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- Historic documents
- Draft University of Warwick Supplementary Planning Document
- Representation search for Draft University of Warwick Supplementary Planning Document
- Net Zero Carbon Supplementary Planning Document
- Representation search for Net Zero Carbon Supplementary Planning Document
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Validation Checklist
- 3. Policy NZC1
- 4. Policy NZC2(A) – Making Buildings Energy Efficient
- 5. Policy NZC2(B) – Zero or Low Carbon Energy Sources
- Policy NZC2(B): Zero or Low Carbon Energy Sources and Zero Carbon Ready Technology
- 6. Policy NZC2(C) – Carbon Offsetting
- 7. Policy NZC3 – Embodied Carbon
- 8. Policy NZC4 – Existing Buildings
- Glossary
- Annex
- Updated Statement of Community Involvement 2023
- Representation search for Updated Statement of Community Involvement 2023
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Getting Involved in consultations on Local Plans, Development Plan Documents (DPDs) and other Planning Policy Documents
- Representations made against Who we will involve
- Representations made against How we will involve you in the preparation of planning policy documents
- Representations made against What is the role of Councillors?
- Representations made against Timescales
- Representations made against When we will involve you in the Local Plan and Development Plan Document Production?
- 3. When you can get involved in the planning application process
- Appendices
- Net Zero Carbon Development Plan Document - Main Modifications 2023
- Representation search for Net Zero Carbon Development Plan Document - Main Modifications 2023
- Post Examination Hearings Track Change Version - June 2023
- 1 The Local Context
- 2 National Context
- 3 The Planning Policy Context
- 4 Aims and Objectives
- 5 Overarching strategy – Achieving Net Zero Carbon Development
- 6 Reducing Energy Demands: Energy Efficient Buildings
- 7 Energy sources
- 8 Carbon Offsetting
- 9 Embodied Carbon
- 10 Existing Buildings
- 11 Viability
- 12 Warwick District Local Plan 2011-2029 - Policies superseded or amended by this DPD
- Glossary
- APPENDIX 1: Policy Context
- Issue and Options 2023
- Representation search for Issue and Options 2023
- South Warwickshire Local Plan Part 1 - Stage 2: Issues and Options Consultation
- 1. Introduction
- 2. How to have your say
- 3. Vision and Strategic Objectives – South Warwickshire in 2050
- 4. Meeting South Warwickshire's Sustainable Development Needs
- 5: Delivering South Warwickshire's Economic Needs
- 6: Delivering homes that meet the needs of all our communities
- 7: A climate resilient and Net Zero Carbon South Warwickshire
- 8: A well-designed and beautiful South Warwickshire
- 9: A healthy, safe and inclusive South Warwickshire
- 10: A well-connected South Warwickshire
- 11: A biodiverse and environmentally resilient South Warwickshire
- 12. Plan content
- Net Zero Carbon Development Plan Document - Regulation 19
- Representation search for Net Zero Carbon Development Plan Document - Regulation 19
- Net-Zero Carbon Development Plan Document
- 1 The Local Context
- 2 National Context
- 3 The Planning Policy Context
- 4 Aims and Objectives
- 5 Overarching strategy – Achieving Net Zero Carbon Development
- 6 Reducing Energy Demands: Energy Efficient Buildings
- 7 Energy sources
- 8 Carbon Offsetting
- 9 Embodied Carbon
- 10 Existing Buildings
- 11 Viability
- 12 Warwick District Local Plan 2011-2029 - Policies superseded or amended by this DPD
- Glossary
- APPENDIX 1: Policy Context
- Net Zero Carbon Development Plan
- Representation search for Net Zero Carbon Development Plan
- 1. The Local Context
- 2 National Context
- 3 The Planning Policy Context
- 4 Aims and Objectives
- 5 Overarching strategy
- 6 Reducing Energy Demands: Energy Efficient Buildings
- 7 Energy sources
- 8 Carbon Offsetting
- 9 Viability
- 10 Local Plan 2011-2029 - Policies superseded or amended by this DPD
- Glossary
- APPENDIX 1: Policy Context
- Cubbington Neighbourhood Area proposal
- Representation search for Cubbington Neighbourhood Area proposal
- Canalside Development Plan Document
- Representation search for Canalside Development Plan Document
- SECTION 2 Context
- SECTION 3 The Canal Conservation Area
- SECTION 4 Issues
- SECTION 5 Options
- SECTION 6 Policies
- Representations made against Policy CS1
- Representations made against Policy CS2
- Representations made against Policy CS3
- Representations made against Policy CS4
- Representations made against Policy CS5
- Representations made against Policy CS6
- Representations made against Policy CS7
- Representations made against Policy CS8
- Representations made against Policy CS9
- Representations made against Policy CS10
- SECTION 7 Is there any future for canals as freight corridors?
