Q-V3.1: Do you agree that the Vision and Strategic Objectives are appropriate?

Ffurflenni 331 i 360 o 513
ID Ffurflen: 81504
Ymatebydd: Spitfire Homes
Asiant : Harris Lamb


The Vision Spitfire support the Vision outlined in the Draft Plan. The objectives of providing homes and jobs to support the needs of South Warwickshire and neighbouring authorities is fully supported. We agree that this should be done in a sustainable way, responding to the climate emergency, and the five overarching objectives will help ensure that development is delivered in the right locations provided that they are reflected through SWLP’s policies and allocations. The Strategic Objective We support and have comments on a number of the Strategic Objectives identified by the Draft Plan. These include: • Providing infrastructure in the right place at the right time – New housing and employment allocations often require new infrastructure to support their development. There is the opportunity to include allocations in the SWLP that will deliver infrastructure that supports not just the proposed development, but also delivers onsite facilities that can benefit the local area as a whole. In addition, development can be delivered that can help support existing social infrastructure. For example, the Long Marston Airfield New Settlement is expected to provide 3,500 dwellings, alongside two primary schools and a secondary school. 3,500 dwellings will not support a new secondary school. Directing additional development to Long Marston Airfield will help support the secondary school and reduce its catchment area, as well as supporting the proposed shops. • Developing opportunities for jobs – We fully support this objective. Making residential allocations in locations that have easy access to employment opportunities by sustainable transport modes should be a preferred approach in planning to support economic development. Furthermore, an increased proportion of people now work from home. Residential and mixed use sites that can provide facilities to help supporting people working from home should be supported. • Delivering homes that meet the needs of all our communities – It is imperative that residential allocations of different sizes are made across the plan area to meet the housing needs of South Warwickshire and any unmet needs arising from neighbouring authorities. A range of housing allocations are required, from small scale sites that can deliver development promptly, to larger sites that can deliver significant amounts of housing over a longer period of time that will naturally have longer lead in times. Allocations should be focused at sustainable locations, or locations that can be made sustainable through the introduction of new services and facilities as part of the development. • Contributing towards a net zero carbon target – Development opportunities that can provide proportionate amounts of green infrastructure and have access to services and facilities by sustainable means, should be preferred locations for an allocation to help deliver this objective. • Connecting people to places – We actively support the objective of increasing and improving access by sustainable and active travel modes. Allocations that are located close to public transport opportunities, educational facilities, green spaces, and employment opportunities, or can provide these opportunities on site, should be preferred. • Protecting and enhancing environmental assets – We support the objective of protecting and enhancing environmental assets. The SWLP should look to support allocations that can provide appropriate biodiversity net gain opportunities and high quality green infrastructure that will benefit not only the residents of development, but the environment as a whole.

ID Ffurflen: 81537
Ymatebydd: Catesby Estates Ltd
Asiant : Stantec UK Limited t/a Barton Willmore


Issue V1: Vision for the Local Plan Q-V3.1 Do you agree that the Vision and Strategic Objectives are appropriate? 2.1 Catesby Estates broadly supports in principle the Vision set out within Chapter 3 which stipulates ‘The Vision is to meet South Warwickshire’s sustainable development needs to 2050, while responding to the climate emergency. Where appropriate and agreed, this could include unmet need from neighbouring authorities. The Plan will provide homes and jobs, boost and diversify the local economy, and provide appropriate infrastructure, in suitable locations, at the right time.’ 2.2 In particular, Catesby Estates supports the identification of the potential to meet unmet need from neighbouring authorities. However, it is crucial the scale and distribution of this need should be agreed through the plan making process. This Vision should accordingly evolve and become more specific, once the detail surrounding the unmet need is established. 2.3 In addition, clarity should also be provided in respect of what is meant by ‘Warwickshire’s sustainable development needs’ which is currently absent. 2.4 Similarly, the Strategic Objectives laid out to address the Vision are also broadly supported, however further detail is requested. 2.5 Catesby Estates supports Strategic Objective 2 (Providing infrastructure in the right place, at the right time) whereby infrastructure is required to support growth in new homes, in order to fully support the communities within South Warwickshire, and contribute towards achieving sustainable development. However, the Objective states infrastructure will be secured through new development, but additional evidence is required to demonstrate what infrastructure is needed where, and how and when it is funded and delivered. 2.6 Strategic Objective 4 (Delivering homes that meets the needs of all our communities) acknowledges the need for further housing within South Warwickshire, and that a variety of house types, mixes and tenures are required to fulfil wider needs, also contributing towards sustainable development. Whilst this concept is supported by Catesby Estates, reference should also be made to meeting the unmet needs of neighbouring authorities, in order to align with and support the delivery of the Vision. 2.7 Strategic Objective 5 (Contributing towards Net Zero Carbon Targets ) seeks to ensure that new development does not cause a net increase in carbon emissions. It proceeds to state that every opportunity should be taken to reduce existing carbon emissions and mitigate against climate harms. We support the objective but as we note later, it is key that the Local Plan is supported by viability evidence to demonstrate this can be delivered alongside all other policy requirements. 2.8 The Strategic Objectives should also clearly set out how they will meet South Warwickshire’s sustainable development needs, in conjunction with contributing to meeting unmet needs of neighbouring authorities and be clear as to what these needs are.

