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Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

ID sylw: 67209

Derbyniwyd: 12/12/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr Gavin Clark

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

I would like to object to the proposed Gypsy and Traveller site on Stratford Road, Warwick

Because of the following -

Effect on local economy
Flood risk on the sites location
Quality of Air, Soil and Water
Access to the site

Testun llawn:

Dear Warwick District Council,

I would like to object to the proposed Gypsy and Traveller site on Stratford Road, Warwick.

I was very disappointed that Warwick District Council did not send any representatives to the public meeting on Thursday the 4th of December at Aylesford School. I also feel that the two month consultation period is unfair because it is not long enough and has not given local residents enough time to react and consider the effect of a traveller site on the local community. The 'drop in' centre slots organised by the council were scheduled at inconvenient times for working residents.

My first objection is that I don't think that local economy has been properly considered.

As the UK has just started to recovery from the recession then it is likely that businesses will want to be situated on Tournament Fields (opposite the proposed site) which would be great for Warwick's local economy but no business is going to want to situate itself opposite a potentially growing Traveller and Gypsy site. Given that the Tournament Fields business park remains largely undeveloped after the long recession the negative effect on future demand if a Gypsy and Traveller site is opened opposite to it.

Stratford road is the main tourist route into Warwick for visitors of Warwick Castle and the race course, it seems ridiculous to place a gypsy site so close to this entry into the town. For instance if there are problems with larger amounts of travellers arriving than pitches are available or they simply attend a relatives christening, birthday or wedding then it is likely that they are going to park up on the grass verges around the site or on Tournament Fields business park. Numerous Travellers/Gypsies have parked up on the grass verges near in Aylesford School on Tapping Way road the last few years when visiting a horse show. This is not what we want tourists and visitors to remember about their trip to Warwick.

My second objection is the high risk of flooding

When buying my house I completed the searches though the environment agency to ascertain whether there were flood plains near Chase Meadows estate. And it quite clearly states that the areas near the river have a large flood risk.

The fact that the site is on a designated flood plain within flood zones 2 and 3 the government's own guidelines on planning Gypsy and Traveller sites states that 'Caravan sites for permanent residence are considered "highly vulnerable" and should not be permitted in areas where there is a high probability that flooding will occur (Zone 3 areas)'. I find this point is ridiculous that you are even considering letting people live in a highly vulnerable area especially when young children and animals are likely to live on the site.

The overall expenditure to minimise the risk will cost the council tax payer a large amount of money and can the council prove the risk has been eliminated once the work is completed.

My third objection is the overall quality of the Air, Soil and Water

The Council's own Sustainability Assessment identified this as an area of significant concern (flagged as red) with a 'potential major negative effect'.
The site is situated very close to a sewage works and a noisy motorway which will cause issues with the quality of the Air, Water and Soil and therefore is not an ideal place for a permanent Gypsy and Traveller site, particularly one where children will spend most of their time playing outside.

The government's own guidelines on planning Gypsy and Traveller sites state that:
'It is essential to ensure that the location of a site will provide a safe environment for the residents.
Sites should not be situated near refuse sites, industrial processes or other hazardous places, as this will obviously have a detrimental effect on the general health and well-being of the residents and pose particular safety risks for young children. All prospective site locations should be considered carefully before any decision is taken to proceed, to ensure that the health and safety of prospective residents are not at risk'.

My forth objection is the access to the site

Unless Severn Trent Water are willing to provide access to the site across their land then the current narrow farm track leading to the site from Longbridge would be totally inadequate. The farm track would therefore appear to be totally unsuitable for the size of trailers the travellers will need.

Accessing the site from Longbridge would place the main entrance to the site next to 'Longbridge Manor' a Grade 2 listed building which is located on a dangerous bend in the road with poor visibility for Motorists.

Again as mentioned in my first objection there is a problem if visiting Travellers Park up on the grass verges of Stratford road.


Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

ID sylw: 67210

Derbyniwyd: 12/12/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr Peter Lamb

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

1) This land is considered unsuitable for residential use, but WDC is proposing it for use as a G&T Site. It cannot be acceptable to expect anyone to live in an area considered unsuitable for other forms of residential use.
2) It is unacceptable to develop a site where people will live so near to a sewage works, with inevitable issues from malodorous gases.
3) The river's proximity and the site's location within the flood plain are strong reasons for this development to be considered unsuitable.
4) Site residents living in mobile homes would be subjected to excessive noise from the M40.

Testun llawn:

1) This land is considered unsuitable for residential use, but WDC is proposing it for use as a G&T Site. It cannot be acceptable to expect anyone to live in an area considered unsuitable for other forms of residential use.
2) It is unacceptable to develop a site where people will live so near to a sewage works, with inevitable issues from malodorous gases.
3) The river's proximity and the site's location within the flood plain are strong reasons for this development to be considered unsuitable.
4) Site residents living in mobile homes would be subjected to excessive noise from the M40.


Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

ID sylw: 67258

Derbyniwyd: 12/12/2014


Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

CPRE Warwickshire opposes this proposed 15-pitch gypsy & traveller site because
* It would be close to the River Avon to the east of which lies Warwick Castle Park. The setting of the Castle Park would be affected.
* The site would extend the area of development south of Warwick too far, and onto land which is currently open. The remaining open land between the built-up area of Warwick and the M40 on the west side of the Avon would be in effect developed, almost to the motorway.
* While not visible from the public road or near residential development it would be intrusive from the east side of the Avon
* It would affect the attractiveness of rowing on the Avon (rowing clubs use this section of the river).

In response to the previous consultation on gypsy & traveller sites, CPRE Warwickshire proposed two main locations:

* The container storage area at 'Hobson's Choice' on Harbury Lane
* Siskin Drive, adjacent or close to the site operated by Coventry City Council

The current consultation states that 15 pitches will be provided at the Leamington Football Club site on Harbury Lane, "subject to the Football Club relocating to an acceptable site elsewhere". However the overall area of the Football Club site is large and many more than 15 pitches could be accommodated there if the club moved away completely. So the proposal needs further explanation. The Football Club site is exposed and visible from the surrounding area, so is not itself suitable as a gypsy site. The Hobson's Choice site could accommodate 15 pitches and is fully screened by established bunds.
A site for the relocation of the Football Club has not been identified and there is no current evidence that a new location can be found which would be acceptable in visual and access terms.

No explanation has been offered why the Siskin Drive area cannot provide 10-15 pitches; in principle it is a suitable general location. Ideally the Coventry City Council site could be enlarged or extended to provide a site for Warwick District's needs.

If the Stratford Road is confirmed in principle as the location for 15 pitches, however, the gypsy & traveller site should be further north and use some of the land shown on the plan in the consultation document as 'Longbridge' and proposed for employment uses. This area is more than necessary for employment land and some can be allocated for a gypsy & traveller site.

Testun llawn:

This is a further representation on this part of the Local Plan following publication of new information by the District Council.

The consultation process for Warwick District Council's Publication Draft Local Plan is seriously flawed. As we highlighted in our response to the previous consultation, policies that depend on the Strategic Economic Plan ('SEP') are not justified because key evidence was missing. The current 'focused consultation' is far too narrow to make good these fundamental flaws.

For example, the current consultation document makes no mention of the Strategic Housing Market Assessment ('SHMA') Addendum dated September 2014. This is a critical document that should inform the local plan and its omission renders the current consultation unsound. It appears that WDC is misleading potential consultees, resulting in an unsound local plan - it is not justified.

This consultation response outlines objections to new material and its relationship to earlier material:
1. Summary of issues with the Strategic Employment Land Study ('SELS');
2. Issues with the SHMA Addendum;
3. Issues with the Sustainability Appraisal ('SA'), including the recent SA addenda.

This focused consultation response adds more weight to our previous submissions that the proposed local plan is unsound and it policies are not justified.
Summary of Issues with the Strategic Employment Land Study
The SELS claims that it provides a robust evidence base for the Strategic Economic Plan ('SEP') produced by the Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership ('CWLEP'). However, the SELS's recommended scenario is based on the CWLEP's own prediction of new jobs. The SELS is neither independent nor robust evidence - it depends on circular arguments. Its call for two or three new sub-regional sites is based on impressions of the chosen consultees rather than substantiated evidence.

The SELS's forecasts of demand for employment land yield vastly differing results with the highest figure being nearly 6 times the magnitude of the lowest. There is no satisfactory explanation for either this very wide disparity or for other conflicting trends across forecasts. The chosen forecast is likely to prove wildly inaccurate.

The SELS forecast based on Cambridge Econometrics' Baseline requires 201 hectares and is stated to be the minimum amount of employment land to meet the CWLEP's plans. The SELS ignores the fact that this forecast is significantly higher than the alternative forecast (Experian's) used in the SHMA Addendum.

