Alternative Sites Consultation

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Alternative Sites Consultation

Do you support or object to the development of Hurst Farm South, Burton Green?

Representation ID: 44205

Received: 10/04/2010

Respondent: Stoneleigh & Ashow Parish Council

Representation Summary:

It would erode the Green Belt which separates Coventry and Kenilworth.
It is an area of historical interest with ancient woodland and hedgerows.
There is no reference to any additional infrastructure and the roads do not easily cope with the current level of traffic.
There is no mention of any community support services such as doctors surgeries, schools etc.

Full text:

The Parish Council wishes to object to this alternative site for development for the following reasons:
It would erode the Green Belt which separates Coventry and Kenilworth.
It is an area of historical interest with ancient woodland and hedgerows.
There is no reference to any additional infrastructure and the roads do not easily cope with the current level of traffic.
There is no mention of any community support services such as doctors surgeries, schools etc.

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