Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48377
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Verity Thompson
Greenbelt land should be protected from development.
Greenbelt may only be altered under "exceptional circumstances". However, alternative sites for new housing exist in Leamington Spa and there are therefore no exceptional circumstances. Many of these sites are brownfield, benefitting from existing infrastructure.
Land has great amenity and recreational value.
Development will contribute to urban sprawl, reducing green space between Leamington and Kenilworth.
This development will also have detrimental impact on character of Old Milverton, one of the last surviving villages around Leamington. The proposed northern relief road may also encourage further infill development in future.
objection to the proposed development at Old Milverton and Blackdown contained in Warwick District Council's Preferred Options for the Local plan.
I object to this development on three main grounds:
Firstly, this is greenbelt land. It should therefore be protected from development. I understand that greenbelt may only be altered under "exceptional circumstances". However, alternative sites for new housing exist in Leamington Spa - these were previously identified in Warwick District Council's 2009 Core Strategy - so we are not currently facing the exceptional circumstances that could potentially allow for our greenbelt land to be developed. Many of these existing sites are brownfield, and should be used in preference to green belt land. These areas also benefit from existing infrastructure that could potentially support new housing development.
Secondly, this land has great amenity and recreational value for Leamington residents, offering a place to walk, run, cycle - or just to enjoy being within the natural environment. There is an increasing body of evidence highlighting the benefit of time spent in the natural environment for people's physical and emotional wellbeing. Allowing one of our few green spaces to be developed for housing will deprive residents of an important amenity.
Thirdly, allowing this development will contribute to urban sprawl, significantly reducing the green space between Leamington and Kenilworth even closer together. This development will also have a detrimental impact on the character of Old Milverton, one of the last surviving villages around Leamington. The proposed northern relief road may also encourage further infill development in future.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48380
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mr Mark Hyett
Objects to building on greenbelt land at Old Milverton and Blackdown. This is an area of natural beauty, and an important asset to Leamington Spa. The impact of developing this land would be catastrophic to the wildlife in the area, and to the many local residents who use it for recreational purposes. All possible alternatives should be examined.
I object to any building that may take place on greenbelt land in Blackdown and Old Milverton, as shown in the 2012 Preferred Options Plan.
This is an area of natural beauty, and an important asset to Leamington Spa. The impact of developing this land would be catastrophic to the wildlife in the area, and to the many local residents who use it for recreational purposes.
I implore you to examine all alternatives and take into account the impact on the environment, and the voting public. I find it hard to believe this is the only site suitable for your needs
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48382
Derbyniwyd: 21/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Satty Verbart
Alternatives to developing in the greenbelt should be considered. The countryside is somewhere local people can relax and go walking and running. It helps draw people into the area. Brownfield sites could be reused
I am really concerned about the proposed development in Old Milverton and Blackdown. One of the reasons my husband and I chose to live here was for the wonderful countryside on our doorstep, great for running and walking, something I only took up since living here. I don't understand why land loved by so many has been selected for development, is there no other option, i.e derelict or urban land that does not get used for running and walking and learning about nature? There must be alternative sites surely?
Please take this as email of objection as my husband and I would certainly consider moving if these plans were to go ahead.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48385
Derbyniwyd: 29/10/2012
Ymatebydd: Georgina Liggins
Objects to development in the Old Milverton / Blackdown area. It would destroy a beautiful area of Warwickshire used by the local community and visitors for walks and other leisure pursuits. It would be a crime to use this for a concrete conurbation when other brown land is available. All boundaries from Coventry to Leamington would be obliterated and it would become just one dense housing estate.
I would like to protest in the strongest possible terms to the plans regarding the above. This action would destroy one of the most beautiful areas we have in Warwicksire and which has been used by both the local community and visitors from far afield for many years for country walks and other country leisure pursuits (including media photography of the beautiful views we have here at the moment, from the village church down to the historic saxon mill, horses and sheep grazing on green fields and swans gliding on the river, how many scenes such as this are left in this country anymore? It would be a crime to swallow up this area for yet more overcrowded urban concrete conurbations, in particular as brown belt land had already been identified and earmarked in the area for this very purpose. All boundaries of the area from Coventry to Leamington would be obliterated and it would become just one dense housing estate. What a legacy for future generations, our childrens' children soon will not know just what the quintessential English countryside ever looked like, let alone experience it for themselves. Wake up Britain before its too late, when it is gone it is gone forever, never to return, is this really what we want the future to be?
In addition to this we also have of course the new high speed train route also carving up the area with a dubious question of need.
So say goodbye to the Warwickshire we know and keep your photo albums for the poor future generstions who have to live in it.
'Carve Paradise' spring to mind?
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48387
Derbyniwyd: 21/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Kate Bannister
The green belt serves to protect the natural habitats and landscape. There is a question whether some of the arguments made for amount of development proposed are valid.
Other more suitable sites such as Glebe Farm Lillington and the Ford Foundary exist.
Preserving character of towns for future generations is important and the beuaty of the surrounding contryside needs to be protected
Brownfield sites must be considered ahead of greenfield sites.
I am writing to express my strong objection and disappointment at the proposed plans to develop the greenbelt in Old Milverton and Blackdown for housing. What, after all, is the point of greenbelt if not to protect natural habitats and landscapes?
I fully accept the need for continued, sustainable development, especially for social/affordable housing but find I cannot agree with some of your chosen arguments.
Why has the preferred level of growth been overstated at 10,800 dwellings when 6,986 is sufficient, particularly given the economic conditions and low potential growth? Are you absolutely sure about the housing projections given the economic growth forecasts?
I note that you have opted to develop greenbelt land, at the same time increasing urban sprawl, in preference to infill sites such as Glebe Farm in Lillington. I am at a loss to understand this. Surely that would be a more sensible approach, given the suburban development already completed surrounding this area. What makes this site any less suitable, when the Cricket Club is still listed as a potential site? Why, in addition, were brownfield sites such as the Ford Foundry not allocated for housing at all?
