Issue and Options 2023
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New searchThe following comments are made in respect of the SA for Shipston-on-Stour, and specifically Broad Location B.19 Shipston-on-Stour Southwest. In assessing the four Broad Locations (BL) identified in Shipston-on-Stour against the SA Objectives, the SA concludes that Shipston-on-Stour West performs strongest, however this is strongly disputed as detailed in the following paragraphs. With regard to SA Objective 2: Flood Risk, the SA concludes that Shipston-on-Stour West is the best performing as it is wholly within Flood Zone 1. However, the extent to which the other Broad Locations are within Flood Zones 2 and 3 is described as negligible, and easily avoided. All BLs therefore perform equal, and this should be recognised in the next iteration of the SA. SA Objective 3 considers Biodiversity, Flora, Fauna and Geodiversity, with Shipston-on-Stour East considered to be the best performing Broad Location. However, there is no material difference between East and Southwest as all impacts are minor and easily avoided. East and Southwest BLs therefore perform equal, and this should be recognised in the next iteration of the SA. SA Objective 4 relates to Landscape, with Shipston-on-Stour Southwest and Shipston-on-Stour West considered to be the best performing Broad Locations. For information, initial landscape and visual impact technical work in relation to Land off Furze Hill Road, Shipston-on-Stour indicates that the site is within the lowest area of landscape sensitivity in the town, with impacts on views able to be negated through a landscape-led approach to masterplanning. These findings are also supported by the existing evidence base prepared for the Stratford Site Allocations Plan. SA Objective 5: Cultural Heritage concludes that Shipston-on-Stour West is the best performing Broad Location. Shipston-on-Stour Southwest is identified as having a potential impact on a number of Grade II Listed Buildings, however these are some distance from the Broad Location and any harm easily avoided. The Heritage and Settlement Sensitivity Assessment also finds that land to west and south-west of Shipston-on-Stour has potential for development in recognition of the lack of historic environment constraints. West and Southwest BLs therefore perform equal, and this should be recognised in the next iteration of the SA. With regard to SA Objective 6: Pollution, Shipston-on-Stour West is identified as the best performing Broad Location as it is the only one which does not coincide or fall adjacent to a watercourse. However, the extent to which the other Broad Locations are impacted by watercourses is described as minor, and easily avoided. All BLs therefore perform equal, and this should be recognised in the next iteration of the SA. SA Objective 7 relates to Natural Resources, with Shipston-on-Stour West performing best as it does not coincide with a Minerals Safeguarding Area (MSA), with all other Broad Locations in Shipston-on-Stour wholly or almost entirely being within a MSA. Given the Broad Locations actually perform relatively evenly and the need for future growth, this is considered to be a negligible difference. With regard to SA Objective 10: Health, Shipston-on-Stour North is recognised as the best performing as the majority of Broad Location is within the sustainable target distance to a leisure facility and it is also partly within the target distance for a GP Surgery. The distances from the Southwest are however not materially different, and this is considered to be a negligible difference. SA Objective 11: Accessibility selects Shipston-on-Stour East and North as the best performing Broad Locations. However, they score exactly the same as Southwest and therefore perform equal. This should be recognised in the next iteration of the SA. With regard to SA Objective 12: Education, Shipston-on-Stour North is considered the best performing Broad Location as, whilst all Broad Locations including Shipston-on-Stour Southwest fall within the target distance for primary and secondary education, Shipston North has the largest proportion which does so. The distances from the Southwest are however not materially different, and this is considered to be a negligible difference. Whilst Shipston-on-Stour North is considered to be the best performing Broad Location with relation to SA Objective 13: Economy, the distances from the Southwest are however not materially different. This is considered to be a negligible difference. The SA concludes that West is the least constrained in environmental terms, however this is marginal when compared to the Southwest. However, what is clear from the SA and Heritage Assessment is that areas to the East and Southeast is not suitable as a result of the setting of heritage assets. Further, areas to the North are more sensitive in landscape terms than areas to the West and Southwest. Therefore, whilst areas to the North might be marginally closer to facilities within the settlement, this is outweighed by the greater harm to the landscape. William Davis therefore consider the Southwest as the best performing option overall having regard to the above.