PO8: Economy
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50660
Derbyniwyd: 06/08/2012
Ymatebydd: Sarah Ridgeway
The plan has not addressed the need to locate hoyusing and employment close to each other, nor has affordable housing been provided in a way that supports existing emploters (such as Eagle Engineering). Current employment opportunities are south of the river, it thereforemakes sense to focus development in that area. The University of Warwick is a big employer, but development is not proosoed there.
Employment growth areas should be identified first and housing should then follow this
See attached
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50702
Derbyniwyd: 14/02/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr Joseph Eason
This section is inadequate. There is a need to spell out where the growth is coming from, how much there is going to be and what is being done to respect the local economy.
Furthermore, there is the potential for development to the north of Warwick and Leamington and to the south of Kenilworth bringing together each of the settlements to create one town/city.
Submission Attached.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50728
Derbyniwyd: 06/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Peter and Philippa Wilson
Nifer y bobl: 2
I object to proposing more employment land to the north of Leamington as this would be on precious Green Belt areas.
Scanned representation
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50760
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Sue Munday
Offices are not needed at Thickthorn, there are lots available to rent. St Johns next to Jet garage, old Pottertons site.
Industrial land is not needed as Archery Fields is empty with fountains and wasteful landscaping at entrancee.
You cannot make people live and work in the same place. These ideas don't work. Kenilworth is not an industrial town and should not strive to be such.
Dear Sir,
My preferred option plan consultation feedback:
GREEN BELT - National Planning Policy Framew9rk requires "very special circumstances"
The Green Belt covers only 13% of the area of England. This preferred plan is for 10,800 dwellings
and 43% of land used will be green belt. How can this be justified when there is still plenty of white
field land available south of Leamington? Presumably the "very special circumstances" come into
effect when the 57% development on white fields has been used. This growth is scheduled to take
15 years at a constant annual rate of 555 houses per year. 57% of 15 is 8.55. So it will be eight and a
half years before these "very special circumstances" (ie. white field sites are filled and green belt is
needed) comes into effect. By then another plan will have been made!
I disagree strongly with any relaxation of the green belt which is there to stop conurbations merging.
This plan will leave less than 1 Y, miles between ~Kenilworth and Leamington.
Why does Kenilworth need to expand? It has always been in the past a much smaller town than
Leamington and Warwick and mushroomed massively in the 1960s, and also in the 1980s when
Knights Meadow and the Lindisfarne Drive estates were built. Why should we let this happen again
to keep pace with the other towns? Councillors tell me that the Green Belt is strangling Kenilworth.
This is precisely its purpose. We should be grateful that our town has these safeguards in place to
protect it.
770 dwellings equates to about 1770 people which is almost a 10% increase in Kenilworth's
population in an area which is quite detached from Kenilworth and is not likely to make its
inhabitants feel a part of the community. The town centre should be in the middle of the town. Far
too much development is on the east side and it should now be the turn of the west, if the Green
Belt has to be sacrificed, where there is no risk of it merging with other towns and which would be ~
short walk to the centre of town without cars needing to be used.
How was the Thickthorn site chosen?
Surely not because it abuts the A46 which is noisy both day and night. Was a site visit made to see
just how noisy it will be for all the inhabitants? Were decibel readings taken at various points up the
hill to ascertain the suitability of this site? The noise is particularly bad on a hot sunny day with the
prevailing south-west wind. What about HS2 whose boom will be heard at Thickthorn as it passes 18
times per hour in both directions on the EAST side? This estate will be on the flight path of Coventry
International Airport where there is no restriction on night flights and jets scream right over the
proposed development land and at a very low level on their way to Baginton as they have to avoid
the Birmingham flight path, (which is also noisy) as this is the crossover point of the two flightpaths.
It would be a very selfish decision to commit people to a life of misery with all this noise even
through double glazing. This is not the same scenario as the Woodloes where houses abut the road,
which at that point is 4 lanes instead of 6, where there the A46 is the other side of the natural sound
barrier of Primrose Hill. At Thickthorn noise is impossible to stop owing to the contours of the land
which is a basin causing the noise to be trapped and sweep up the hill towards dwellings. The noise
is incessant both day and night. It is an ideal location for the sports fields which are already there,
where people can go away at the end and not have to endure it 24 hours a day. Office buildings
along it will not dissipate the sound.
Having 1200 cars discharging from the estate each morning will be a nightmare and cause even
longer queues up Birches Lane and into Glasshouse Lane. It will be a worse effect than the horse fair
there every day of the year. Updating St Johns gyratory presumably means traffic lights which will
cause long tailbacks into the town centre as they have priority under the give-way scheme.
I cannot understand how a dual carriageway between Kenilworth and Leamington will help as all the
traffic will have to funnel in at either end and will just result in 4 lanes of slow moving traffic instead
of 2. Creation of bus lanes will in any case limit traffic flow to one lane in each direction to speed up
a bus every 10 minutes if you're lucky, and nothing will be gained in terms of traffic build up.
There are no points wide enough along Glasshouse Lane for the junction of a spine road, as the
corner with Rocky Lane is on a dangerous bend. In any case, Glasshouse Lane is a unique and
attractive feature of 1930s period landscaping, a Kenilworth gem, which should be preserved and
which junctions along its length will destroy.
Where do these figures come from for 10,800 houses?
It is in the interest of the District Council to have as many new houses as possible, as they receive 6
times the Council Tax from the New Homes Bonus Scheme for every new dwelling completed and
more than that if they are affordable housing.
This plan is not led by suitability but the interest of landowners to sell off their land for housing.
These are not sufficient grounds for this massive increase in population concentrated in a small area
as the plans make little use of rural area development. Lots of villages need regenerating. Radford
Semele has had no growth since the 1960s and has a school in place already. It has good transport
links to the M40, Fosse Way and Leamington Station and IT IS IN A WHITE FIELD ZONE. If such a large
number are needed, they should be put in the South Leamington area on white field sites as
Leamington already has all the amenities (parks, department stores, nightclubs, cinemas) jobs to
support it. This is a Warwick District Council plan not a Kenilworth plan and there are plenty of other
places where housing could be built.
Old Milverton and Blackdown Parish Council are sending a formal objection on behalf of the area.
Where is the formal OBJECTION from our town council on behalf of its 23,000 residents? Our town
should be protected from losing its identity.
Offices are not needed -lots are available to rent. St Johns next to Jet garage, old Pottertons site.
Industrial land is not needed as Archery Fields is empty with fountains and wasteful landscaping at
the entrance.
You cannot make people live and work in the same place. These ideas don't work. Kenilworth is not
an industrial town and should not strive to be such.
Why were these ideas devised secretly without asking the people who voted for you their opinions
before consulting the district planners?
Population figures should be challenged.
Green belt should be protected.
Consideration of the effect on the HEALTH of people living alongside a motorway with NOISE and
POOR AIR QUALITY owing to constant fumes and directly under a flight path with NOISE due to very
low flying aircraft should be made.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50794
Derbyniwyd: 06/08/2012
Ymatebydd: Warwick Chamber of Trade and Commerce
The document says "need to provide employment land in and around the Districts main towns to meet local needs and encourage creation of jobs". All the employment land options are outside Warwick and there is no mention of employment opportunities within the town centres.
