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16. Green Belt

Representation ID: 47911

Received: 25/07/2012

Respondent: Kenilworth Town Council

Representation Summary:

Protection of green belt has always been a priority.
Any development on green belt should be phased to end of period so that non-green belt developed first giving extended period of benefit.
Kenilworth will require some housing and employment land to remain sustainable. This must be in the right place to enhance, not damage town.
Such development should be distributed.
Sites should have defensible boundaries; have clear separation to avoid ribbon development; have easy access; complement local community.


Preferred Options


Representation ID: 47913

Received: 25/07/2012

Respondent: Kenilworth Town Council

Representation Summary:

eThickthorn - northern boundary too far north with no clear defensible boundary. Would result in loss of Wardens Cricket Club and Rugby club. Roads subject to considerable congestion. Thickthorn junction major town access. Would be essential that development should terminate at Rockey Lane. Rugby club relocate no.1 pitch and Club house to Cowpatch (difficult). Inclusion of Cowpathc should be allowed and green belt protected by public open space to southern boundary of Cricket Club. No increase in traffic must be assured along Glasshouse Lane West and Birches Lane. Road improvements would be needed and internal roads equally important. Development would need to meet garden town layout provisions. Provision of primary school. Development brief required. Effects on local community to be taken into account.


Preferred Options

15. Green Infrastructure

Representation ID: 47914

Received: 25/07/2012

Respondent: Kenilworth Town Council

Representation Summary:

Need to increase open space within town. Not as much in Kenilworth as other towns (below district average).
Allotments - provide open spaces and gardens for food provision with waiting list.
Mere at Castle would bring increased economic benefits and enhance open space.
Abbey Fields should be protected with no encroachment and no vehicles or cycles allowed within confines. Object to cycle path provision here.
Childrens play area in need of renovation. Could relocate on bowling green area.Trees should be protected, replacing as appropriate.Drainage issues need to be addressed.


Preferred Options

6. Community Infrastructure Levy

Representation ID: 47915

Received: 25/07/2012

Respondent: Kenilworth Town Council

Representation Summary:

Need civic centre to increase services at Smalley Place. Relocation of Talisman Theatre would provide housing site. Ideal project to seek support from monies arising from development.
Relocate fire station at Thickthorn to serve wider area. Current site could be used for other purposes.
Primary school needed.
Railway station hs strong business case and strenghtened by increased population. Should be major objective of plan and essential for future sustainability.

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