Land East of Kenilworth Development Brief
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Land East of Kenilworth Development Brief
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Representation ID: 71411
Received: 14/01/2019
Respondent: Barwood Land
Agent: Barton Willmore
Please see attached.
Land East of Kenilworth Development Brief
1. Delivery of a mix of housing
Representation ID: 71412
Received: 14/01/2019
Respondent: Barwood Land
Agent: Barton Willmore
Please see attached.
Land East of Kenilworth Development Brief
On and off site highway infrastructure
Representation ID: 71413
Received: 14/01/2019
Respondent: Barwood Land
Agent: Barton Willmore
Please see attached.
Land East of Kenilworth Development Brief
4. Social and community infrastructure
Representation ID: 71414
Received: 14/01/2019
Respondent: Barwood Land
Agent: Barton Willmore
Please see attached.
Land East of Kenilworth Development Brief
Biodiversity, greenspaces, play and recreation provision
Representation ID: 71415
Received: 14/01/2019
Respondent: Barwood Land
Agent: Barton Willmore
Please see attached.
Land East of Kenilworth Development Brief
Protecting and responding to heritage assets
Representation ID: 71416
Received: 14/01/2019
Respondent: Barwood Land
Agent: Barton Willmore
Please see attached.
Land East of Kenilworth Development Brief
Street typologies and street level design principles
Representation ID: 71417
Received: 14/01/2019
Respondent: Barwood Land
Agent: Barton Willmore
Please see attached.
Land East of Kenilworth Development Brief
Placemaking principles
Representation ID: 71418
Received: 14/01/2019
Respondent: Barwood Land
Agent: Barton Willmore
Please see attached.
Land East of Kenilworth Development Brief
Car parking
Representation ID: 71419
Received: 14/01/2019
Respondent: Barwood Land
Agent: Barton Willmore
Please see attached.
Land East of Kenilworth Development Brief
Incorporating high quality public art
Representation ID: 71420
Received: 14/01/2019
Respondent: Barwood Land
Agent: Barton Willmore
Please see attached.