1) Meadow House

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Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

ID sylw: 60621

Derbyniwyd: 18/12/2013

Ymatebydd: Miss Fay Ogden

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

I support this application as a preferred site to build new houses in as much that it is/was a brown field site being a former nursery and garden centre. There is already a good access to the site and it is close to the local bus stop, shops and not too far from the train station and GP practise. To build here would be an asset to the village as it would utilise an area that has in the past been built on so is not encroaching on actual Green Belt land which I consider must be preserved.

Testun llawn:

I support this application as a preferred site to build new houses in as much that it is/was a brown field site being a former nursery and garden centre. There is already a good access to the site and it is close to the local bus stop, shops and not too far from the train station and GP practise. To build here would be an asset to the village as it would utilise an area that has in the past been built on so is not encroaching on actual Green Belt land which I consider must be preserved.


Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

ID sylw: 60622

Derbyniwyd: 10/12/2013

Ymatebydd: Mrs Janet Rea

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Supportive of development on the Meadow House site in Kingswood.
- Small area, close to transport and local services
- Previously develped land
- Does not flood

Testun llawn:

At a time when new housing needs to be built in nearly every village in the land I would encourage building on the Meadow House, Kingswood site for the following reasons:-

a) It is a small area which is close to the rail station and other local services.
b) It is a site that has previously been developed - in the recent past as a nursery/landscaping business and before that a riding school.
c) It is an area which does not flood.

I therefore ask you to permit building on this area of land.


Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

ID sylw: 60634

Derbyniwyd: 30/12/2013

Ymatebydd: Mr Frederick Galpin

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Please refer to my letter to the Development Policy Manager dated 30 December 2013

Testun llawn:

Please refer to my letter to the Development Policy Manager dated 30 December 2013


Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

ID sylw: 60652

Derbyniwyd: 04/01/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr Haydn Rees

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Serious concerns about existing flooding problems in the area, plus the impact on road safety and parking facilities. If development is to go ahead here the existing and potential problems must to be fully resolved first

Testun llawn:

Serious concerns about existing flooding problems in the area, plus the impact on road safety and parking facilities. If development is to go ahead here the existing and potential problems must to be fully resolved first


Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

ID sylw: 60666

Derbyniwyd: 07/01/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr Robert Blyth

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

I support the allocation because:
1. It complies with the sequential test
2. It provides sustainability due to proximity to local facilities and infrastructure
3. It is unobtrusive
4. It can provide much needed homes for the young and the elderly
5. It has good amenity value
6. There is no history of flooding

Testun llawn:

1. The site is on the edge of an existing settlement.
I Understand that the settlement envelope is to be extended up to the Grand Union canal.
The site was formerly the used as a nursery and before that a riding school. The land is tantamount to brownfield land and therefore is in line with the sequential test.
The fact that the site is bounded by the canal provides clear delineation of the settlement edge and avoids any risk of encroachment into the green belt beyond.
2. The site Is ideal by virtue of the fact that it is close to existing facilities and infrastructure in Kingswood. This includes access to the post office, village shop, hairdressers and off licence, the doctors surgery, the school, the Navigation Inn and Restaurant and particularly public transport in the form of Lapworth railway station. This will reduce car borne journeys and is therefore sustainable.
3. The site is low lying and would therefore allow any development to be relatively un-obtrusive.
4. There is a need for more smaller houses for younger members of the community and in addition there is a need for more opportunities for the older generation to down size. I believe that this site could achieve this and I speak for a number of other residents of Rowington parish who hold the same view.
Although the site is bounded by Kingswood brook I am told that this site has no history of flooding. Reference to on-line Environment Agency flood maps confirms this. I note that it is intended that there needs to be a hydrology report and no doubt a flood risk assessment. I am confident that development will be possible within any flooding restraints.
5. I also think that the site has excellent amenity value because of its proximity to the canal network which provides excellent walking facilities. This is in addition to other public footpaths in the vicinity.