Greenbelt is vitally important and we should preserve it wherever possible for future generations. Warwick and Leamington are highly prized provincial towns and have earned this status through an eclectic mix of an impressive heritage and fabulous architecture combined with multi-cultural communities and a huge amount of facilities. All this surrounded by some of the most beautiful countryside. We are indeed lucky to live here and careless planning can devalue and erode the very substance that makes these towns so attractive.
I do not believe we have reached the last resort or 'special circumstances', where there is nowhere else to turn but to greenbelt. Let us revive and regenerate all brownfield first and ensure our town centres are thriving economic centres. Place housing as close as we can to employment to avoid extra travelling and congestion. Given the ageing population, surely town centre locations are even more important. Similarly for social/affordable housing where car use is less prolific.
I very much hope that you reconsider these proposals. As custodians of our towns you have a duty to explore every alternative first.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48390
Derbyniwyd: 23/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Lee Reading
Objects to development at Old Milverton and Blackdown. The land has recreational value to the local community used by runners, cyclists, walkers and riders. The area fulfils the 5 purposes of greenbelt set out in the NPPF and there are no exceptional circumstances to justify development. There are other sites south of Leamington which were included in the previous Core Strategy where employment opportunities and infrastructure already exist and should be used in preference to greenbelt.
I am writing to express my concerns to the proposed development in Old Milverton and Blackdown. featured in the Warwick District Councils's Preferred Options for the Local plan.
The land holds great recreational value to the local community. It is enjoyed by many runners, riders, walkers and cyclists. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that the Government attaches great importance to Greenbelts and that the fundamental aim of Greenbelt is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open.
The Greenbelt in Old Milverton and Blackdown fulfils the 5 purposes of Greenbelt set out in the NPPF and therefore should remain as open Greenbelt land indefinitely. It...
* Prevents the unrestricted sprawl of Leamington to the north
* Prevents the merging of Leamington and Kenilworth
* Helps safeguard the countryside from encroachment
* Helps preserve the setting and special character of L/Spa (a historic town)
* Helps urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other land
There are other sites which can be developed that are not in the Greenbelt. These sites, which are mainly to the south of Leamington, were included in Warwick District Council's previous plan (the 2009 Core Strategy). Employment opportunities and infrastructure already exists here, and this land should be used in preference to the Greenbelt.
The NPPF states that Greenbelt boundaries should only be altered in exceptional circumstances. As there are alternative sites, there are no exceptional circumstances which outweigh the harm caused by altering the Greenbelt boundaries in Old Milverton and Blackdown and allowing development on this land.
The community asks that you reconsider your Preferred Options.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48391
Derbyniwyd: 01/10/2012
Ymatebydd: Vicki Smith
Oppose plans to develop on Green belt land.
Nothing changed fundamental changes now.
Kenilworth Road a beautiful approach to Leamington.
Would be spoilt by Park and Ride near Blackdown. There are far more suitable places near Leamington to extend development.
Only proposal would be for cycle lane on A452.
Recreational value of land.
Old Milverton needs to be safeguarded; buildings and setting..
Other non-green belt sites available for development, mainly to south of Leamington. Employment opportunities and infrastructure already exists here.
I am writing to oppose the District Council's plans to develop on Green Belt Land as shown in their 2012 Preferred Options booklet. Nothing has changed since the 2009 Core Strategy, so there cannot be any justification for these fundamental changes now.
I don't live in Leamington, but my journey into work comes in along the Kenilworth Road. It is such a beautiful approach to Royal Leamington Spa, probably the nicest approach Leamington Spa boasts: a beautiful avenue of trees, lovely houses, peaceful views over towards Old Milverton. I can't believe anyone would plan to spoil these, especially by putting a great big Park and Ride near Blackdown. There are far more suitable places near Leamington to extend development, where it doesn't encroach on valuable, precious green belt. I travel to work from Coventry, sometimes by car and sometimes by bike. The only proposal I would make for the A452 is a cycle lane. There are rarely hold ups along this road, and on the odd occasion there are, it is when someone has broken down or had an accident.
On my lunch hours, I go running through the fields at the back of Northumberland Avenue, through Old Milverton and over to the Saxon Mill, or Hill Wootton and Leek Wootton. It would be a crying shame if all this beautiful countryside was spoilt by some non-descipt housing which destroyed the rural character of these villages. VIllages such as Old Milverton really need to be safeguarded, not just the buildings but the overall setting as well.
There are other sites which can be developed that are not in the Green Belt. These sites, which are mainly to the south of Leamington, were included in Warwick District Council's previous plan (the 2009 Core Strategy). Employment opportunities and infrastructure already exists here, and this land should be used in preference to the Green Belt.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48393
Derbyniwyd: 23/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Dr Peter Jewel
Objects to building on greenbelt at Old Milverton and Blackdown. It would result in the destruction of Old Milverton and surrounding countryside which provides a green lung. Is concerned about the possible destruction of allotments which provide essential health and social benefits. Development in this area would be vastly detrimental to quality of life.
The reported plans to build new houses on the green belt between Old Milverton and Kenilworth, with the accompanying roads and possible new school, shops and other facilities, fill me with dismay, and I would like to object most strongly.
This would result in the destruction of Old Milverton as it is now, and of much of the beautiful countryside that surrounds it. It goes completely against the ethos of the Green Belt, with its provision of a 'green lung' between cities. I am also most concerned about the possible destruction of our allotments, which provide an essential social and health-giving purpose for many of our local residents.
The plan would have a vastly detrimental effect on the quality of life of the whole area, and I firmy oppose it. I speak not just for myself, but for many local people, and all the allotment holders I have spoken to.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48395
Derbyniwyd: 24/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mr Carl Harris
Oppose plans to develop on green belt land.
Apart from central government relaxing rules for development on green-belt, do not see that there has been anything to justify fundamental changes.