We feel that the initial process for determining the location for the new housing is fundamentally flawed. Where the housing and employment land is needed and most appropriate should have been decided first and then the land acquired not building where land has been offered. The document states " make sure new developments are in places that will reduce the need for people to use their cars".
PO 12 also states that "transport is the biggest contributor to carbon emissions" yet all the proposed sites outlined in the plan will lead to more car journeys. It is difficult to imagine that there will be enough CIL money to develop the public transport measures needed to tempt people out of their cars.
It would make more sense to build around Warwick Parkway Station and the proposed station in Kenilworth.
In determining the number of houses needed little heed seems to have been taken of the housing stock being released by an aging population. It is difficult to see how anything in this plan has much economic benefit for Warwick. The SHMA says that employment will drive demand for housing and that 526 houses per annum are needed to achieve employment growth of 10% and forecasts employment growth of 11,860 jobs over years 20l1-203l.It is difficult to see where these jobs will come from unless the jobs created by the Coventry and Warwick Gateway scheme are included and what benefit will that bring to Warwick. The document says "need to provide employment land in and around the Districts main towns to meet local needs and encourage creation of jobs". All the employment land options are outside Warwick and there is no mention of employment opportunities within the town centres.
It is hard to justify "specific support for a major new retail development in Leamington Town Centre" as how will Warwick and Kenilworth prosper? We would like to suggest that the phrase "strongly resist any out of town centre proposals" be replaced with "not allow any out of town proposals" if WDC is serious about ensuring that" our town centres remain successful". There is no mention in the plan of the effect of cyber retailing and where are the plans for Wi Fi in our town centres? There are few firm proposals in this document or the draft infrastructure document for the plan to bring people into the town centre eg public transport, parking and ,particularly for Warwick, coach parking.
There is nothing in the plan as to how WDC will "support visitor accommodation
in town centres"
We suggest that "ensure that new development can be provided with adequate
water supply" should read "sustainable water supply".
With reference to the Green Infrastructure plan. Why are the four future opportunities not included in the plan.
Warwick Chamber of Trade are disappointed that there appears to be little of benefit to the town and hopes to see some improvements in the final document.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50834
Derbyniwyd: 26/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Historic England
Scale and form unclear.
Designated and undesignated heritage assets.
Specific hsitoric environment assessment must be undertaken to understand landscape's special historic interest, locations of historic significance and sensitivity.
Thank you for providing English Heritage with the opportunity to further comment on this evolving strategic plan for the District. This correspondence will regrettably reiterate certain points made in previous letters dated 9 April 2010 and 5 July 2011; both are therefore attached for your information.
As the government's adviser for the historic environment, English Heritage broadly welcomes the positive strategy set out in section 11, and in particular Objectives 7 and 14 of the Plan.
I note a recognition in the Plan of the pressure for new development threatens the "highquality
built and natural environments in the district, particularly historic areas"1 but however goes on to reassure that 10,800 new homes (to 2029) will be founded on "best evidence"2 and located in the most suitable locations3 to help ensure the historic environment is then protected and enhanced4.
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) provides the context and justification for doing so, requiring Local Plans to be prepared with the objective of contributing to the achievement of sustainable development in accordance with the principles and policies for the historic environment.5
The following comments on a number of the proposed allocations unfortunately highlight an inconsistency with the above:
1 WLP PO Paragraph 4.8 point 6
2 WLP PO Paragraph 5.1
3 WLP PO Paragraph 7.6 "In addressing the important housing issues, the Local Plan will aim to...provide well-designed new developments in the most suitable location".
4 WLP PO Paragraph 4.6
"To protect and maintain the character of the District, the Local Plan will have to balance the growth of the District with the protection and enhancement of these assets".
5 NPPF Paragraph 151
Site D Land south of Gallows Hill, Warwick
Key assets affected - Warwick Castle Park Grade I Registered Park and Garden; Warwick
Castle Grade I Listed Building; Warwick Conservation Area
In comparison to all the nine sites assessed in the Landscape Character Assessment for
Land South of Warwick (Richard Morrish Associates, 2009 - Referred to herein as the LCA Report), the site to the south of Gallows Hill is described as being the area of highest relative value to the setting of Warwick. It is the only site that is considered to be unacceptable in principle.
"This is generally an area of well maintained agricultural land that is important to the setting of Castle Park and prominent in approaches to Warwick. We feel it should be safeguarded from development". Paragraph 5.4 LCA Report
"Warwick and Leamington Spa have highly-valued historic cores and Warwick Castle and the associated Castle Park have national heritage significance. Protecting the setting of these features must be considered a principal goal of future development planning in the locality".
Paragraph 5.1 LCA Report
It is needless to say any proposal which harms heritage assets of such national significance to such a degree is contrary to the NPPF6 and the principles of sustainable development.
The harm is not outweighed by the public benefit associated with this housing development.
It should be noted that the LCA Report does not refer to either the Historic Environment Record or the Warwick CA Appraisal; and it preceded the publication of the NPPF (March 2012);The Setting of Heritage Assets - English Heritage Guidance (October 2010); The Warwickshire Historic Landscape Characterisation (HLC) Report (WCC 2011)7; and the Conservation Plan for the park. If applied these are likely to reaffirm the sensitivity of the site and the unsuitability of the allocation.
Site WL5a Loes Farm, Warwick (Guy's Cliffe)
The draft local plan fails to have adequately considered the impact on designated and undesignated heritage assets to determine the suitability of the allocation. The proposal would appear likely to cause substantial harm to undesignated heritage assets of significant value, and harm to the setting of designated assets that contribute to that assets significance. This would be contrary to the NPPF and the great weight that should be afforded the conservation of heritage assets.
I refer to my letter dated 10 April 2010.
"You should ensure that thorough evidence is applied to determine whether the proposal would adversely affect the significance of the designated historic landscape and its setting including key views in and out. The direct and indirect impacts of major new development on the individual components that determine the relative value of Guy's Cliffe in total should be understood.
English Heritage considers that the well preserved areas of ridge and furrow should certainly be regarded as of national importance and preserved as a consequence, see:- "
The NPPF is clear that a draft local plan may be considered unsound if there has been no proper assessment of the significance of heritage assets in the area, including their settings,
6 NPPF paragraph 132
7 NPPF paragraph 170
and of the potential for finding new sites of archaeological or historic interest8, or, there has been no proper assessment to identify land where development would be inappropriate because of its historic significance.9
The Joint Green Belt Review recommends that to determine site suitability "finer grained, more detailed analysis" should be undertaken including the consideration of "Archaeological Constraints; Character, Setting; and Historic Landscape Character Analysis"10. This appears not to have been undertaken.
Site K5 south east Kenilworth
Previous correspondence highlighted the need to consider the evident significance of the adjacent Stoneleigh Abbey and designated Glasshouse Roman settlement, and the potential for further archaeology. Has this evidence been addressed?
Any future development would certainly need to protect the scheduled archaeology and its setting and that of the Grade II* registered Stoneleigh Abbey Park.
Coventry and Warwickshire Gateway - Baginton
The scale and form of any future development here is currently unclear. However it should be noted that the area includes designated and undesignated heritage assets of great importance. In accordance with the national policy expectations referred to above, a specific historic environment assessment must be undertaken to fully understand the landscape's special historic interest, the locations of particular historic significance and sensitivity. This can in turn inform the areas capacity, where development may best take place and what form
it might take.