ID Ffurflen: 81622
Ymatebydd: Fenella Twohig Howell

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

I believe that the Vision and Strategic Objectives should specifically state that avoiding development on greenbelt land will be prioritised at all stages of the plan development. This is not currently the situation with a heavy (unjustified) bias towards development in the greenbelt. The reasoning for this is that the greenbelt in local area has a vital importance in preventing urban sprawl (especially creeping sprawl towards Coventry) and keeping land permanently open. The protection of greenbelt should be given higher priority

ID Ffurflen: 81660
Ymatebydd: Vistry Partnerships
Asiant : Harris Lamb


The Vision Vistry support the Vision outlined in the Draft Plan. The objectives of providing homes and jobs to support the needs of South Warwickshire and neighbouring authorities is fully supported. We agree that this should be done in a sustainable way, responding to the climate emergency, and the five overarching objectives will help ensure that development is delivered in the right locations provided that they are reflected through SWLP’s policies and allocations. The Strategic Objective We support and have comments on a number of the Strategic Objectives identified by the Draft Plan. • Providing infrastructure in the right place at the right time – New housing and employment allocations often require new infrastructure to support their development. There is the opportunity to include allocations in the SWLP that will deliver infrastructure that supports not just the proposed development, but also delivers onsite facilities that can benefit the local area as a whole. For example, Vistry are promoting the residential led development of a site to the east of Southam. Land for a two form entry primary school forms part of the proposal. There is a lack of primary school capacity in Southam that this development will help address. The development will also improve existing footpaths and road crossings and facilitate access to the countryside through its generous green space offer. • Developing opportunities for jobs – We fully support this objective. Making residential allocations in locations that have easy access to employment opportunities by sustainable transport modes should be a preferred approach in planning to support economic development. Furthermore, an increased proportion of people now work from home. Residential and mixed use sites that can provide facilities to help supporting people working from home should be supported. • Delivering homes that meet the needs of all our communities – It is imperative that residential allocations of different sizes are made across the plan area to meet the housing needs of South Warwickshire and any unmet needs arising from neighbouring authorities. A range of housing allocations are required, from small scale sites that can deliver development promptly, to larger sites that can deliver significant amounts of housing over a longer period of time that will naturally have longer lead in times. Allocations should be focused at sustainable locations, or locations that can be made sustainable through the introduction of new services and facilities as part of the development. • Contributing towards a net zero carbon target – Development opportunities that can provide significant amounts of green infrastructure and have access to services and facilities by sustainable means, should be preferred locations for an allocation to help deliver this objective. • Connecting people to places – We actively support the objective of increasing and improving access by sustainable and active travel modes. Allocations that are located within walking distance of services and facilities should be preferred. Vistry’s land interest at Southam is within walking distance of Southam town centre, and has easy access via existing footpath connections. • Protecting and enhancing environmental assets – We support the objective of protecting and enhancing environmental assets. The SWLP should look to support allocations that can provide significant biodiversity net gain opportunities and high quality green infrastructure that will benefit not only the residents of development, but the environment as a whole.