Current good design complies with the 12 way test of "Build for Life 12" produced by the Design Council in association with CABE (Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment) and is designed to fit with the national planning policy framework (NPPF) this site already fulfils many of those 12 tests

I therefore commend this site to be allocated for future housing development.


Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

ID sylw: 60681

Derbyniwyd: 06/01/2014

Ymatebydd: Sheila Light

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Urgent need for smaller housing, not only for young people but also to allow older people to remain within their communities. This would have the advantage that, in addition to remaining with friends and neighbours, they could be cared for within the community, and not become a burden on the state!

This appears to be an ideal plot - good local facilities and not in anyones sight lines so would not cause offence to neighbours; additionally it has been previously developed as a site, and is known not to have a flooding problem.

Testun llawn:

I write to fully support the proposal to build on this site. There is an urgent need for smaller housing, not only for young people but also to allow older people, who have outgrown their larger properties, to remain within their communities. This would have the advantage that, in addition to remaining with friends and neighbours, they could be cared for within the community, and not become a burden on the state!

This appears to be an ideal plot - local facilities are good, it is not in anyones sight lines, and so would not cause offence to neighbours; additionally it has been previously developed as a site, and is known not to have a flooding problem.

I do hope very much that this development goes ahead, as it will provide much needed amenities for the area.


Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

ID sylw: 60688

Derbyniwyd: 09/01/2014

Ymatebydd: Ms Jean Clarke

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

There is a need for bungalows/houses in the area so people can downsize. I hae had friends who have had to move away because of the lack of suitable housing and the problem is worsening with an ageing population.

Site is near doctor's, post office, shops and a railway station. It is also well screen.

Testun llawn:

I support the proposed allocation of The Meadow House in the Village Options.

There is definitely a need for bungalows/houses for people to downsize to in this area. I have seen friends who have had
to move out of the area because of the lack of suitable housing and this problem is getting worse as the Rowington population ages.

If villages do not provide such accommodation, then they will lose their community spirit.

The Meadow House is my preferred option as it is close to facilities such as doctor's, post office, shops and railway station and, as it is so well screened, is an ideal spot.


Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

ID sylw: 60706

Derbyniwyd: 04/01/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr & Mrs David & Valerie Morcom

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

-We would like to downsize and the possibility if staying in the area is of added interest.
-It has defined boundaries and is particularly well screened. It is also a previously developed site.
-Will provide affordable housing and potential homes for both younger families early on to the property ladder and the elderly.
-It is near to local services and facilities and a short walk from a very good rail service.
-The Plan clearly recognises these benefits as well as recognising that housing should be provided to ensure that it thrives and does not lose its existing services and facilities.

Testun llawn:

I write on behalf of my Wife and myself to express our interest and indeed our wholehearted support for the proposals in the development of the former Kingswood Nursery and Garden Centre. We are local residents, living in Rowington and as such we know the site well and have taken a keen interest in the situation thus far. This interest is partly of a selfish nature, in that we are of an age when downsizing and in particular to a small/single storey dwelling become more of a necessity than just desirable.The possibility if staying in the Rowington/Lapworth area is of added interest. We also recognise the need to provide affordable housing to encourage younger people to stay in the area.

We know the site and it seems to us that it sits well into the locality, has defined boundaries and is particularly well screened. It is, of course a previously developed site, having been a riding stable, a garden centre and a nursery/landscape depot. More importantly, as a potential home for younger families early on to the property ladder and to the more elderly who will no doubt also be interested, it is near to local services and facilities and a short walk from a very good rail service.

The Plan clearly recognises these benefits as well as recognising that housing should be provided in this situation, surely one of the more sustainable villages in the District, to ensure that it thrives and does not lose its existing services and facilities.

We feel strongly that this proposal should be the 'preferred option' in your deliberations, as it a suitable site to meet the needs of the two Parishes of Rowington and Lapworth.

We understand that we are in a 'Consultation Period' and are therefore anxious that our views are made known, before its' expiry on 20th January next.


Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

ID sylw: 60758

Derbyniwyd: 13/01/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr and Mrs Val and Ray Morton

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

-It will give both the younger and older generation more housing options in the locality.
-The site is near to local services and facilities, yet being off the main road and in a location which would not impact unduly on the surroundings. It would even be an attractive addition if sensitively developed and landscaped.
-This type of development would allow people like ourselves to downsize to more suitable housing and remain in the area, meaning we could keep in contact with friends, organisations and groups which are important in our lives.

Testun llawn:

We write in support of the above site to be considered for the provision of smaller housing in the area to allow younger people and the older generation the option of staying in the locality. The site has many advantages, being near to local services and facilities, yet being off the main road and in a location which would not impact unduly on the surroundings - in fact, if sensitively developed and landscaped, it would be an attractive addition.
We ourselves are in the situation of a number of people who have lived in the community for many years and are unable to find anything suitable to move to now that we can no longer manage large gardens, stairs, etc., and could face the situation of no longer driving. The only option is council provided sheltered housing (Beech Close) for which we would not be eligible - the same applies to St. Lawrence Close. A relatively small development, such as the above, could mean that we would be able to look after ourselves without needing to resort to carers, etc., for some time and also remain in contact with the friends, organisations and groups which are such an important part of our lives.
We hope that you will take these views into consideration when options are being decided upon.


Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

ID sylw: 60797

Derbyniwyd: 14/01/2014

Ymatebydd: Philip Newman

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

- It is one of the preferred site options on the local parish plan of ''Rowington and
- Lapworth'' to help maintain a strong local community by providing new smaller housing to allow the younger people of the parish homes which they can afford.
- The site has definable boundaries, does not flood, is well screened and therefore will have little impact on the area visually.
- It is close to local services and facilities.

Testun llawn:

I am in full support of the proposed devlopement at kingswood house ref above for the following reasons.

1. It is one of the prefered site options on the local parish plan of "rowington and lapworth" to help maintain a strong local community, by providing new smaller housing to allow the younger people of the parish, homes which they can afford.

2. The site has definable boundries, does not flood, is well screened, and therefor will have little impact on the area visually.

3. It is close to local services and facilities.


Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

ID sylw: 60809

Derbyniwyd: 08/01/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr and Mrs G Bull

Asiant : Stansgate Planning

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Land owners support its allocation and are negotiating an option agreement with local builders and consider the site suitable as:
-It is clearly bounded by the railway and canal.
-It fulfils only a low/medium Green Belt role. The Green Belt is somewhat compromised by the previous commercial use of the site.
-It is well screened by existing tree belts.
-Landscape impact would be limited.
-No known protected species.
-Access can be provided directly from the Old Warwick Road. Highways report confirms this.
-It is not prone to flooding.
-Immediately adjoins Kingswood settlement boundary and is close to existing services/facilities.

Testun llawn:

See attached.



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

ID sylw: 60849

Derbyniwyd: 15/01/2014

Ymatebydd: Nick Holmes

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

-Rowington Almshouse Charity supports the Meadow House site for development of affordable housing. The Charity has been in discussions with the landowner as a potential Provider of 1-2 bedroom affordable housing under a Section 106 agreement.

Testun llawn:

The Rowington Almshouse Charity supports the inclusion of the Meadow House site as a location for the development of affordable housing. The Charity has been in discussions with the landowner as a potential Provider of 1-2 bedroom affordable housing under a Section 106 agreement.
The Rowington Almshouse Charity has been a provider of social housing for more than 100 years and we believe that the development of affordable housing on this site would support the policy context outlined in section 2.2 to 2.10 by providing housing suitable for younger people and families. This would in turn support sustainability of local schools, shops and transport infrastructure to the benefit of the local area as a whole.


Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

ID sylw: 60891

Derbyniwyd: 06/01/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr Peter J Fish FCA

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

-Have witnessed a gradual decline in village life due to a number of factors such as the closure of the village school, the local pub etc.
-Lapworth is blessed with good community facilities. To continue more housing must be available to young people in particular to reduce the average age of the population which is high.
-The site is well screened, has defensible boundaries, does not flood and would have little/no impact on the landscape of the area.
-Development would beneficial to the community subject to being affordable for young people and of a suitable style for the area.

