Preferred Options 2025

Ends on 7 March 2025 (22 days remaining)

3. Vision and Strategic Objectives: South Warwickshire 2050

3.1 Vision

The Issues and Options document put forward a Vision for the South Warwickshire Local Plan. Only 37% of people agreed with the Vision included in the Issues and Options document, whereas 60% of the people did not agree with the vision, and the remaining 3% were undecided.

Some of the key issues raised with respect to the Vision were:

  • More clarity around the current housing and employment needs;
  • Unmet housing need from other authorities should be given greater priority;
  • Definitions of "strategic growth" and "Warwickshire's sustainable development needs" should be provided.

We do not consider that we need to fundamentally change the Vision in response to the comments received as clarity on the current housing and employment needs will be included as the document progresses in the corresponding chapter. In terms of unmet needs from other authorities we do not consider that it needs to be given greater priority as we will be working with neighbouring authorities under our Duty to Cooperate duty to ascertain how much unmet need, they will need us to accommodate.

The Vision has been written in context of the national and local policy frameworks including the Councils own Corporate Plan visions.

Warwick Corporate Strategy 2030 vision is as follows:

"To make Warwick District a great place to live, work and visit by improving lives and our environment."

Stratford-on-Avon Council Plan's vision reads as follows:

"We are an ambitious, fair, inclusive, and responsible organisation which will put our communities at the heart of everything we do".

The SWLP will help make sure our area, our environment and our people all thrive together. People and the natural environment are intrinsically linked and care is given to each to enable a high quality of life as the area develops. Social, environmental and economic aspects are considered together to achieve sustainable development. Within the vision we have proposed five overarching principles. Taken together, the five principles represent what we consider to be sustainable future for the SWLP area.

By 2050 South Warwickshire will be a flourishing, healthy and vibrant place where people will want to live, work and visit. The vision is to meet South Warwickshire's sustainable development needs and strengthen local communities , while responding to the climate emergency. The plan will provide homes and jobs, boost and diversify the local economy, and provide appropriate infrastructure, in suitable locations, at the right time.

Five overarching principles will determine how this development is delivered:

A climate resilient and Net Zero Carbon South Warwickshire – adapting to the effects of climate change and mitigating against its causes, while avoiding any further damage that might arise from development and drive towards net zero carbon

A well-designed and beautiful South Warwickshire – creating spaces where people want to be, which respect and reflect the existing beauty and heritage of the area

A healthy, safe and inclusive South Warwickshire – enabling everyone to enjoy safe and healthy lifestyles with a good quality of life and addressing health inequalities

A well-connected South Warwickshire – ensuring that development is physically and digitally connected, provided in accessible locations, and promotes active travel

A biodiverse and environmentally resilient South Warwickshire – strengthening green and blue infrastructure and achieving a net increase in biodiversity across South Warwickshire.

It was agreed at Issues and Options stage that this document will not include Vision for Place as it was considered that Vision for Places will be included in Area Action Plans and Neighbourhood Plans.

3.2 Strategic Objectives

To enable the vision to be delivered, the following Spatial Objectives are proposed, reflecting the themes of both Council's corporate plans and representing the social, environmental and economic issues of the area. These objectives will complement the policy directions and policies that are included in this document.

At Issues and Options stage various respondents felt that the objectives did not contain enough detail and explanation of how they would be achieved. There was a suggestion to include targets to measure the objectives. Concern was raised especially on how people may interpret 'beauty' and if it is to be included needs to be well defined.

Strategic Objective 1: Providing sustainable levels of growth in the area (related to overarching principle-A well-designed and beautiful South Warwickshire)

Supporting an appropriate level of growth which is proportionate in scale and is located in the most sustainable locations especially with good transport connections and where people are able to access affordable homes, jobs, services, health, education, social and community facilities.

Strategic Objective 2: Delivering homes that meet the needs of all our communities (related to overarching principle- A well-designed and beautiful South Warwickshire)

Meeting South Warwickshire's current and future housing need. Allowing growth in new homes that meet the diverse needs of our residents, including affordable, student, specialist and self and custom build housing along with the accommodation needs of our gypsy and traveller and travelling showpeople communities.