ID Ffurflen: 81703
Ymatebydd: Mars Pension Trustees
Asiant : Harris Lamb


The Vision MPTL support the Vision outlined in the Draft Plan. The objectives of providing homes and jobs to support the needs of South Warwickshire and neighbouring authorities is fully supported. We agree that this should be done in a sustainable way, responding to the climate emergency, and the five overarching objectives will help ensure that development is delivered in the right locations provided that they are reflected through SWLP’s policies and allocations. The Strategic Objective We support and have comments on a number of the Strategic Objectives identified by the Draft Plan. This includes: • Providing infrastructure in the right place at the right time – New housing and employment allocations often require new infrastructure to support their development. However, in the case of Stoneleigh Park, and the Kings Wood Employment Site, significant amounts of infrastructure already existing. Stoneleigh Park is an established employment site. There is the opportunity to increase the amount of development on site making efficient use of the land, helping the park to evolve and attract new businesses. Kings Wood Business Park is proposed partly on the site of the HS2 compound. HS2 have created a roundabout access to the site of the Stoneleigh Road, create roads, areas of hard standing and buildings that could potentially be repurposed. There are utilities including water and power in the site. In addition, significantly improved roundabout access in to the A46 is under construction. This is a key benefit of MPTL proposals. There is the opportunity to include allocations in the SWLP that will deliver infrastructure that supports not just the proposed development, but also delivers facilities that can benefit the local area as a whole. For example, the Stoneleigh Park and Kings Wood Business Park developments provide the opportunity, in combination, to create a bypass. The bypass would extend from the Stoneleigh Road, though Kings Wood Business Park, to Stoneleigh Park Gate 3. It would than pass though the Park to the exiting main entrance removing traffic from Stoneleigh village. The scheme can also provide significant green infrastructure improvements. It can create pedestrian access to and along the River Avon within the extent of the wider ownership. Significant biodiversity net gain improvements can be implemented. • Developing opportunities for jobs – We fully support this objective. The draft Plan advises tat page 85 that there are a series of economic assets, including Stoneleigh Park. The HENDA establishes a requirement of at least 354 ha of employment land in the plan area, excluding B8 uses. There are a variety of high tech firms jobs in the plan area, the SWLP should include a strategy and allocations to realise this potential. • Delivering homes that meet the needs of all our communities – It is imperative that residential allocation of different sizes are made across the plan area to meet the housing needs of South Warwickshire and any unmet needs arising from neighbouring authorities. A range of housing allocations are required, from small scale sites that can deliver development promptly, to larger sites that can deliver significant amounts of housing over a longer period of time that will naturally have longer led in times. Allocations should be focused at sustainable locations, or locations that can be made sustainable through the introduction of new services and facilities as part of the development. MPTL control land at Stoneleigh village can deliver new housing to support the villages growth requirements and provide a workforce in an area of economic growth. • Contributing towards a net zero carbon target – Development opportunities that can provide significant amounts of green infrastructure and provide high quality energy efficient buildings should be supported. • Protecting and enhancing environmental assets – We support the objective of protecting and enhancing environmental assets. The SWLP should look to support allocations that can provide significant biodiversity net gain opportunities and high quality green infrastructure that will benefit not only the residents of development, but the environment as a whole. It should look to maximise the opportunity presented by brownfield sites. This includes Stoneleigh Park and the HS2 compound with the wider estate.

ID Ffurflen: 81723
Ymatebydd: Tracy McAllan

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

I believe that the Vision and Strategic Objectives should specifically state that avoiding development on greenbelt land will be prioritised at all stages of the plan development. This is not currently the situation with a heavy (unjustified) bias towards development in the greenbelt. The reasoning for this is that the greenbelt in local area has a vital importance in preventing urban sprawl (especially creeping sprawl towards Coventry) and keeping land permanently open. The protection of greenbelt should be given higher priority.

ID Ffurflen: 81727
Ymatebydd: Mactaggart & Mickel
Asiant : McLoughlin Planning


2.6. The Respondent is in general agreement with the vision and strategic objectives set out in the Consultation Document but considers that the delivery of market and affordable housing to meet housing needs, including unmet need arising from neighbouring authorities, should be given greater emphasis in the Council’s Vision for the Local Plan (V1). 2.7. The respondent would suggest the following amendment: “The vision is to meet South Warwickshire’s sustainable development needs to 2050, including new market and affordable homes, while responding to the climate emergency. Where appropriate and agreed, this should include unmet need from neighbouring authorities. The plan will provide homes and jobs, to boost and diversify the local economy, and provide appropriate infrastructure, in suitable locations, at the right time. Five overarching principles will determine how this development is delivered:” 2.8. With regards to V3: Strategic Objectives, the role that all current settlements can play in meeting housing needs should be recognised. 2.9. Furthermore, in recognition that it may not be possible to fully off-set carbon emissions in all cases (see comments made later in this Statement), the Council should consider updating the strategic objective of “Contributing towards Net Zero Carbon targets” to refer to “Minimising net carbon emissions arising from new development as far as practicable” (or similar).

