Alternative Sites Consultation
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Alternative Sites Consultation
Feedback - General Comments
Respondent: Warwickshire County Council [Museum Field services]
Representation Summary:
A detail habitat assessment should cover all of the alternative sites and should be supplemented by species and geological data. Any potential Local Wildlife/Geological Sites identified should be assessed against the relevant criteria prior to site selection.
Historic environment assessments should be carried out by appropriately qualified and experienced heritage professionals.
The Historic Landscape Character (HLC) of the sites and their surrounding areas should be taken into account during the assessments.
Full text:
Thank you for consulting us about this document. We wish to make the following points in respect of archaeology and the historic environment, ecology and geology.
Evidence base
Up-to-date ecological, geological and historic environment information is essential to inform an evidence base to support this document.
Ecology & geology
Whilst we acknowledge and support the work which was undertaken via the Warwick District Habitat Assessment 2008 to form part of the evidence base for the core strategy, we also note that this work only covers some of the proposed sites within this document, whilst others are not covered at all.
We would therefore recommend that this detailed habitat assessment is extended to cover all of the Alternative Sites in full and is also supplemented by species and geological data. We would also recommend that any potential Local Wildlife/Geological Sites identified within the site boundaries are assessed against the relevant criteria prior to site selection.
Historic environment
In addition to the above, we would recommend that historic environment assessments be carried out of the proposed Alternative Sites by appropriately qualified and experienced heritage professionals. The Historic Landscape Character (HLC) of the sites and their surrounding areas should be taken into account during the assessments.
We would be very happy to discuss any of our comments or recommendations further should that be considered helpful. Please contact Anna Swift (ecology) or Jonathan Parkhouse (historic environment).
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