Local Validation List
2. Local Validation Requirements:
The documents listed below will be required to validate an application. The level of detail varies depending on the scale and type of development.
In order for the Council to determine your application as quickly as possible, you will need to provide the appropriate information as part of the application submission. Failure to supply any of the below will result in the application being invalidated and will delay the assessment process.
The list below sets out what will be required and when it will be required:
What Document? (Reason required) |
When/What Needed? |
Policy H2: Affordable Housing |
Residential development on sites of 11 or more dwellings or where the combined gross floor space is more than 1,000 sq. m will not be permitted unless provision is made for 40% affordable housing. A statement should be submitted showing the following principles: -
Agricultural Land Quality Assessment NPPF Policy EC2: Agricultural Diversification Policy CC2: Planning for Renewable Energy and Low Carbon Generation |
All major applications on greenfield land Straightforward assessments can be provided by using, for example, the MAGIC database, available here. |
Air Quality Mitigation Statement Policy TR1: Access and Choice Warwick Air Quality Action Plan (Addendum) 2014 |
Every application which increases vehicle movements (excluding householder applications) The Council has adopted Low Emission Strategy planning guidance as an addendum to the air quality action plan which can be seen here. The guidance sets out a range of locally specific measures to be used to minimise and/or offset the emissions from new development, details of which will need to be submitted and included within relevant developments. If the measures are shown on the submitted plans then this may avoid a subsequent submission. For more information, please see here. |
Policy HE4: Archaeology |
All applications with significant potential to harm archaeological remains Provide a desk-based archaeological assessment and, if necessary, a field evaluation. This assessment and/or field evaluation must be carried out by a Qualified Archaeologist who is a registered member of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIFA). The Desk Based assessment must include:
Note: The Historic Environment Record held by Warwickshire County Council must be accessed to inform the assessment. This must be the most up to date record held by Warwickshire County Council and not the free access on-line version (Assessments must quote the unique HER ref. number). For more information or for the Historic Environment Record please see here. |
Biodiversity and Geodiversity Statement Policy NE2: Protecting Designated Biodiversity and Geodiversity Assets Policy NE3: Biodiversity |
All applications which are likely to affect a protected or nationally, regionally or locally important species and / or protected or nationally, regionally or locally important habitats or geological features. Minor and Major applications will require a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal and any predetermination surveys generated from this initial appraisal. Those that have ecological land-take will also need to undertake a Biodiversity Impact Assessment to demonstrate biodiversity net gain and show how the proposal will integrate into any wider green infrastructurenetwork. Householder applications may impact on bats and other protected species. It is recommended that pre- application advice is sought from the Warwickshire Biological Records Centre at an early stage to determine if a bat and/or other protected species surveys are required. A Natural England License may be required for a development that impacts on a European Protected Species. All ecological reports will need to meet the BS 42020:2013:Biodiversity.Codeofpracticeforplanninganddevelopment and CIEEM Technical GuidanceSeries National Guidance: Planning Practice Guidance – Natural Environment Biodiversity and geological conservation: circular 06/2005:BiodiversityandGeologicalconservation–statutoryobligations and the their impact within the planningsystem British Standards 42020:2013: Biodiversity.CodeofpracticeforplanninganddevelopmentLocalGuidance: WCC Planning and EcologyWCC Biodiversity OffsettingWCC Green InfrastructureStrategy For further information contact: Warwickshire Biological Record Centre 01926 418060 |
Community Infrastructure Levy Additional Information Form Policy DM1: Infrastructure Contributions The Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended) NPPG |
All applications which:-
The CIL Additional Information Form and more information regarding CIL can be found here. National guidance on CIL can be found here. |
Policy NE5: Protection of Natural Resources NPPG |
All applications on land which is likely to be contaminated or applications likely to be affected by contaminated land A survey showing the sources of contamination and any remediation/mitigation that is to be undertaken. Please see here for more national guidance. For further information and advice please see here. |
Design Statement Policy BE1: Layout and Design Policy BE2: Developing Significant Housing Sites NPPF |
All major residential development of 25 units or more or all other applications creating more than 1000sq m of floorspace The Design Statement shall include the following matters (where appropriate):
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) The Town and County Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 |
All development in Schedule 1 of the Regulations or positively screened development in Schedule 2 of the Regulations Please see national guidance for more detail here. |
Flood Risk Assessment (including sequential and exemption test where applicable) Policy FW1: Reducing Flood Risk NPPF NPPG |
Land in Flood Zones 2 or 3, including minor development and changes of use. Development of more than 1 hectare (ha) of development in Flood Zone 1. Development on land less than 1 ha of in Flood Zone 1, including a change of use from a more vulnerable class (e.g. from commercial to residential), where the occupation could be affected by sources of flooding other than rivers (e.g. surface water drains, canals, reservoirs). An area within Flood Zone 1 which has critical drainage problems as notified by the Environment Agency. To find out if your site is in a Flood Zone, please see here. Please find more information about what is required here. Please note that this also contains information about when to use standing advice for householder developments. |