In contrast, the SEP claims that the Employment Land Review recommends 250ha. Yet the SELS now recommends that its 'growth figure' of 326ha should be used as a minimum estimate of need. The SELS 'growth figure' is predicated purely on the CWLEP's unsupported prediction that its City Deal would create 8,800 new jobs in advanced manufacturing and engineering by 2025. The SELS takes this figure at face value, without subjecting it to any form of independent verification, and compounds it with unvalidated assumptions. The SELS thus alights on the resulting number as its recommended demand figure, apparently for no better reason than it is what the CWLEP would like to see in order to promote its interests. No justification is given for compounding high growth on a highly optimistic/risky forecast of demand.

On the supply side, SELS starts with a figure of 353ha of available employment land and applies invalid discounts and unjustified reductions until this figure is reduced below the now grossly inflated demand figure. This artificially shrunken supply figure still fails to take proper account of the planned new 100ha employment site at Gaydon. Despite all of these highly dubious exclusions, the SELS still acknowledges that 197ha of employment land is available.

When evaluating strategic employment sites in the LEP area, the SELS acknowledges that planning policy such as Green Belt is relevant but then the skewed selection criteria chosen by SELS omit this key consideration. For example, the SELS does not even mention that Green Belt is precluded from a presumption in favour of sustainable development. Also omitted is another key criterion for large strategic employment sites, particularly logistics sites: namely, direct rail connection. The SELS grossly undervalues rail-connected sites such as DIRFT3, Birch Coppice and Daw Mill.

Despite recognising that the greatest socio-economic need is in the north of the CWLEP area, the SELS uses a Site Appraisal Assessment Methodology that depends on very selective and short-sighted measures. This highly questionable methodology results in good assessments for sites in the south of the area regardless of how ill-served they are by public transport from the area of greatest socio-economic need in the north.

Based on its methodology, the SELS claims that "Coventry and Warwickshire Gateway (Zones A and B) in particular satisfies all the strategic sites criteria." This amazing claim is despite the fact that:
* It is in the Green Belt;
* Access requires extensive off-site highway improvements;
* There is no direct rail link;
* There is serious contamination;
* There is currently poor provision of facilities and amenities;
* There is currently poor public transport accessibility to the site;
* At best, there would be only moderate access to A roads (from Zone A in particular);
* Emergency access (to Zone A) is very restricted in a cul-de-sac passing directly adjacent to Coventry Airport's runway end;
* It is not in the north of the CWLEP area where socio-economic need is greatest;
* It has negative environmental impact.
Additionally, twelve of the SELS's Potential Strategic Employment Sites are identified as being a good match to the CWLEP's strategy, all offering good alternatives to the Gateway. However, even this list of 12 alternatives is an under-estimate because others sites are unjustifiably criticised. Additionally, key strategic sites on the periphery of the CWLEP area, such as DIRFT, the MIRA Enterprise Zone and Blythe Valley Business Park, are omitted without justification. Put simply, there is no shortage of alternative sites.

The recently published version of the SELS has clearly been written with a view to providing, for the already 7-month-old SEP, post-hoc justification for a stream of questionable assertions and heroic assumptions in the SEP, which reflects long-held aspirations. The SELS is nowhere near good enough or cohesive enough to meet even that very limited objective. Its many technical weaknesses and its inherent bias mean that it cannot be taken seriously as an independent assessment of the need for, and supply of, employment land in the CWLEP area. It does not provide a valid justification for development of the Gateway site.

The new evidence does not provide a robust evidence base for the proposed policies in the emerging WDC Local Plan. Multiple forecasts are provided in the various new reports and these forecasts diverge greatly. The SHMA Addendum has one forecast - by Cambridge Econometrics - that is 45% higher than the other (Experian's). The SELS is based on the higher of these forecasts but then it chooses an even higher forecast - its higher growth forecast that is 62% higher again - as the basis of its recommendations. None of these choices of forecast is justified adequately.

The recommendations in the SELS are based on the LEP's prediction of jobs growth; the SELS is neither independent nor robust evidence. The LEP's SEP claims to be supported by the SELS even though the SEP pre-dates the final version of the SELS by 7 months. Such circular arguments are fatally flawed.

The SA makes it clear that the policy to create a new Sub-Regional Employment Site is dependent on the claimed economic benefits. Such claimed benefits are highly speculative. Site selection ignores key constraints such as Green Belt. The SA is unsound and proposed policies are not justified.

The further information we have provided in this focused consultation response adds weight to our previous submissions that the proposed local plan is unsound and it policies are not justified. In particular, it adds to our previous submissions that proposed policies DS16, DS8, DS9, DS19, EC1 and EC3 are unsound and unjustified; the remedies remain as we have previously submitted.



Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

ID sylw: 67266

Derbyniwyd: 12/12/2014

Ymatebydd: Warwickshire County Council [Archaeological Information and Advice]

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Gypsies and Travellers Preferred Options Consultation Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

We support the District Council's proposal to allocate sustainable and affordable sites to meet the permanent residential needs of this District's Gypsy and Traveller Community and Travelling Show People through the Local Plan process. The current consultation sets out an alternative site option that is potentially suitable to take forward as an allocation in a Development Plan Document.

The County Council supports the District Councils' commissioned evidence through the Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) for Warwick District, undertaken by Salford University. The report was published in November 2012 and demonstrates a need for 31 permanent pitches to be provided over a 15 year period, 25 within the first five years and in addition, 6-8 transit pitches over the full 15 years.

The District Council has identified land off Stratford Road at Warwick, which currently lies within a 'cordon sanitaire' around the Sewage Treatment Works. Our records indicate that the site is outside the cordon sanitaire and therefore could be suitable. We suggest that further discussions should take place with the Environment Agency and Severn Trent to identify the extent and limitations of the cordon sanitaire.

Testun llawn:

see attached

I refer to both of the above consultations.

The County Council has responsibility for services across the whole of the County including: highways and transportation; schools provision; public health; waste management; community safety, libraries, support for elderly and vulnerable people and as the statutory planning authority for Minerals and Waste. In addition to these responsibilities the County Council is a principal partner of the Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership and has statutory a duty to cooperate on County Council matters in working with all partners in the sub-region.

Comments in response to the "Focused changes" consultation

Strategic Highways impacts assessment update
The County Council is undertaking further assessment work for impacts to test the impacts of the focused changes, and what transport mitigation is required as a result. We intend to submit this information to the District Council later this month as a final iteration of the Strategic Transport Assessment.

Highways and Transportation matters

The County Council has worked in partnership with the District Council to identify the transport impacts and mitigation requirements relating to the WDC Local Plan. A series of Strategic Transport Assessments (STA) have been undertaken, STA4 represents the latest full assessment of the Preferred Options; further addendum work has been completed to identify impacts pertaining to the focused changes to the Draft Local Plan, and the implications these have for transport mitigation and the Infrastructure Delivery Plan.

The STA work has identified broad areas which require mitigation schemes, as identified in the attached image (n.b. some isolated schemes will fall outside these broad areas). The attached image contains a plan identifying the Strategic Transport broad locations and a revised schedule for the associated infrastructure.

The schemes identified through this process have been developed to a stage appropriate to the level of strategic modelling assessment and mitigate the impacts of Local Plan transport demands to a level deemed to be acceptable. A complete, current list of mitigation requirements identified in STA4/STA4 addendum is attached. This forms the latest position in terms of highway mitigation requirements to inform the Infrastructure Delivery Plan.

It should be acknowledged that the schemes proposed within the STA modelling have not been subject to any detailed design, costing or safety review at this stage. Furthermore, it should not be assumed that the schemes recommended through the studies are fixed and will be delivered in the form described within the reports. Rather it is intended that the schemes proposed are outline schemes which may change through further optimisation and detailed design that will precede their delivery. Scheme development will be informed through both the planning process for individual sites and through scheme development undertaken by the County Council. This position is documented with the STAs and acknowledged by the District Council.


The County Council seeks assurance that the cumulative impacts of Warwick District and Stratford on Avon District growth requirements are properly accommodated in both local plans. It is essential that a joint robust mechanism is considered to implement these cross border issues. One solution would be that joint and common infrastructure requirements are reflected in the respective Infrastructure Delivery Plans without "double dipping". Nevertheless, this is a matter for both Planning Authorities to agree a mechanism for implementation of its policy mechanism.

Comments on the proposed policy changes

It is for the District Council to determine and explain the sustainable deliverability of the Local Plan and in particular in relation to the changes for the proposed Europa Way sites. For clarification I refer to proposed changes to:
Para DS9; DS11; D14; and Policies Map: 2 Leamington, Warwick and Whitnash - amend remove employment allocation E1 at Land North of Gallows Hill.

Additional comments on Public health matters

We suggest that when the District Council commence its Development Management Documents', consideration be given for limiting new planning permissions in areas where there is already high concentration of hot-food takeaways and licensed premises.

