Issue and Options 2023
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If sites are not released from the Green Belt to meet housing needs from the Black Country towns to the north, then more people will search for property in the areas where new housing is being built outside the Green Belt. This results in more development leap frogging the Green Belt and more long distance commuting. There is evidence that many people are moving to Meon Vale and commuting to the Black Country towns and beyond.
The best example of the delivery of sites for self build is at Bicester where the local authority has acquired a site, provided the services and is selling off the plots. House builders will fight against self build plots as part of larger developments as it creates to many headaches for them, increasing uncertainty about costs and profits.
Open spaces within new developments must be safeguarded in policy and designated as Local Green Spaces. Better quality play equipment must be required in new play grounds. Better standards must be set for new sports pitches in new development. Developers must provide pitches that are playable by teams and not full of rubble, uneven and with sub standard finishes. It’s one thing making the spaces available, but they must be up to an acceptable standard to be usable.
Live information at bus stops. Bus shelters are important to encourage users. Starship enterprise robot delivery vehicles have been in use in Milton Keynes for some time now. They depend on accessible footpaths around a housing area from the local supermarket. We could have them in Meon Vale if the footpaths were designed to be accessible. They also depend on clear footpaths with no parked vehicles on them. This requires adequate in curtailage parking to be provided.
Limiting parking spaces at home does not reduce car ownership or usage. It results in vehicles parked on the roadside and on pavements. It does not lead to increased bus usage.