Foul Sewerage/Utilities Statement Policy FW2: Sustainable Urban Drainage |
Applications for developments relying on anything other than connection to a public sewage treatment plant should be supported by sufficient information to understand the potential implications for the water environment and public health. Planning Practice Guidance gives advice here: The Environment Agency webpage 'Septic tanks and treatment plants: permits and exemptions' provides much useful information, click here. |
Policy H4: Securing a Mix of Housing |
Major residential applications A statement showing proposed housing mix compliant with the most recent Strategic Housing Market Area Assessment (SHMAA) or justification showing why a different mix is appropriate. The most recent Strategic Housing Market Assessment can be seen here. For more information, please see here. |
Policy H1: Directing New Housing Policy H3: Affordable Housing on Rural Exemption Sites |
All applications which use local housing need as an overriding justification. A proposal will be expected to be accompanied by an up-to-date local housing needs survey which identifies:
Please note, in some cases a housing needs surveys have already been carried out. Please see here for more information. In the cases where an up-to-date survey exists, completed by an appropriate body, applicants should not complete their own. |
Policy EC1: Directing New Employment Development Policy TC2: Directing Retail Development Policy CT1: Directing New Meeting Places, Tourism, Leisure, Cultural and Sports Development |
Required for all applications for new office, retail, meeting, tourism, leisure, cultural and sport development above 500sq m (2,500sq m for office development) seeking to place development outside of the town centres as identified within the Local Plan. (Outside of the town centre schemes below 500sq m will be considered on a case by case basis and an assessment may be required) An impact assessment should contain the following information:
Lighting/Light Pollution Assessment Policy BE3: Amenity |
All applications which propose flood lighting An assessment should provide details of external lighting and the proposed hours when the lighting would be switched on. These details shall include a layout plan with beam orientation and a schedule of the equipment in the design, plus the expected level of luminance and glare. Lighting assessments will also be required to detail the level of luminance for all advertisements. Where a proposal involves the scheme for the installation of Floodlights for an area (e.g. a Sports Pitch), these details shall include a Light Contour diagram based on a layout of the proposed facility in its context, and showing projected lux levels including 'backlight', which where there are differences in ground levels, is to be superimposed on a topographical survey of the site and its immediate environs. More information can be found here. |
Policy EC3: Protecting Employment Land and Buildings Policy TC17: Local Shopping Facilities Policy HS8: Protecting Community Facilities |
Required for all applications which would result in the loss of employment/retail/community land/floorspace The statement should include:
Note: When the Council needs its own independent advice on your marketing information, costs will be paid for by the applicant. Confirmation of agreement to pay will normally be required at validation stage. This can be set down within a covering letter of within the statement. |
Noise/vibration Impact Assessment (and insulationdetails) BE3 Amenity |
All applications which would place a potentially noisy use (for example B2, B8 or some leisure uses) next to existing uses or a vulnerable use (residential) next to an existing noise source Noise Assessments should be prepared by suitably qualified acousticians. They should usually outline the existing noise environment, the potential noise sources from the development, or the noise sources likely to affect the development, together with any mitigation measures. For more information please see here. The WHO guidelines for community noise can be seen here. More information can also be seen on the Institute of Acoustics here. |
HS2 Protecting Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities Policy HS3: Local Green Space Policy HS4: Improvements to Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities Policy HS5: Directing Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities |
All new residential development which will result in additional demand for Public Open Space. All development which is required to provide open space/recreation facilities; proposing new Public Open Space/recreation facilities; or impacting on existing open space/recreation facilities In cases where it is not possible to provide the Open Space onsite a contribution can be made for enhancement/new provision of Open Space in the local area. A Unilateral Undertaking should be provided for this contribution. A justification should be provided where the Open Space is not to be provided onsite. Where Open Space is able to be provided onsite, a statement setting out the type of open space to be provided, how it will be set out and how it will be managed will be required. The Council's Public Open Space SPD can be found here. The Council's Green Space Strategy can be found here. More information on sporting facilities can be found here and here. |
Parking Survey/Unilateral Undertaking Policy TR3: Parking |
All applications which do not provide parking in accordance with the Council's Parking Standards SPD. A Parking Survey in accordance with the details set out in the Parking Standards SPD to demonstrate there is sufficient capacity in the local area to accommodate the additional parking or a Unilateral Undertaking to remove the property from the Residents' Parking Zones. For more information, please see the Parking Standards SPD which can be found here. For more information about Residents' Parking Zones, please see here. Please note: The Council's legal costs incurred in getting Unilateral Undertakings checked will be the responsibility of the applicant as will the cost of the implementation of the resultant Traffic Regulation Order. |
Policy BE1: Layout and Design Policy BE3: Amenity |
Various different plans are required dependent on the type of application. For all plans, the following rules should be adhered to:
More information can be found here.