Gypsies and Travellers Preferred Options Consultation Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

We support the District Council's proposal to allocate sustainable and affordable sites to meet the permanent residential needs of this District's Gypsy and Traveller Community and Travelling Show People through the Local Plan process. The current consultation sets out an alternative site option that is potentially suitable to take forward as an allocation in a Development Plan Document.

The County Council supports the District Councils' commissioned evidence through the Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) for Warwick District, undertaken by Salford University. The report was published in November 2012 and demonstrates a need for 31 permanent pitches to be provided over a 15 year period, 25 within the first five years and in addition, 6-8 transit pitches over the full 15 years.

The District Council has identified land off Stratford Road at Warwick, which currently lies within a 'cordon sanitaire' around the Sewage Treatment Works. Our records indicate that the site is outside the cordon sanitaire and therefore could be suitable. We suggest that further discussions should take place with the Environment Agency and Severn Trent to identify the extent and limitations of the cordon sanitaire.

Other matters we wish to comment on

The County Council has a statutory duty to ensure sufficient school places and this includes Academies within its planning. We seek assurance and certainty regarding the deliverability of supporting school infrastructure to meet the growth of the Local Plan and in particular that these matters are prioritised in the R123 list.

Delivering the Local Plan
The CIL Guidance published by the Government in June 2014 states that a Charging Authority, should be able to explain how their proposed rates will contribute towards the implementation of the relevant plan, and support development across their area.

Consequently, we welcome discussions regarding the delivery of the Local Plan and governance arrangements for passing on CIL monies to the County Council to enable us to deliver identified infrastructure in a timely manner.

We would be happy to discuss our comments with you. Please contact Mark Ryder on 01926 412811 should you wish to discuss any aspect.



Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

ID sylw: 67284

Derbyniwyd: 17/11/2014

Ymatebydd: Mrs Lynne Butler

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Existing schools and doctors already struggling to cope with numbers of people. This will exacerbate the problem.
Dangerous turn onto farm track, the allocation would increase the risks of a serious incident. Roads are very busy at peak times, and would increase the risk of walking and cycling along stratford road.

The rural feel of the approach to Warwick is part of what makes the place special this will be lost.

The site is designated asa level 3 for Flood risk and there are often strong smells from the sewerage works close by. I really don't think it is a suitable place for people to live.

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

ID sylw: 67286

Derbyniwyd: 20/11/2014

Ymatebydd: Mrs Emma Norris

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Access - Unsuitable farm track access which has not been built for much traffic. Difficult and potentially dangerous right tum into road leading to farm track from the Stratford Road when approaching from direction of M40 roundabout.

Commercial Use - The plan does not detail what commercial use would be allowed on this site. Some commercial use could cause noise and pollution and could affect the River Avon along its boundary.

Flood Risk - The designated field has been flooded in the past and is shown on the environment agency map as a flood area with a level 3 risk (highest level).

School Capacity - Both Newburgh and Aylesford schools are full at the moment and education could suffer if schools were over crowded.

Doctors Surgery - The Chase Meadow Surgery is already struggling to cope with existing Chase Meadow residents.

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

ID sylw: 67314

Derbyniwyd: 21/08/2014

Ymatebydd: Katie Whell

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Seeing increased interest in businesses. Would lose employment land in favour of Gypsy and Traveller site which is ludicrous based on current market.

Testun llawn:

I have just been informed about the above and the fact that we are now one of 3 locations being considered for this location. This is very concerning to us. We built Pure Offices less than a year ago (it opened in October) and are currently 75% occupied and this is rapidly growing (to give you an idea, we generally assume a centre will be 50% occupied after year 1 and 85% after year 2). We have another centre down the road in Leamington and this is nearly 100% let. Businesses seem to be flocking to the town, especially international start-ups. We feel very positive about employment for the town and the need for more business premises and yet we seem to be loosing employment land in favour of a gypsy and traveller site which seems ludicrous based on the current market we are witnessing. Warwick is our fastest growing centre in terms of occupancy, this is out of 14 centres located throughout the UK. In our eyes new business moving to the town is booming and we are really excited about the prospects for the centre. Being so well located to the M40 is our key selling point and why the centre is so popular. I appreciate that in recent years there may have been less interest in the employment land in this location from developers and owner occupiers but I do feel we are seeing a shift and shouldn't therefore loose any employment land in this key location.


Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

ID sylw: 67323

Derbyniwyd: 27/11/2014

Ymatebydd: Historic England

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

The secondary/indirect impact of the proposal should be considered. For example could the 'rural' character of the lane serving the site, and the Grade II* Longbridge Manor, be retained as a consequence? Are intrusive highway works to facilitate the development required? How might these issues be addressed?

Testun llawn:

Warwick District Council Local Plan - Focussed Modifications and associated Sustainability Appraisal

Proposed additional Gypsy and Traveller site off Stratford Road, Warwick and associated Sustainability Appraisal

Thank you for providing an opportunity to comment on these proposals.

My consideration and response is based on the expectation there has been a proper assessment of the significance of heritage assets affected, including their settings ; and the proposals support the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), with one of the core dimensions being the protection and enhancement of the historic environment .

The NPPF requires Local Plans, as a whole, to set out a positive strategy for the conservation and enjoyment of the historic environment. This means ensuring that the sites which it is proposing to put forward for development, will assist in delivering such a strategy and not contradict it.

Employment land allocation on land off Stratford Road, Warwick
This stretch of the Stratford Road is a surprisingly understated and pleasant entrance to Warwick from the M40. It's positive characteristics should be recognised to inform strategic landscaping and moderate highway works which may be required to facilitate any future development.

The proposed allocation is adjacent to Longbridge Manor, a Grade II* listed building with circa 14/15 century origins. The Manor is served to the south by a pleasant 'rural' lane and entrance. Development immediately to the east will affect its significance.

Opposite the site is the Old House and its ancillary barn, both Grade II listed buildings. Beyond to the east are the Warwick Castle Park (Grade 1) and Warwick Conservation Area.

Unfortunately there appears to be no evidence to demonstrate a consideration of how the proposed allocation site contributes to the significance of these designated heritage assets, particularly Longbridge Manor (NPPF Paragraph 129). Neither is there evidence to demonstrate where development may be inappropriate because of its positive relationship to adjoining heritage assets (NPPF Paragraph 157), or how harm might be avoided (NPPF Paragraph 152). The commentary in the SA is rather rudimentary and dismissive, failing to provide an accurate or reasonable assessment of the impact of future development.

The selection of sites for development needs to be informed by the evidence base and the Plan should avoid allocating sites which are likely to result in harm to the significance of heritage assets. Where adverse impacts are unavoidable and justified, in accordance with the NPPF, the Plan should consider how that harm might be reduced and any residual harm mitigated. This could include measures such as a reduction of the quantum of development, avoiding locating development within a particular part of the site, ensuring reinforced strategic landscaping, and limiting the height and volume of development.

Without such evidence Warwick DC cannot assert that the allocation and the amount of development proposed (11.7ha) can be delivered without causing harm to heritage assets of national importance contrary to explicit legislation and national planning policy. Consequently I remain concerned that the Local Plan as proposed is unsound.

It is important to note that:-

- great weight should be given to an assets conservation and the more important the asset, the greater the weight to the assets conservation there should be (NPPF Paragraph 132);

- special regard must be given to the desirability of preserving the setting of a listed building (S66, Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990;

- development will be expected to avoid or minimise conflict between any heritage asset's conservation and any aspect of the proposal (NPPF Paragraph 129).

Following the ruling in Barnwell Manor Wind Energy Limited v East Northamptonshire District Council, English Heritage, the National Trust and the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government [2014] EWCA Civ 137, considerable importance and weight should be given to the desirability of preserving the setting of a listed building. Less than substantial harm does not equate to a less than substantial planning objection. There is a presumption that preservation is desirable.

Further analysis is therefore vital. I would strongly recommend the application of The Setting of Heritage Assets (English Heritage, 2011).

Gypsy and Travellers Site on land off Stratford Road, Warwick
The secondary/indirect impact of the proposal should be considered. For example could the 'rural' character of the lane serving the site, and the Grade II* Longbridge Manor, be retained as a consequence? Are intrusive highway works to facilitate the development required? How might these issues be addressed?

Change of proposed uses on Land North of Gallows Hill, Warwick
English Heritage acknowledges the potential for development to the north of Gallows Hill /west of Europa Way, but the implications of a stadium on Castle Park and the intermediate historic landscape must be appreciated, as should the consequences of accommodating additional traffic through the town. I will avoid repeating again the reasons why evidence to inform the principle and form of allocations is required. Needless to say I consider further work is necessary.

I look forward to further updates in due course. Do contact me to discuss any of these matters at your convenience.


Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

ID sylw: 67325

Derbyniwyd: 12/12/2014

Ymatebydd: mr Jasper Beauclair

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Site would be on designated flood plain making it unsuitable fore residential use
Impact on local economy and Tournament Fields in particular since it is attracting new business
Proximity to M40, sewage works and river (air, water and soil)
Fails to address access issues. Severn Trent will not allow access over their land and current track is unsuitable particularly for emergency vehicles. Turning traffic from Stratford Road would increase the potential for accidents

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

ID sylw: 67326

Derbyniwyd: 12/12/2014

Ymatebydd: Dr David Bradshaw

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

The Council has indicated proposed sites but has given no assurances about how they will be managed how they will ensure that those using the sites comply with terms of use. Residents close to the sites have concerns about whether users of the sites will be good neighbours, whether there will be issues of crime or anti-social behavior and whether there will be adverse impacts on property prices and ease of selling property.

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

ID sylw: 67327

Derbyniwyd: 12/12/2014

Ymatebydd: Chase Meadow Residents Association

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

It is by no means certain that the site is actually available and, at the very least, the question of availability is extremely confusing to the public due to lack of information released. WDC has maintained that all parties were supportive of the project and willing to make their land available. However, it is the understanding of CMRA that STW were never made aware of the WDC's intention to include a permanent Gypsy and Traveller site at the bottom of their proposed development of land for economic/commercial us; a letter from STW states their opposition. Unclear as to whether the other landowner has any intention of willingly selling the site and/or developing it himself. If not, CPO would be required which is uncertain,subject to a public inquiry and the timescales variable but would mean the site is not available now. The local authority must be able to demonstrate a compelling case in the public interest which is not the case for 15 families.
No evidence provided that the proposed site would be available, deliverable or viable.
Site requires a significant amount of screening/protection from the main tourist route into Warwick, the M40, the River Avon and the Severn Trent sewage works
It is agricultural land so requires hard surfacing works and connection to utilities
It is in a flood zone area (zones 2 and 3) so requires flood risk mitigation
Existing access roads require improvement to ensure suitability.
Severn Trent will not allow access over their land to the site.
The farm track access would need extensive improvement to meet adoptable standards. Access is needed for emergency vehicles. Access to the farm track requires turning sharply off the A429 Stratford Road close to the M40 Junction 15 with its own safety issues.
Proposed site includes areas classified as Flood Zone 2 and Flood Zone 3a. Government advice states that local authorities should ensure that policies 'do not locate sites in areas at high risk of flooding, including functional floodplains, given the particular vulnerability of caravans'. The report by Brookbanks Consulting does not provide any specific evidence that the flood risk can definitely be eliminated, nor does it estimate costs of implementing mitigation options. WDC cannot be confident that the site is deliverable or viable, or ultimately suitable for residential accommodation. WDC should select an alternative site that is not within a Flood Zone 3.
Locating the site next to the sewage works is against government guidelines.
The SA acknowledges the issue of the site being on a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone 3, but has provided no further guidance on what the realistic contamination risk is. Furthermore, having acknowledged that there will be a loss of Grade 3a agricultural land, the document provides no further information on how this will be mitigated. Therefore the site is not suitable because issues relating to air, water and soil quality have been identified as a serious potential issue with no plans for mitigation in place.
The noise of the M40 can be heard at all times of day, especially during wet weather. The proposed site is closer to the M40 than the extreme edges of Chase Meadow estate so the noise will be intensified.
This problem is important due to the high density of children likely to be on site, living in homes more susceptible to noise pollution.
Do not believe that the noise assessment undertaken can have captured the environmental noise at the proposed site at its worst especially as recordings were limited in time. WDC cannot have the information it needs to take into consideration the full extent of the noise problem. The author of the report uses PPG 24 (Planning Policy Guidance24: Planning and Noise) to measure each site against. This guidance is out of date. The study needs repeating to avoid time-pressured compromises and utilise current guidance. Before considering the proposed site, WDC should provide evidence that there are not alternative quieter sites. If it can provide such evidence, then noise mitigation works would be necessary impacting the commercial viability of the site (estimated costs of mitigation unclear).
The proposed site should be considered unacceptable from a safety point of view due to it being surrounded by:
a sewage works to the north;
a river on its eastern edge
a busy motorway to the south
the busy A429 Stratford Road to the west.
Local environment would make the site potentially very dangerous for children and mitigation in the form of barriers/fences/landscaping would presumably be required on all four sides giving a feeling of an isolated 'secure compound'.
The site would be broadly opposite the 'Tournament Fields' business park development. A significant portion of the site remains undeveloped. Negative publicity will make it even more difficult to effectively market. Given that attracting new businesses has already proven difficult the site could suppress potential demand still further. The proposed development on STW's land for employment/commercial purposes would also, presumably, have reduced ability to attract new businesses.
The development is out of scale with the existing area.
The disturbance/noise from movement of large vehicles would be vastly different from the current quiet, narrow lane.
It is a green field site. Planners should attach weight to "effective use of previously developed brownfield), untidy or derelict land".
The proposed site is graded as agricultural land Grade 3a. This is noted on the SA but no mention of the Government guidance to avoid using such land is made.
WDC is going against planning guidance and its own judgement when selecting the proposed site to hold 15 pitches.
Accessing the site via the farm track off the lane off Stratford Road would place the main next to a Grade 2 listed building (Longbridge Manor). However the SA makes no reference to the possibility of this. If it is a possibility then WDC should have flagged this up for the benefit of local residents.
WDC have run a flawed public consultation process.
A lack of detailed information provided. In a number of fundamental areas the consultation document has no information whatsoever that local residents could use in determining the suitability of the proposed site (for example the impact on local economy), and in other areas WDC has alluded to further updates and reports that have not subsequently been published during the term of the 6-week consultation (for example expected guidance in relation to suitability of site access).
The proposed site was not on the short list in early 2014 but became one of the three 'preferred options' in this final round of consultation. This does not reflect a transparent, logical and democratic process.
Information that has been made available by WDC was, until mid-way through the consultation period, only accessible via a prolonged trawl through various links on the website. This did not constitute effective communication or consultation.
Limited publicity of the consultation period resulted in many local residents being completely unaware of the issue, until local volunteers produced and delivered flyers to local homes to raise awareness.
Two drop in sessions were held during the consultation period, both ending at 18:30pm. This precluded most working residents from attending.
CMRA arranged a public meeting at Aylesford School, Warwick. The WDC executive refused to send any representatives.
The consultation and communication process undertaken by WDC has been wholly inadequate. CMRA feels that the credibility of the public consultation has been seriously undermined and has not been of sufficient quality or rigour to meet the statutory requirements for such an exercise and, has been done in too short a time period.

Testun llawn:

See Attached



Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

ID sylw: 67328

Derbyniwyd: 19/08/2014

Ymatebydd: Miss Laura Smith

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Have not received an alert about this new site. Feels like it is being covered up as publicity is poor. Understand Council has met its obligation so why is this site needed?

Testun llawn:

I am distressed to find out that after registering an objection and for alerts in relation to the proposed gypsy sites around the Stratford road/ Hampton Magna area of warwick that a further site is in consultation that was not included in the proposal nor have I received any alert from the council after registering for this service.

The truly distressing part is it feels as though this is being covered up as the first I know and lord knows how many other residents is via the 'spotted' pages on Facebook as you have not sent any alerts nor publicised well any meetings associated.

I understand that the council has now met its obligation with the accepted sites and therefore I would like to understand why this is needed?

Please can I ask that you forward me information on how to object and strongly recommend that you contact everyone that has registered for alerts on this matter as you should have done initially.


Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

ID sylw: 67329

Derbyniwyd: 12/12/2014

Ymatebydd: Dr Robert Green

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

This site adjacent to local sewage works is not fit for human habitation.
Development of this site for commercial use is the most financially rewarding within the 'cordon sanitaire'.
This has been deemed a suitable site, residents may demand
further, more suitable living areas hence, building sites
here will lead to resentment from travellers that such a
poor place was deemed suitable for them.
In addition, the floods in this area unsuitable for caravans/mobile homes.
Recent approval has been made for sites in the Solihull area
less than 20 miles away.
Huge financial impact on tourist trade of Warwick
Impact on business
No evidence of positive impact of Traveller site.
Impact on schools.
Experience of illegal encampment

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

ID sylw: 67330

Derbyniwyd: 12/12/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr Gavin Clark

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Disappointed that Warwick District Council did not send any representatives to the public meeting.
Consultation period too short. The 'drop in' sessions were scheduled at inconvenient times for working residents.
Impact on economy, Tournament Fields and tourism
Experience of illegal encampment and visits from other Travellers
The site is on a designated flood plain within flood zones 2 and 3 and caravans are 'highly vulnerable'. Risk to young children and animals that are likely to live on the site.
The overall expenditure to minimise the risk will cost the council tax payer a large amount of money and can the council prove the risk has been eliminated once the work is completed.
The Council's own SA identified air, water and soil of significant concern.
The site is situated close to a sewage works and noisy motorway which will cause issues with the quality of the Air, Water and Soil and therefore is not an ideal place for a permanent Gypsy and Traveller site, particularly one where children will spend most of their time playing outside.
Severn Trent Water are unwilling to provide access to the site across their land and the current narrow farm track leading to the site would be totally inadequate. Accessing the site from Longbridge would place the main entrance next to 'Longbridge Manor' a Grade 2 listed building which is located on a dangerous bend in the road with poor visibility for Motorists.