Previous plan would be less expensive to implement as does not require whole new infrastructure. Road transport south of Leamington easier and less burdensome on town centre with proximity to M40, main commercial/industrial and railway station. Traffic levels in North Leamington already at near-saturation levels.
Sites identified in Blackdown/Old Milverton recreational areas.
Opposed to the District Council's plans to develop on green belt land as shown in their 2012 Preferred Options booklet. Apart from central government relaxing the rules for development on green-belt, I do not see that there has been anything to justify fundamental changes to the Local Plan since the 2009 Core Strategy Plan.
The 2009 Core Strategy Plan would be much less expensive to implement as it does not require the extravagance of a whole new infrastructure. Road transport in and out of the originally proposed development areas to the south of Leamington would be much easier and put less burden on the town centre with its proximity to the M40 motorway as well as being closer to the main commercial and industrial districts and railway station. Traffic levels in North Leamington and between Leamington, Kenilworth and the A46 bypass are already at near-saturation levels and the impact of an additional 1980 houses will make travel by either private or public transport extremely difficult.
Additionally the sites identified in Blackdown and Old Milverton are enjoyed by many walkers, runners, riders and cyclists from the surrounding towns and beyond and should be preserved at all costs. It would be outrageous to build here until all alternatives have been exhausted.
I hope the Council will take into account these objections and those of the numerous local people who will have to live with the consequences of your decisions when reassessing the options.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48397
Derbyniwyd: 24/07/2012
Ymatebydd: W Sirett
North Leamington suggested as place to live as much of it bordered green belt land that would not be built on.
Now told that green belt land in Blackdown and Milverton area will be built on although there are brown field sites and non green belt land available.
Opposed to this developement as it encroaches on countryside and is another step towards linking up with Kenilworth and destroying character of Leamington.
Fifteen years ago I was encouraged to come and live in the pleasant town of Leamington Spa. It was suggested that the nicest area was North Leamington as much of it bordered green belt land that would not be built on. Having paid high prices for property in this area I am now told that the green belt land in the Blackdown and Milverton area will be built on although there are brown field sites and non green belt land available. I am strongly opposed to this developement as it encroaches on the countryside and is another step towards linking up with Kenilworth and destroying the character of Leamington Spa.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48400
Derbyniwyd: 23/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Anne Marie Insley
Objects to development on greenbelt land at Old Milverton and Blackdown. The area has fundamental importance in maintaining the character and wellbeing of the town and preventing urban sprawl between Leamington and Kenilworth as well as a much used leisure facility for runners, walkers and cyclists. It fulfils the five purposes of the greenbelt set out in the NPPF and there are no exceptional circumstances to justify development particularly when alternative land was identified in the 2009 Core Strategy where infrastructure is already in place. The land will be lost forever to future generations.
I am writing to express my concern at the proposed development of the greenbelt in Old Milverton and Blackdown.
This area is of fundamental importance to maintaining the character and wellbeing of our beautiful town. It prevents urban sprawl between Leamington and Kenilworth and provides a much used leisure facility for runners, walkers and cyclists. The greenbelt in this area fulfils the 5 purposes of greenbelt as set out in the NPPF and therefore should be protected at all costs.
This is particularly so when there is land already identified in the previous 2009 Core Strategy as suitable for development south of the town, and which has the infrastructure already in place.
There has to be 'exceptional circumstances' to allow development on greenbelt land, and this is clearly not the case here.
I am reminded of the analogy of wildlife which has become extinct. Extinct means gone for ever, never to be seen again. This is exactly what would happen if we allow building on this essential and beautiful piece of land. Future generations would only have concrete and roads to look at, rather than the ability to enjoy green, open spaces which are the lungs of our area.
Please do not be persuaded by the developers wish to make financial gain, at the expense of the whole community. You have the power to make the correct choice
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48402
Derbyniwyd: 21/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mr Andrew Fulcher
This area provides well for recreation.
Loss of greenbelt would reduce quality of life for community, The proposals would lead to increased traffic congestion and longer journey times.
There would also be an increased risk to pedestrians with increased traffic.
Sites south of Leamington Spa should be considered instead. This would preserve green belt and cause less traffic issues.
I have seen the information regarding the proposed housing developments to the north of Leamington between Old Milverton and Blackdown and would like to add my opinion.
My family and I have lived in Milverton for 30 years and feel privileged to enjoy the benefits of proximity to the center of Leamington but also the ability to access the nearby countryside. For many years my family and friends have walked and jogged across the fields to the north of the current housing area - both across to Old Milverton and then the Saxon Mill and also cutting back across the fields behind the allotments to Northumberlan Road. The paths are always busy as many people take advantage of being able to access the countryside. The ability to enjoy the fields locally adds a quality of life that would be significantly reduced should the fields become a substantial housing development as proposed. North Milverton would never be the same again.
Besides the benefit of the local greenbelt, I can say with confidence that additional housing will cause a major traffic issue. Many people already travel across Leamington from north to south to get to the southern industrial estates. I travel to my employment on the Tachbrook Industrial Estate which often takes 20-30 mins due to congestion - a journey that ought to take 5 - 10 mins. In fact I use 'rat run' routes through the back streets of Leamington to ease the current problem. I cannot see how severeal thousand extra commuters will be able to cross the river unless a new river bridge is built - which I don't believe is in the proposal. North Leamington will be log jammed between 8.00 and 9.00 am. More people will use the 'rat routes' with the additional risk of pedestrian accidents - especially if commuters are rushing.
I also understand that there are tracts of land in south Leamnington and Warwick which will not face the same opposition to building in north Leamington. I cannot see why these areas (South of Warwick Technology Park) for instance, are not being considered. The impact on the local population would be reduced, traffic would not need to cross the river and the greenbelt would be saved. If you can provide me with evidence to the contrary I would be happy to consider it.
Please do not build on North Leamington!
