Kenilworth Neighbourhood Area Designation

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Kenilworth Neighbourhood Area Designation

Kenilworth Neighbourhood Area Consultation

Representation ID: 68077

Received: 01/06/2015

Respondent: Network Rail

Representation Summary:

The proposal area includes railway land within its boundary.
Whilst Network Rail has no objection in principle to the Kenilworth Neighbourhood Plan, we are concerned developments within the boundary red line will not require planning permission. Network Rail is a statutory undertaker and as such LPAs consult our Town Planning Teams on a wide variety of proposals that may impact upon Network Rail land and infrastructure. We are consulted about proposals next to, near to, on, under or over the railway as well as schemes for stations, mining and mineral extraction and also proposals that might impact upon Network Rail access points, level crossings etc.

We are concerned that the Kenilworth Neighbourhood Plan which includes railway land may result in proposals being undertaken near to or next to the operational railway / Network Rail land which may impact upon its safety and operation as we will not have had the opportunity (as via the current planning application notification process) to review and pass comments on vital asset protection measures to the council and developer / applicant. Equally we would be concerned if any Network Rail rights of access were affected by proposals, as these require unblocked access around the clock including emergency vehicles.

In light of the above we would request that the Kenilworth Neighbourhood Plan group should contact Network Rail for any proposals within the area to ensure that:
(a) Access points / rights of way belonging to Network Rail are not impacted by developments within the area.
(b) That any proposal does not impact upon the railway infrastructure / Network Rail land

We would very strongly recommend that the Kenilworth Neighbourhood Plan Area authority / group are made aware that any proposal within 10m of the operational railway boundary will also require review and approval by the Network Rail Asset Protection Team, and such schemes should be accompanied by a risk assessment and a method statement.

We would request that the Kenilworth Neighbourhood Plan Area authority / group when submitting proposals for a development contact Network Rail's Town Planning Team and include a location plan and a description of the works taking place for review and comment.

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