Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

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Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

1) Land to the east of Church Lane

Representation ID: 62143

Received: 20/01/2014

Respondent: Save Raford Association - Petition

Number of people: 267

Agent: Mr O.H. Aries

Representation Summary:

-The site is the most beautiful part of the village. Development and new roads will devastate the views and settings of St Nicholas Church and Church Fields, which are crucial to Radford Semele's identity. Development would make the village appear as another suburb of Leamington Spa.

-The Village Fields are the last remaining open space within the village. They provide an important balance to historic and future housing development.

-As part of the Church restoration, the vista to the church from Southam Road was a key aspect. Efforts to preserve the view will have been wasted should development go ahead.



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Overall Approach

Representation ID: 63020

Received: 20/01/2014

Respondent: Save Raford Association - Petition

Number of people: 267

Agent: Mr O.H. Aries

Representation Summary:

-No one in Radford Semele was consulted on Site 1 and our democratically elected Parish Council was ignored. The site was imposed on the people of the village by those who do not live here or understand our way of life.



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

1) Land to the east of Church Lane

Representation ID: 63023

Received: 20/01/2014

Respondent: Save Raford Association - Petition

Number of people: 267

Agent: Mr O.H. Aries

Representation Summary:

-Building will take away the setting of the Village Pub (White Lion) putting jobs at risk and the future of the White Lion at risk. Pubs are closing across the country, why put ours at risk?

-The village will naturally expand over the years and the beautiful site central to the village should not be built on when other areas will be built on in future.

-The A425 separates the site from the main village and local services/amenities. This could cause an increase in the use of cars to get to/from the site, further exacerbating traffic congestions and pollution levels.


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