Q-I4.1: Should we include a policy to safeguard specific infrastructure schemes within the SWLP?

Ffurflenni 1 i 30 o 165
ID Ffurflen: 72231
Ymatebydd: Mr Gary Stocker


Reopening the Stratford to Honeybourne railway would be a huge boon to greener transport, especially with all the new building work taking place in that area. Commuters could catch a train to Stratford and go further afield from there.

ID Ffurflen: 72244
Ymatebydd: Graham Ball

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

We should not safeguard land for any additional road schemes. There are already tarmac roads linking all settlements in Warwickshire therefore no more are needed. The only reason more roads would be needed is if population is allowed to increase. Your plan mentions sustainability. The only way for Warwickshire to be sustainable is for population to stop increasing. Please could you update your local plan to state that you will not be preserving land for future roads or housing and will instead be safeguarding the countryside. Please could you also include policies in the plan to discourage more than 2 births per family.

ID Ffurflen: 72355
Ymatebydd: Mr John Greenshields

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

Ni roddwyd ateb

ID Ffurflen: 72380
Ymatebydd: Mrs Anne Parry


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ID Ffurflen: 72400
Ymatebydd: Mr Stuart Boyle


Inability to expand infrastructure leads to congestion and spill over to local roads. Safeguarding helps to mitigate this risk.

ID Ffurflen: 72425
Ymatebydd: Mr Roger Lloyd


As the Local PLan is intended to run until 2050, many of the specified infrastructure schemes will have been dismissed long before this date, due to funding deficits or redesign. The safeguarded schemes should therefore have a "sunset" provision to remove then after 2035 if funding / mobilisation of the scheme is not then in place.

ID Ffurflen: 72452
Ymatebydd: Mr Mark Lever


All of these schemes seem to be focussed on road widening. How does this align with the transport policies that seek to prioritise active and sustainable modes. By safeguarding for road widening schemes there is a risk that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy as surrounding land is sterilised and therefore not able to deliver 20-minute neighbourhoods.

ID Ffurflen: 72498
Ymatebydd: Mr Gary Stocker

Don't know

Ni roddwyd ateb

ID Ffurflen: 72602
Ymatebydd: Clive Corrie


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ID Ffurflen: 72632
Ymatebydd: Mr Andrew Metcalf


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ID Ffurflen: 72644
Ymatebydd: Mrs Sian Corrie


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ID Ffurflen: 72692
Ymatebydd: Zoe Bell


Needs and ideas change over time so flexibility needs to be built in

ID Ffurflen: 72724
Ymatebydd: Mrs Lesley Plant


HS2, and the immense amount of land being trashed for it, is already a blight on our area. The understanding locally is that - eventually - much of this land will be returned to farmland / open space / replanted with trees etc. It is NOT to be countenanced that the land being used for the 'temporary' needs of the HS2 development, instead of being restored, gets sucked in and irrevocably overdeveloped with housing and carparks, just because it appears to be 'dead' land and is already under the control of developers. Particularly around Kenilworth, which is surrounded on 3 sides by these impacts, the easy option for developers and planning agencies will be to designate these areas as ready for redevelopment. Then Kenilworth will be merged in with Coventry, Berkswell, Balsall Common, Stoneleigh, Leamington. The edges of every town and settlement are vital, they are what maintains its own character and personality.

ID Ffurflen: 72740
Ymatebydd: Mr Adam Winter

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

Henley in Arden has to safeguard its historical nature

ID Ffurflen: 72760


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ID Ffurflen: 72787
Ymatebydd: Ms Hilary Wareing


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ID Ffurflen: 72817
Ymatebydd: Mrs Lesley Wilding


All seems pretty horrific to me in an area of beautiful countryside

ID Ffurflen: 72850
Ymatebydd: Mr Darrell Muffitt


Ni roddwyd ateb

ID Ffurflen: 73076
Ymatebydd: Mr Stephen Everett


Whilst the land reservations for Stratford appear, for the most part, to be reasonable, there is no clear underlying strategy. They all look to be piecemeal bits and pieces. We have suffered for years from a lack of a long term strategy, resuting in the mess we have today. Traffic has grown exponentially but all we get is more unwanted traffic lights causing more delays and consequent emissions. The chotic traffic lights illustrate this point perfectly. Every time a developer can be hit for the cost of another set of lights, the Council can't resist the temptation - just look at the Birmingham Road to see the result. Some of the land reservations were obvious years ago - e.g. linking Western Road with Birmingham Road via a new canal crossing but as there wasn't a proper strategy in place, the opportunity was lost after the cattle market closed.

ID Ffurflen: 73121
Ymatebydd: Mr Andy Green


Stratford upon Avon needs the bypass link of the A46 to extend around to the Banbury Road to relieve the town from through traffic, this is the most important development Stratford can make to reduce pollution, emissions and lost productivity. The A46 should also be a dual carriageway from Warwick to Alcester. Train lines need to be expanded & re integrate old lines that have been disused. Any public transport hubs need accommodation for waiting & refreshments.

ID Ffurflen: 73178
Ymatebydd: Mr guy evans

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

The road network needs improving to make traffic flow better

ID Ffurflen: 73267
Ymatebydd: Mr CHRIS DAVIS


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ID Ffurflen: 73351
Ymatebydd: Mr Michael Palmer-Gee


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ID Ffurflen: 73370
Ymatebydd: Mrs victoria Palmer-Gee


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ID Ffurflen: 73371
Ymatebydd: Mr Michael Palmer-Gee


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ID Ffurflen: 73498
Ymatebydd: Mr Anthony Dixon


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ID Ffurflen: 73504
Ymatebydd: Mr ian shenton


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ID Ffurflen: 73516
Ymatebydd: Mrs Sidney Syson


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ID Ffurflen: 73553
Ymatebydd: Mr Keith Wellsted


seems illogical protecting some schemes without knowing the needs flagged up in the new plan

ID Ffurflen: 73629
Ymatebydd: Mr Sean Deely


I note that there a large number of significant projects in Stratford district and only a park and ride scheme proposed for Warwick District. Therefore good development opportunities need to be selected in Stratford district to generate the CIL to fund these developments