ID Ffurflen: 81743
Ymatebydd: The Burman Family
Asiant : Nigel Gough Associates Ltd

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

Whilst we accept generally the strategic objective there is no strategic objective that focuses on the existing train lines in the two Districts and most particularly on the existing stations on those train lines such as the station at Claverdon. This station puts Claverdon at the very heart of Sustainability because it is only one stop on the rail line to get to Warwick Parkway station and then onto the main London-Birmingham line. There is in fact no specific “Sustainability objective” and certainly no objective focused on the benefits of rail travel which is a clear error in this Plan at this stage.

ID Ffurflen: 81802
Ymatebydd: The Burman Family
Asiant : Nigel Gough Associates Ltd

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

Whilst we accept generally the strategic objective there is no strategic objective that focuses on the existing train lines in the two Districts and most particularly on the existing station at Warwick Parkway and most particularly on the settlement of Hatton Park which is very close-by. Given the size and extent of Hatton Park, and the closeness of Warwick Parkway, it could reasonably be said in planning terms that the settlement enjoys a sustainable position on a main line train route and a main road frontage. There is in fact no specific “Sustainability objective” and certainly no objective focused on the benefits of rail travel which is a clear error in this Plan at this stage.

ID Ffurflen: 81821
Ymatebydd: Mrs Denise Brocklehurst


National Planning Policy Framework states “ the Government attaches great importance to Green Belts. The fundamental aim of Green Belt policy is to prevent Urban Sprawl by keeping land permanently open.” In its present form the SWLP chooses to set this fundamental aim aside with an unjustified bias towards development in the Green Belt to the North of Leamington Spa. I believe it is most important to prevent creeping sprawl towards Coventry. In my view the Vision and Strategic Objectives should state that avoiding development on Green Belt land will be prioritised at all stages of the Plan development. The protection of the Green Belt should be given higher priority than the SWLP suggests.

ID Ffurflen: 81825
Ymatebydd: CEMEX UK Operations Ltd
Asiant : Stantec UK Limited t/a Barton Willmore

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

The strategic objectives are broadly supported, and we consider they will combine to promote sustainable development within South Warwickshire in line with the aims of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). However, in our view there is a need for the SWLP to be more visionary and clearer in its objectives that relate to growth. For example, reference to ‘allowing for growth in new homes’ to meet needs should be strengthened to reflect Paragraph 60 of the NPPF which refers to the need to support the Government’s objective of ‘significantly boosting the supply of homes’.

ID Ffurflen: 81856
Ymatebydd: IM Land and IM Properties
Asiant : Turley


Q V3.1: Do you agree that the vision and strategic objectives are appropriate. Yes, IM Land agrees with and supports the overall vision and strategic objectives for the SWLP. In order to meet the ambitious vision set out in the Issues and Options document, it will be important to ensure growth is located in the most sustainable locations and aligns with the vision as closely as possible. This includes focusing growth around railway stations such as Earlswood (a point emphasised by NPPF para 105), as reflected in proposed option 1 (rail corridors) of the consultation paper. Whilst this option is supported, it is not clear why land off Rumbush Lane has not been considered as a reasonable alternative by the Sustainability Appraisal (SA), which we discuss further in response to Q I1 below.

ID Ffurflen: 81880
Ymatebydd: Davidsons Homes South Midlands

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

Q-V3.1 - Do you agree that the Vision and Strategic Objectives are appropriate? Yes, we agree in principle with the Vision and Strategic Objectives set out within the consultation document. We are pleased to see an explicit inclusion of housing within the Vision as this was a concern we raised previously. We support in principle the now 11 objectives (including the addition of an objective related to heritage assets). We would comment in relation to providing new infrastructure through new development; it is vital that the funding is proportionately related to the scale of proposals and that developers aren’t necessarily bearing the burden of overly expensive infrastructure projects. The Council should look to secure other means of funding to pool alongside reasonable developer contributions in the interests of viability. Key to the evolution of the Local Plan is how the 11 objectives are translated in to strategic and non-strategic policies and land allocations. It is inevitable that tensions will arise in applying the ten objectives – for example delivering new housing whilst also protecting and enhancing the most important historic and environmental assets. Choices will inevitably need to be made, and a balance struck. It is vital that housing needs are met in full and that the Council do not attempt to row back from meeting their need in full in the event that general sustainability objective cannot be met; the housing requirements must be met in full in any event.