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48404
Derbyniwyd: 23/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mrs P Edgington
Objects to development on greenbelt land in North Leamington. Other non greenbelt land is available which has existing infrastructure in place. There are a number of empty and disused properties in Leamington which could be renovated for residential use without encroaching on greenbelt.
I wish to register my objection to the new Proposed Development Plans.
It would be wrong and irresponsible of planners to damage the North Leamington area which is Green Belt area when there are Brown and White areas which have been completely and utterly ignored.
There is also the additional cost of a whole new infrastructure when the areas where there are brown and white areas already has this in place.
It is also noticeable in Leamington that there are many empty and disused properties in the town itself that could be renovated to become residential accommodation without encroaching on Green Belt areas.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48407
Derbyniwyd: 23/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Roman Dolan
Objects to development at North Milverton and Blackdown for the following reasons: This is one of the few areas of greenbelt accessible to the public, enjoyed by walkers, dog walkers and children. The A452 is the only route into Leamington that doesn't require visitors to travel through large areas of urban sprawl. There are other areas with existing infrastructure which could accommodate development without the need to redefine greenbelt boundaries. The exceptional circumstances required to justify development in the greenbelt have not been demonstrated. Household projections are in question given the decline of the economy.
I would like to object to the planned redevelopment in the North of Leamington area between Northumberland Avenue, Guys Cliffe Avenue and Old Milverton / Blackdown. In fact I am appalled that the council is considering this area at all.
The reasons for my objections are as follows.
1. This is one of the very few areas of greenbelt that is accessible to the public, having a number of public footpaths, it is enjoyed by very many walkers, joggers, dog walkers and children.
2. The A452 route into leamington is the only route into leamington that doesn't require visitors to travel through large areas of urban sprawl. The infrastructure to the South and East of the town is far better able to support development
3. There are large areas of greenfield sites around Leamington that could be used to provide housing without the need to redefine the greenbelt boundaries and destroy this area of greenbelt that are designed to prevent the very sort of development now being proposed.
4. There is an obligation on the council to demonstrate that there are exceptional circumstances to redevelop the greenbelt, and although there is significant material of the WDC website, this has not been demonstrated at all and the reasons for choosing the area seem to be motivated by other non strategic planning reasons
5. During the 2009 Core Strategy the council fully rejected the plans to develop this area of Greenbelt and the reasons for the rejection only 3 years ago must still hold good today.
6. The assumptions on which the number of houses that has been projected seem to be deeply suspect now that the economy has been in such decline since 2008 with no real signs as to if or when the growth and demand used for the housing projections will return.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48409
Derbyniwyd: 23/07/2012
Ymatebydd: A N and C M Duke
Objects to development of greenbelt land at North Leamington. The area provides recreation space for local people and does not demonstrate the exceptional circumstances necessary to build on greenbelt as set out by the NPPF. Development may cause Kenilworth and Leamington to loose identity.
We have lived in Northumberland Road in Leamington Spa for 36 years and strongly object to the use of greenbelt land for housing development.
Since moving to Northumberland Road there have been two developments of houses in the road which has considerably increased traffic and spoilt the amenities of the fields and countryside close by.
We regularly walk in the fields and pathways at the back of Northumberland Road and it is a very pleasant and worthwhile amenity for the people of Leamington.
If development takes place in Blackdown, how long would it be before the Council are reaching out to join up with Kenilworth and Leamington will loose itss identity.
We have heard about the comments re 'not in our back yard' but why does greenbelt land have to be use when there is plenty of other land in Leamington suitable for development and WDC does not demonstrate the exceptional circumstances necessary to build on greenbelt as set out by the NPPF.
The North Leamington Relief Road would certainly not ease traffic in Northumberland Road and would totally spoil the beautiful countryside surrounding Old Milverton.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48416
Derbyniwyd: 25/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Anna Trye
Valuable source of recreation/exercise.
Green lung between Kenilworth and Leamington and any incursion will mean only A46 will separate towns.
Relief road would simply enable those who would be living in area to reach A46 and work elsewhere because no suitable local employment.
Road would also ruin village of Old Milverton.
NPPF - Green Belt land must not be developed if other suitable land available.
High grade agricultural productivity. No marginal Green Belt in area.
South Leamington designated in 2009 is not Green Belt has commercial/industrial and infrastructure.
New, empty properties should be taken into consideration.
I am writing as an objector to the Local Plan currently being put in place to develop the Green Belt in the Old Milverton and Blackdown districts.
This is a valuable source of recreation and exercise and is used by very many people every day for walking, riding, running and enjoying the freedom of the countryside. It is an important green lung between Kenilworth and Leamington and any incursion will mean that, in time, the only thing separating the two towns would be the increasingly busy A46.
The building of the prohibitively expensive Northern relief road would simply enable those who would be living in this area if building was allowed to reach the A46 and go and work elsewhere because there are no suitable local employment opportunities. Such a road would also ruin the village of Old Milverton and it would loose its village status very quickly.
National Policy has consistently stated that Green Belt land must not be developed if other suitable land is available.
Old Milverton and Blackdown are all in the Green Belt and are also areas of high grade agricultural productivity. There is no marginal Green Belt in that area. In contrast, South Leamington is not Green Belt land and already has commercial and industrial areas local to it. The infrastructure is already in place and there is available land there. As recently as 2009 this area was designated by the local authority as suitable for development. There is no plausible planning reason or explanation as to why this area has been removed from the plans.
Lastly, there are a number of new, empty properties, in and around Leamington, some of these being on the old Potterton site, surely these should all be taken into consideration as part of the total housing stock requirement ?
There is a strong and growing perception that the planners are "pandering" to developers who wish to make a better profit out of building in the North than they can do in the South. This is understandable for the building companies who wish to make a good living, but, in my opinion, you should be thinking of the long term future of the district and trying to retain the essence of the area for future generations who may want to have a green lung separating the two towns of Leamington and Kenilworth, rather than sprawling suburbia.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48420
Derbyniwyd: 25/07/2012
Ymatebydd: John and Jackie Frampton
This is last area of outstanding beauty not to be spoiled by buildings.
