Alternative Sites Consultation
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Alternative Sites Consultation
Do you support or object to the development of Hurst Farm South, Burton Green?
Representation ID: 44220
Received: 09/04/2010
Respondent: Burton Green Residents' Association
* This proposed development on 247 acres is for a substantial number of houses, potentially up to 3000 units which would deeply erode the Green Belt separation between Coventry and Kenilworth
* The existing road infrastructure is barely coping with current commuter traffic
* There is inadequate provision for community support services such as doctors surgeries and schooling
* This area is one of historical interest with ancient woodland and hedgerows
On behalf of the Burton Green Residents' Association we wish to object to the proposed housing development at Hurst Farm South for the following reasons:
* This proposed development on 247 acres is for a substantial number of houses, potentially up to 3000 units which would deeply erode the Green Belt separation between Coventry and Kenilworth
* The existing road infrastructure is barely coping with current commuter traffic
* There is inadequate provision for community support services such as doctors surgeries and schooling
* This area is one of historical interest with ancient woodland and hedgerows