Section 11. The Historic Environment
One of the twelve principal objectives for planning in the NPPF is the conservation of heritage assets for the quality of life they bring to this and future generations11.
Conservation means maintaining what is important about a place and improving it where this is desirable. This is not a passive exercise. Consequently we welcome the proactive approach you intend to take.
To compliment these measures might I suggest the Plan also address and target specific environmental improvements; the assets within the area on the heritage at risk register and the opportunity afforded by CIL/S106 agreements.
I note paragraph 5.1 of the LCR Report. "In addition and particularly as the towns are important tourist destinations, the quality of approaches to the town should be considered in all development planning. A combination of protection of landscape assets and enhancement or removal of landscape detractors should be considered in strategic planning".
Might the enhancement of the public realm be linked to creating an attractive environment for businesses and visitors? I refer to paragraph 14.18. How will the Local Plan compliment and help deliver the Warwickshire LTPs intention to "improve the quality of transport integration into streetscapes and the urban environment"?
Are there specific opportunities to demonstrate how CIL/S106 agreements could contribute towards the enhancement of individual assets or specific historic places, particular streets, spaces and the public realm?
8 NPPF paragraph 169
9 NPPF paragraph 157, seventh bullet-point.
10 Joint Green Belt Review paragraph 5.4.2/3
11 NPPF paragraph 17
Might the Plan address the particular issues identified during the development of the evidence base, including the ten monuments, four buildings and two parks on the national heritage at risk register?
Section 15 -Green Infrastructure appears to provide the 'bench mark' for a thorough and proactive strategy. I would be welcome the opportunity to help support a further refinement of Section 11 to achieve a similar comprehensive iteration.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50837
Derbyniwyd: 22/05/2013
Ymatebydd: Framptons
Employment land allocations should not be restricted to "B" use classes as a range of other uses also generate employment. Restricting to B Class uses will present an unnecessary barrier to investment. This is a variance with the Council's growth strategy and the CWLEP's strategy. Paragraphs 8.15 and 8.30 are therefore not justified and are not sound.
See attached
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 51292
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Hatton Parish Council
We also support the aims and objectives outlined in PO8 (Economy), subject to our objection to PO1.
See attached representations.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 51309
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Suzannah Patchett
Agree with need to generate opportunities for employment within the district, but the application of policy at a micro level is seriously flawed. Housing needs to be nearer to employment opportunities and Norton Lindsey has no employment opportunities and as a small village cannot support any.
Standard Response Representation Attached. Text copied below:
Norton Lindsey Village response to Warwick District Council consultation May 2012
New Local Plan Preferred Options
Sheet 1 of 1
Which document are you responding to? Preferred Options (Full Version)
Which part of the document are you responding to? Preferred Option 1 (P01)
Paragraph number I Heading I Subheading (if relevant) - 5.6, 5.10, 5.12, 5.13, 5.15, 5.18,5.22
What is the nature of your representation? OBJECT
Part 1 -Setting the Scene and Summary
P01 - Preferred Level of Growth
It is agreed that some growth will be required during the 2014-2029 period to sustain an
economic and vibrant economy. An increase in homes of appropriate tenures will be
required but the level of growth based on the economic predictions certainly over the
next five years seems excessive especially when viewed against the economic
backdrop. This comment is supported by Office of National Statistics data which reveals
that the rate of increase of Gross Domestic Product has been falling since mid 2010 and
has yet to show signs of recovery. On this basis growth has been downgraded to 0.7%
from 0.8%. Predictions from the respected International Monetary Fund have revised
expectations of growth of 0.8% down to 0.2% with a very modest almost "flat
lining"growth of 0.6% in 2013. Accordingly the base figures being utilised are over
We believe that the demand for further housing in Norton Lindsey is limited and can be
adequately met by windfall sites and as has been historically the case utilising previously
used land and buildings.
Changes to Preferred Option 1 -adopt a more conservative growth pattern to
reflect market conditions which are likely to prevail over the first half of the Plan
NPPF-National Planning Policy Framework: WOe-Warwick District Council: SOC-Stratford upon Avon District Council
Agent's contact details:
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 51319
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Eddie Rogers
Agree with need to generate opportunities for employment within the district, but the application of policy at a micro level is seriously flawed. Housing needs to be nearer to employment opportunities and Norton Lindsey has no employment opportunities and as a small village cannot support any.
Standard Response Representation Attached. Text copied below:
Norton Lindsey Village response to Warwick District Council consultation May 2012
New Local Plan Preferred Options
Sheet 1 of 1
Which document are you responding to? Preferred Options (Full Version)
Which part of the document are you responding to? Preferred Option 1 (P01)
Paragraph number I Heading I Subheading (if relevant) - 5.6, 5.10, 5.12, 5.13, 5.15, 5.18,5.22
What is the nature of your representation? OBJECT
Part 1 -Setting the Scene and Summary
P01 - Preferred Level of Growth
It is agreed that some growth will be required during the 2014-2029 period to sustain an
economic and vibrant economy. An increase in homes of appropriate tenures will be
required but the level of growth based on the economic predictions certainly over the
next five years seems excessive especially when viewed against the economic
backdrop. This comment is supported by Office of National Statistics data which reveals
that the rate of increase of Gross Domestic Product has been falling since mid 2010 and
has yet to show signs of recovery. On this basis growth has been downgraded to 0.7%
from 0.8%. Predictions from the respected International Monetary Fund have revised
expectations of growth of 0.8% down to 0.2% with a very modest almost "flat
lining"growth of 0.6% in 2013. Accordingly the base figures being utilised are over
We believe that the demand for further housing in Norton Lindsey is limited and can be
adequately met by windfall sites and as has been historically the case utilising previously
used land and buildings.
Changes to Preferred Option 1 -adopt a more conservative growth pattern to
reflect market conditions which are likely to prevail over the first half of the Plan
NPPF-National Planning Policy Framework: WOe-Warwick District Council: SOC-Stratford upon Avon District Council
Agent's contact details:
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 51329
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Jane Toogood
Agree with need to generate opportunities for employment within the district, but the application of policy at a micro level is seriously flawed. Housing needs to be nearer to employment opportunities and Norton Lindsey has no employment opportunities and as a small village cannot support any.
Standard Response Representation Attached. Text copied below:
Norton Lindsey Village response to Warwick District Council consultation May 2012
New Local Plan Preferred Options
Sheet 1 of 1
Which document are you responding to? Preferred Options (Full Version)
Which part of the document are you responding to? Preferred Option 1 (P01)
Paragraph number I Heading I Subheading (if relevant) - 5.6, 5.10, 5.12, 5.13, 5.15, 5.18,5.22
What is the nature of your representation? OBJECT
Part 1 -Setting the Scene and Summary
P01 - Preferred Level of Growth
It is agreed that some growth will be required during the 2014-2029 period to sustain an
economic and vibrant economy. An increase in homes of appropriate tenures will be
required but the level of growth based on the economic predictions certainly over the
next five years seems excessive especially when viewed against the economic
backdrop. This comment is supported by Office of National Statistics data which reveals
that the rate of increase of Gross Domestic Product has been falling since mid 2010 and
has yet to show signs of recovery. On this basis growth has been downgraded to 0.7%
from 0.8%. Predictions from the respected International Monetary Fund have revised
expectations of growth of 0.8% down to 0.2% with a very modest almost "flat
lining"growth of 0.6% in 2013. Accordingly the base figures being utilised are over
We believe that the demand for further housing in Norton Lindsey is limited and can be
adequately met by windfall sites and as has been historically the case utilising previously
used land and buildings.