ID Ffurflen: 81910
Ymatebydd: Jonathan Devereux

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

In so far as they relate to the town of Stratford-upon-Avon, I support the Vision and Strategic Objectives set out in the Consultation document. In particular the aim to ensure environmental resilience in terms of air quality and flood prevention for the health and safety of the town’s residents and visitors. It is crucial that this is addressed to tackle the current climate change emergency. Similarly, I support the vision for a well-designed and beautiful South Warwickshire in which the town has a key role to play. There are opportunities for some iconic architecture more than pastiche, when eventually the sites of the two, department store’s in the town, long derelict are redeveloped, Stratford needs more than preservation in aspic. A glaring omission from the Vision and Strategic Objectives is any reference to the creation of employment opportunities leading to economic development. The reality is that, given its central location and good connectivity to the wider West Midlands and beyond, South Warwickshire has the potential to become one of the drivers of the regional economy. In posing questions about the quantity of new development and where it should go, the Consultation document focuses on housing to the exclusion of other key issues. Without growth in employment, any expansion of housing in Stratford-upon-Avon and the surrounding neighbourhoods would mean these becoming no more than dormitory towns with their residents having to travel outside the area to cities such as Birmingham and Coventry to find work. This would sound a death-knell to the economy and wellbeing of Stratford-upon-Avon and the wider county unless an Employment Plan is created to encourage businesses and organisations to establish themselves in South Warwickshire.

ID Ffurflen: 81914
Ymatebydd: CEMEX UK Operations Ltd
Asiant : Stantec UK Limited t/a Barton Willmore

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

Q-V3.1: Do you agree that the Vision and strategic Objectives are appropriate? Q-V3.2: If no, please indicate why. The strategic objectives are broadly supported, and we consider they will combine to promote sustainable development within South Warwickshire in line with the aims of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). However, in our view there is a need for the SWLP to be more visionary and clearer in its objectives that relate to growth. For example, reference to ‘allowing for growth in new homes’ to meet needs should be strengthened to reflect Paragraph 60 of the NPPF which refers to the need to support the Government’s objective of ‘significantly boosting the supply of homes’. We would also comment that there is a need to encourage employment growth and job creation. There is a need for up to date data to inform the level of growth to be planned for. Moreover a positive approach that enables existing businesses, such as CEMEX, to invest, expand and adapt as per the NPPF Paragraph 80.

ID Ffurflen: 81928
Ymatebydd: Helen Baxter

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

I believe that the Vision and Strategic Objectives should specifically state that avoiding development on greenbelt land will be prioritised at all stages of the plan development. This is not currently the situation with a heavy (unjustified) bias towards development in the greenbelt. The reasoning for this is that the greenbelt in local area has a vital importance in preventing urban sprawl (especially creeping sprawl towards Coventry) and keeping land permanently open. The protection of greenbelt should be given higher priority.

ID Ffurflen: 81941
Ymatebydd: Hallam Land Management Limited (HLM)
Asiant : Marrons


Q-V3.1: Vision for the Local Plan 3. HLM consider that the proposed Vision is appropriate in general terms. However, the proposed Vision makes reference to meeting unmet need from neighbouring authorities, and HLM consider it would be more appropriate to reference meeting unmet need from the wider Housing Market Areas. 4. Whilst Birmingham and the Black Country authorities are not neighbouring authorities of South Warwickshire, they do form part of the same Housing Market Area and therefore should not be excluded.

ID Ffurflen: 81959
Ymatebydd: Holly Forster

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

I believe that the Vision and Strategic Objectives should specifically state that avoiding development on greenbelt land will be prioritised at all stages of the plan development. This is not currently the situation with a heavy (unjustified) bias towards development in the greenbelt. The reasoning for this is that the greenbelt in local area has a vital importance in preventing urban sprawl (especially creeping sprawl towards Coventry) and keeping land permanently open. The protection of greenbelt should be given higher priority.

