Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

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Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

Map 1

Representation ID: 67258

Received: 12/12/2014


Representation Summary:

CPRE Warwickshire opposes this proposed 15-pitch gypsy & traveller site because
* It would be close to the River Avon to the east of which lies Warwick Castle Park. The setting of the Castle Park would be affected.
* The site would extend the area of development south of Warwick too far, and onto land which is currently open. The remaining open land between the built-up area of Warwick and the M40 on the west side of the Avon would be in effect developed, almost to the motorway.
* While not visible from the public road or near residential development it would be intrusive from the east side of the Avon
* It would affect the attractiveness of rowing on the Avon (rowing clubs use this section of the river).

In response to the previous consultation on gypsy & traveller sites, CPRE Warwickshire proposed two main locations:

* The container storage area at 'Hobson's Choice' on Harbury Lane
* Siskin Drive, adjacent or close to the site operated by Coventry City Council

The current consultation states that 15 pitches will be provided at the Leamington Football Club site on Harbury Lane, "subject to the Football Club relocating to an acceptable site elsewhere". However the overall area of the Football Club site is large and many more than 15 pitches could be accommodated there if the club moved away completely. So the proposal needs further explanation. The Football Club site is exposed and visible from the surrounding area, so is not itself suitable as a gypsy site. The Hobson's Choice site could accommodate 15 pitches and is fully screened by established bunds.
A site for the relocation of the Football Club has not been identified and there is no current evidence that a new location can be found which would be acceptable in visual and access terms.

No explanation has been offered why the Siskin Drive area cannot provide 10-15 pitches; in principle it is a suitable general location. Ideally the Coventry City Council site could be enlarged or extended to provide a site for Warwick District's needs.

If the Stratford Road is confirmed in principle as the location for 15 pitches, however, the gypsy & traveller site should be further north and use some of the land shown on the plan in the consultation document as 'Longbridge' and proposed for employment uses. This area is more than necessary for employment land and some can be allocated for a gypsy & traveller site.


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