Changes to Preferred Option 1 -adopt a more conservative growth pattern to
reflect market conditions which are likely to prevail over the first half of the Plan
NPPF-National Planning Policy Framework: WOe-Warwick District Council: SOC-Stratford upon Avon District Council
Agent's contact details:
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 51339
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Faz Subhani
Agree with need to generate opportunities for employment within the district, but the application of policy at a micro level is seriously flawed. Housing needs to be nearer to employment opportunities and Norton Lindsey has no employment opportunities and as a small village cannot support any.
Standard Response Representation Attached. Text copied below:
Norton Lindsey Village response to Warwick District Council consultation May 2012
New Local Plan Preferred Options
Sheet 1 of 1
Which document are you responding to? Preferred Options (Full Version)
Which part of the document are you responding to? Preferred Option 1 (P01)
Paragraph number I Heading I Subheading (if relevant) - 5.6, 5.10, 5.12, 5.13, 5.15, 5.18,5.22
What is the nature of your representation? OBJECT
Part 1 -Setting the Scene and Summary
P01 - Preferred Level of Growth
It is agreed that some growth will be required during the 2014-2029 period to sustain an
economic and vibrant economy. An increase in homes of appropriate tenures will be
required but the level of growth based on the economic predictions certainly over the
next five years seems excessive especially when viewed against the economic
backdrop. This comment is supported by Office of National Statistics data which reveals
that the rate of increase of Gross Domestic Product has been falling since mid 2010 and
has yet to show signs of recovery. On this basis growth has been downgraded to 0.7%
from 0.8%. Predictions from the respected International Monetary Fund have revised
expectations of growth of 0.8% down to 0.2% with a very modest almost "flat
lining"growth of 0.6% in 2013. Accordingly the base figures being utilised are over
We believe that the demand for further housing in Norton Lindsey is limited and can be
adequately met by windfall sites and as has been historically the case utilising previously
used land and buildings.
Changes to Preferred Option 1 -adopt a more conservative growth pattern to
reflect market conditions which are likely to prevail over the first half of the Plan
NPPF-National Planning Policy Framework: WOe-Warwick District Council: SOC-Stratford upon Avon District Council
Agent's contact details:
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 51349
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mr & Mrs Tom & Frances Wyatt
Agree with need to generate opportunities for employment within the district, but the application of policy at a micro level is seriously flawed. Housing needs to be nearer to employment opportunities and Norton Lindsey has no employment opportunities and as a small village cannot support any.
Standard Response Representation Attached. Text copied below:
Norton Lindsey Village response to Warwick District Council consultation May 2012
New Local Plan Preferred Options
Sheet 1 of 1
Which document are you responding to? Preferred Options (Full Version)
Which part of the document are you responding to? Preferred Option 1 (P01)
Paragraph number I Heading I Subheading (if relevant) - 5.6, 5.10, 5.12, 5.13, 5.15, 5.18,5.22
What is the nature of your representation? OBJECT
Part 1 -Setting the Scene and Summary
P01 - Preferred Level of Growth
It is agreed that some growth will be required during the 2014-2029 period to sustain an
economic and vibrant economy. An increase in homes of appropriate tenures will be
required but the level of growth based on the economic predictions certainly over the
next five years seems excessive especially when viewed against the economic
backdrop. This comment is supported by Office of National Statistics data which reveals
that the rate of increase of Gross Domestic Product has been falling since mid 2010 and
has yet to show signs of recovery. On this basis growth has been downgraded to 0.7%
from 0.8%. Predictions from the respected International Monetary Fund have revised
expectations of growth of 0.8% down to 0.2% with a very modest almost "flat
lining"growth of 0.6% in 2013. Accordingly the base figures being utilised are over
We believe that the demand for further housing in Norton Lindsey is limited and can be
adequately met by windfall sites and as has been historically the case utilising previously
used land and buildings.
Changes to Preferred Option 1 -adopt a more conservative growth pattern to
reflect market conditions which are likely to prevail over the first half of the Plan
NPPF-National Planning Policy Framework: WOe-Warwick District Council: SOC-Stratford upon Avon District Council
Agent's contact details:
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 51359
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mrs Josephine Wilcox-Smith
Agree with need to generate opportunities for employment within the district, but the application of policy at a micro level is seriously flawed. Housing needs to be nearer to employment opportunities and Norton Lindsey has no employment opportunities and as a small village cannot support any.
Standard Response Representation Attached. Text copied below:
Norton Lindsey Village response to Warwick District Council consultation May 2012
New Local Plan Preferred Options
Sheet 1 of 1
Which document are you responding to? Preferred Options (Full Version)
Which part of the document are you responding to? Preferred Option 1 (P01)
Paragraph number I Heading I Subheading (if relevant) - 5.6, 5.10, 5.12, 5.13, 5.15, 5.18,5.22
What is the nature of your representation? OBJECT
Part 1 -Setting the Scene and Summary
P01 - Preferred Level of Growth
It is agreed that some growth will be required during the 2014-2029 period to sustain an
economic and vibrant economy. An increase in homes of appropriate tenures will be
required but the level of growth based on the economic predictions certainly over the
next five years seems excessive especially when viewed against the economic
backdrop. This comment is supported by Office of National Statistics data which reveals
that the rate of increase of Gross Domestic Product has been falling since mid 2010 and
has yet to show signs of recovery. On this basis growth has been downgraded to 0.7%
from 0.8%. Predictions from the respected International Monetary Fund have revised
expectations of growth of 0.8% down to 0.2% with a very modest almost "flat
lining"growth of 0.6% in 2013. Accordingly the base figures being utilised are over
We believe that the demand for further housing in Norton Lindsey is limited and can be
adequately met by windfall sites and as has been historically the case utilising previously
used land and buildings.
Changes to Preferred Option 1 -adopt a more conservative growth pattern to
reflect market conditions which are likely to prevail over the first half of the Plan
NPPF-National Planning Policy Framework: WOe-Warwick District Council: SOC-Stratford upon Avon District Council
Agent's contact details:
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 51369
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Lauren Popinall
Agree with need to generate opportunities for employment within the district, but the application of policy at a micro level is seriously flawed. Housing needs to be nearer to employment opportunities and Norton Lindsey has no employment opportunities and as a small village cannot support any.
Standard Response Representation Attached. Text copied below:
Norton Lindsey Village response to Warwick District Council consultation May 2012
New Local Plan Preferred Options
Sheet 1 of 1
Which document are you responding to? Preferred Options (Full Version)
Which part of the document are you responding to? Preferred Option 1 (P01)
Paragraph number I Heading I Subheading (if relevant) - 5.6, 5.10, 5.12, 5.13, 5.15, 5.18,5.22
What is the nature of your representation? OBJECT
Part 1 -Setting the Scene and Summary
P01 - Preferred Level of Growth
It is agreed that some growth will be required during the 2014-2029 period to sustain an
economic and vibrant economy. An increase in homes of appropriate tenures will be
required but the level of growth based on the economic predictions certainly over the
next five years seems excessive especially when viewed against the economic
backdrop. This comment is supported by Office of National Statistics data which reveals
that the rate of increase of Gross Domestic Product has been falling since mid 2010 and
has yet to show signs of recovery. On this basis growth has been downgraded to 0.7%
from 0.8%. Predictions from the respected International Monetary Fund have revised
expectations of growth of 0.8% down to 0.2% with a very modest almost "flat
lining"growth of 0.6% in 2013. Accordingly the base figures being utilised are over
We believe that the demand for further housing in Norton Lindsey is limited and can be
adequately met by windfall sites and as has been historically the case utilising previously
used land and buildings.
