Residential Design Guide
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Residential Design Guide
Section 3 Policy Framework
Representation ID: 71130
Received: 04/05/2018
Respondent: Rowington Parish Council
Parish and Town Councils are the tier of local government that are closest to the community that they serve and are best placed to comment on planning proposals within their locality. There is no mention of the role or importance of Parish or Town Councils in relation to planning decisions
Residential Design Guide
Section 5 Design considerations
Representation ID: 71131
Received: 04/05/2018
Respondent: Rowington Parish Council
Focusses almost exclusively on the urban environment. There is no mention of the need to consider the relevant Village or Parish Design Statement when building in a rural setting
Residential Design Guide
Section 5 Design considerations
Representation ID: 71132
Received: 04/05/2018
Respondent: Rowington Parish Council
Guidance on planning density and design that is suitable in an urban setting will often be completely inappropriate in a rural environment. The guidance must reflect the need to take account of the views of Parish Councils when determining planning decisions in a rural environment.
Residential Design Guide
Section 8 Detailed design
Representation ID: 71133
Received: 04/05/2018
Respondent: Rowington Parish Council
welcomes the requirement to submit a Design and Access Statement but note that the proposed guidance give less protection that the current 2008 guidance as far as rural villages and conservation areas are concerned, particularly with regard to density and design. The reference to Garden City principles should be removed as this no longer appears in the current draft National Planning Policy Framework. The Parish Council also suggests that a simplified, but mandatory form of Design and Access Statement
concerned at the reference to "innovative designs where they complement their surroundings and stipulates that buildings, which make a statement may be appropriate in an otherwise uninteresting street scene or on corner sites". This type of design will often be inappropriate in a rural setting.