Loss of recreation land.
Area south of Leamington which has already lost much of its beautiful countryside from development is surely right area to continue developing.
Area around Europa Way has been designated for development, it should continue here rather than sacrificing Green Belt areas.
Urban sprawl to north of town must be avoided.
We strongly oppose the proposed development north of Leamington. This is the last area of outstanding beauty not to be spoiled by buildings and is much loved and used by residents, who wish to walk locally and not use the car to drive out to the country. The approach to Leamington from Kenilworth is a beautiful drive which will be desecrated by these proposals.
The area south of Leamington which has already lost much of its beautiful countryside from development is surely the right area to continue developing, as it has already been spoiled!!
As the area around Europa Way has been designated for development, it should continue here rather than sacrificing Green Belt areas.
Urban sprawl to the north of the town MUST be avoided. Please don't spoil our future generations' enjoyment of this lovely area.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48423
Derbyniwyd: 20/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mr and Mrs Kane
Nifer y bobl: 2
We object to the proposed development in Blackdown which has great recreational value and is protected greenbelt - it prevents unrestricted sprawl, safeguards the countryside from encroachment, stops the merger of settlements, preserves the special setting and character of Leamington and heps recycle derelict and other land.
Alternative sites are available and so exceptional circumstances have not been justified
Objects to the proposed development in Old Milverton and Blackdown contained in Warwick District Councils's Preferred Options for the Local plan.
This land has great recreational value to the local community. It is enjoyed by many runners, riders, walkers and cyclists. It had a wide variety of wild life. It is used to grow valuable food and crops at a time when it we need to grow our own food in this country.
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that the Government attaches great importance to Greenbelts and that the fundamental aim of Greenbelt is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open. Once this land is lost it is lost for all future generations.
The Greenbelt in Old Milverton and Blackdown fulfils the 5 purposes of Greenbelt set out in the NPPF and therefore should remain as open Greenbelt land for ever. It
Prevents the unrestricted sprawl of Leamington to the north
Prevents the merging of Leamington and Kenilworth
Helps safeguard the countryside from encroachment
Helps preserve the setting and special character of Leamington (a historic town)
Helps urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land
There are other sites which can be developed that are not in the Greenbelt. These sites, which are mainly to the south of Leamington, were included in Warwick District Council's previous plan (the 2009 Core Strategy). Employment opportunities and infrastructure already exists here, and this land should be used in preference to the Greenbelt.
The NPPF states that Greenbelt boundaries should only be altered in exceptional circumstances. As there are alternative sites, there are no exceptional circumstances which outweigh the harm caused by altering the Greenbelt boundaries in Old Milverton and Blackdown and allowing development on this land.
Please reconsider your Preferred Options.
My husband and I strongly object to the proposed development in Old Milverton and Blackdown contained in Warwick District Council's Preferred Options for the Local plan. We oppose the District Council's plans to develop on Green Belt Land as shown in their 2012 Preferred Options booklet. Nothing has changed since the 2009 Core Strategy, so there cannot be any justification for these fundamental changes now
We understand the National Planning Policy Framework requires 'Very Special Circumstances' for development on the Green Belt. It also requires the harm caused to the Green Belt by the development to be outweighted by the benefit of the development. According to Warwick District Council the special circumstances are that there is nowhere else for the homes to be built.
However, in the '2009 Core Strategy' land south of Leamington (not in Green Belt), was identified and is still available for development. The assessment performed by Warwick District Council shows that this land is easier to develop and already has a substantial amount of infrastructure (roads etc) to support the development, and the new residents who will live there. It is close to the M40 and there are existing employment opportunities South of Leamington as weall as existing out of town shopping facilities and good access to the town centres.
Therefore, the previous 2009 Core Strategy plan is direct evidence that there are alternative areas for development other than the Green Belt and that the 'special circumstances' put forward by Warwick District Council are wrong.
The land at Old Milverton and Blackdown is a unique area with distinct character which would be a great loss to Warwickshire. This area is greatly enjoyed by many walkers, runners, riders, cyclists, and many people just enjoying the wildlife and countryside. Both the proposed building development and the 'Northern Relief Road' would substantially reduce the amount of land that is available to be enjoyed and farmed and have a detrimental impact on the whole area. There will be a great loss of a significant amount of high quality agricultural land in Blackdown and Old Milverton. All this would be a great loss to future generations, once it is gone it is gone. Which is why we believe it is so important to protect our countryside and stop eroding the Green Belt.
Also the proposals will encourage the merger of Leamington and Kenilworth which I understand is against the National Planning Policy Framework, to prevent urban sprawl of built up areas and prevent neighbouring towns merging, to protect the countryside from encroachment, to preserve the setting and special character of historic towns etc.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48424
Derbyniwyd: 25/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Professor Paul Bywaters
Once principle of green belt overturned strength of green belt weakened.
Major additional transport problems. Motorway, road network and railway are south.
Houses in north would increase through town traffic.
Allotments are exclude:, once rest of green belt approved, pressure would become overwhelming, leading to loss of major amenity with sustainability, health and environmental benefits.
Scale of new build insufficient to justify creation of necessary infrastructure of school, health services, shops which larger community on non-green belt land elsewhere could sustain.
I am writing to strongly object to the draft Plan's proposal to build on the green belt to the north of Leamington Spa.
There are a number of reasons for this.
First, the principle of retaining the Green Belt is not one to be overturned lightly. Once this practice begins, the strength of the green belt in any location is weakened.
Second, extending the town towards the north, will create major additional transport problems. Both the motorway and the railway are readily accessible from the south which contains the major routes into Leamington but additional houses in the north would result in greatly increased traffic through the town, which is already congested.