- Appendices
- Burton Green Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Submission
- Representation search for Burton Green Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Submission
- 1. INTRODUCTION and The Role of the Neighbourhood Development Plan
- 5. Strategic Objective 1 - Agricultural Land
- 6. Strategic Objective 2 - Natural Environment
- 7. Strategic Objective 3 - The Built Environment
- Appendix 1 - NDP Steering Group Constitution
- Appendix 2 - Local Green Space Site Assessments
- Appendix 3 - Values Vistas and Landscapes
- Glossary 1
- Radford Semele Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Submission
- Representation search for Radford Semele Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Submission
- Executive Summary
- 1.0 Introduction and background
- 2.0 A Spatial Portrait of Radford Semele
- 3.0 Planning Policy Context
- 4.0 Key Issues
- 5.0 Key Aims and Objectives
- 6.0 Neighbourhood Plan Policies
- Representations made against RS1 - Securing a suitable mix of housing types, tenures and sizes in new developments
- Representations made against RS2- Local Green Spaces
- Representations made against RS3 - Protecting Small Open Spaces
- Representations made against RS4 - Sport and Recreational Facilities
- Representations made against RS5 - Protection of Community Facilities
- Representations made against RS6 - Conserving and Enhancing Radford Semele's Landscape Character
- Representations made against RS7 - Non-designated Heritage Assets
- Representations made against RS8 - Footpaths
- Representations made against RS9 - Cycling
- Representations made against RS10 - Traffic Management and Public Transport
- Representations made against RS11 - Community
- Representations made against RS12 - Area of Separation
- Representations made against RS13 - Local Economy
- 7.0 Next Steps
- Appendix 1 - Local Green Spaces (Policy RS2)
- Appendix 2 - Protecting Small Open Spaces (Policy RS3)
- Appendix 3 - Community Valued Views
- Appendix 4 - National Heritage List for England
- Appendix 5 - Locally Listed Historic Assets
- Appendix 6 - Non-Designated Heritage Assets (Policy RS7)
- Appendix 7 - Cycle Routes, Bridleways and Footpaths in Radford Semele
- Bibliography
- Glossary of Terms
- Abbreviations and Acronyms used in the Neighbourhood Development Plan
- Document Revisions
- Bishop's Tachbrook NDP Regulation 16 Submission
- Representation search for Bishop's Tachbrook NDP Regulation 16 Submission
- Foreward
- Executive Summary
- 1. Introduction and Background
- 2. A Spatial Portrait of BT
- 3. Planning Policy Context
- 4. Key Issues
- 5. Vision and Objectives
- 6. Policies
- Representations made against BT1 Conserving and Enhancing BT's Landscape Character
- Representations made against BT2 Tach Brook Country Park
- Representations made against BT3 Green Infrastructure
- Representations made against BT4 Traffic Management and Transport Improvements
- Representations made against BT5 Improving Accessibility For All
- Representations made against BT9 Healthy, Inclusive Community
- Representations made against BT12 Securing a Sustainable Mix of House Types, Tenures and Sizes in New Development
- Representations made against BT13 Responding to Climate Change
- Next Steps
- Appendices
- SA/SEA Screening of Bishop's Tachbrook NDP
- Representation search for SA/SEA Screening of Bishop's Tachbrook NDP
- Canalside DPD
- Representation search for Canalside DPD
- SA of Canalside DPD
- Representation search for SA of Canalside DPD
- Introduction
- Sustainability appraisal methods
- Sustainability context, objectives and baseline characterisation
- Consideration of plan making options and alternatives
- Sustainability appraisal of the Warwick Canalside DPD
- Monitoring
- Conclusions, consultation and next steps
- Appendices
- Tables and figures
- Affordable Housing SPD
- Representation search for Affordable Housing SPD
- Developer Contributions SPD
- Representation search for Developer Contributions SPD
- Purpose of this Document
- Developer Contributions
- Representations made against Threshold for Contributions
- Representations made against Affordable Housing
- Representations made against Air Quality
- Representations made against Outdoor Sports Facilities
- Representations made against Indoor Sports Facilities
- Representations made against Health
- Representations made against Community Safety and Policing
- Representations made against Biodiversity Offsetting
- Representations made against Open Space and Green Infrastructure
