymatebydd: CEG Steel/Pittaway
Asiant : Nexus Planning
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Nac Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
S1 could come forward as part of a comprehensive development with site H42, delivering up to 1,500 dwellings and at least 425 dwellings within the Plan period. This would not address all development pressures south of Coventry and should be seen an initial phase of wider development growth.
WDC should prepare an Area Action Plan (AAP) for the wider area south of Coventry, rather than dealing with it through a partial review of the Local Plan. The broad area could be referenced in the Local Plan with the exact extent determined through the preparation of the AAP itself
see attached