Third, although the allotments off Northumberland Road are currently excluded as building land, once the rest of the green belt was approved for building the pressure on the allotments would soon become overwhelming and the council would give planning permission for this land as well. This would entail the loss of a major amenity which has major benefits for sustainability, health and environmental policies.
Fourth, I doubt if the scale of the new build would be sufficient to justify the creation of the necessary infrastructure of school, health services, shops etc. which a larger community on non-green belt land elsewhere could sustain.
Please do not proceed with these plans.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48426
Derbyniwyd: 30/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Cllr Amanda Stevens
Objects to the development of 2000 houses in Old Milverton and Blackdown, which combined with the necessary infrastructure risks merging Leamington and Kenilworth creating coalescence. If HS2 is built there is likely to be strong pressure to in-fill the area between the new development and the railway. Building a new relief road through Old Milverton is not in the interests of discouraging car usage. The land in question is high grade green belt largely used for agriculture which will be important in the future as food costs rise. There are underutilised areas in north Leamington, and there is likely to be an oversupply of student homes as purpose built accommodation replaces existing stock which could be used for housing and should be taken into account in the housing demand projections. Infrastructure already exists to the South of Leamington and land in this area was previously identified by the Council as suitable and available. On this basis the exceptional circumstances needed to justify greenbelt development have not been demonstrated.
I wish to object to the proposal to build 2000 houses in Old Milverton and Blackdown as per the new Local Plan. This is a very high number of properties which, combined with the necessary infrastructure, risks merging Leamington and Kenilworth in to each other, thus creating coalescence of urban areas.
If the planned development proceeds and HS2 is built also there is likely to be strong pressure to in-fill the area between the new development and the railway. This will mean even further urbanisation.
At a time when car usage should be discouraged, it is not in the environmental interests of this area for there to be a relief road running through Old Milverton as is currently being proposed in the new Local Plan.
The land in question north of Leamington is high grade green belt land largely used for agriculture which as the costs of food imports rise, will be required in the future.
Within North Leamington there are some under-utilized plots which could be used for housing. As more purpose built accommodation is being built for students from Warwick University, properties in Leamington currently rented to students will come back in to use as family homes. In South Leamington there are large expanses of redundant industrial land, some of which has to be reserved for future employment use, but a significant percentage of which could be used for housing. This potential housing stock should have been considered within WDC's projected housing demand projections.
South of Leamington is the Shires Retail Park, Tachbrook Park Business Park, Trojan Business Park, Trident Technology & Business Centre, Warwick Technology Park and a number of automative industry sites. There are three railway stations and two hospitals. There is also easy access to the motorway. It would seem to make sense, and be in accordance with Government NPPF guidelines, for housing to be built close to these amenities, especially as land east of Europa Way and south of Heathcote on the outskirts of Bishops Tachbrook was previously identified by the Council as suitable and available.
Green belt protection should not be removed from high grade agricultural land so that it can be used for housing unless there are exceptional circumstances. That there are other sites within Warwick District which are suitable and available for housing, and bolstered by an existing infrastructure, means that the "exceptional circumstacnes" argument does not apply in the case of Blackdown and Old Milverton. As a Leamington Town Councillor representing Manor Ward, I am concerned that there is a serious risk that the countryside bordering it would be reduced to urban sprawl if this development is allowed to take place.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48429
Derbyniwyd: 25/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Christine Jenkin
NPPF states importance of Greenbelts.
Fundamental aim of Green belt to prevent urban sprawl.
Fulfils 5 purposes of Greenbelt (NPPF)
Other sites can be developed not in Greenbelt. Not explored use of Brown Field sites or redevelopment.
All housing for Ford Foundry?
South Leamington would not require major road development. Close to M40/A46 interchanges, shopping and employment. Farmland already partially broken up and not sustainable.
Additional traffic could filter into town through number of routes, whereas the North Leamington plan would create a major "pinch point".
Grade 2 food producing agricltural land.Loss of wildlife habitats.
The National Planning Policy and Framework states that the Government attaches great importance to Greenbelts and that the fundamental aim of Green belt is to prevent urban sprawls by keeping land permanently open.
The Greenbelt in Old Milverton and Blackdown fulfils the 5 purposes of Greenbelt set out in the NPPF and therefore should remain as open Greenbelt land forever. It:
Prevents the unrestricted sprawl of Leamington to the north
Prevents the merging of Leamington and Kenilworth
Helps safeguard the countryside from encroachment
Helps preserve the setting and special character of Leamington (an historic town)
Helps urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycyling of derelict and other urban land.
There are other sites which can be developed that are not in the Greenbelt. You have not been seen to explore sufficient use of Brown Field sites or redevelopment. These have many advantages in terms of efficient use of resources. WHY have we not utilised a full housing plan for the old Ford Foundry site instead of using Green Belt Land?
The Heathcote area south of Leamington is not in the current proposal. Heathcote would not require such major road development as it is close to the M40/A46 interchanges and current shopping and employment facilities are already in place. It would not "close down" a green corridor. The farmland has already been partially broken up and is possibly not now sustainable as a profitable working farm. It would allow additional traffic to filter into the town centre through a number of routes, whereas the North Leamington plan would create a major "pinch point" on the Kenilworth Road and thus deter people doing business in the town centre.
Your proposed plan is sited on mainly Grade 2 agricltural land, good food producing soil that does not require high levels of inputs to achieve sustainable yeilds. The Green corridor this achieves between Leamington Spa and Kenilworth allows free movement of nesting birds and wildlife, in particular bees which are under severe threat currently and vital for pollination of many food and bio crops.
Remove these green corridors at your peril, as the surrounding built up areas soon become sterile. THEY DO NOT MAKE LAND ANY MORE.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48430
Derbyniwyd: 23/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Nera Lenden
Object to proposed plans for Blackdown - the land has great recreational value for local people
Please accept this email as an objection to proposed plans in Old Milverton and Blackdown contained in Warwick District Councils's Preferred Options for the Local plan..