Changes to Preferred Option 1 -adopt a more conservative growth pattern to
reflect market conditions which are likely to prevail over the first half of the Plan
NPPF-National Planning Policy Framework: WOe-Warwick District Council: SOC-Stratford upon Avon District Council
Agent's contact details:
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 51379
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: michael mcmillan
Agree with need to generate opportunities for employment within the district, but the application of policy at a micro level is seriously flawed. Housing needs to be nearer to employment opportunities and Norton Lindsey has no employment opportunities and as a small village cannot support any.
Standard Response Representation Attached. Text copied below:
Norton Lindsey Village response to Warwick District Council consultation May 2012
New Local Plan Preferred Options
Sheet 1 of 1
Which document are you responding to? Preferred Options (Full Version)
Which part of the document are you responding to? Preferred Option 1 (P01)
Paragraph number I Heading I Subheading (if relevant) - 5.6, 5.10, 5.12, 5.13, 5.15, 5.18,5.22
What is the nature of your representation? OBJECT
Part 1 -Setting the Scene and Summary
P01 - Preferred Level of Growth
It is agreed that some growth will be required during the 2014-2029 period to sustain an
economic and vibrant economy. An increase in homes of appropriate tenures will be
required but the level of growth based on the economic predictions certainly over the
next five years seems excessive especially when viewed against the economic
backdrop. This comment is supported by Office of National Statistics data which reveals
that the rate of increase of Gross Domestic Product has been falling since mid 2010 and
has yet to show signs of recovery. On this basis growth has been downgraded to 0.7%
from 0.8%. Predictions from the respected International Monetary Fund have revised
expectations of growth of 0.8% down to 0.2% with a very modest almost "flat
lining"growth of 0.6% in 2013. Accordingly the base figures being utilised are over
We believe that the demand for further housing in Norton Lindsey is limited and can be
adequately met by windfall sites and as has been historically the case utilising previously
used land and buildings.
Changes to Preferred Option 1 -adopt a more conservative growth pattern to
reflect market conditions which are likely to prevail over the first half of the Plan
NPPF-National Planning Policy Framework: WOe-Warwick District Council: SOC-Stratford upon Avon District Council
Agent's contact details:
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 51389
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Frances Nolan
Agree with need to generate opportunities for employment within the district, but the application of policy at a micro level is seriously flawed. Housing needs to be nearer to employment opportunities and Norton Lindsey has no employment opportunities and as a small village cannot support any.
Standard Response Representation Attached. Text copied below:
Norton Lindsey Village response to Warwick District Council consultation May 2012
New Local Plan Preferred Options
Sheet 1 of 1
Which document are you responding to? Preferred Options (Full Version)
Which part of the document are you responding to? Preferred Option 1 (P01)
Paragraph number I Heading I Subheading (if relevant) - 5.6, 5.10, 5.12, 5.13, 5.15, 5.18,5.22
What is the nature of your representation? OBJECT
Part 1 -Setting the Scene and Summary
P01 - Preferred Level of Growth
It is agreed that some growth will be required during the 2014-2029 period to sustain an
economic and vibrant economy. An increase in homes of appropriate tenures will be
required but the level of growth based on the economic predictions certainly over the
next five years seems excessive especially when viewed against the economic
backdrop. This comment is supported by Office of National Statistics data which reveals
that the rate of increase of Gross Domestic Product has been falling since mid 2010 and
has yet to show signs of recovery. On this basis growth has been downgraded to 0.7%
from 0.8%. Predictions from the respected International Monetary Fund have revised
expectations of growth of 0.8% down to 0.2% with a very modest almost "flat
lining"growth of 0.6% in 2013. Accordingly the base figures being utilised are over
We believe that the demand for further housing in Norton Lindsey is limited and can be
adequately met by windfall sites and as has been historically the case utilising previously
used land and buildings.
Changes to Preferred Option 1 -adopt a more conservative growth pattern to
reflect market conditions which are likely to prevail over the first half of the Plan
NPPF-National Planning Policy Framework: WOe-Warwick District Council: SOC-Stratford upon Avon District Council
Agent's contact details:
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 51399
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Anthony Bourne
Agree with need to generate opportunities for employment within the district, but the application of policy at a micro level is seriously flawed. Housing needs to be nearer to employment opportunities and Norton Lindsey has no employment opportunities and as a small village cannot support any.
Standard Response Representation Attached. Text copied below:
Norton Lindsey Village response to Warwick District Council consultation May 2012
New Local Plan Preferred Options
Sheet 1 of 1
Which document are you responding to? Preferred Options (Full Version)
Which part of the document are you responding to? Preferred Option 1 (P01)
Paragraph number I Heading I Subheading (if relevant) - 5.6, 5.10, 5.12, 5.13, 5.15, 5.18,5.22
What is the nature of your representation? OBJECT
Part 1 -Setting the Scene and Summary
P01 - Preferred Level of Growth
It is agreed that some growth will be required during the 2014-2029 period to sustain an
economic and vibrant economy. An increase in homes of appropriate tenures will be
required but the level of growth based on the economic predictions certainly over the
next five years seems excessive especially when viewed against the economic
backdrop. This comment is supported by Office of National Statistics data which reveals
that the rate of increase of Gross Domestic Product has been falling since mid 2010 and
has yet to show signs of recovery. On this basis growth has been downgraded to 0.7%
from 0.8%. Predictions from the respected International Monetary Fund have revised
expectations of growth of 0.8% down to 0.2% with a very modest almost "flat
lining"growth of 0.6% in 2013. Accordingly the base figures being utilised are over
We believe that the demand for further housing in Norton Lindsey is limited and can be
adequately met by windfall sites and as has been historically the case utilising previously
used land and buildings.
Changes to Preferred Option 1 -adopt a more conservative growth pattern to
reflect market conditions which are likely to prevail over the first half of the Plan
NPPF-National Planning Policy Framework: WOe-Warwick District Council: SOC-Stratford upon Avon District Council
Agent's contact details:
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 51409
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Victoria Bourne
Agree with need to generate opportunities for employment within the district, but the application of policy at a micro level is seriously flawed. Housing needs to be nearer to employment opportunities and Norton Lindsey has no employment opportunities and as a small village cannot support any.
