Alternative Sites Consultation
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Alternative Sites Consultation
Do you support or object to the development of Kenilworth Wardens Cricket Club, Glasshouse Lane, Kenilworth?
Respondent: Boston Fieldgate Property Consultants
Representation Summary:
Support on the basis that:
25+ acres of employment land allocated in the Thickthorn area
Local authorities should gain ownership of a strip of land to define boundary of developed area
Development brief prepared in advance to define infrastructure provision, uses, densities and off site works.
A replacement for the Wardens of a similar or greater size is a pre-requisite and this should be within Town limits.
Full text:
1a. Do you support or object to the development of Kenilworth Wardens Cricket Club, Glasshouse Lane, Kenilworth?
My support is on the basis that:
* There is sufficient allocation 25 acres + of employment land allocated in the Thickthorn area to include this site.
* Kenilworth TC / Warwick DC should be gifted by owners or under S106 / CIL a strip of land to define the boundary of the developed area and to limit further expansion pressure.
* A detailed development brief to be prepared in advance to clearly define what the site owner / a developer needs to provide in terms of infrastructure / planning uses / off site works / development densities etc.[Pedestrian links to town centre / railway station].
* A replacement facility for the Wardens of similar or greater size / facilities is a pre-requisite and this should be within Town limits
1b. Do you support or object to the development of Woodside Training Centre, Glasshouse Lane, Kenilworth?
See 1a above and in addition the Conference facility should be retained on site so only surplus undeveloped land can come forward for development as Woodside is an asset for the Town and should be protected.
Alternative Sites Consultation
Do you support or object to the development of Woodside Training Centre, Glasshouse Lane, Kenilworth?
Respondent: Boston Fieldgate Property Consultants
Representation Summary:
Support on the basis that:
The Conference facility should be retained on site so only surplus undeveloped land can come forward for development as Woodside is an asset for the Town and should be protected.
25+ acres of employment land allocated in the Thickthorn area
Local authorities should gain ownership of a strip of land to define boundary of developed area
Development brief prepared in advance to define infrastructure provision, uses, densities and off site works.
A replacement for the Wardens of a similar or greater size is a pre-requisite and this should be within Town limits.
Full text:
1a. Do you support or object to the development of Kenilworth Wardens Cricket Club, Glasshouse Lane, Kenilworth?
My support is on the basis that:
* There is sufficient allocation 25 acres + of employment land allocated in the Thickthorn area to include this site.
* Kenilworth TC / Warwick DC should be gifted by owners or under S106 / CIL a strip of land to define the boundary of the developed area and to limit further expansion pressure.
* A detailed development brief to be prepared in advance to clearly define what the site owner / a developer needs to provide in terms of infrastructure / planning uses / off site works / development densities etc.[Pedestrian links to town centre / railway station].
* A replacement facility for the Wardens of similar or greater size / facilities is a pre-requisite and this should be within Town limits
1b. Do you support or object to the development of Woodside Training Centre, Glasshouse Lane, Kenilworth?
See 1a above and in addition the Conference facility should be retained on site so only surplus undeveloped land can come forward for development as Woodside is an asset for the Town and should be protected.
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