Testun llawn:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

ID sylw: 60910

Derbyniwyd: 17/12/2013

Ymatebydd: Mr and Mrs RA and J Law

Nifer y bobl: 2

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

-Flooding is an extensive issue.
-Sandbags had to be used at the front of the property to stop water entering airbricks.
-Post Office and cottage on the Warwick Road have already been flooded.
-Kingswood brook rises at least 6 foot at certain times of the year and become a full flowing river.

-Noise nuisance and light pollution from street laps and security lights.
-New properties' windows would overlook respondent's property.

-A crossroad would be created on a very busy road and dangerous bend. Traffic does not obey the speed limit.

Testun llawn:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

ID sylw: 60911

Derbyniwyd: 15/01/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr & Mrs John & Margaret Manning

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

-We believe it is important to ensure the growth of the village communities of Lapworth and Rowington and is in line with the current policies of Central Government to build more houses and support rural and semi rural areas.
-We believe the proposed development is vital if we are to ensure the growth of the community and to encourage the younger generation to be to stay in the locality with the addition of smaller housing.

Testun llawn:

Following the recent planning meeting at Rowington Village Hall, we are writing to confirm our support for the proposed development. We believe it is important to ensure the growth of the village communities of Lapwort h and Rowington and is in line with the current policies of Central Government to build more houses and support rural and semi rural areas.

We suggest the following points should be taken into consideration:
It is central to the village.
It is close to all the key services and facilities.
It is not in an area likely to flood.
It is not overlooked.
It has it's own existing landscaping and defined boundary.

We have lived in and around Rowington for the past 45 years and have seen the villages grow and particularly the proposed site which has contributed to the community both as a riding stable and latterly a successful Garden Centre and Nursery.
We believe the proposed development is vital if we are to ensure the growth of the community and to encourage the younger generation to be to stay in the locality with the addition of smaller housing.

We look forward to following the progress of the development.


Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

ID sylw: 60918

Derbyniwyd: 15/01/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr & Mrs Brian & Janet Taylor

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

- The site is immediately adjacent to the heart of Kingswood and therefore many facilities.
- The site location means people would not have to over rely on their cars to access these facilities.
- The 2 sites will offer bungalows close to existing facilities, meaning downsizing will be more possible.
-The site has been used as a business before and it is also enclosed by canals, existing buildings and the railway and also seems a natural place to extend the village boundary.

Testun llawn:

, We have been thinking about the options regarding development in the local area and have studied the Warwick District Council Local Plan document that is open for consultation. We are residents of Rowington and as a result the pages dealing with Kingswood are of particular interest.

We understand that some development in the area has to take place to deal with housing needs and hence some of the Green Belt may have to be released for this purpose. Based on that supposition, we support development at Meadow House and Kingswood Farm.

I understand that some 30 houses are being considered for the 2 sites.

The advantage of these 2 sites over any others are that they are immediately adjacent to the heart of what we know as Lapworth but you call Kingswood. Lapworth has many facilities including a school, a railway station, an active village hall, a village store, an off licence, a garage, 2 hair dressers. If development takes place anywhere else in Lapworth or Rowington such facilities are likely to be accessed by car. There are already serious issues with cars around the school in the morning and afternoon, the station car park is very limited and is already full most days and the area around the garage, hairdressers and off licence is already potentially dangerous because of lack of parking. Whilst the new residents of a development as proposed would undoubtedly have cars one would hope that their use of local services would not require them to be used.

With an aging population in the area particularly Rowington, there are very few options for downsizing without moving to Henley or Dorridge and this involves moving further from friends and neighbours. Such people need good quality accommodation requiring less maintenance including bungalows, close to facilities and these 2 sites seem to fit the bill.