Testun llawn:

I would like to object to the proposed Gypsy and Traveller site on Stratford Road, Warwick.

I was very disappointed that Warwick District Council did not send any representatives to the public meeting on Thursday the 4th of December at Aylesford School. I also feel that the two month consultation period is unfair because it is not long enough and has not given local residents enough time to react and consider the effect of a traveller site on the local community. The 'drop in' centre slots organised by the council were scheduled at inconvenient times for working residents.

My first objection is that I don't think that local economy has been properly considered.

As the UK has just started to recovery from the recession then it is likely that businesses will want to be situated on Tournament Fields (opposite the proposed site) which would be great for Warwick's local economy but no business is going to want to situate itself opposite a potentially growing Traveller and Gypsy site. Given that the Tournament Fields business park remains largely undeveloped after the long recession the negative effect on future demand if a Gypsy and Traveller site is opened opposite to it.

Stratford road is the main tourist route into Warwick for visitors of Warwick Castle and the race course, it seems ridiculous to place a gypsy site so close to this entry into the town. For instance if there are problems with larger amounts of travellers arriving than pitches are available or they simply attend a relatives christening, birthday or wedding then it is likely that they are going to park up on the grass verges around the site or on Tournament Fields business park. Numerous Travellers/Gypsies have parked up on the grass verges near in Aylesford School on Tapping Way road the last few years when visiting a horse show. This is not what we want tourists and visitors to remember about their trip to Warwick.

My second objection is the high risk of flooding

When buying my house I completed the searches though the environment agency to ascertain whether there were flood plains near Chase Meadows estate. And it quite clearly states that the areas near the river have a large flood risk.

The fact that the site is on a designated flood plain within flood zones 2 and 3 the government's own guidelines on planning Gypsy and Traveller sites states that 'Caravan sites for permanent residence are considered "highly vulnerable" and should not be permitted in areas where there is a high probability that flooding will occur (Zone 3 areas)'. I find this point is ridiculous that you are even considering letting people live in a highly vulnerable area especially when young children and animals are likely to live on the site.

The overall expenditure to minimise the risk will cost the council tax payer a large amount of money and can the council prove the risk has been eliminated once the work is completed.

My third objection is the overall quality of the Air, Soil and Water

The Council's own Sustainability Assessment identified this as an area of significant concern (flagged as red) with a 'potential major negative effect'.
The site is situated very close to a sewage works and a noisy motorway which will cause issues with the quality of the Air, Water and Soil and therefore is not an ideal place for a permanent Gypsy and Traveller site, particularly one where children will spend most of their time playing outside.

The government's own guidelines on planning Gypsy and Traveller sites state that:
'It is essential to ensure that the location of a site will provide a safe environment for the residents.
Sites should not be situated near refuse sites, industrial processes or other hazardous places, as this will obviously have a detrimental effect on the general health and well-being of the residents and pose particular safety risks for young children. All prospective site locations should be considered carefully before any decision is taken to proceed, to ensure that the health and safety of prospective residents are not at risk'.

My forth objection is the access to the site

Unless Severn Trent Water are willing to provide access to the site across their land then the current narrow farm track leading to the site from Longbridge would be totally inadequate. The farm track would therefore appear to be totally unsuitable for the size of trailers the travellers will need.

Accessing the site from Longbridge would place the main entrance to the site next to 'Longbridge Manor' a Grade 2 listed building which is located on a dangerous bend in the road with poor visibility for Motorists.

Again as mentioned in my first objection there is a problem if visiting Travellers Park up on the grass verges of Stratford road.


Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

ID sylw: 67331

Derbyniwyd: 12/12/2014

Ymatebydd: Environment Agency

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

The preferred site is within Flood Zone 3.
The detailed modelling we have of this area is the River Avon 2009 Model, which demonstrates that there is no risk of flooding to the site from the River Avon. The model shows the site which is on the right bank of the watercourse is 3m higher than the left bank.
As this site has recently been introduced, we ask that any information regarding the flood risk to this site is re-submitted.
Wording in your consultation document is not clear on the perceived risk of flooding to the site from the brook. There should be an investigation to assess the level of flood risk that the brook poses.
The site is located on Triassic Mercia Mudstone which is designated a 'Secondary B Aquifer' by the Environment Agency. Superficial River Terrace Deposits of are indicated for the site which are designated as a 'Secondary (A) Aquifer'. The River Avon is located adjacent to the site.
We are not aware of contamination issues relating to this site however this does not preclude the possibility of contamination existing due to current or former site uses. Should the site currently or formerly have been subject to land-use(s) which have the potential to have caused contamination of the underlying soils and groundwater then any Planning Application must be supported by a Preliminary Risk Assessment to demonstrate that the risks posed to 'Controlled Waters' by any contamination are understood by the applicant and can be safely managed.
Site investigation, risk assessment and remediation may subsequently be required.
We actively encourage the use of SuDS at new developments, however proposals for the drainage of surface or roof water into the ground will need to take into account the findings of the Preliminary Risk Assessment and any subsequent site investigation. If contamination is present and surface water is to be drained to ground then the contamination risk assessment will need to consider the additional infiltration from the surface and roof water system(s).
The discharge of treated sewage effluent into surface water or to ground may require an Environmental Permit from us. At the time of applying the applicant will have to justify why connection to the public foul sewer is not possible.
Our guidance document 'EPR H1 technical annex to annex (j) Horizontal Guidance H1 - Annex J 4 Groundwater risk assessment for treated effluent discharges to infiltration systems' comments that "It is recommended that chemical toilet waste is not discharged to a package treatment plant, as the chemicals may poison the treatment system and cause pollution." Consequently should it be proposed to discharge foul effluent generated by this development to ground, a separate contained system will be required to take chemical toilet waste.

Testun llawn:

Sites for Gypsies and Travellers

Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

Thank you for consulting the Environment Agency in relation to the above preferred options consultation which we received on 31 October 2014.

The Environment Agency requires further information in relation to flood risk before we are able to recommend the inclusion of the above site be included in the site allocations that are safeguarded for Gypsies and Travellers.

Flood Risk
The preferred site shown in Map 1 of the Sites for Gypsies and Travellers Preferred Options Consultation Land at Stratford Road, Warwick Document Dated October 2014 is within Flood Zone 3.

The detailed modelling we have of this area is the River Avon 2009 Model, which demonstrates that there is no risk of flooding to the site from the River Avon. The model shows the site which is on the right bank of the watercourse is 3m higher than the left bank.

However there is no reference provided for the technical report referred to on page 5 of this consultation document.

This site is has recently been introduced to the consultation process, and fell outside of the detailed consultation we provided on the 44 sites previously submitted we ask that any information regarding the flood risk to this site is re-submitted.

Additionally the wording in your consultation document is not clear on the perceived risk of flooding to the site from the brook. There should be an investigation to assess the level of flood risk that the brook poses to the development site. It is possible that this could pose an unacceptable risk of flooding to the site and this must be assessed at the earliest possible opportunity.

Protection of Controlled Waters
Reference to the 1:50,000 scale geological map Sheet 184 (Warwick) indicates that the site is located on Triassic Mercia Mudstone which is designated a 'Secondary B Aquifer' by the Environment Agency. Superficial River Terrace Deposits of are indicated for the site which are designated as a 'Secondary (A) Aquifer'. The River Avon is located adjacent to the site.

We are not aware of contamination issues relating to this site however this does not preclude the possibility of contamination existing due to current or former site uses. Government Policy, as detailed in the National Planning Policy Framework (paragraph 120), states that "where a site is affected by contamination or land stability issues, responsibility for securing a safe development rests with the developer and/or landowner".

Should the site currently or formerly have been subject to land-use(s) which have the potential to have caused contamination of the underlying soils and groundwater then any Planning Application must be supported by a Preliminary Risk Assessment to demonstrate that the risks posed to 'Controlled Waters' by any contamination are understood by the applicant and can be safely managed.

We will object when a Planning Application is submitted without a Preliminary Risk Assessment and we believe there is potential for contamination and a possible risk to 'Controlled Waters' receptors.

Site investigation, risk assessment and remediation may subsequently be required depending upon the findings of the Preliminary Risk Assessment.