- Representations made against Education
- Representations made against Highways/ Transport
- Representations made against Other Contributions
- Appendix 1- Local Plan Policies
- Appendix 2 - Local Labour Agreement
- Appendix 3 - Template of Draft Section 106 Requirements
- Royal Leamington Spa Neighbourhood Development Plan
- Representation search for Royal Leamington Spa Neighbourhood Development Plan
- 1.0 Introduction and Background
- 2.0 Royal Leamington Spa Neighbourhood Development Plan Key Themes and Vision
- 3.0 Spatial Portrait
- 4.0 Planning Policy Context
- 5.0 Royal Leamington Spa Neighbourhood Development Plan Policies
- Appendix 1 - Community Facilities
- Appendix 2 - Local Green Space Assessment
- Appendix 3 - Cycle Route Map
- Canal Conservation Area Revision
- Representation search for Canal Conservation Area Revision
- Canalside DPD SA Report
- Representation search for Canalside DPD SA Report
- Canalside Draft DPD
- Representation search for Canalside Draft DPD
- Background
- Context
- The Canal Conservation Area
- Issues
- Options
- Policies
- Representations made against Policy CS1
- Representations made against Policy CS2
- Representations made against Policy CS3
- Representations made against Policy CS4
- Representations made against Policy CS5
- Representations made against Policy CS6
- Representations made against Policy CS7
- Representations made against Policy CS8
- Representations made against Policy CS9
- Representations made against Policy CS10
- Representations made against Policy CS11
- Future for Canals as Freight Corridors
- Appendices
- Non-Technical Summary (NTS)
- Representation search for Non-Technical Summary (NTS)
- Burton Green Neighbourhood Development Plan: designation of area
- Representation search for Burton Green Neighbourhood Development Plan: designation of area
- Purpose Built Student Accommodation SPD
- Representation search for Purpose Built Student Accommodation SPD
- Custom & Self-build SPD
- Representation search for Custom & Self-build SPD
- Public Open Spaces
- Representation search for Public Open Spaces
- Purpose & Context
- Public Open Spaces Requirements
- Site Requirements & Standards
- Playing Pitch Requirements
- Process Map
- App 1: Draft Management Plan
- App 2: Design Guidance & Expectations
- App 3: Indicative Cost Schedule
- App 4: Template POS S106 Agreement Schedule
- App 5: POS Calculations
- App 6: Minimum Size Thresholds
- App 7: Draft Management Company Plan
- App 8: Template SuDS S106 Agreement
- Land East of Kenilworth Development Brief
- Representation search for Land East of Kenilworth Development Brief
- Chapter 1 - Introduction
- Chapter 2 - Site Location and Characteristics
- Chapter 3 - Planning Policy Framework
- Chapter 4 - The Site in Context
- Chapter 5 - Site Analysis, Constraints and Opportunities
- Chapter 6 - Vision and Objectives
- Chapter 7 - Development Principles
- Representations made against 1. Delivery of a mix of housing
- Representations made against 2. Delivery of high quality employment land
- Representations made against 3. Delivery of an effective and efficient transport system
- Representations made against 4. Social and community infrastructure
- Representations made against 5. Environmental quality
- Representations made against 6. Health
- Representations made against 7. Creating a high quality designed urban environment
- Representations made against 8. Utilities
- Chapter 8 - Shaping the Indicative Masterplan
- Chapter 9 - Indicative Masterplan and Scale Parameters
- Chapter 10 - Delivery
- Air Quality SPD
- Representation search for Air Quality SPD
- Glossary
- Purpose of the document
- Local Air Quality
- National Policy and Practice
- Local Plan
- Development Classification, Assessment and Mitigation
- Appendix 1 - Department for Transport Criteria for Transport Assessments
- Appendix 2 - Air Quality Assessment Protocol to Determine the Impact of Vehicle Emissions from Development Proposals
- Appendix 3 - Damage Costs
- Canal Conservation Area
- Representation search for Canal Conservation Area
- Introduction
- Summary of Special Interest
- Planning Policy/Managing Change
- Representations made against Opportunities for Regeneration
- Representations made against Public Realm Issues
- Representations made against Conservation Management Issues
- Representations made against Built Form Related Issues
- Representations made against Places that Matter to Local Communities
- Representations made against Stewardship
- Canal Corridor Plans
- Documented History
- Character Lengths
