Local Validation List

[amcangyfrifiedig] Daeth i ben ar 3 Ebrill 2018

3. Recommended Additional Documents:

The following documents are not required for an application to be validated but may be required during the course of the assessment. If these are not submitted in time then it may lead to delays or a refusal. The documentation listed below may also be included to reduce the need for pre-commencement conditions, which will save time and money moving forward. Therefore, it is strongly suggested that if any of these are relevant to an application that they are submitted at the earliest opportunity and ideally as part of the initial submission.

What Document? (Reason required)

When/What Needed?

Refuse storage/collection plan

Policy BE2: Amenity

All residential / commercial developments

National information on carry distances can be found here. Local advice can be found here.

BREEAM Statement

Policy CC1: Climate Change

Policy CC3: Buildings Standards and other Sustainability Requirements

All non-residential buildings over 1,000sq m

A pre-assessment and design stage assessment by an accredited BREEAM assessor demonstrating how the development will be designed and constructed to achieve as a minimum BREEAM standard 'very good' (or any future national equivalent)

More information about what is required can be found here.

Connectivity Statement

Policy BE5: Broadband Infrastructure

Residential and commercial applications

Information should demonstrate how on-site infrastructure, including open access ducting to industry standards, will be provided to deliver fibre optic broadband technology.

Drainage details (foul and surface)

Policy FW2: Sustainable Drainage

All development introducing new drainage or SUDs systems

Plans may include (where appropriate) the following information:

  1. Calculations of pre- and post- development runoff rates;
  2. A fully labelled network drawing showing all dimensions of all elements of the proposed drainage system;
  3. Detailed network calculations that correspond to the above drawing;
  4. Modelled results for critical storms, including as a minimum 1yr, 30yr, and 100yr +30% climate change events of various durations. A submerged outfall should be used for the modelling;
  5. An electronic copy of the model should be provided to the Flood Risk Management team at Warwickshire County Council (WCC);
  6. Any documentation relating to the surface water discharge rate and / or consents required;
  7. The applicant should also include evidence of overland flood flow routing in case of system failure - This should include the flow routes and depths/velocities of the flows;
  8. If the drainage network is to be adopted, evidence of an agreement with the adopting body;
  9. A Maintenance Plan to the LPA giving details on how the entire surface water system, including any SUDs features shall be maintained and managed after completion for life time of the development. The name of the maintenance company and a contact for who will be responsible for the life time of the development shall also be provided to the LPA;
  10. A timetable for the implementation of the drainage system.
  11. Each phase of the development shall be fully implemented in accordance with the approved details prior to the first occupation of the dwellings within that phase of development, and shall be retained and maintained in accordance with the approved details thereafter.

For more information please contact Building Control here or the Lead Local Flood Authority here.

Green Belt Statement

Policy DS18: Green Belt

Policy H14: Extensions to dwellings in the open countryside

Required for all applications within the Green Belt

Information regarding the size and volume of any development on the site and, if applicable, the Very Special Circumstances which would be advanced. This should include the existing and proposed floorspace and volume taking into account any previous extensions.

Landscaping details (Hard and Soft)

Policy BE1: Layout and Design

All applications which require landscaping

The following may (where appropriate) be required:

  1. planting plans,
  2. written specifications including cultivation and other operations associated with tree, plant and grass establishment.
  3. a schedule of plants noting species, plant sizes and proposed numbers/densities.
  4. existing landscape features such as trees, hedges and ponds to be retained accurately plotted (where appropriate).
  5. existing landscape features such as trees, hedges and ponds to be removed accurately plotted (where appropriate)
  6. existing and proposed finished levels (to include details of grading and contouring of earthworks and details showing the relationship of proposed mounding to existing vegetation and surrounding landform where appropriate).
  7. existing and proposed finished levels (to include details of grading and earthworks where appropriate)
  8. the means of accommodating change in level (e.g. steps, retaining walls, ramps where appropriate)
  9. hard surfacing materials- details of manufacturer, type and design, colour and bonding pattern where appropriate. Samples may be required to be submitted and approved.
  10. the position and design of all site enclosures
  11. car parking layout
  12. other vehicular and pedestrian areas
  13. minor artefacts and structures (e.g. street furniture, play equipment, refuse areas, signage, lighting etc).
  14. historic landscape features to be retained, removed or restored (where appropriate)

Large Scale Details

Policy HE1: Designated Heritage Assets and their Setting

All applications affecting listed buildings

Large scale details of doors, windows (including a section showing the window reveal, heads and cill details), eaves, verges and rainwater goods at a scale of 1:5 (including details of materials).

Sample Materials

Policy BE1: Layout and Design

Policy HE1: Designated Heritage Assets and their Setting Policy HE2: Conservation Areas

All applications for new buildings (excluding domestic outbuildings) and householder applications in sensitive locations (i.e. where there are heritage considerations)

It is suggested that samples of all facing materials to be used (or a schedule showing the type) is submitted with the application to avoid a pre-commencement condition.

Legal Agreements – s.106 Agreement/ Unilateral Undertaking

Policy DM1: Infrastructure Contributions NPPG

All applications which require contributions/ obligations

The following should be submitted:

  • Draft heads of terms
  • Agreement to pay reasonable costs
  • Solicitors' details
  • Draft Unilateral Undertaking

Structural Survey

Policy H13: Replacement Dwellings in the Open Countryside

Applications for replacement dwellings where the justification is due to the structural inadequacy of the existing building and Prior Approval Change of Use applications (such as Class Q)

Structural surveys must be carried out by a qualified building surveyor. Conversion schemes should demonstrate that the building(s) will not require significant alterations or rebuilding for the conversion to take place.

Schemes involving demolition and/or major alterations will need to identify defects and indicate the extent of rebuilding, remedial works and alterations which would be necessary in order to restore the building.

SUDs/Water Efficiency Statement

Policy FW2: Sustainable Drainage

Policy FW3: Water Efficiency

All residential developments of one dwelling or more

A water efficiency statement should demonstrate how the development will meet Policy FW3.

Plans showing the sustainable drainage system and any manufacturer's specifications available.

Am gyfarwyddiadau ar sut i ddefnyddio’r system ac i wneud sylwadau, gwelwch ein canllaw cymorth.
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