Strategic Objective 3: Providing infrastructure in the right place at the right time (related to overarching principle-A well-connected South Warwickshire)

Ensuring development is supported by the infrastructure needed to support the growth in new homes and jobs. This includes (but is not limited to):

  • Roads and active travel routes
  • Sustainable modes of travel through enhancing greener networks for walking and cycling
  • Schools
  • Sport and Recreation
  • Health care facilities
  • Digital Infrastructure and Utilities
  • Waste management
  • Water supply and wastewater management
  • Flood risk
  • Blue and Green infrastructure

Strategic Objective 4: Developing opportunities for jobs (related to related to overarching principle-A well-connected South Warwickshire)

Accommodating the growth in employment opportunities that build upon our strong and diverse economy, including innovative industries and technologies, embracing the potential of a green economy.

Strategic Objective 5: Making effective use of land and natural resources (related to overarching principle-A climate resilient and Net Zero Carbon South Warwickshire)

Encouraging the effective use of previously developed land and natural resources including:

  • Re-use and refurbishment of unused existing buildings
  • Making most efficient use of land and buildings
  • Using sustainable construction techniques
  • Encouraging a circular economy
  • Efficient use of water resources whilst protecting water quality and flood management

Strategic Objective 6: Contributing towards Net Zero Carbon targets (related to overarching principle- A resilient and Net Zero Carbon South Warwickshire)

Ensuring that new development does not cause a net increase in carbon emissions and taking positive action to achieve net zero. Ensuring that new developments are resilient to climate change and that every opportunity is taken to reduce exiting carbon emissions and mitigating and adapting to reduce the impact of climate change and reduce risk to people, communities, the environment and the economy. This will be achieved through (Please note this is not an exhaustive list):

  • Design of the new development
  • Minimising energy use in both new and existing buildings
  • Promoting low carbon and renewable energy generation in the right locations
  • Reducing dependency on fossil fuels and reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • Increasing biodiversity, nature recovery and exploring the role of carbon capture whole life carbon and carbon sequestration
  • Improving water sustainability and efficiency measures
  • Using nature-based solutions to climate change
  • Reducing and managing risk of flooding from all sources
  • Protecting and enhancing the water resources and improving water quality
  • Supporting low carbon transport initiatives

Strategic Objective 7: Creating attractive places (related to A well-designed and beautiful Warwickshire)

Focusing and promoting a high standard of design in new developments that are innovative, adaptable, low carbon, climate resilient, locally distinctive and respect the local character and setting of the existing settlements.

Strategic Objective 8: Protecting and enhancing our heritage and cultural assets (related to overarching principle- A well-designed and beautiful Warwickshire)

Protecting and enhancing the wealth of heritage and cultural assets in South Warwickshire, and where possible enhancing access and understanding of these assets.

Strategic Objective 9: Enriching the tourism potential (related to overarching principle- A well-designed and beautiful Warwickshire)

Enriching the quality of the visitor experience through the wealth of cultural, heritage and countryside assets that the area has to offer.

Strategic Objective 10: Improving the health, safety and quality of life of our communities (related to overarching principle- A healthy, safe and inclusive South Warwickshire)

Promoting health and wellbeing for people of all ages and reducing health inequalities by creating developments that contribute to physical and mental wellbeing, combat loneliness and isolation, lower levels of pollution, and are free of crime and the fear of crime.

Strategic Objective 11: Connecting people to places (related to overarching principle: A well-connected South Warwickshire)

Increasing and improving access to sustainable and active travel options that enhance connectivity between people and places and people and nature and by connecting people to centres, jobs, education, cultural facilities, green spaces and countryside.

Strategic Objective 12: Protecting and enhancing our environmental assets (related to overarching principle -A biodiverse and environmentally resilient South Warwickshire)

Protecting what already exists and maximising opportunities for enhancement including improvements to the green space network through tree planting and other biodiversity initiatives.

Do you broadly support the proposals in the Vision and Strategic Objectives: South Warwickshire 2050 chapter? If you have any additional points to raise with regards to this chapter please include them here. Comment

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