We actively encourage the use of SuDS at new developments, however proposals for the drainage of surface or roof water into the ground will need to take into account the findings of the Preliminary Risk Assessment and any subsequent site investigation. If contamination is present and surface water is to be drained to ground then the contamination risk assessment will need to consider the additional infiltration from the surface and roof water system(s).

The discharge of treated sewage effluent into surface water or to ground may require an Environmental Permit from us. The granting of planning permission does not guarantee the granting of an Environmental Permit - a permit will only be granted where the risk to the environment is acceptable. At the time of applying for relevant authorisation the applicant will have to justify why connection to the public foul sewer is not possible.

Our guidance document 'EPR H1 technical annex to annex (j) Horizontal Guidance H1 - Annex J 4 Groundwater risk assessment for treated effluent discharges to infiltration systems' comments that "It is recommended that chemical toilet waste is not discharged to a package treatment plant, as the chemicals may poison the treatment system and cause pollution." Consequently should it be proposed to discharge foul effluent generated by this development to ground, a separate contained system will be required to take chemical toilet waste.

In conclusion
We look forward to further engaging with you in relation to the flood risk issues for the above site allocation.

We trust that you will find these comments useful. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me on the number provided below.


Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

ID sylw: 67332

Derbyniwyd: 12/12/2014

Ymatebydd: Dr. Veronica Hyland

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

This site is right at the entrance to Warwick from the M40; 'the gateway' to Warwick. Tree planting has been done from the Longbridge round-about along the whole length of the Stratford Rd. up to West St; a splendid approach
Little consideration is being given to local residents in the Longbridge area on whom this will impact greatly.
Designated as a Rural Area and should be protected from development
Local Plan which is not yet approved, proposes that this large field is developed for industrial/business purposes as well as the gypsy site. This should not be allowed to happen

Testun llawn:

We wish to voice our objections to this proposed Permanent Gypsy Site.
This site is right at the entrance to Warwick from the M40 . This road is being called the Gateway to Warwick by our Warwick Tree Wardens Group and over the last 2 autumns tree planting has been done from the Longbridge round-about along the whole length of the Stratford Rd. up to West St. We have now started on the avenue of trees in West St.
itself.this will be a splendid approach to our historic county town of Warwick.

There is procrastination over the local plan which has left us in the situation of merely fulfilling a Central government obligation and depriving residents of adequate local representation. It is clear that Warwick town is merely seen as a dumping ground by the majority of WDC councillors. There were many other options for the siting of this Gypsy site including Leamington and Kenilworth. It would appear that the easiest option was taken. It would appear that little consideration is being given to local residents in the Longbridge area on whom this will impact greatly.

This is designated as a Rural Area by the district council and should be protected from development . The council's new Local Plan which is in fact not yet approved, proposes that this large field is developed for industrial/business purposes as well as the gypsy site. This should not be allowed to happen


Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

ID sylw: 67333

Derbyniwyd: 12/12/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr Simon Armer

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

The Council's Consultation Document completely fails to address the issue of access
Severn Trent Water are unwilling to provide access to the site across their land leaving the inadequate current narrow farm track leading to the site from Longbridge village unsuitable for emergency vehicles.
Turning off the A429 would appear to be extremely dangerous and next to a Grade 2 listed building (Longbridge Manor).
The Council's SA identified air, water and soil of concern with no plans for mitigation in place.
Environmentally unacceptable having a sewage works, river and a busy motorway a few hundred yards close by, all of which would make the site potentially very dangerous for children.
Unsuitable as it is on a designated flood plain within flood zones 2 and 3.
Little interest shown in the potential effect on the local Warwick economy.
Land earmarked for this development is not definitely available or viable and possibly not deliverable.
Unhappy with consultation process

Testun llawn:

see attached

The attached 15-page document details my specific reasons for objecting to the site based on the fact that it is unsuitable for its intended purpose when judged against the Council's own assessment criteria and Government guidelines for designing Gypsy and Traveller sites.

Please note - I was one of a number of concerned local residents who helped contribute to the formal objection submitted on behalf of the Chase Meadow Residents' Association, a document which I whole-heartedly endorse and support. However I also wish to submit my own personal objection as part of the consultation process. Any similarity of wording between the two documents is as a result of having helped, where I could, to provide some of background research for the CMRA submission.

Having had to put in many late nights and sacrifice time with my family at the weekends to put in the work necessary to help support the CMRA submission (within the short timescales the Council have allowed for this consultation) I want that work to have the greatest possible impact and it is my understanding that individual submissions carry more weight with the Council.



Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

ID sylw: 67334

Derbyniwyd: 12/12/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr Russell Miller

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Process is flawed
The Severn Trent Land is not available for development immediately and they do not support this plan
Any use of a CPO would fail the governments planning criteria on land being immediately available
Lack of a transparent feasibility assessment may show that the land is not viable anyway due to the cost of access, landscaping, flood defences, fencing and providing local services
Size of the site is inappropriate for the small village of Longbridge, and is right at the top end of the current planning guidelines.
Poor Access to the site on a dangerous corner off A429
Current lane to site is not fit for purpose
Building this close to the M40 has significant health risks for children
Land is on a flood plain and more studying is required. Additionally there are no costs associated with this work
SA raised a red flag against air, water and soil quality
The noise assessment undertaken at the site is not of an acceptable quality as it only occurred in a single 4 hour period in good conditions

Testun llawn:

I wish to raise my formal objection to the land being used at Stratford Road for a Gipsy and Traveller site due to the following reasons. However as we have previously discussed the process WDC has followed to select the Proposed Site as a preferred option (including the public communication and consultation process) has been flawed and before any site can be selected a more transparent, democratic and evidence-based process must be run. I am also disappointed that my previous compliant regarding the process has received a stock answer from the planning team from the person running the process and it was not investigated by another member of the planning team as per the councils complaints procedure published on your website. Additionally sending a housing officer to the public meeting rather than a member of the planning team is at best unfortunately or a deliberate attempt to spread disinformation. The process followed is far from widely accepted best practice.

My planning objections are as follows:-
- The Severn Trent Land is not available for development immediately and although you have insisted it is available they have committed in writing that they do not support this plan and additionally will not allow access through their land.
- Any use of a CPO would fail the governments planning criteria on land being immediately available and the land proposed is not currently in your ownership
- I have serious concerns that the lack of a transparent feasibility assessment made available so far may show that the land is not viable anyway due to the cost of access, landscaping, flood defences, fencing and providing local services
- The Size of the site is inappropriate for the small village of Longbridge, and the site size is right at the top end of the current planning guidelines.
- Building this close to the M40 has significant health risks for children and should be discouraged.
- Poor Access to the site on a dangerous corner off A429 - the planning guidelines state that due to the length of the vehicles involved this needs to be built into the road design
- Current lane to site is not fit for purpose and needs to be improved
- Land is on a flood plain and although the council has quoted a study to say the risk can be managed, the study itself warns against this conclusion as more studying is required. Additionally there are no costs associated with this work.
- Your own assessments raised a red flag against air, water and soil quality on site but doesn't state how you will resolve this.
- The noise assessment undertaken at the site is not of an acceptable quality as it only occurred in a single 4 hour period in good conditions - this was noted in the report and you are well aware of its shortcomings


Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

ID sylw: 67335

Derbyniwyd: 19/08/2014

Ymatebydd: Suzanne Clucas

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Why has the site been shortlisted when it didn't appear on the original list?
Impact on tourism with this as the first view
Will affect the hotels
Massive impact on house prices
Increase in crime
Experience of illegal encampment

Testun llawn:

have been given your email as our local MP, and hope that you receive my email and read with interest, in respect to my objections regarding the above.

On Friday 15th August I received a leaflet from Chase Meadow Residents Association regarding the above - a little disappointed that it arrived AFTER the council meeting had taken place to be honest.

I live on the Chase Meadow Estate, and so as you will understand I am writing to you about the proposed site of Stratford Road, opposite Tournament Fields.

Firstly, I would like to know why this site has been shortlisted when it was not on the original list of 20 sites proposed? And secondly, is this really what Warwick District Council want our visitors to the Town to see as a first impact into the Town?

Warwick Castle alone receives over 1/2 million visitors each year! The majority of these tourists will enter the the castle via the Stratford Road. I do not understand why a District Council would want to jeporidise the tourist industry for our town... this will have an impact on us without a shadow of a doubt. Not only will it reduce the footfall of tourists to our town, which will impact on our ever declining high street. It will also effect local businesses in the area, notably the 2 hotels Hilton and Holiday Inn, plus have a massive impact on the house prices of Chase Meadow and Earls Meadow, not to mention increase the crime in the area. Some may say that my last comment regarding crime is unfair, however I have witnessed the Hilton Hotel barracade the kitchen area due to travellers getting in and stealing food etc, and also our local pub The Unicorn be closed for the day due to travellers being in the area. So from a first hand view I know this will impact on crime.