Standard Response Representation Attached. Text copied below:
Norton Lindsey Village response to Warwick District Council consultation May 2012
New Local Plan Preferred Options
Sheet 1 of 1
Which document are you responding to? Preferred Options (Full Version)
Which part of the document are you responding to? Preferred Option 1 (P01)
Paragraph number I Heading I Subheading (if relevant) - 5.6, 5.10, 5.12, 5.13, 5.15, 5.18,5.22
What is the nature of your representation? OBJECT
Part 1 -Setting the Scene and Summary
P01 - Preferred Level of Growth
It is agreed that some growth will be required during the 2014-2029 period to sustain an
economic and vibrant economy. An increase in homes of appropriate tenures will be
required but the level of growth based on the economic predictions certainly over the
next five years seems excessive especially when viewed against the economic
backdrop. This comment is supported by Office of National Statistics data which reveals
that the rate of increase of Gross Domestic Product has been falling since mid 2010 and
has yet to show signs of recovery. On this basis growth has been downgraded to 0.7%
from 0.8%. Predictions from the respected International Monetary Fund have revised
expectations of growth of 0.8% down to 0.2% with a very modest almost "flat
lining"growth of 0.6% in 2013. Accordingly the base figures being utilised are over
We believe that the demand for further housing in Norton Lindsey is limited and can be
adequately met by windfall sites and as has been historically the case utilising previously
used land and buildings.
Changes to Preferred Option 1 -adopt a more conservative growth pattern to
reflect market conditions which are likely to prevail over the first half of the Plan
NPPF-National Planning Policy Framework: WOe-Warwick District Council: SOC-Stratford upon Avon District Council
Agent's contact details:
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 51419
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Matt Bourne
Agree with need to generate opportunities for employment within the district, but the application of policy at a micro level is seriously flawed. Housing needs to be nearer to employment opportunities and Norton Lindsey has no employment opportunities and as a small village cannot support any.
Standard Response Representation Attached. Text copied below:
Norton Lindsey Village response to Warwick District Council consultation May 2012
New Local Plan Preferred Options
Sheet 1 of 1
Which document are you responding to? Preferred Options (Full Version)
Which part of the document are you responding to? Preferred Option 1 (P01)
Paragraph number I Heading I Subheading (if relevant) - 5.6, 5.10, 5.12, 5.13, 5.15, 5.18,5.22
What is the nature of your representation? OBJECT
Part 1 -Setting the Scene and Summary
P01 - Preferred Level of Growth
It is agreed that some growth will be required during the 2014-2029 period to sustain an
economic and vibrant economy. An increase in homes of appropriate tenures will be
required but the level of growth based on the economic predictions certainly over the
next five years seems excessive especially when viewed against the economic
backdrop. This comment is supported by Office of National Statistics data which reveals
that the rate of increase of Gross Domestic Product has been falling since mid 2010 and
has yet to show signs of recovery. On this basis growth has been downgraded to 0.7%
from 0.8%. Predictions from the respected International Monetary Fund have revised
expectations of growth of 0.8% down to 0.2% with a very modest almost "flat
lining"growth of 0.6% in 2013. Accordingly the base figures being utilised are over
We believe that the demand for further housing in Norton Lindsey is limited and can be
adequately met by windfall sites and as has been historically the case utilising previously
used land and buildings.
Changes to Preferred Option 1 -adopt a more conservative growth pattern to
reflect market conditions which are likely to prevail over the first half of the Plan
NPPF-National Planning Policy Framework: WOe-Warwick District Council: SOC-Stratford upon Avon District Council
Agent's contact details:
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 51429
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Rachel Sparkes
Agree with need to generate opportunities for employment within the district, but the application of policy at a micro level is seriously flawed. Housing needs to be nearer to employment opportunities and Norton Lindsey has no employment opportunities and as a small village cannot support any.
Standard Response Representation Attached. Text copied below:
Norton Lindsey Village response to Warwick District Council consultation May 2012
New Local Plan Preferred Options
Sheet 1 of 1
Which document are you responding to? Preferred Options (Full Version)
Which part of the document are you responding to? Preferred Option 1 (P01)
Paragraph number I Heading I Subheading (if relevant) - 5.6, 5.10, 5.12, 5.13, 5.15, 5.18,5.22
What is the nature of your representation? OBJECT
Part 1 -Setting the Scene and Summary
P01 - Preferred Level of Growth
It is agreed that some growth will be required during the 2014-2029 period to sustain an
economic and vibrant economy. An increase in homes of appropriate tenures will be
required but the level of growth based on the economic predictions certainly over the
next five years seems excessive especially when viewed against the economic
backdrop. This comment is supported by Office of National Statistics data which reveals
that the rate of increase of Gross Domestic Product has been falling since mid 2010 and
has yet to show signs of recovery. On this basis growth has been downgraded to 0.7%
from 0.8%. Predictions from the respected International Monetary Fund have revised
expectations of growth of 0.8% down to 0.2% with a very modest almost "flat
lining"growth of 0.6% in 2013. Accordingly the base figures being utilised are over
We believe that the demand for further housing in Norton Lindsey is limited and can be
adequately met by windfall sites and as has been historically the case utilising previously
used land and buildings.
Changes to Preferred Option 1 -adopt a more conservative growth pattern to
reflect market conditions which are likely to prevail over the first half of the Plan
NPPF-National Planning Policy Framework: WOe-Warwick District Council: SOC-Stratford upon Avon District Council
Agent's contact details:
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 51439
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Simon Cartwright
Agree with need to generate opportunities for employment within the district, but the application of policy at a micro level is seriously flawed. Housing needs to be nearer to employment opportunities and Norton Lindsey has no employment opportunities and as a small village cannot support any.
Standard Response Representation Attached. Text copied below:
Norton Lindsey Village response to Warwick District Council consultation May 2012
New Local Plan Preferred Options
Sheet 1 of 1
Which document are you responding to? Preferred Options (Full Version)
Which part of the document are you responding to? Preferred Option 1 (P01)
Paragraph number I Heading I Subheading (if relevant) - 5.6, 5.10, 5.12, 5.13, 5.15, 5.18,5.22
What is the nature of your representation? OBJECT
Part 1 -Setting the Scene and Summary
P01 - Preferred Level of Growth
It is agreed that some growth will be required during the 2014-2029 period to sustain an
economic and vibrant economy. An increase in homes of appropriate tenures will be
required but the level of growth based on the economic predictions certainly over the
next five years seems excessive especially when viewed against the economic
backdrop. This comment is supported by Office of National Statistics data which reveals
that the rate of increase of Gross Domestic Product has been falling since mid 2010 and
has yet to show signs of recovery. On this basis growth has been downgraded to 0.7%
from 0.8%. Predictions from the respected International Monetary Fund have revised
expectations of growth of 0.8% down to 0.2% with a very modest almost "flat
lining"growth of 0.6% in 2013. Accordingly the base figures being utilised are over
We believe that the demand for further housing in Norton Lindsey is limited and can be
adequately met by windfall sites and as has been historically the case utilising previously
used land and buildings.
Changes to Preferred Option 1 -adopt a more conservative growth pattern to
reflect market conditions which are likely to prevail over the first half of the Plan
NPPF-National Planning Policy Framework: WOe-Warwick District Council: SOC-Stratford upon Avon District Council
Agent's contact details:
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 51449
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Sam Davies
Agree with need to generate opportunities for employment within the district, but the application of policy at a micro level is seriously flawed. Housing needs to be nearer to employment opportunities and Norton Lindsey has no employment opportunities and as a small village cannot support any.