- Kenilworth Neighbourhood Plan - Submission
- Representation search for Kenilworth Neighbourhood Plan - Submission
- Foreword
- Summary and guide
- Section 1 - Contents and introduction
- Section 2 - The Neighbourhood Area
- Section 3 - The Planning Policy Context
- Section 4 - Community views on planning
- Section 5 - Vision, Objectives and Land Use Policies
- Section 6 - Implementation
- Appendix A - Local list
- Supporting Documents
- Parking Standards SPD
- Representation search for Parking Standards SPD
- Residential Design Guide
- Representation search for Residential Design Guide
- Section 1 Introduction
- Section 2 How to use this document
- Section 3 Policy Framework
- Section 4 Design steps
- Section 5 Design considerations
- Section 6 Design characteristics
- Section 7 Design practicalities
- Section 8 Detailed design
- Section 9 Examples
- Section 10 The way forward and check list
- Appendices
- Local Validation List
- Representation search for Local Validation List
- Budbrooke Draft Neighbourhood Plan
- Representation search for Budbrooke Draft Neighbourhood Plan
- Introduction and Background
- A Neighbourhood Development Plan for Budbrooke Parish
- Key Issues
- Vision and Objectives
- BNDP1 Community Facilities
- BNDP2 Protection of Green Spaces
- BNDP3 Protection of Open Spaces
- BNDP4 Community Facilities and CIL
- BNDP5 Development Principles - Residential Allocations
- BNDP6 Scale and type of new housing
- BNDP7 Design of Development in Budbrooke Parish
- BNDP8 Protecting and enhancing landscape
- BNDP9 Traffic Managemenr and Improvements
- BNDP10 Sustainable Transport Measures
- BNDP11 Supporting small scale employment
- Next Steps
- Appendix 1
- Appendix 2
- Glossary
- Leek Wootton Neighbourhood Plan
- Representation search for Leek Wootton Neighbourhood Plan
- Baginton and Bubbenhall Neighbourhood Plan
- Representation search for Baginton and Bubbenhall Neighbourhood Plan
- Community Infrastructure Levy Modifications 2017
- Representation search for Community Infrastructure Levy Modifications 2017
- Local Plan Main Modifications 2017
- Representation search for Local Plan Main Modifications 2017
- Policies
- Representations made against MM1
- Representations made against MM2
- Representations made against MM3
- Representations made against MM4
- Representations made against MM6
- Representations made against MM7
- Representations made against MM8
- Representations made against MM9
- Representations made against MM11
- Representations made against MM12
- Representations made against MM13
- Representations made against MM15
- Representations made against MM16
- Representations made against MM17
- Representations made against MM18
- Representations made against MM19
- Representations made against MM20
- Representations made against MM21
- Representations made against MM22
- Representations made against MM30
- Representations made against MM31
- Representations made against MM32
- Representations made against MM33
- Representations made against MM34
- Representations made against MM35
- Representations made against MM41
- Representations made against MM42
- Representations made against MM44
- Representations made against MM45
- Representations made against MM46
- Representations made against MM48
- Representations made against MM50
- Representations made against MM51
- Representations made against MM53
- Representations made against MM54
- Representations made against MM55
- Representations made against MM58
- Representations made against MM59
- Representations made against MM66
- Representations made against MM67
- Representations made against MM74
- Appendix A
- Appendix B
- Appendix C
- Sustainability Appraisal, Main Mods 2017
- Representation search for Sustainability Appraisal, Main Mods 2017
- Bishops Tachbrook proposed Neighbourhood Area - March 2017
- Representation search for Bishops Tachbrook proposed Neighbourhood Area - March 2017
- Draft Charging Schedule - Jan 2017
- Representation search for Draft Charging Schedule - Jan 2017
- Radford Semele Neighbourhood Area Consultation
- Representation search for Radford Semele Neighbourhood Area Consultation
- Baginton and Bubbenhall - Neighbourhood Plan Designation
- Representation search for Baginton and Bubbenhall - Neighbourhood Plan Designation
- Leamington Spa - Neighbourhood Plan Designation
- Representation search for Leamington Spa - Neighbourhood Plan Designation
- Proposed Modifications January 2016
- Representation search for Proposed Modifications January 2016