The land has great recreational value and is enjoyed by many runners, riders, walkers and cyclists, including me and friends.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48432
Derbyniwyd: 25/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mrs Elizabeth Phillips
Proposed road if built provides opportunity to build up to it. Will not ease congestion.
Village of Old Milverton will be ruined.
More homes will only add to congestion with people travelling to south Leamington.
Housing need is for simpler, affordable homes for families, crucial to health of our community.
Historic triangle of Old Milverton, The Saxon Mill and Guy's Cliff should remain on boundaries of Warwick and Leamington, undisturbed.
My first concern is the proposed road across this area. If it is built we all know that the next phase will be to build right up to this road and then the complete green belt between this road and the north of Leamington Spa is destined to disappear.............
This brings me to my second concern which is the village of Old Milverton. The road will ruin one of the last remaining villages near to the town, by its proximity and resulting visual and noise pollution. This small, ancient settlement is a local beauty spot used by many locals and visitors to the area via walking routes and the path to and from the Saxon Mill. Its facilities ( church, hall and fields ) are enjoyed by many individuals, associations and the general public. A busy (fast) road nearby will ruin this very little corner of old Warwickshire.......
My third concern is that this proposed road will not really ease the congestion into Leamington from the North. Most (all?) business are in either central or south Leamington, so traffic will remain to be funnelled through Leamington as once Northumberland road is reached then these same problems will continue. People will still prefer to sit in their cars for longer than get out and do a park and ride .........
Fourthly, following on from my third point, building homes in this area will only add to the congestion on this route as more people will need to get into work ( more than likely to central and southern Leamington ) via this route......
Fifthly, our housing need is for simpler, affordable homes. This means cheaper land costs. This will not be to the north of Leamington. We need to take the security of our future generations into account and a survey out a couple of days ago highlighted the need for young families to feel secure, and own, or have secure tenancies, in their homes. We need to enable this fairness as much as we possibly can. Simple homes for families are crucial to the health of our community and our country.......
These are my main concerns and objections to the development proposals. Please take them into consideration. The historic triangle of Old Milverton, The Saxon Mill and Guy's Cliff should remain on the boundaries of Warwick and Leamington, undisturbed, for as long as we, the guardians of our heritage, can allow.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48435
Derbyniwyd: 25/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mr Richard LAW
NPPF states Green belt boundaries should only be altered in exceptional circumstances. Not the case as there are suitable sites in South Leamington, identified in Core Strategy.
Most of road network is in south of town and to now propose building a "northern relief road "at vast cost , simply adds to error !
The Green Belt in Old Milverton and Blackdown fulfils the 5 purposes of Greenbelt set out in NPPF.
Reconsider PO with view to concentrating housing development in south of town.
The Government's National Planning Policy Framework [NPPF] states that Green belt boundaries should only be altered in exceptional circumstances. I do not believe this to be the case as there are other sites in South Leamington on White Belt land which could be used for house building. These were of course outlined in your previous plan, the 2009 Core Strategy document. Most of the main road network is concentrated in the south of the town and to now propose building a "northern relief road "at vast cost , simply adds to the error !
The Green Belt in Old Milverton and Blackdown fulfils the 5 purposes of Greenbelt as set out in the NPPF in that it prevents the unrestricted sprawl of Leamington northwards, and also prevents the merging of Leamington and Kenilworth.
I would ask that WDC reconsider the Preferred Options Plan with a view to concentrating housing development in the south of the town.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48436
Derbyniwyd: 23/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mr Steve Harris
Object to the proposed development in Blackdown as this land has great recreational value to the local community. The Greenbelt in Blackdown fulfils the 5 purposes of Greenbelt set out in the NPPF and therefore should remain as open Greenbelt land for ever. Other sites could be developed to the south of Leamington instead of this site - Greenbelt boundaries should only be altered in exceptional circumstances.
I object to the proposed development in Old Milverton and Blackdown contained in Warwick District Councils's Preferred Options for the Local plan.
This land has great recreational value to the local community. It is enjoyed by many runners, riders, walkers and cyclists of which i am one.
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that the Government attaches great importance to Greenbelts and that the fundamental aim of Greenbelt is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open.
The Greenbelt in Old Milverton and Blackdown fulfils the 5 purposes of Greenbelt set out in the NPPF and therefore should remain as open Greenbelt land for ever. It :
Prevents the unrestricted sprawl of Leamington to the north
Prevents the merging of Leamington and Kenilworth
Helps safeguard the countryside from encroachment
Helps preserve the setting and special character of Leamington (a historic town)
Helps urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land
There are other sites which can be developed that are not in the Greenbelt. These sites, which are mainly to the south of Leamington, were included in Warwick District Council's previous plan (the 2009 Core Strategy). Employment opportunities and infrastructure already exists here, and this land should be used in preference to the Greenbelt.
The NPPF states that Greenbelt boundaries should only be altered in exceptional circumstances. As there are alternative sites, there are no exceptional circumstances which outweigh the harm caused by altering the Greenbelt boundaries in Old Milverton and Blackdown and allowing development on this land.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48439
Derbyniwyd: 25/07/2012
Ymatebydd: James Scott Dunlop
NPPF states green belt prevents urban sprawl.
NPPF requires there to be "very special circumstances." These are that there is nowhere else for homes to be built.
Not a view shared by many organisations and open to challenge.
More imagination required and an audit of alternatives not only of financial but also environmental costs.
Nearly 1400 homes added to number as "buffer" which if removed, would exclude these sites.
New roads expensive and have detrimental effect on the environment and also to the quality of life.
I understand that the fundamental aim of the Government's Greenbelt policy as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open. This is entirely in line with the green policies that both parties in the coalition committed to in their manifestos. For this reason I am copying this letter to my Conservative MP Mr Chris White and to
Mr Jeremy Wright Kenilworth MP. I have also copied this to Eric Pickles Secretary of State.