ID Ffurflen: 81960
Ymatebydd: Birmingham City Council


Overall, Birmingham City Council supports the general approach, vision and strategic growth options put forward within the Issues and Options document in providing a detailed and well balanced analysis of the options for strategic growth for the area up to 2050. The City Council welcomes the particular attention given to the strategic matters of housing and employment land provision and recognising the need to consider shortfalls of land in other areas outside of South Warwickshire. This recognises and reflects the continued close working and the role that South Warwickshire (particularly Stratford District Council) has played alongside other local authorities as part of Duty to Cooperate arrangements within the Greater Birmingham and Black Country Housing Market Area (HMA).

ID Ffurflen: 81977
Ymatebydd: Hugh Hawkins

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

I believe that the Vision and Strategic Objectives should specifically state that avoiding development on greenbelt land will be prioritised at all stages of the plan development. This is not currently the situation with a heavy (unjustified) bias towards development in the greenbelt. The reasoning for this is that the greenbelt in local area has a vital importance in preventing urban sprawl (especially creeping sprawl towards Coventry) and keeping land permanently open. The protection of greenbelt should be given higher priority.

ID Ffurflen: 81987
Ymatebydd: Hayfield Homes


Yes, Hayfield consider the Vision and Strategic Objectives for the SWLP to be appropriate, in principle. Delivering homes that meet the needs of all our communities Hayfield support the ambition to deliver housing of a mixture of types, sizes and tenures, to cater for a range of needs. The proposed development at land North of Tailor’s Lane, Upper Quinton would deliver an inclusive range of affordable and private housing, as part of a landscape-led high-quality development. The allocation of the site for housing in the SWLP would also help to support the wider ambitions of the JLP to deliver attractive places which contribute towards reducing carbon emissions. Hayfield consider that caution should be taken in promoting self-build and custom-build housing on general housing sites, as such housing can complicate and delay the delivery of much needed market and affordable housing. There should be flexibility as to whether self-build or custom-build housing is provided on qualifying sites and should be a matter for detailed consideration between applicants and the Councils at the planning application stage. Contributing towards Net Zero Carbon targets Hayfield strongly support the Objective of ‘contributing towards Net Zero Carbon targets’ and is demonstrated by Hayfield’s commitment of providing betterment to current Building Regulations as part of the proposed development at the site, in facilitating an EPC ‘A’ Energy Efficiency Rating – something which only 2% of all new homes in the UK currently achieve. Creating attractive places Strong support is provided for creating attractive places. Quality placemaking is embedded deeply into Hayfield’s approach to all developments, as set out further within the enclosed Vision Document and as evidenced in by our previous award-winning developments. A healthy, safe and inclusive South Warwickshire Hayfield support the promotion of healthy, safe and inclusive places and promotes active travel through the provision of enhancements to footpaths and cycle networks within high-quality public open space, which can provide for a range of health and well-being benefits. Hayfield consider that the integration of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) within areas of public open space, including as part of new residential developments, can provide a range of benefits to both wildlife and people. Multi-functional areas of open space can provide opportunities for play and recreation to support healthy lifestyles. These areas can also support new and enhanced wildlife habitats to promote biodiversity and access to nature and contribute towards the positive well-being of new and existing residents. This approach has been taken in the development of the draft Framework Plan for the proposed development at Land North of Tailor’s Lane in Upper Quinton (see enclosed Vision Document). We propose a generous allocation of greenspace to encourage play and recreation and social interaction of all residents, both existing and new. We propose to retain and integrate existing trees and hedgerows along the boundaries, to provide a landscape setting to the development, whilst also enhancing biodiversity. New pedestrian links will connect with the public footpath to the north/ north-east, integrating the development with the wider built-up area of Quinton. Protecting and enhancing our heritage and cultural assets We support the general principle of protecting and enhancing heritage assets. However, it should be recognised that the suitable approach for achieving this will vary dependent on the specifics of each case. In relation to land north of Tailor’s Lane in Upper Quinton, and as identified above, an appropriate level of assessment, mitigation and recording would be undertaken in liaison with the Council’s Planning Archaeologist to enhance collective understanding of the identified on-site ‘Non-designated Heritage Asset’. This would be proportionate to its level of significance. Providing infrastructure in the right place at the right time Hayfield support the timely provision of infrastructure to support new homes. This would be secured for the proposed development at Tailor’s Lane in Upper Quinton, through a Section 106 Agreement providing proportionate financial contributions towards relevant existing and new infrastructure, such as highway improvements and contributions towards local health and education provision.