A lot of the Meadow House site has been used as a business before and because of its location only extends the village boundary by a small amount. It is land that is enclosed by canals, existing building and the railway and seems to us to be a natural place to extend the village boundary. without risk of further spread.


Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

ID sylw: 61301

Derbyniwyd: 20/01/2014

Ymatebydd: Joanne Rose

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

-The Old Warwick Road is already a busy main road and the proposed access to these preferred sites would be on a bend, at the foot of the hill, close to a blind canal bridge and next to busy shops.
-Flooding has been identified by the environment agency as 'high risk.
-There will be more pressure on local services which will not be able to accommodate the increase to the population.
-Traffic will adversely affect emergency services reaction time.
-The proposed developments will affect the character of the surrounding area and the value of my property as a result.

Testun llawn:

I am writing in response to the above local plan, and in particular that relating to Kingswood and the preferred sites 1, 2 and 6.

Firstly, I wish to raise objections regarding the lack of information or consultation provided to me from either Warwick DC, Lapworth or Rowington Parish Councils regarding these proposed changes to the boundary. As I understand it, previous proposals made reference to Lapworth and Rowington as separate village sites, with Rowington council more recently stating that no developments were envisaged due to it being classed in the small village/hamlet category. However these new proposals now refer to Kingswood which is essentially Lapworth with the inclusion of a small number of Rowington properties, conveniently, within which 3 of the preferred sites are now being proposed. Therefore to me it seems that the use and definition of Kingswood has merely been designed with the aim to move proposed developments into an area which is deemed by both Lapworth and Rowington councils as being the least controversial of locations from a political standpoint, and to which the least objections from local residents will be raised. It feels very much like a scape-goating exercise. Furthermore I have received no information from either Lapworth or Rowington council about this proposed re-definition and the fact that these preferred sites now fall within Rowington rather than Lapworth. If it were not for information provided to me from my neighbours, I would be none the wiser about any of the above how can it therefore be called a consultation when I am likely to be one of the most affected by the proposals?!

I would also like to object to the preferred sites 1, 2 and 6. The Old Warwick Road is already a busy main road and the proposed access to these preferred sites would be on a bend, at the foot of the hill, close to a blind canal bridge and next to a busy garage and other shops. I have witnessed many near misses just outside my property with vehicles speeding over the canal bridge. I have two young children and the thought of increased traffic and more ridiculously the proposed crossroad which would result from these developments alarms me. There are also already issues with parking on the roads and pavements and these developments would only exacerbate this.

The risk of flooding has also been identified by the environment agency as 'high risk' at these locations. I have only lived in my property for just over 4 years but within that time I have witnessed flooding of local houses and roads. Any proposed developments can again only exacerbate this risk and as a local resident to the proposed developments, I am alarmed that significant investigation has not been carried out in relation to the flood risks.

I am also concerned that local amenities will not be able to accommodate the proposed increase to the population. I am a member of the local pre-school committee and have a child at the primary school and another at the pre-school and am aware of the current intake and the spaces available. I am not aware that the pre-school have been consulted in any way about the proposed increases and whether they could facilitate an increase to the population. I can advise you that already for this year the pre-school group is up to maximum capacity.

Emergency services should also be consulted with. My husband is a paramedic for West Midlands Ambulance Service and I have also unfortunately had to call out an ambulance in the past for my son, so I know already the difficulties with response times to this area. Increased traffic can only adversely affect this.

From a personal view I am also very concerned about how the proposed developments will affect the character of the surrounding area and indeed the value of my property as a result.
I am already upset about how the land behind me was cleared without any respect for local neighbours and wildlife. Hearing about these proposed preferred sites and the lack of consultation or communication to me from any council as one of the most affected has only alienated me further. I wish these objections to be raised and I hope that as a result proper investigation, consultation and communication around any proposed developments will begin.


Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

ID sylw: 61340

Derbyniwyd: 20/01/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr & Mrs David & Katherine Russell

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

-Potential flood risk areas registered with the Environment Agency.
-Many local properties are flooded on a regular basis.
-The 30mph limit on the Old Warwick Road is regularly exceeded. Even if the visibility site lines could be achieved in order to meet current Highway Specifications the proposed access points to each site would put motorist and pedestrians at risk.
-The existing boundary constraints would not allow a new section of footway to be accommodated for without extensive highway works being needed, which would significantly change the historic character of the area.

Testun llawn:

Please accept this email as confirmation of our objection to three proposed development sites (listed below) and as outlined in your document 'Appendix 6 - Site Matrix - Part A' of the New Local Plan for Warwick District.

Objection to:
* Settlement Site - Kingswood, Option 1 Site Ref: KW1*O/R82, Site name; Meadow House, Kingswood
* Settlement Site - Kingswood, Option 2 Site Ref: KW2*O/R38, Site name; Kingswood Farm, Old Warwick Road
* Settlement Site - Kingswood, Option 6 Site Ref: KW12*, Site name; Land to the rear of Kingswood Cottages
The above sites are unsuitable for development for the following reasons:

1. Option 1 Site Ref: KW1*O/R82 & Option 6 Site Ref: KW12* are both high potential flood risk areas as registered with the Environment Agency. Any engineered flood elevation scheme proposed by a developer for these areas has the potential to be unsympathetic to the surrounding area and detract from the rural setting of the Parish of Rowington. The area of land known as Kingwood is widely known as a flood risk area and many local properties are flooded on a regular basis (at least 1 once a year).
2. Old Warwick Road serves all three sites listed above. However, the existing 30mph speed limit is regularly exceeded by 'through traffic'. Even if the visibility site lines could be achieved in order to meet current Highway Specifications the proposed access points to each site would put motorist and pedestrians at risk. The section of footway along Old Warwick Road between the Canal Bridge and the Junction of Station Lane is used regularly by 10 or more households who walk children to the local school. The footway is not currently wide enough to safely walk along with pushchairs/small children and pedestrians are often forced to walk in the carriageway in order to pass oncoming pedestrians or parked cars. The existing boundary constraints would not allow a new section of footway to be accommodated in any proposed plans for development without extensive highway works being needed. This type of work would significantly change the historic character of the surrounding area.
3. The land to the rear of Kingswood Cottages Option 6 Site Ref: KW12* has in the past been used as an abattoir and as such the land must be treated as posing a risk to human health due to contamination of the land until proper testing of the land has been carried out to determine its suitability for building homes on and confirmation that it does not pose a risk to local residents. The buildings used for this activity have only being demolished within the last 30 years.
4. Some of the information contained within document 'Appendix 6 - Site Matrix - Part A' - Option 1 Site Ref: KW1*O/R82 & Option 2 Site Ref: KW2*O/R38 is incorrect. On this basis alone the document can not legitimately be used in order to base an informed decision on the future of the local community. As such, a full review of the information contained within the document should be carried out in order to identify other areas of factually incorrect information that has used and to prevent any decisions made based on this information being unlawful.
It must be noted that Rowington Parish Council have behaved appallingly towards the residents of Rowington. No consultation about the Local Plan has taken place with local residents at any time during this process. Local residents (unlike other Parish Councils) have not even been made aware of the proposed development sites at all. The location of these sites has only come to our attention by word of mouth between residents. There is actually no planned development for Rowington Parish and the term 'Kingswood' can not be used to define areas that are in fact in Rowington. Rowington Parish Council have been made aware of this fact but have chosen not to listen to the objections raised by local residents either at PC meetings or in writing regarding this fact and have acted in an underhand and deceitful manner. It brings in to question the morality of some of the members of Rowington Parish Council. Do they have an agenda between themselves and an interest to see these sites put forward for development over more suitable sites which have been rejected yet those rejected sites are not affected by issues of flooding, listed buildings, highway constraints and land contamination as identified in the three sites listed above. Do the members of Rowington Parish Council not have a legal duty to serve their Parishioners in an honest and fair manner? A formal complaint will be raised against Rowington Parish Council with regards to how this issue has been executed. It has all the hallmarks of 'cronyism' existing within the Parish Council.


Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

ID sylw: 61511

Derbyniwyd: 18/01/2014

Ymatebydd: J.B. Hale

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

-It would seem that there is now a wider understanding of the advantages of using this area, despite it being in the present Green Belt.

-With its local services and facilities, Kingswood can certainly be considered as a sustainable area.

-The site although being close to the various services is so well hidden that any development would have very little impact on the landscape.

-The site does not flood and it has previously been used for commercial purposes.

-The proposed development would benefit Rowington and Lapworth without damaging the local environment.

Testun llawn:

See attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

ID sylw: 61521

Derbyniwyd: 20/01/2014

Ymatebydd: Heather Cole

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

-Support Kingswood Nurseries and Garden Centre, now The Meadow House site for allocation in the redefined village envelope.
-It is a very suitable site to provide smaller housing for both younger generations and older people.
-There are local services close by and the site is very well secluded from local houses.
-It seems an ideal site and I support it wholeheartedly.

Testun llawn:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

ID sylw: 61522

Derbyniwyd: 20/01/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr Richard McDonaugh

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

-Site 1 becomes waterlogged with potential of flooding, influencing water levels and flooding of nearby properties especially with the ever increasing rainfall each year.
-Traffic congestion would be caused by the accesses to Site 1 and 6 being opposite each other on one of the busiest and most dangerous sections of the Old Warwick Road.
-Hydrology mapping cannot predict 100% what the water may do. New house insurance would be difficult to obtain if at all within 100 - 120 yard of the stream.

Testun llawn:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

ID sylw: 61533

Derbyniwyd: 17/01/2014

Ymatebydd: Mrs Barbara Vegnuti

Nifer y bobl: 2

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

-Support because there is an obvious need in the Parish of Rowington for smaller homes for residents wishing to downsize.
-The Meadow House site is ideal as it can be well screened and is near to all the village amenities.

Testun llawn:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

ID sylw: 61534

Derbyniwyd: 17/01/2014

Ymatebydd: Mrs M Smith

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

-Support development of Meadow House.
-In the past it has been used as riding stables, a builder's yard and a garden centre so there is plenty of room.

Testun llawn:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

ID sylw: 61536

Derbyniwyd: 16/01/2014

Ymatebydd: Kathleen Chambers

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

-Support the proposed allocation as the respondent has lived at their property since 1975 and have found over recent years that the size of their house and garden is too much, even with assistance.
-A property in the area of Kingswood, close to amenities, Railway Station, Doctor's Surgery, Post Office and village ships would be wonderful and would provide the possibility to be not too far from friends that have been made over the years.

Testun llawn:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

ID sylw: 61742

Derbyniwyd: 13/01/2014

Ymatebydd: Mrs Mary Smith

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

This Site would be ideal for new housing as although it is in the Green Belt it has been used in the past as a riding stable, a builders yard, a graden centre and a landscaped depot.

Testun llawn:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

ID sylw: 61890

Derbyniwyd: 16/01/2014

Ymatebydd: Mrs Mavis Bruce

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

-The site is in Kingswood not Rowington. Lapworth and Rowington are separate.
-There is great risk of flooding.
-A gabion wall (if erected) would displace water and reduce existing flood water storage and potentially increase existing property flooding.
-The culvert which passes under Old Warwick Road already means houses, gardens, shops and garages flooded during heavy rain. A restricted water culvert under the feeder canal will worsen this.
-Old Warwick Road already becomes impassable during flooding incidents.
-I am concerned that my property, which has not been flooded, will flood because of the displacement of water away from proposed developments.

