Alternative Sites Consultation

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Alternative Sites Consultation

Do you support or object to the development of Hurst Farm South, Burton Green?

Representation ID: 45029

Received: 07/04/2010

Respondent: Cannon Park Community Association

Representation Summary:

Conurbation - Development of this site would close the 'gap' between Coventry and Kenilworth.
Loss of Amenity- Would result in the loss of greenbelt.
Inadequate Infrastructure - Current congestion demonstrates the inadequacy of the local road network.
Lack of Transparency - Intentions are not known: WDC has a duty to inform.
Affordable housing content- A higher proportion of affordable housing in rural districts is to redress a perceived shortage. We believe the area has a surfeit of such units - but a death of 'aspirational' housing.
Purpose - We consider the Hurst Farm proposal fails the stated purpose.

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