Ffeil: Location plan
Ffeil: Vision
ID Ffurflen: 82015
Ymatebydd: TERRA


Yes, Terra generally agree that the Vision and Strategic Objections are appropriate. However, Terra would ask the Councils to consider the below points: • Developing opportunities for jobs The COVID pandemic highlighted that there is a need for economic diversification within the area, particularly for Stratford-on-Avon. Terra agree that developing opportunities for jobs should be a priority, and that the South Warwickshire area has access to a range of transport corridors which can support this diversification. However, Terra consider that the Councils will need to ensure that economic development is carefully balanced with a delivery of residential development. The M40 corridor, and land to the east of Junction 12 in particular, offer a good opportunity to capitalise on the existing travel corridors and employment developments. Within the Core Strategy, Stratford-on-Avon allocated a New Settlement at Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath along with an expansion for the Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) campus. The allocation sought to provide 100ha of land for the expansion of JLR as well as 4.5 ha for the expansion of Aston Martin Lagonda (AML), securing a large amount of employment land along with 3,000 homes to facilitate the new settlement. This capitalises on the existing employment opportunities at JLR and highlighted the importance of this industry in the authority. From the Coventry & Warwickshire Housing & Economic Development Needs Assessment (HEDNA), it is clear that the highest need for General Industrial space is within Stratford-on-Avon. The HEDNA makes recommendations for meeting the Strategic B8 need within Chapter 11, which should be based on the following key locational considerations: • Road accessibility • Power supply • Proximity to Rail Terminals • Labour availability • Neighbouring activities Land east of Junction 12, M40 is well located to the motorway at Junction 12 of the M40. This Junction currently serves traffic to and from the JLR campus and is well place to continue to serve additional growth within the area. Additionally, it is in close proximity to readily available labour from the proposed new settlement at Gaydon/Lighthorne as well as the existing surrounding settlements (Lighthorne, Lighthorne Heath, Gaydon, and Bishop’s Itchington) and proximity to larger settlements, such as Birmingham. Land east of Junction 12, M40 would be suitable for providing a mixed use new settlement with a employment and residential provisions as well as other supporting infrastructure which capitalises on previous growth strategies secured in the Core Strategy at Gaydon/Lighthorne. This aligns closely with the Councils’ aspirations for employment focused growth. The HEDNA envisages that there will be a greater potential role for South Warwickshire in delivering strategic B8 growth that has been seen historically1. This means that the Council will need to think carefully as to where new employment growth will be located to ensure it is delivered in the most sustainable way. • Delivering homes that meet the needs of all our communities Terra support the Councils’ aspirations to support housing growth through the SWLP and ensuring that residential development provides a diverse mix of homes. The November 2022 Coventry & Warwickshire Housing & Economic Development Needs Assessment (HEDNA) highlighted that the population of Stratford-on-Avon has grown by 9.6% since the 2011 census data was collected, which is the third highest rate behind Rugby (10.1%) and Coventry (19.7%), therefore there is a clear requirement for additional housing within the authority. As both Stratford-on-Avon and Warwick are constrained by Green Belt, it is sensible to address housing need through a Joint Plan particularly as the authorities are closely linked.

ID Ffurflen: 82068
Ymatebydd: The Kler Group
Asiant : Cerda Planning Ltd

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

It is important to have in mind that South Warwickshire is to grow and evolve in the plan period to 2050. Change is inevitable, and the planning process functions to support sustainable growth and should not be applied to stymie or otherwise place unnecessary obstacles in the way of new development. Thus, tackling the climate emergency cannot be at the expense of delivering new housing, employment, retail and other space. We consider that the Vision has been modified to better reflect this important principle, and one of the six Strategic Objectives now relates to meeting sustainable development needs. This is welcomed and reflects our earlier submissions. However, we consider that this should be further amended to make clear that development needs must be met in any event, and that it is for the plan to set out how this is achieved sustainably – rather than only meeting development needs where this can be achieved in a sustainable manner.