Not only that - earlier this year travellers camped out near Aylesford school, and left a disgusting mess behind as I am sure you are aware. My husband is a keen runner and ran through the area where they were camped, only to have a gun pointed at him... disgusting!

I am not alone when I say that this is the wrong site. Not just for my own personal selfish views, but the views of all Warwick residents and businesses alike.

Will we get a chance to put our views across before a decision is made?

Thank You for your very long email. However, I cannot see any comment relating to my initial concerns such as:

Increased crime in the area
Drop in house prices
Damage to local businesses
Damage to our tourist industry

I also see no mention of my comment regarding Warwick District Council wanting this to be the first impression of our historic town!

Plus my more serious comment regarding my husband and a firearm being pointed at him - no comment or concern what so ever!

I completely understand that these sites have to go somewhere, although I am struggling as a tax payer to understand why after all they choose this way of life, and it is us who ultimately will be paying for the site and them to live there scot free!

You mention walking distance to a town center - really! Honestly I cannot understand your thinking... The council agree for private housing to be built, with massive price tags, and then you want to site traveler sites nearby knowing this will effect the house prices and all of my above comments - there are much better places to site this. What a representation for our Town, I cannot believe the council would want this...

I can't help but feel that your email is simply an email that has been crafted as a generic email to send out to all residents with concerns - just a way to fob us off. Very disappointed.

I do hope that the public consultation will be well advertised to all who it effects - and look forward to being one of the many chase meadow residents to come along and express our concerns.


Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

ID sylw: 67336

Derbyniwyd: 19/12/2014

Ymatebydd: Robert Dubock

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Site has come up at the 11th hour cutting across consultation process
Attraction is easy road access and in joint ownership with amenable land owners. Part is earmarked for employment under the Local Plan but will result in loss of Grade 2 farmland (currently under grazing)
Site would be close to sewage works
Site is in the flood plain and there are safety issues associated with the river, particularly for children
Traffic noise and safety issues from M40
Proximity of other houses, hotels and restaurants
Potential for unauthorised extension, especially given benefits of local amenities
Experience of illegal encampments

Testun llawn:

I was amazed to learn that WDC have cut straight across the prolonged consultation process in the selection of suitable sites to permanently accommodate Gypsies and Travellers in the Warwick District Council (WDC) area with the eleventh hour inclusion of a portion of land, bordered by the A429 Stratford Road, M40 motorway and River Avon, which had not been previously considered (Site B).
I can see the attraction of this site in terms of easy road access (via the existing 'Tournament Fields' roundabout) and the fact that the land in question is jointly owned by WDC, Severn Trent Water and another amenable land owner; thus simplifying land acquisition. I understand that part of the site was already earmarked for employment needs under the Local Plan and that this will be swept up in the overall development plan.
So what are the drawbacks? I believe there are valid objections to the proposals both from the point of view of potential occupiers of the site and of established local residents, which I outline below.
1. Loss of farmland. According to the Council's own site assessment, part of the area in question is designated grade 2 farm land. In response to other potential sites I note that the Council have stated that "ideally grade 2 land would not be used for development". These meadows are currently being grazed.
2. Proximity to STW sewage treatment plant. The draft Local Plan notes "This site was previously unsuitable due to a Cordon Sanitaire in place around the sewage works. However, due to modern working practices and equipment, the Cordon Sanitaire could now be reduced in area." How convenient! As a resident of Chase Meadow I am keenly aware that, under the right climatic conditions, we have to keep our windows closed because of the smell from this plant. The Travellers' site would be considerably closer.
3. Proximity to River Avon. Whilst the site itself appears to be generally above the conventional 'flood plain', it is highly susceptible to exceptional flood levels (that are becoming more common). The site adjoins the river so would be the first to be affected under these circumstances. There are also potential safety issues, particularly for children, with the closeness of reed beds and a fast flowing river.
4. Proximity to M40 motorway. The furthest point of the site boundary is only some 550m from the hard shoulder. Most of the site is much nearer and will be subject to persistent, mind-numbing, traffic noise. Again there are, potentially, significant safety issues, particularly for children, with ease of access to the adjacent motorway.
5. Proximity to private dwellings. A number of dwellings that could be considered 'executive homes' are in close proximity to the site; e.g. houses on Earls Meadow, Longbridge Manor. There are hotels and restaurants; e.g. Warwick Hilton, Holiday Inn, Porridge Pot. Home Farm is indicated as being totally surrounded by the site!
6. Potential for unauthorised extension. It is not currently known where the permanent Travellers' encampment would be located within Site B, but the space requirement for 15 pitches is very small in relation to the overall area. Therein lies the problem. What is to stop additional space being taken over (illegally) by further groups of Travellers - if only in transit? Such a scenario would be very tempting, particularly given the benefits of the many local amenities listed in the Council's site assessment.
7. History of illegal encampments. Travellers have often set up camp in the Warwick area. 'Tournament Fields' has been 'invaded' several times; this is directly across the Stratford Road from Site B. Earlier this year 'Tapping Way' was also illegally taken over; another location close to Site B. What is the relevance of this? It points to the familiarity, perhaps even popularity, of this area to sections of the Traveller community. The establishment of a permanent base, as noted in the previous paragraph, has the potential to expand to larger gatherings and could also lead to more frequent attempts to set up these illegal camps, exacerbating the issue further, with a detrimental effect on the neighbourhood and even interruption of traffic on the Stratford Road.
I would ask that the forgoing be taken into account and the issues considered as part of the assessment of the unsuitability of this parcel of land for the purpose being mooted.


Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

ID sylw: 67337

Derbyniwyd: 12/12/2014

Ymatebydd: Kim Trinder

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

How it is possible to have chosen a site which was never actually on the original shortlist of sites? The process has been baffling. Residents have been given incorrect/misleading information. Any decision will be void.
Unsuitable on flood plain and with additional hardstanding risk will be increased. Where will they be rehomed when flooded out.
The road from Longbridge village is far too small and bendy as it is to be able to accommodate enormous caravans, so a new one will have to be built
Danger to wildlife
Facilities on Chase Meadow as it is are already busy or full.
Effect on local economy

Testun llawn:

I would like to express my sincerest concerns and confusion over the decision and procedure adopted to build a permanent gypsy and traveller site on Stratford road opposite the Chase Meadow housing estate.

I firstly would like to ask how it is possible to have chosen a site which was never actually on the original shortlist of sites? We live in a democracy, and this means abiding by the rules and regulations set out by those we elect. If those in a position to make decisions such as these do not abide by the basic principles and procedures in making those decisions then the whole system becomes dangerously and worrying flimsy. Any decision made regarding this also becomes invalid.

I furthermore must question what the point of having councillors is if they are not going to turn up to public meetings to listen to their people? I am insulted, as was everyone else at the meeting, that Chris Elliott said he would not be attending because he "did not want to listen to people's opinions." If he does not wish to listen to people's opinions then I must ask why he is in the job he is in? If this is the case then might I suggest he changes careers to something where he is not obliged to listen to people's opinions? Perhaps a lighthouse keeper? Or a shepherd?

This whole process of choosing the site has been totally baffling, and has not been in the least transparent. Members of the council fail to tell their constituents how far along the process is; how they are making their decisions; when they are making their decisions. On the rarer occasions when they do turn up to speak to people it is at times when the vast majority of people concerned are at work and so are unable to attend; the council cannot even be bothered to send the relevant people to the event to answer questions correctly, and as a result residents have been given incorrect or misleading information. This is absolutely unacceptable.

Furthermore, why would you choose to waste tax-payer's money on building on a council-acknowledged flood plain? When it floods due to the increased level of hard-standing and tarmac you will be putting down you will only have to rehouse the travellers and pay for repairs and compensation. Where do you plan to rehouse them when this happens? Have you a set budget in mind? How much is the site going to cost to build in the first place? Who is going to pay for all this?

I'd also like to ask how you propose entry to the site. The road from Longbridge village is far too small and bendy as it is to be able to accommodate enormous caravans, so a new one will have to be built. This is not included in the plans, so exactly what is the plan regarding access to the site? This has not been made clear.

I am also certain there could be other places where the site could be built without having to wipe out the local population of endangered species such as otters.

The facilities on Chase Meadow as it is are already busy or full; they will not cope with the expected increase of traffic and demand if the traveller site is installed where you are proposing. There is not the capacity in the local economy to be able to take it.

On the whole, the council's behaviour and attitude towards the concerns of local people has been totally unacceptable. The level of involvement, engagement and transparency over these plans given towards local people has been absolutely lacking. There has been a total dearth of clarity and engagement. The legislative process of choosing the location for this site has been absolutely ignored and not been abided by at all, so any decision to build the site on Stratford Road is null and void as it has not been taken in the correct manner, or in line with current legislation or procedures.