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Policy H12: Housing for Rural Workers |
All proposals for agricultural/rural workers' dwellings which would be secured by a planning obligation or condition An assessment provided by an appropriately qualified professional should satisfactorily demonstrate:
Note: When the Council needs its own independent advice on your agricultural assessment (this is the case on all new dwellings), costs will be paid for by the applicant. Confirmation of agreement to pay will normally be required at validation stage. This can be down within a covering letter of within the statement. For more information, please see here. |
Policy TC2: Directing Retail Development Policy CT1: Directing New Meeting Places, Tourism, Leisure, Cultural and Sports Development |
Required for all applications for new office, retail, meeting, tourism, leisure, cultural and sport development seeking to place development outside of the town centres as identified within the Local Plan. A sequential test by a suitably qualified person should be submitted. More information can be found here. Assessment will need to include:
Transport Assessment/Travel Plan Policy TR1: Access and Choice Policy TR2: Traffic Generation Policy TR3: Parking |
All major applications that result in the generation of significant traffic movements. The NPPG sets out the content of a Transport Assessment and Transport Statement for further information click here. For more information regarding writing a Travel Plan please see here. For more information regarding the technical information which is required in a transport assessment, please see here. Note: Applicants are advised to seek pre-application advice from WCC Development Group before submitting a formal application. Charges may apply; click here for further information. |
Policy NE4: Landscape |
All development that will affect existing trees Tree surveys should be prepared by a suitable professional in accordance with the British Standard 'BS 5837:2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction – Recommendations' (or subsequent amendments to this), to include survey, impact and mitigation proposals. It should cover all trees on a development site and trees within 15m of any operations. Where proposed buildings will be shaded a 'tree shading plan' should be provided. For further detailed advice, see BS 5837:2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction – Recommendations Further advice can be found here. |
Ventilation/Extraction Details Policy BE3: Amenity |
All applications proposing new ventilation/extraction equipment (for example, air conditioning units or cooking extraction equipment) Information regarding the location and type of equipment and the manufacture's specifications including noise details. For more advice, please contact Environmental Health here. |
Policy H3: Affordable Housing Policy H4: Securing a Mix of Housing Policy DM2: Viability Assessments Policy CT3: Protecting Existing Visitor Accommodation in Town Centres |
All applications where the applicant wishes to demonstrate that the proposed development will be unviable in particular set(s) of circumstances More information about what to include within a viability study can be found here. Note: The Council will seek its own independent advice on your viability assessment; the applicant will need to pay for costs. Confirmation of agreement to pay will normally be required at validation stage. |
Visitor Accommodation Assessment (capacity study) Policy CT3: Protecting Existing Visitor Accommodation in Town Centres |
All applications which propose the loss of visitor accommodation (except where the proposed change is to retail within the retail areas on the policies map). A capacity study of similar accommodation within the town centre to demonstrate that there is adequate capacity to meet need within alternative accommodation within the same town. Alternatively, a report which can demonstrate that the accommodation is no longer viable; that it has been marketed for a period of 12 months and that no other operators have been willing to acquire it for continued use as visitor accommodation can be submitted. |