Testun llawn:

see attached



Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

ID sylw: 61939

Derbyniwyd: 14/01/2014

Ymatebydd: Lapworth Parish Council

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

The Parish Council cannot welcome the new version of the Local Plan until/unless the following concerns are satisfied:

-All flooding concerns must be tackled fully starting with understanding and resolving the existing causes of flooding in the Lapworth/Rowington boundary areas where existing properties/businesses are already flooded in severe storms. Site 1 is 50% within the high risk flooding zone. The whole area requires serious hydrology mapping before any further development is permitted.
-Attention is given to protecting the view from the canal if Site 1 is developed.
-Assurance is needed that all highway safety aspects have been considered carefully.

Testun llawn:

Lapworth Parish Council is pleased to see that several of its representations have been accepted as reasonable and incorporated into the latest version of the Local Plan. In particular:

1. that an increase of 62 dwellings is close to the 15% increase which is reasonable and proportionate for the settlement, as opposed to the previous near 40% increase possibility
2. that some of the sites, particularly the fields to the east of Station Lane, are of particular importance not just to local residents but also to visitors walking the canal and Baddesley Clinton driveway, as well as being of significant ecological, environmental and aesthetic value
3. that flooding concerns need to be recognised and addressed as appropriate, as in the Rising Lane sites

For these reasons the Parish Council welcomes the new version of the Local Plan as being a much improved reflection of the overwhelming view of parishioners about development, as described in the Parish Plan. It cannot do so wholeheartedly however, unless/until the following concerns have also been satisfied:

1. that the density of new dwellings remains at or below the envisaged level, i.e. the land made available has tight restrictions on the number of dwellings that would be given planning permission in each area
2. that all flooding concerns are tackled fully. This needs to start from understanding and resolving the existing causes of flooding in the Lapworth/Rowington boundary areas where existing properties and businesses are already flooded in severe storms. This needs to be done before embarking on any new builds which can only make the situation worse. It is of particular concern that Site 6 is adjacent to the high risk area according to the Environment Agency website; Site 1 is 50% within the high risk zone; and although Site 2 is outside it, it feeds into Site 1. The whole area requires serious hydrology mapping before any further development is permitted, as is acknowledged in the Local Plan.
3. that attention is given to protecting the view from the canal if the Meadow House and Kingswood Farm sites are developed
4. that construction is phased over the full period so that there is no sudden change to the village which would cause excessive stress on the existing infrastructure and facilities
5. that Affordable Housing should be suitable for the needs of locals primarily, either young people unable to afford starter housing in the area or older residents wishing to downsize. The Parish Council does not believe that Kingswood is generally suitable for affordable housing because there are few jobs here, the transport links to possible employment opportunities are poor, and the local facilities are expensive. We do not however object in principle to appropriate sorts of Affordable Housing
6.that the red/brown line drawn around the settlement is maintained as a very tight line so that the potential for further development within it is very limited
7.that confirmation is received that the land outside the red/brown line will remain unavailable for development for the duration of the Local Plan
8. that concerns are addressed about the effect on traffic and parking. The development of Sites 1 and 2 opposite Site 6 will lead to a crossroads, close to a blind canal bridge. Assurance is needed that all safety aspects have been considered carefully, and any implications for traffic-calming measures discussed with the residents before any Planning Permissions are granted.

Should Lapworth Parish Council receive satisfactory assurances about these points it would be pleased to welcome the Local Plan.

It needs to be noted that many of the new dwellings are set to be within the Rowington Parish Council's part of Kingswood, and Lapworth PC cannot comment on how they might view the Local Plan. Both Parishes are affected by the decisions however.


Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

ID sylw: 62064

Derbyniwyd: 03/01/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr Frederick Galpin

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

-Site is adjacent to locations of 'High Risk' flooding from surface water according to the Environment Agency.
-The Old Warwick Road near Kingswood Brook is blocked by flooding. Further hard surfaces will exacerbate the situation.
-Access sites are on a bend at foot of a hill. There is extensive congestion from customers parking to use facilities.
-Grouping Sites 1, 2 and 6 is intensive with respect to the limited size of the local settlements.
-The site backfills the existing properties and do not infill as generally regarded as appropriate when justifying development to take place.
-Abundance of wildlife.

Testun llawn:

see attached