- Bishop's Tachbrook Neighbourhood Development Plan
- Representation search for Bishop's Tachbrook Neighbourhood Development Plan
- Draft Statement of Community Involvement 2015
- Representation search for Draft Statement of Community Involvement 2015
- Kenilworth Neighbourhood Area Designation
- Representation search for Kenilworth Neighbourhood Area Designation
- Old Milverton & Blackdown Neighbourhood Area Consultation 2015
- Representation search for Old Milverton & Blackdown Neighbourhood Area Consultation 2015
- Barford Neighbourhood Development Plan
- Representation search for Barford Neighbourhood Development Plan
- Whitnash Neighbourhood Development Plan
- Representation search for Whitnash Neighbourhood Development Plan
- Draft Charging Schedule
- Representation search for Draft Charging Schedule
- Baginton, Bubbenhall, Stoneleigh and Ashow - Neighbourhood Area Designation
- Representation search for Baginton, Bubbenhall, Stoneleigh and Ashow - Neighbourhood Area Designation
- Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule
- Representation search for Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule
- Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
- Representation search for Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
- Publication Draft Local Plan: Focused Consultation
- Representation search for Publication Draft Local Plan: Focused Consultation
- Publication Draft
- Representation search for Publication Draft
- 1. Introduction, Vision and Objectives
- 2. Development Strategy
- 3. Prosperous Communities
- 4. Housing
- 5. Sustainable Communities
- Representations made against Built Environment
- Representations made against Transport
- Representations made against Healthy, Safe and Inclusive Communities
- Representations made against Climate Change
- Representations made against Flooding and Water
- Representations made against Historic Environment
- Representations made against Natural Environment
- Representations made against Neighbourhood Planning
- Representations made against Waste
- 6. Delivery and Monitoring
- 7. Glossary
- Policies Maps
- Representations made against 1. District Wide
- Representations made against 2. Leamington, Warwick and Whitnash
- Representations made against 3. Leamington Town Centre
- Representations made against 5. Kenilworth
- Representations made against 5a. Kenilworth Town Centre
- Representations made against 6. Burton Green
- Representations made against 8. Baginton, Bubbenhall and Coventry Airport
- Representations made against 11. Weston-under-Wetherley
- Representations made against 12. Leek Wootton, Hill Wootton, Old Milverton and Blackdown
- Representations made against 15. Radford Semele
- Representations made against 16. Bishop's Tachbroook
- Representations made against 17. Wasperton
- Representations made against 18. Barford
- Representations made against 19. Sherbourne
- Representations made against 20. Hampton Magna and Hampton on the Hill
- Representations made against 21. Hatton Park
- Representations made against 27. Rowington and Rowington Green
- Representations made against 29. Kingswood
- Information Plans
- Infrastructure Delivery Plan
- Sustainability Appraisal - Publication Draft
- Representation search for Sustainability Appraisal - Publication Draft
- Preferred Options for Sites
- Representation search for Preferred Options for Sites
- 1. Background
- 2. History: How we got to this point
- 3. Warwick District - Context
- 4. List of Sites and 'Areas of Search' from Options consultation
- 5. Additional sites suggested through Options consultation
- 6. Criteria
- 7. Sites summary table
- 8. Preferred options for consultation
- 9. Summary of Preferred Option sites
- Representations made against GT04 Land at Harbury Lane/Fosse Way (green)
- Representations made against GT12 Land north of Westham Lane, Barford (green)
- Representations made against GT15 Land east of Europa Way (green)
- Representations made against GT19 Land at Birmingham Road, Budbrooke (green)
- Representations made against GTalt01 Brookside Willows, Banbury Road (green)
- 10. Summary of Alternative Sites
- Representations made against GT02 Land abutting the Fosse Way close to A425 junction
- Representations made against GT05 Land at Tachbrook Hill Farm (green)
- Representations made against GT06 Land at Park Farm/Spinney Farm (amber)
- Representations made against GT08 Depot west side of Cubbington Heath Farm (amber)
- Representations made against GT11 Land at Budbrooke Lodge, Racecourse and Hampton Road (amber)
