Revised Development Strategy

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Revised Development Strategy

RDS1: The Council is adopting an Interim Level of Growth of 12,300 homes between 2011 and 2029

Representation ID: 63514

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Lenco Investments

Agent: RPS Planning

Representation Summary:

In respect of cross-boundary requirements, the NPPF requires cross-boundary cooperation between Local Planning Authorities to ensure housing needs are met, in particular for those which cannot meet their needs within their own administrative boundaries, such as Coventry City Council. It is recognised that Coventry cannot meet their housing targets within their own administrative boundary, as the 2012 Coventry SHLAA indicates. Development is therefore necessary adjacent to the urban areas in cross-boundary locations, particularly into Warwick and Nuneaton and Bedworth authority areas to ensure Coventry's housing needs can be met, and ensure compliance with the NPPF. Therefore, Warwick District Council should work with Coventry to assist in providing a proportion of Coventry's housing requirement.


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