Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
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Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
GT08 Depot to the west side of Cubbington Hill Farm
Representation ID: 55760
Received: 30/08/2013
Respondent: Cubbington & District OAP Association
Agent: Cubbington & District OAP Association
We object to the proposal to use this site for a permanent gypsy and traveller site on the grounds of loss of income to the Association and others in the community.
The land will be compulsory purchased from the Cubbington Freeholders, who donate the rent they receive from the site to local schools, the Church and our Association.
Our Association has approx 700 members of state pension age and above from Cubbington and outlying villages. We arrange member activities, such as day trips, particularly for those who are less-abled. Without donations this would not be possible. Loss of income from the Cubbington Freeholders would limit what the Association can provide to the senior citizens and less-abled of the local community.