- Representations made against GTalt02 Wood Yard, Rugby Road, Cubbington (amber)
- Representations made against GTalt03 Land at Henley Road/Hampton Road, Hampton-on-the-Hill (amber)
- Representations made against GTalt12 Land at Barford By-Pass (green)
- 11. What Happens Next
- Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries
- Representation search for Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Contextual and Policy Overview
- 3. Green Belt and Exceptional Circumstances
- Representations made against The National Planning Policy Framework and Green Belt
- Representations made against Promoting Sustainable Development
- Representations made against Environmental Limits
- Representations made against Sustaining and Supporting Green Belt Villages
- Representations made against Duty to Co-operate
- 4. Consultation Feedback
- 5. Site Selection Process and Methodology
- 6. Preferred Options and Village Boundaries
- 7. Village Plans and Housing Options
- Representations made against Baginton
- Representations made against Barford
- Representations made against Bishop's Tachbrook
- Representations made against Burton Green
- Representations made against Cubbington
- Representations made against Hampton Magna
- Representations made against Hatton Park
- Representations made against Hatton Station
- Representations made against Hill Wootton
- Representations made against Kingswood
- Representations made against Leek Wootton
- Representations made against Radford Semele
- Representations made against Shrewley Common
- Representations made against Other Sites
- Representations made against Former Aylesbury House
- Representations made against Oak Lea, Finham
- Representations made against Other Villages
- Representations made against Other Issues / Development Concerns
- 8. District Wide Site and Boundary Proposals
- Sustainability Appraisal
- Budbrooke Neighbourhood Area Designation
- Representation search for Budbrooke Neighbourhood Area Designation
- Lapworth Neighbourhood Area Designation
- Representation search for Lapworth Neighbourhood Area Designation
- Barford Neighbourhood Area Designation
- Representation search for Barford Neighbourhood Area Designation
- Policy for HMOs and Student Accommodation
- Representation search for Policy for HMOs and Student Accommodation
- Leek Wootton and Guy's Cliffe Neighbourhood Area Designation
- Representation search for Leek Wootton and Guy's Cliffe Neighbourhood Area Designation
- Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
- Representation search for Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Background
- 3. Who are Gypsies and Travellers?
- 4. What are the Issues?
- 5. Policy Background
- 6. Evidence Base
- 7. Local Plan Requirements
- 8. Identification of Potential Sites
- 9. Sites for consideration and comment
- 10. Table of Sites
- Representations made against GT01 Land adjacent to the Colbalt Centre, Siskin Drive
- Representations made against GT02 Land abutting the Fosse Way at its junction with the B425
- Representations made against GT03 Land at Barnwell Farm
- Representations made against GT04 Land at Harbury Lane, Fosse Way
- Representations made against GT05 Land at Tachbrook Hill Farm
- Representations made against GT06 Land at Park Farm, Spinney Farm
- Representations made against GT07 Land at Stoneleigh Road
- Representations made against GT08 Depot to the west side of Cubbington Hill Farm
- Representations made against GT09 Land to the north east of M40
- Representations made against GT10 Land at Tollgate House and Guide Dogs National Breeding Centre
- Representations made against GT11 Land at Budbrooke Lodge, Racecourse and Hampton Road
- Representations made against GT12 Land north and west of Westham Lane (area of search)
- Representations made against GT13 Kites Nest Lane, Beausale
- Representations made against GT14 Warwick Road, Norton Lindsey
- Representations made against GT15 Land east of Europa Way
- Representations made against GT16 Land to north of Westham Lane and west of Wellesbourne Road, Barford (small site)
- Representations made against GT17 Service area west of A46 Old Budbrooke Way
- Representations made against GT18 Service area east of A46 Old Budbrooke Way
- Representations made against GT19 Land off Birmingham Road, Budbrooke, Oaklands Farm
- Representations made against GT20 Land at Junction 15 of M40
- Representations made against Do you have any other suggestions for land within this district that you think would be suitable for use as a Gypsy and Traveller site?