ID Ffurflen: 82093
Ymatebydd: Irene Ryan

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

I believe that the Vision and Strategic Objectives should specifically state that avoiding development on greenbelt land will be prioritised at all stages of the plan development. This is not currently the situation with a heavy (unjustified) bias towards development in the greenbelt. The reasoning for this is that the greenbelt in local area has a vital importance in preventing urban sprawl (especially creeping sprawl towards Coventry) and keeping land permanently open. The protection of greenbelt should be given higher priority.

ID Ffurflen: 82124
Ymatebydd: Isabelle Simpson

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

I believe that the Vision and Strategic Objectives should specifically state that avoiding development on greenbelt land will be prioritised at all stages of the plan development. This is not currently the situation with a heavy (unjustified) bias towards development in the greenbelt. The reasoning for this is that the greenbelt in local area has a vital importance in preventing urban sprawl (especially creeping sprawl towards Coventry) and keeping land permanently open. The protection of greenbelt should be given higher priority.

ID Ffurflen: 82133
Ymatebydd: James Baxter

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

I believe that the Vision and Strategic Objectives should specifically state that avoiding development on greenbelt land will be prioritised at all stage of plan development. This is not currently the situation with a heavy (unjustified) bias towards development in the grenbelt . The reasoning for this is that the greenbelt in local area has a vital importance in preventing urban sprawl (especially creeping sprawl towards Coventry) and keeping land permanently open. The protection of greenbelt should be given higher priority

ID Ffurflen: 82134
Ymatebydd: L&Q Estates Ltd
Asiant : Mr Will Whitelock


We support the vision in principle, which seeks to create a prosperous, stronger and sustainable South Warwickshire. The vision provides a positive framework for the Strategic Objectives and is generally aligned with the three overarching sustainability objectives set out in NPPF Paragraph 8. We are supportive of the Strategic Objectives, which will address the key strategic challenges and opportunities that have arisen since the Warwick District Local Plan was adopted in 2017. We consider that the Site, which has the potential to deliver 150 new homes in Kenilworth as well as significant open space in a sustainable location, would assist the South Warwickshire Authorities in achieving these objectives.

ID Ffurflen: 82167
Ymatebydd: Jane Burns

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

I believe that the Vision and Strategic Objectives should specifically state that avoiding development on greenbelt land will be prioritised at all stages of the plan development. This is not currently the situation with a heavy (unjustified) bias towards development in the greenbelt. The reasoning for this is that the greenbelt in local area has a vital importance in preventing urban sprawl (especially creeping sprawl towards Coventry) and keeping land permanently open. The protection of greenbelt should be given higher priority

ID Ffurflen: 82168
Ymatebydd: Gladman Developments


hapter 3 of the consultation document considers the vision and strategic objectives of the SWLP. The vision and strategic objectives of the SWLP are noted as having been modified in light of responses to the previous Scoping Consultation, discussions with stakeholders, and other emerging evidence. We are supportive in principle of the draft vision and strategic objectives of the SWLP, which together seek to deliver socially, economically and environmentally sustainable growth. The recognition within the draft vision that meeting South Warwickshire’s sustainable development needs sits at the heart of the plan is welcome, so too is the acknowledgement of the important role which jobs and economic growth plays in delivering sustainable development. Developing opportunities for jobs and accommodating the growth in employment opportunities that build upon the area’s strong and diverse economy is rightly included as an element of the strategic objective of ‘meeting South Warwickshire’s sustainable development needs’. We thus consider the draft vision and strategic objectives to be appropriate (Q-V3.1). As part of the plan-making process, we would, however, recommend that the Councils explore opportunities to link the vision and strategic objectives to tangible outcomes (e.g., delivery targets) to provide added clarity and meaning by which they can be measured.

ID Ffurflen: 82184
Ymatebydd: Cerda Planning Ltd

Don't know

It is important to have in mind that South Warwickshire is to grow and evolve in the plan period to 2050. Change is inevitable, and the planning process functions to support sustainable growth and should not be applied to stymie or otherwise place unnecessary obstacles in the way of new development. Thus, tackling the climate emergency cannot be at the expense of delivering new housing, employment and retail and other space. We consider that the Vision has been modified to better reflect this important principle, and one of the six Strategic Objectives now relates to meeting sustainable development needs. This is welcomed and reflects our earlier submissions. However, we consider that this should be further amended to make clear that development needs must be met in any event, and that it is for the plan to set out how this is achieved sustainably – rather than only meeting development needs where this can be achieved in a sustainable manner.