Revised Development Strategy
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Revised Development Strategy
Former Severn Trent Sewage Works
Representation ID: 55460
Received: 29/07/2013
Respondent: A C Lloyd Homes Ltd and Northern Trust
Agent: Framptons
Promoting the release of this land south of Harbury Lane, Warwick for residential development as part of a Strategic Urban Extension throughout the emerging Local Plan process.
Therefore, the identified broad locations in Table RDS5 referring to the brownfield Former Severn Trent Sewage Works (south of Harbury Lane) and the
'southern sites' Strategic Urban Extension are supported.
see attached
Revised Development Strategy
RDS1: The Council is adopting an Interim Level of Growth of 12,300 homes between 2011 and 2029
Representation ID: 56646
Received: 29/07/2013
Respondent: A C Lloyd Homes Ltd and Northern Trust
Agent: Framptons
Section 4.1 of the Revised development Strategy (RDS) correctly confirms the fact that the level of housing growth is an interim figure and that this may alter as a result of the findings of the Joint SHMA and the resulting co-operation between the authorities.
Against this background it is considered that the statement at the end of paragraph 1.3 of the RDS is untenable, which states, "the Council believes that the evidence base which underpins the RDS is robust and the housing growth requirements are unlikely to change substantially as a result of the new assessment".
There is no evidence to indicate that the Council's position as expressed at the end of paragraph 1.3 of the RDS is robust. It should be deleted.
Windfall Allowance
It is considered that the windfall allowance is excessive and unjustified. It seems to ignore the evidence from the SHLAA (which provides for 300 dwellings on small urban sites) and assumes an unrealistically high level of windfall sites for the plan period. The Council's evidence is based on a subjective manipulation of past trends rather than any considered examination of the evidence that may exist in terms of the potential capacity of the urban areas to accommodate such a high level of windfall moving forward. Accordingly, in the absence of a clear and robust evidence base from the Council the proposed windfall allowance is rejected.
Further consultation
It is apparent that the publication of the joint SHMA in early 2014 will be an important factor in determining the final format of the Local Plan. As such, it is submitted that the Council should consider a further round of consultation on the output of the SHMA prior to going forward to publish a Submission Draft Plan.
see attached
Revised Development Strategy
Whole area
Representation ID: 56647
Received: 29/07/2013
Respondent: A C Lloyd Homes Ltd and Northern Trust
Agent: Framptons
Preparation of a Master Plan is underway taking on-board strategic considerations identified in the draft Plan (Map 3) for the Southern Sites: South of Warwick and Whitnash.
The precise location of the various facilities should be a matter that is determined by the master plan process in conjunction with extensive local community engagement.
The principles of the Infrastructure Requirements set out in paragraph 5.1.13 onwards are acknowledged.
The precise dimension of the 'Country Park' should be determined by detailed environmental analysis rather than be pre determined at this stage.
The potential for an expansion to the south of the Tach Brook will be dependent on the availability of land.
In this context, A C Lloyd Ltd controls additional land north of Tach Brook and south of Harbury Lane as shown on the attached plan. This extended area should be included within the area shown on Map 3, provide open areas for amenity and recreation; habitats to support a diverse ecology and to integrate development in the landscape and surrounding settlements.
The disposition of these uses should be determined through an analytical assessment of the opportunities and constraints with the benefit of stakeholder and public consultation.
For the purposes of this stage in the Local Plan process it is considered sufficient to identify the extent of the allocation as portrayed on Map3, subject to revision of extent of the area as noted above.
Object to the proposed phasing provision identified in the site proposals listed under paragraph 5.1.2.
There is no evidence provided by the Council to justify a phasing limitation. Indeed, on the one hand the Council at paragraph 5.1.11 identify the need to co-ordinate on site infrastructure and services but provide no evidence to indicate how this translates in to a phasing policy.
A phasing limitation is likely constrain strategic sites from being brought forward in a timely manner.
Strategic sites require a significant lead-in time. Major infrastructure works are required,
involving substantial up-front costs to create developable
plots. Schools, community centre, district centre facilities etc may also need to be built at an early stage of the development process.
It is not appropriate to impose an arbitrary
phasing restriction on their delivery which may simply serve to undermine the viability of a development. Reference to phasing should be deleted from the Local Plan.
In the event the Council continues to impose a phasing restriction against it is considered that the former sewage treatment works can be brought forward with the adjoining land and therefore ought to be recognised as potentially delivering units in phase 2 and not solely phase 3.
see attached