- 11. Potential for Land Purchase
- Revised Development Strategy
- Representation search for Revised Development Strategy
- 1 Introduction
- 2 The Local Plan and Consultation Process
- 3 Strategic Vision
- 4 Revised Development Strategy
- Representations made against RDS1: The Council is adopting an Interim Level of Growth of 12,300 homes between 2011 and 2029
- Representations made against RDS2: The housing requirement of 12,300 homes will be met from the following categories of sites
- Representations made against RDS3: The Council's Preferred Option for the broad location of development is to:
- Representations made against RDS4: The broad location of development
- Representations made against RDS5: The following sites will be allocated for development:
- Representations made against RDS6: The Council is proposing to make provision for 22.5 hectares of new employment land
- Representations made against RDS7: The location of new employment land is as follows:
- 5 Strategic Development Sites and Infrastructure
- Dummy Element
- Interim Sustainability Appraisal
- Representation search for Interim Sustainability Appraisal
- Stoneleigh and Ashow Neighbourhood Area Designation
- Representation search for Stoneleigh and Ashow Neighbourhood Area Designation
- Burton Green Neighbourhood Area Designation
- Representation search for Burton Green Neighbourhood Area Designation
- Preferred Options (Read Only Document)
- Representation search for Preferred Options (Read Only Document)
- Warwick Town Centre Plan - Preferred Options Questionnaire
- Representation search for Warwick Town Centre Plan - Preferred Options Questionnaire
- Old Milverton and Blackdown Neighbourhood Area Designation
- Representation search for Old Milverton and Blackdown Neighbourhood Area Designation
- Whitnash Neighbourhood Area Designation
- Representation search for Whitnash Neighbourhood Area Designation
- Bishops Tachbrook Area Designation
- Representation search for Bishops Tachbrook Area Designation
- Preferred Options
- Representation search for Preferred Options
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Our Vision for the District
- 3. The Local Plan Process
- 4. Spatial Portrait, Issues and Objectives
- 5. Preferred Level of Growth
- Representations made against PO1: Preferred Level of Growth
- Representations made against Justification for Preferred Option
- Representations made against National, Regional and Local Policy
- Representations made against What is the Evidence to Support Different Levels of Growth?
- Representations made against What are the Options?
- 6. Community Infrastructure Levy
- 7. Housing
- Representations made against Introduction
- Representations made against Relevant Issue & Strategic Objectives
- Representations made against PO3: Broad Location of Growth
- Representations made against The Location of New Housing
- Representations made against TABLE 7.1 Housing to be Allocated in the Plan
- Representations made against TABLE 7.2 Distribution of Housing
- Representations made against PO4: Distribution of Sites for Housing
- Representations made against Meeting the Need for Affordable Housing
- Representations made against PO5: Affordable Housing
- Representations made against Mixed Communities and a Wide Choice of Homes
- Representations made against PO6: Mixed Communities & Wide Choice of Housing
- Representations made against Gypsies and Travellers
- Representations made against PO7: Gypsies & Travellers
- 8. Economy
- 9. Retailing and Town Centres
- 10. Built Environment
- 11. Historic Environment
- 12. Climate Change
- 13. Inclusive, Safe and Healthy Communities
- 14. Transport
- 15. Green Infrastructure
- 16. Green Belt
- 17. Culture and Tourism
- 18. Flooding and Water
- Appendices
- Representations made against Map 1: District in Context
- Representations made against Map 2: Potentially Suitable Urban/Edge of Urban Sites
- Representations made against Map 3: Preferred Options (Whole District)
- Representations made against Map 4: Development Sites - Preferred Options (Urban Fringe)
- Representations made against Map 5: Possible Transport Infrastructure
- Representations made against Map 6: Possible Green Infrastructure
- Helping Shape the District
- Representation search for Helping Shape the District
- Introduction
- What are the important issues?
- Representations made against 1 - Economy
- Representations made against 2 - Housing
- Representations made against 3 - Town Centres
- Representations made against 4 - Public Facilities
- Representations made against 5 - Health & Wellbeing
- Representations made against 6 - Congestion & Pollution
- Representations made against 9 - Built and Natural Environments
- Representations made against 10 - Crime
- Representations made against 11 - High Speed Rail
- Representations made against Other
- How should we tackle these issues?
- What are the scenarios?
- Table showing the three scenarios and how they could affect how we tackle the important issues
- Other objectives
- Alternative Sites Consultation
- Representation search for Alternative Sites Consultation
- Introduction
- Sites 1a & 1b - Kenilworth Wardens Cricket Club and Woodside Training Centre, Kenilworth
- Site 2 - Land at Campion School/South of Sydenham
- Site 3 - Glebe Farm, Cubbington
- Site 4 - Loes Farm, Guy's Cliffe, Warwick
- Site 5 - Hurst Farm South, Burton Green
- Site 6 - Land at Baginton
- Appendix 1 - What is the Core Strategy?