* The Government's National Planning Policy Framework requires there to be "very special circumstances." I understand that according to Warwick District Council the special circumstances are that there is nowhere else for the homes to be built.
I trust his view has been arrived at with a high degree of care, research and due diligence as it is not a view shared by many organisations and open to challenge. I expect Warwick district council will be challenged on this and would also expect government ministers to look dispassionately at the evidence as to why more brown land cannot be built over minimising the loss to the environment. Perhaps more imagination is required and for an audit of alternatives not only of financial but also of environmental costs.
Warwick District Council has added nearly 1400 homes to the number that it anticipates will be required so as to include a "buffer" in the forecasts. If this "buffer" is removed from the forecast there would be no need to include the land at Old Milverton and Blackdown in the proposals. Again the evidence for and the thinking behind the need for a buffer zone need to be examined carefully.
The proposed new roads will also have a substantial cost i.e. £28,000,000 . They will also have detrimental effect on the environment and also to the quality of life of residents in Leamington and Kenilworth. This again challenges one of Mr Cameron's ideas about happiness as well as financial prosperity being something about which the government are seriously concerned.
I trust that the council and the relevant parliamentary representatives and government ministers will look again at these proposals
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48442
Derbyniwyd: 24/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mr and Mrs Rypma
Nifer y bobl: 2
Strongly object to the proposal to develop land at Blackdown. There are other more appropriate brownfield development sites.
We vigourously object to your proposals in the new Development Plans for Old Milverton and Blackdown in the Green Belt.
During the 16 th July Old Milverton & Blackdown PC meeting with Bill Hunt and Councillors Doody, Hammon, and Pratt it became quickly clear that the meeting was not planned to be a "consultation meeting", but rather a statement by the Council on which Options were going to be submitted.
It was frustrating to hear how very clear basic and well founded arguments by several speakers were not taken aboard as points to be taken into account, but rather rebuffed, without indication that they would be considered before the final Proposals were going to be submitted to London.
It became very clear that the contents of the 2012 Preferred Option booklet ignore the 2009 Core strategy plan, which didn't require the use of Precious Green Belt land, and was much less expensive to implement than the infrastructure-change which is proposed.
From the discussions it became clear that other more appropriate Brown or White field sites are available, and could be considered with a little effort and thought by the planners.
The suggestion that the A425 should be made a dual carriage-way seems absurd, and was rejected in the past, since the traffic would not improve , because the entries to Leamington Spa, and Kenilworth are the bottle-necks which can't be much improved.
Theproposal to enlarge the Stoneleigh Road between Sandy Lane and Westhill Road also seems totally unjustified, since any traffic increase from North of Stoneleigh Road will be towards the A46 to Kenilworth , Coventry, or the M40. NOT through this stretch of Stoneleigh Road, through which the traffic has always been fluid .!
As stated before wefeel that a lot of new research should be done to study the points brought up during the meeting, before submitting you final Proposals.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48448
Derbyniwyd: 25/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Emma Dodd
Object to building on green belt.
Better use of existing brown field is housing, instead of providing more supermarkets.
Were more apartments in style of town architecture ever considered in place of blanket modern housing which will change style of town forever?
Current proposals an assault on countryside which will result in permanent loss of natural environment in what is after all known colloquially as 'leafy Warwickshire' for short term aims which will benefit relatively few and destroy much.
I was dismayed to read about your proposed plans for green belt land between Leamington Spa and Kenilworth.
I object totally to the building on the green belt land in the proposed new plan.
Better use of existing brown field is land for housing, instead of providing more supermarkets. This would be a better way of meeting housing quotas.
Were more apartments in the style of the town architecture ever considered in place of blanket modern housing which will change the style of this lovely Spa town forever?
In summary I feel your current proposals are an assault on the countryside which will result in permanent loss of natural environment in what is after all known colloquially as 'leafy Warwickshire' for short term aims which will benefit relatively few and destroy much.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48450
Derbyniwyd: 24/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mr Trevor Baker
Object to the proposed development at Blackdown. The NPPF places great importance on the protection of greenbelts and there are other sites which could be developed that are not in the greenbelt.
I wish to object to the proposed development in Old Milverton and Blackdown contained in Warwick District Council's Preferred Options local plan.
The National Planning Framework ( NPPF ) states that the Government attaches great importance to Grre belts and that the fundemental aim of the Green belt is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open.
The Green belt in Old milverton and Blackdown fulfils the 5 purposes of Greenbelt set out in the NPPF and therefore should remain as open Greenbelt land for ever.
It prevents the unrestricted sprawl of Leamingto to the north.
It prevents the merging of Leamington and Kenilworth.
It helps urban regeneration by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land.
There are other sites which can be developed that are not in the Greenbelt, which should be used in preferrence to Greenbelt sites.
The NPFF states that Green belt boundaries should only be altered in exceptional circumstances and as there are alternative sites there are no such circumstances to build on this land.
I ask you to reconsider your preferred options
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48451
Derbyniwyd: 25/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Barbara Dodd
Object to building on green belt.
Better use of existing brown field is housing, instead of providing more supermarkets.
Were more apartments in style of town architecture ever considered in place of blanket modern housing which will change style of town forever?
Current proposals an assault on countryside which will result in permanent loss of natural environment in what is after all known colloquially as 'leafy Warwickshire' for short term aims which will benefit relatively few and destroy much.
I was dismayed to read about your proposed plans for green belt land between Leamington Spa and Kenilworth.
I object totally to the building on the green belt land in the proposed new plan.
Better use of existing brown field is land for housing, instead of providing more supermarkets. This would be a better way of meeting housing quotas.
Were more apartments in the style of the town architecture ever considered in place of blanket modern housing which will change the style of this lovely Spa town forever?
In summary I feel your current proposals are an assault on the countryside which will result in permanent loss of natural environment in what is after all known colloquially as 'leafy Warwickshire' for short term aims which will benefit relatively few and destroy much.