Issue and Options 2023
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Yes - and there are different ways to assess housing numbers. Regardless of which of these are used, South Warwickshire requires a range of new homes of different types and tenure, in a range of geographical locations. The SWLP's approach to Spatial Growth is correct - it looks at how to provide for new homes, alongside all of the other things required for sustainable development. The SWLP must provide for certainty and focus on ensuring the delivery of beautiful homes as part of good planning. This requires grasping the nettle in respect of releasing land for development and instead of focusing too much on housing numbers, bringing the focus to delivering beautiful development that brings enhancement in the form of new market and affordable homes alongside all of the other ingredients necessary to deliver sustainable growth. The Henley-in-Arden Vision document provides an example of how this can be achieved.
The Employment approach set out in Issues and Options runs the very real risk of repeating past mistakes. Employment is dynamic and national policy is clear in its strong support for economic growth. The SWLP should be actively seeking the very best employment land opportunities over the plan period. As set out, there is too much emphasis on established sites, regardless of their relevance or economic potential. If existing sites are in decline or failing to attract new businesses then the chances are that they are inappropriate, in the wrong place or past their sell-by date. The SWLP provides the opportunity to identify new sites that will ensure sustainable economic growth, retain and attract new high value employers to the area. The Henley-in-Arden Vision document provides an example of how this can be achieved.
This generic, one-size fits all approach is inappropriate. Circumstances differ. Local planning and at the more detailed level, neighbourhood planning, should identify different circumstances when it is/isn't appropriate for such tests to take place.