Standard Response Representation Attached. Text copied below:
Norton Lindsey Village response to Warwick District Council consultation May 2012
New Local Plan Preferred Options
Sheet 1 of 1
Which document are you responding to? Preferred Options (Full Version)
Which part of the document are you responding to? Preferred Option 1 (P01)
Paragraph number I Heading I Subheading (if relevant) - 5.6, 5.10, 5.12, 5.13, 5.15, 5.18,5.22
What is the nature of your representation? OBJECT
Part 1 -Setting the Scene and Summary
P01 - Preferred Level of Growth
It is agreed that some growth will be required during the 2014-2029 period to sustain an
economic and vibrant economy. An increase in homes of appropriate tenures will be
required but the level of growth based on the economic predictions certainly over the
next five years seems excessive especially when viewed against the economic
backdrop. This comment is supported by Office of National Statistics data which reveals
that the rate of increase of Gross Domestic Product has been falling since mid 2010 and
has yet to show signs of recovery. On this basis growth has been downgraded to 0.7%
from 0.8%. Predictions from the respected International Monetary Fund have revised
expectations of growth of 0.8% down to 0.2% with a very modest almost "flat
lining"growth of 0.6% in 2013. Accordingly the base figures being utilised are over
We believe that the demand for further housing in Norton Lindsey is limited and can be
adequately met by windfall sites and as has been historically the case utilising previously
used land and buildings.
Changes to Preferred Option 1 -adopt a more conservative growth pattern to
reflect market conditions which are likely to prevail over the first half of the Plan
NPPF-National Planning Policy Framework: WOe-Warwick District Council: SOC-Stratford upon Avon District Council
Agent's contact details:
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 51459
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mr Roland Crisp
Agree with need to generate opportunities for employment within the district, but the application of policy at a micro level is seriously flawed. Housing needs to be nearer to employment opportunities and Norton Lindsey has no employment opportunities and as a small village cannot support any.
Standard Response Representation Attached. Text copied below:
Norton Lindsey Village response to Warwick District Council consultation May 2012
New Local Plan Preferred Options
Sheet 1 of 1
Which document are you responding to? Preferred Options (Full Version)
Which part of the document are you responding to? Preferred Option 1 (P01)
Paragraph number I Heading I Subheading (if relevant) - 5.6, 5.10, 5.12, 5.13, 5.15, 5.18,5.22
What is the nature of your representation? OBJECT
Part 1 -Setting the Scene and Summary
P01 - Preferred Level of Growth
It is agreed that some growth will be required during the 2014-2029 period to sustain an
economic and vibrant economy. An increase in homes of appropriate tenures will be
required but the level of growth based on the economic predictions certainly over the
next five years seems excessive especially when viewed against the economic
backdrop. This comment is supported by Office of National Statistics data which reveals
that the rate of increase of Gross Domestic Product has been falling since mid 2010 and
has yet to show signs of recovery. On this basis growth has been downgraded to 0.7%
from 0.8%. Predictions from the respected International Monetary Fund have revised
expectations of growth of 0.8% down to 0.2% with a very modest almost "flat
lining"growth of 0.6% in 2013. Accordingly the base figures being utilised are over
We believe that the demand for further housing in Norton Lindsey is limited and can be
adequately met by windfall sites and as has been historically the case utilising previously
used land and buildings.
Changes to Preferred Option 1 -adopt a more conservative growth pattern to
reflect market conditions which are likely to prevail over the first half of the Plan
NPPF-National Planning Policy Framework: WOe-Warwick District Council: SOC-Stratford upon Avon District Council
Agent's contact details:
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 51469
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: D W Rogers
Agree with need to generate opportunities for employment within the district, but the application of policy at a micro level is seriously flawed. Housing needs to be nearer to employment opportunities and Norton Lindsey has no employment opportunities and as a small village cannot support any.
Standard Response Representation Attached. Text copied below:
Norton Lindsey Village response to Warwick District Council consultation May 2012
New Local Plan Preferred Options
Sheet 1 of 1
Which document are you responding to? Preferred Options (Full Version)
Which part of the document are you responding to? Preferred Option 1 (P01)
Paragraph number I Heading I Subheading (if relevant) - 5.6, 5.10, 5.12, 5.13, 5.15, 5.18,5.22
What is the nature of your representation? OBJECT
Part 1 -Setting the Scene and Summary
P01 - Preferred Level of Growth
It is agreed that some growth will be required during the 2014-2029 period to sustain an
economic and vibrant economy. An increase in homes of appropriate tenures will be
required but the level of growth based on the economic predictions certainly over the
next five years seems excessive especially when viewed against the economic
backdrop. This comment is supported by Office of National Statistics data which reveals
that the rate of increase of Gross Domestic Product has been falling since mid 2010 and
has yet to show signs of recovery. On this basis growth has been downgraded to 0.7%
from 0.8%. Predictions from the respected International Monetary Fund have revised
expectations of growth of 0.8% down to 0.2% with a very modest almost "flat
lining"growth of 0.6% in 2013. Accordingly the base figures being utilised are over
We believe that the demand for further housing in Norton Lindsey is limited and can be
adequately met by windfall sites and as has been historically the case utilising previously
used land and buildings.
Changes to Preferred Option 1 -adopt a more conservative growth pattern to
reflect market conditions which are likely to prevail over the first half of the Plan
NPPF-National Planning Policy Framework: WOe-Warwick District Council: SOC-Stratford upon Avon District Council
Agent's contact details:
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 51479
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: mr tim landreth
Agree with need to generate opportunities for employment within the district, but the application of policy at a micro level is seriously flawed. Housing needs to be nearer to employment opportunities and Norton Lindsey has no employment opportunities and as a small village cannot support any.
Standard Response Representation Attached. Text copied below:
Norton Lindsey Village response to Warwick District Council consultation May 2012
New Local Plan Preferred Options
Sheet 1 of 1
Which document are you responding to? Preferred Options (Full Version)
Which part of the document are you responding to? Preferred Option 1 (P01)
Paragraph number I Heading I Subheading (if relevant) - 5.6, 5.10, 5.12, 5.13, 5.15, 5.18,5.22
What is the nature of your representation? OBJECT
Part 1 -Setting the Scene and Summary
P01 - Preferred Level of Growth
It is agreed that some growth will be required during the 2014-2029 period to sustain an
economic and vibrant economy. An increase in homes of appropriate tenures will be
required but the level of growth based on the economic predictions certainly over the
next five years seems excessive especially when viewed against the economic
backdrop. This comment is supported by Office of National Statistics data which reveals
that the rate of increase of Gross Domestic Product has been falling since mid 2010 and
has yet to show signs of recovery. On this basis growth has been downgraded to 0.7%
from 0.8%. Predictions from the respected International Monetary Fund have revised
expectations of growth of 0.8% down to 0.2% with a very modest almost "flat
lining"growth of 0.6% in 2013. Accordingly the base figures being utilised are over
We believe that the demand for further housing in Norton Lindsey is limited and can be
adequately met by windfall sites and as has been historically the case utilising previously
used land and buildings.
Changes to Preferred Option 1 -adopt a more conservative growth pattern to
reflect market conditions which are likely to prevail over the first half of the Plan
NPPF-National Planning Policy Framework: WOe-Warwick District Council: SOC-Stratford upon Avon District Council
Agent's contact details:
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 51489
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: James Robins
Agree with need to generate opportunities for employment within the district, but the application of policy at a micro level is seriously flawed. Housing needs to be nearer to employment opportunities and Norton Lindsey has no employment opportunities and as a small village cannot support any.
