Royal Leamington Spa Neighbourhood Development Plan

Daeth i ben ar 17 Chwefror 2020

2.0 Royal Leamington Spa Neighbourhood Development Plan Key Themes and Vision

Developing the RLSNDP

2.1 Preparation of the RLSNDP has included wide community engagement (Table 1). Following this, and stemming from issues raised at the launch and drop-in sessions, five themes were identified – see Key Themes. These themes were used to establish the Vison and Objectives for the RLSNDP. In order to achieve our objectives the RLSNDP has 23 planning policies. This all fits together as follows:

By implementing the planning policies in the RLSNDP we will achieve our objectives for each theme and that will enable us to meet our 2029 Vision.

Key Themes

2.2 From the feedback generated from the community events and other consultations 5 themes have been identified for the RLSNDP:

RLSNDP 2029 Vision

2.3 The RLSNDP will help to address some of these key issues with the aim of achieving our Vision for Royal Leamington Spa in 2029. Why 2029? This is because one of the legal requirements a neighbourhood development plan must meet is that it must plan for the same period as the District Local Plan, i.e. up to 2029.

2029 Vision for Royal Leamington Spa

Royal Leamington Spa's vibrant and diverse history gives our town its unique character and distinctive identity. It has become a thriving base of creative, cultural and technological innovation whilst nurturing its valued green spaces and community assets.

Looking to our future, we will continue to conserve and protect our built heritage whilst promoting enhancements which allow us to reduce our impact on climate change, support sustainable economic development, build innovative housing, support effective integrated transport systems and contribute to a healthy town.


2.4 To help us achieve this Vision and address the Key Issues, a set of Objectives have been identified for each of the 5 themes. The RLSNDP on its own cannot deliver on all of these objectives, some will be through the work of the District and County Council and others through the work of the private, community and voluntary sectors.

Royal Leamington Spa Neighbourhood Development Plan Objectives

Housing and Development Theme

OBJECTIVE 1. To support the delivery of sustainable housing to meet the needs of a growing population in accordance with Local Plan Policy H0 and the NPPF.

To achieve this objective, we have identified a number of targets and actions to be pursued through the RLSNDP or other activity and measures:

  1. To promote high quality, sustainable housing in the existing urban area to meet housing needs in Royal Leamington Spa where it does not lead to the loss of residential gardens.
  2. To promote high quality, sustainable design (i.e. homes that because of the way they are built and from the materials they use are more energy efficient) and which incorporate standards for Lifetime Homes/Building for Life.
  3. To support self-build housing in the town where it is in keeping with its surrounding area, does not act negatively upon neighbouring properties and promotes energy efficiency.

Community and Culture Theme

OBJECTIVE 2. To encourage all members of our community to access improved community, leisure and cultural opportunities across Leamington.

To achieve this objective, we have identified a number of targets and actions to be pursued through the RLSNDP or other activity and measures:

  1. To ensure any new residential development that increases demand for community facilities makes additional provision for such facilities and to protect and support the expansion of existing community facilities within the town.
  2. To use funds arising from developer contributions for improvements to community facilities/services.
  3. To create new, and enhance existing, places to meet across the town in a range of sizes.
  4. To review whether any buildings within Royal Leamington Spa should be listed as Assets of Community Value.
  5. To support the creation of new public artworks which link to the history and essence of Royal Leamington Spa as a creative hub for innovation.
  6. To signpost users to existing community hubs and community facilities thereby increasing their use and patronage.

3 Victoria Park

Green Spaces and Parks Theme

OBJECTIVE 3. To protect and enhance the provision of parks, other areas of green space and natural landscape within the town.

To achieve this objective, we have identified a number of targets and actions to be pursued through the RLSNDP or other activity and measures:

  1. To protect existing areas of open space, River Leam, Grand Union Canal and other blue infrastructure.
  2. To provide additional small urban green spaces/informal recreation areas and to develop and enhance existing area
  3. To promote and improve the use of and access to parks, open spaces and allotments, and to educate people about the value of different types of green areas.
  4. To manage public open space in a sustainable manner to protect and enhance wildlife habitats and biodiversity.
  5. To maintain the permanence of the Green Belt around Royal Leamington Spa.
  6. To protect existing allotments and promote the development of additional allotments.
  7. To maintain existing leisure activities/facilities offered within our parks and green spaces and provide more where needed and desired.
  8. To reduce litter, dog fouling and anti-social behaviour in our parks and green spaces through design and education.
  9. To ensure people with disabilities have access to all green spaces.

4 Skatepark, VictoriaPark

Roads and Transport Theme

OBJECTIVE 4. To reduce vehicle traffic emissions, improve air quality and increase access to and use of all types of sustainable transport modes across Royal Leamington Spa.

To achieve this objective, we have identified a number of targets and actions to be pursued through the RLSNDP or other activity and measures:

  1. To promote and widen the availability of green travel options in Royal Leamington Spa, e.g. by upgrading and completing key identified cycle routes.
  2. To improve air quality and community health by enabling a modal shift to walking and cycling.
  3. To reduce traffic congestion at key bottleneck junctions in a way that is consistent with air quality objectives, as well as ensuring a balance in favour of sustainable transport modes.
  4. To support and develop viable public transport options, promote the development of an effective transport interchange and improve the environment around the railway station.
  5. To utilise the canal and river to attract more visitors, sensitively open both waterways up for better pedestrian/boat/cycle usage.
  6. To improve connectivity between Royal Leamington Spa's Old and New Town areas.
  7. To use Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) arising from development to target improvements to transport infrastructure.

Business Support and Town Centre Theme

OBJECTIVE 5. To support retail and business, especially local and independent companies, so as to promote sustainable growth in investment, jobs and tourism.

To achieve this objective, we have identified a number of targets and actions to be pursued through the RLSNDP or other activity and measures:

  1. To protect the existing level of car parking provision in the town as it will be following the completion of the proposed redevelopment of the Covent Garden site.
  2. To support regeneration opportunities and suitable public realm improvements to help revitalise the Old Town area.
  3. To help provide facilities for new and existing businesses within the creative industries through the development of the Creative Quarter.
  4. To sustain and enhance local shopping areas across Royal Leamington Spa.
  5. To support distinctive shopfronts and signage for retailers and businesses in the New and Old Town areas, having careful regard to the Conservation Area and acknowledging the different purposes each area serves.

5 Alumno building by the canal (Photograph: Dr. Jill Barker)

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