- Publication Draft
- Representation search for Publication Draft
- Executive Summary
- 1: Introduction
- 2: Spatial Portrait
- 3: Vision and Strategy
- 4: Strategic Objectives
- 5: Employment
- 6: Town Centres
- 7: Tourism
- 8: Regeneration
- 9: Rural Communities
- 10: Housing
- 11: Infrastructure
- 12: Open Space
- 13: Community Safety
- 14: Inclusive Access
- 15: Gypsies and Travellers
- 16: Historic Environment
- 17: Natural Environment
- 18: Built Environment
- 19: Sustainable Buildings
- 20: Flood Risk
- 21: Waste & Recycling
- Plan 1: Developer/Landowner Submitted sites - Warwick, Leamington & Whitnash
- Plan 2: Developer/Landowner Submitted sites - Kenilworth and edge of Coventry
- Plan 3: Potential Housing & Employment Options - Warwick, Leamington & Whitnash
- Plan 4: Potential Housing & Employment Options - Kenilworth and edge of Coventry
- Plan 5: Preferred Options - Warwick, Leamington & Whitnash
- Plan 6: Preferred Options - Kenilworth and edge of Coventry
- Plan 7: Proposed Amendments to Areas of Restraint
- Open Space SPD
- Representation search for Open Space SPD
- Introduction
- Context/Policy Background
- The Open Space Requirement for New Development
- Justification / Evidence Base
- Implementing the SPD - Advice to developers
- Appendix A - Local Plan Policy SC13
- Appendix B - Open Space Standards
- Appendix C - Audit Provision Table/ Unrestricted Green Space (Ha) per 1000 population
- Appendix D - Applying the Standards / Developer guidance
- Appendix E - Open Space Typology
- Appendix F - Minimum Area Size Standards
- Sustainable Buildings SPD
- Representation search for Sustainable Buildings SPD
- 1: Introduction
- 2: Policy Background
- 3: Meeting the Requirement
- 4: The 10% Requirement
- 5: Calculating the Renewables Requirement
- 6: Sustainable Layout and Building
- 7: Renewable Energy Technologies
- 8: Sustainable Water Management
- 9: Further Sources of Information
- 10: Appendix 1: Local Plan Policies
- 11: Glossary
- Options Paper
- Representation search for Options Paper
- Issues Paper
- Representation search for Issues Paper
- Adopted documents
- Budbrooke Draft Neighbourhood Plan
- Representation search for Budbrooke Draft Neighbourhood Plan
- Introduction and Background
- A Neighbourhood Development Plan for Budbrooke Parish
- Key Issues
- Vision and Objectives
- BNDP1 Community Facilities
- BNDP2 Protection of Green Spaces
- BNDP3 Protection of Open Spaces
- BNDP4 Community Facilities and CIL
- BNDP5 Development Principles - Residential Allocations
- BNDP6 Scale and type of new housing
- BNDP7 Design of Development in Budbrooke Parish
- BNDP8 Protecting and enhancing landscape
- BNDP9 Traffic Managemenr and Improvements
- BNDP10 Sustainable Transport Measures
- BNDP11 Supporting small scale employment
- Next Steps
- Appendix 1
- Appendix 2
- Glossary
- Local Plan Main Modifications 2017
- Representation search for Local Plan Main Modifications 2017
- Policies
- Representations made against MM1
- Representations made against MM2
- Representations made against MM3
- Representations made against MM4
- Representations made against MM6
- Representations made against MM7
- Representations made against MM8
- Representations made against MM9
- Representations made against MM11
- Representations made against MM12
- Representations made against MM13
- Representations made against MM15
- Representations made against MM16
- Representations made against MM17
- Representations made against MM18
- Representations made against MM19
- Representations made against MM20
- Representations made against MM21
- Representations made against MM22
- Representations made against MM30
- Representations made against MM31
- Representations made against MM32
- Representations made against MM33
- Representations made against MM34
- Representations made against MM35
- Representations made against MM41
- Representations made against MM42
- Representations made against MM44
- Representations made against MM45
- Representations made against MM46
- Representations made against MM48
- Representations made against MM50
- Representations made against MM51
- Representations made against MM53
- Representations made against MM54
- Representations made against MM55
- Representations made against MM58
- Representations made against MM59
- Representations made against MM66
- Representations made against MM67
- Representations made against MM74
- Appendix A
- Appendix B
- Appendix C
- Sustainability Appraisal, Main Mods 2017
- Representation search for Sustainability Appraisal, Main Mods 2017