Standard Response Representation Attached. Text copied below:
Norton Lindsey Village response to Warwick District Council consultation May 2012
New Local Plan Preferred Options
Sheet 1 of 1
Which document are you responding to? Preferred Options (Full Version)
Which part of the document are you responding to? Preferred Option 1 (P01)
Paragraph number I Heading I Subheading (if relevant) - 5.6, 5.10, 5.12, 5.13, 5.15, 5.18,5.22
What is the nature of your representation? OBJECT
Part 1 -Setting the Scene and Summary
P01 - Preferred Level of Growth
It is agreed that some growth will be required during the 2014-2029 period to sustain an
economic and vibrant economy. An increase in homes of appropriate tenures will be
required but the level of growth based on the economic predictions certainly over the
next five years seems excessive especially when viewed against the economic
backdrop. This comment is supported by Office of National Statistics data which reveals
that the rate of increase of Gross Domestic Product has been falling since mid 2010 and
has yet to show signs of recovery. On this basis growth has been downgraded to 0.7%
from 0.8%. Predictions from the respected International Monetary Fund have revised
expectations of growth of 0.8% down to 0.2% with a very modest almost "flat
lining"growth of 0.6% in 2013. Accordingly the base figures being utilised are over
We believe that the demand for further housing in Norton Lindsey is limited and can be
adequately met by windfall sites and as has been historically the case utilising previously
used land and buildings.
Changes to Preferred Option 1 -adopt a more conservative growth pattern to
reflect market conditions which are likely to prevail over the first half of the Plan
NPPF-National Planning Policy Framework: WOe-Warwick District Council: SOC-Stratford upon Avon District Council
Agent's contact details:
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 51499
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Charley May
Agree with need to generate opportunities for employment within the district, but the application of policy at a micro level is seriously flawed. Housing needs to be nearer to employment opportunities and Norton Lindsey has no employment opportunities and as a small village cannot support any.
Standard Response Representation Attached. Text copied below:
Norton Lindsey Village response to Warwick District Council consultation May 2012
New Local Plan Preferred Options
Sheet 1 of 1
Which document are you responding to? Preferred Options (Full Version)
Which part of the document are you responding to? Preferred Option 1 (P01)
Paragraph number I Heading I Subheading (if relevant) - 5.6, 5.10, 5.12, 5.13, 5.15, 5.18,5.22
What is the nature of your representation? OBJECT
Part 1 -Setting the Scene and Summary
P01 - Preferred Level of Growth
It is agreed that some growth will be required during the 2014-2029 period to sustain an
economic and vibrant economy. An increase in homes of appropriate tenures will be
required but the level of growth based on the economic predictions certainly over the
next five years seems excessive especially when viewed against the economic
backdrop. This comment is supported by Office of National Statistics data which reveals
that the rate of increase of Gross Domestic Product has been falling since mid 2010 and
has yet to show signs of recovery. On this basis growth has been downgraded to 0.7%
from 0.8%. Predictions from the respected International Monetary Fund have revised
expectations of growth of 0.8% down to 0.2% with a very modest almost "flat
lining"growth of 0.6% in 2013. Accordingly the base figures being utilised are over
We believe that the demand for further housing in Norton Lindsey is limited and can be
adequately met by windfall sites and as has been historically the case utilising previously
used land and buildings.
Changes to Preferred Option 1 -adopt a more conservative growth pattern to
reflect market conditions which are likely to prevail over the first half of the Plan
NPPF-National Planning Policy Framework: WOe-Warwick District Council: SOC-Stratford upon Avon District Council
Agent's contact details:
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 51509
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Peter Jackson
Agree with need to generate opportunities for employment within the district, but the application of policy at a micro level is seriously flawed. Housing needs to be nearer to employment opportunities and Norton Lindsey has no employment opportunities and as a small village cannot support any.
Standard Response Representation Attached. Text copied below:
Norton Lindsey Village response to Warwick District Council consultation May 2012
New Local Plan Preferred Options
Sheet 1 of 1
Which document are you responding to? Preferred Options (Full Version)
Which part of the document are you responding to? Preferred Option 1 (P01)
Paragraph number I Heading I Subheading (if relevant) - 5.6, 5.10, 5.12, 5.13, 5.15, 5.18,5.22
What is the nature of your representation? OBJECT
Part 1 -Setting the Scene and Summary
P01 - Preferred Level of Growth
It is agreed that some growth will be required during the 2014-2029 period to sustain an
economic and vibrant economy. An increase in homes of appropriate tenures will be
required but the level of growth based on the economic predictions certainly over the
next five years seems excessive especially when viewed against the economic
backdrop. This comment is supported by Office of National Statistics data which reveals
that the rate of increase of Gross Domestic Product has been falling since mid 2010 and
has yet to show signs of recovery. On this basis growth has been downgraded to 0.7%
from 0.8%. Predictions from the respected International Monetary Fund have revised
expectations of growth of 0.8% down to 0.2% with a very modest almost "flat
lining"growth of 0.6% in 2013. Accordingly the base figures being utilised are over
We believe that the demand for further housing in Norton Lindsey is limited and can be
adequately met by windfall sites and as has been historically the case utilising previously
used land and buildings.
Changes to Preferred Option 1 -adopt a more conservative growth pattern to
reflect market conditions which are likely to prevail over the first half of the Plan
NPPF-National Planning Policy Framework: WOe-Warwick District Council: SOC-Stratford upon Avon District Council
Agent's contact details:
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 51519
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Katie Bard
Agree with need to generate opportunities for employment within the district, but the application of policy at a micro level is seriously flawed. Housing needs to be nearer to employment opportunities and Norton Lindsey has no employment opportunities and as a small village cannot support any.
Standard Response Representation Attached. Text copied below:
Norton Lindsey Village response to Warwick District Council consultation May 2012
New Local Plan Preferred Options
Sheet 1 of 1
Which document are you responding to? Preferred Options (Full Version)
Which part of the document are you responding to? Preferred Option 1 (P01)
Paragraph number I Heading I Subheading (if relevant) - 5.6, 5.10, 5.12, 5.13, 5.15, 5.18,5.22
What is the nature of your representation? OBJECT
Part 1 -Setting the Scene and Summary
P01 - Preferred Level of Growth
It is agreed that some growth will be required during the 2014-2029 period to sustain an
economic and vibrant economy. An increase in homes of appropriate tenures will be
required but the level of growth based on the economic predictions certainly over the
next five years seems excessive especially when viewed against the economic
backdrop. This comment is supported by Office of National Statistics data which reveals
that the rate of increase of Gross Domestic Product has been falling since mid 2010 and
has yet to show signs of recovery. On this basis growth has been downgraded to 0.7%
from 0.8%. Predictions from the respected International Monetary Fund have revised
expectations of growth of 0.8% down to 0.2% with a very modest almost "flat
lining"growth of 0.6% in 2013. Accordingly the base figures being utilised are over
We believe that the demand for further housing in Norton Lindsey is limited and can be
adequately met by windfall sites and as has been historically the case utilising previously
used land and buildings.
Changes to Preferred Option 1 -adopt a more conservative growth pattern to
reflect market conditions which are likely to prevail over the first half of the Plan
NPPF-National Planning Policy Framework: WOe-Warwick District Council: SOC-Stratford upon Avon District Council
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