The council has behaved ineptly throughout this whole process and the concerns of locals which have so far been ignored must be acknowledged, addressed, and utilised in the decision-making process.

Your sincerely,

An extremely disgruntled resident of Chase Meadow.


Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

ID sylw: 67338

Derbyniwyd: 22/08/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr John Reilly

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Site is on a major road off the M40 motorway into town with traffic being extremely busy throughout the day. There will be a significant danger to this community especially where there are children.
This site is very near the water treatment plant and I believe this would be a particularly unsuitable place to expect people to live; the smell is quite awful.
The housing developments opposite are steadily growing and many facilities such as schools, leisure and medical centres could well be strained.
Motorway noise could be a potential annoyance for people living nearby especially at night when the constant 'drone' of traffic could be most upsetting particularly for those living in mobile homes and caravans which do not usually have the best soundproofing.
The potential risk of flooding due to the close proximity of the river and with a fairly flat surrounding terrain.
Disappointed that site was added late giving people little time to assess.

Testun llawn:

I wish to submit an objection to the proposed permanent Gypsy and Traveller site on the land opposite Tournament Fields in Warwick.

My first point of objection is regarding the position of the proposed site, being on a major road off the M40 motorway into town with traffic being extremely busy throughout the day, on most days, I fear there will be a significant danger to this community especially where there are children around.
This site is very near the water treatment plant and I believe this would be a particularly unsuitable place to expect people to live, I myself live within half a mile of the plant and on quite a few days throughout the year when the wind heads northwards the smell from this plant is quite awful, I can only imagine how bad it would be for those who live even closer than I do.
The housing developments opposite, known as Chase Meadow and Tournament Fields are steadily growing in size and therefore in population and I suspect that very soon, many facilities such as schools, leisure and medical centres could well be strained where additional families only add to the growing problem.
Being so close to the M40 motorway may also prove to be an issue where noise could be a potential annoyance for people living nearby especially at night when the constant 'drone' of traffic could be most upsetting particularly for those living in mobile homes and caravans which do not usually have the best soundproofing.
I do wonder if the proposed site may also have a potential risk of flooding due to the close proximity of the river and with a fairly flat surrounding terrain, could pose quite a threat bearing in mind the ever worsening climate change.

I must also express my disappointment with the authorities in adding this site to the list of sites in such a late manner as it was not on the original or the shortlist and therefore leaves very little time for consultation amongst local residents, it would appear that this is being 'fast tracked' without proper consideration to all affected.

I do hope that you are able to consider my thought and concerns on this subject.


Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

ID sylw: 67339

Derbyniwyd: 12/12/2014

Ymatebydd: Mrs Amber Hemming

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Severn Trent Water are unwilling to provide access to the site across their land and the current narrow farm track leading to the site from Longbridge would be inadequate, including for Emergency Vehicles. The farm track would be totally unsuitable. Accessing the site from Longbridge would place the main entrance to the site next to a Grade 2 listed building (Longbridge Manor)
The Council's SA identified air, water and soil as of significant concern. Suggested that these issues could be 'mitigated' but have provided little detail.
Site is close to a sewage works and a busy motorway and not suitable for a permanent residential development, particularly one where children will live. Health and safety issues.
The site is on a designated flood plain within flood zones 2 and 3. and caravans are considered "highly vulnerable". No details given of mitigation and cost
Impact on the local economy, especially Tournament Fields

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

ID sylw: 67340

Derbyniwyd: 12/12/2014

Ymatebydd: Mrs Anne Burvill

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Severn Trent Water are unwilling to provide access to the site across their land and the current narrow farm track leading to the site from Longbridge would be inadequate, including for Emergency Vehicles. The farm track would be totally unsuitable. Accessing the site from Longbridge would place the main entrance to the site next to a Grade 2 listed building (Longbridge Manor)
The Council's SA identified air, water and soil as of significant concern. Suggested that these issues could be 'mitigated' but have provided little detail.
Site is close to a sewage works and a busy motorway and not suitable for a permanent residential development, particularly one where children will live. Health and safety issues.
The site is on a designated flood plain within flood zones 2 and 3. and caravans are considered "highly vulnerable". No details given of mitigation and cost
Impact on the local economy, especially Tournament Fields

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

ID sylw: 67341

Derbyniwyd: 12/12/2014

Ymatebydd: Miss Holly Reading

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Severn Trent Water are unwilling to provide access to the site across their land and the current narrow farm track leading to the site from Longbridge would be inadequate, including for Emergency Vehicles. The farm track would be totally unsuitable. Accessing the site from Longbridge would place the main entrance to the site next to a Grade 2 listed building (Longbridge Manor)
The Council's SA identified air, water and soil as of significant concern. Suggested that these issues could be 'mitigated' but have provided little detail.
Site is close to a sewage works and a busy motorway and not suitable for a permanent residential development, particularly one where children will live. Health and safety issues.
The site is on a designated flood plain within flood zones 2 and 3. and caravans are considered "highly vulnerable". No details given of mitigation and cost
Impact on the local economy, especially Tournament Fields

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

ID sylw: 67342

Derbyniwyd: 12/12/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr Malcolm Rowson

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

The proposal places Gypsies and Travellers adjacent to a large sewage works
Surely the life style of travellers is more associated with the countryside rather than heavily populated urban areas
A siting such a as Stratford Road is bound to have a huge number of potential protesters owing to its proximity to Warwick town, it's potential negative effect on the development of local business in Tournaments Fields, and the costs which would be incurred in shielding it from the worst effects of being next to the sewage works and the possibility of flooding when the Avon overflows its banks.

Testun llawn:

I am emailing to object to the Gypsy & Traveller Site Proposal for Stratford Road Warwick.

There are many points against this proposal but the one I wish to highlight is the Health and Safety aspect with regard to the travellers themselves. The proposal places them adjacent to a large sewage works which is not the place where I would choose to live under any circumstances and would certainly not wish my children to live. I feel sure that had this land been suitable for building on, there would have been successful proposals for housing well before now.

Surely the life style of travellers is more associated with the countryside rather than heavily populated urban areas. A siting such a as Stratford Road is bound to have a huge number of potential protesters owing to its proximity to Warwick town, it's potential negative effect on the development of local business in Tournaments Fields, and the costs which would be incurred in shielding it from the worst effects of being next to the sewage works and the possibility of flooding when the Avon overflows its banks.

Please in order to avoid mass opposition to this scheme, withdraw the plan and seek a more rural solution.


Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

ID sylw: 67343

Derbyniwyd: 23/08/2014

Ymatebydd: Maureen & Tony Thomas

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Not one of the original sites. Why was it not on the shortlist?
Route is a gateway for tourism.
Travellers like isolation so why not give them that.
Unpleasant experience of Travellers here and elsewhere

Testun llawn:

It is with the upmost of regret that I feel the need to send you this message with regard to the above-mentioned subject.

Firstly, we were NOT informed at the original consultation, which we attended, that Stratford Road, Warwick was on the shortlist.
WHY ??

This part of Warwick is the main 'GATEWAY' from all routes, including the Motorway, to what is the second biggest tourist attraction in the U.K.What a sight for sore eyes to greet the many tourists that frequent the Town. Unfortunately, we can speak from experience that eye sores they do become. We have only recently moved to Warwick, where we thought we were purchasing a property in a sought after area !!!! We moved from Birmingham where there was a Gypsy/Traveller Site only minutes away.
When visiting the local waste disposal site, the traveller site was in full view and a complete disgrace, set alight and destroyed by they themselves.
And, of course, house prices did not go up, but only down and stopped like that until the day we left, and lost thousands of pounds !!!

At the present time, the Chase Meadow Estate has a good reputation and house prices have increased, with the cost of certain properties rising above £500,000. For which people would have worked and strived very hard to attain, and paid their taxes to achieve this goal in their lives. This also includes my Wife and I, who worked all our lives to attain what we have.

The Government, we are TOLD, have a duty of obligation to the travellers, BUT WHERE IS YOUR DUTY OF OBLIGATION to hardworking class who have paid their 'dues' in life. These travellers are very much for their own community, and like isolation, so why, therefore, do you not cater for their needs, and give them isolation ?? And put them on sites where their strong beliefs and values do NOT infringe on our way of life.
Our experience in Warwick with the Travellers thus far, has not been pleasant, with verbal abuse when they are here. NOT VERY NICE AT ALL.

Thank you for your kind assistance in this matter and I look forward to hearing from you shortly.


Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

ID sylw: 67344

Derbyniwyd: 25/08/2014


Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

This site was not part of the original consultation, nor was it a part of the short list.
Children from traveller communities will be given a higher priority with regards to the allocation of school places and this is a concern that the schools in the proposed areas would be unable to cope with any potential increase.
The GP Surgery cannot cope with the number of additional patients that the proposed sites may house.
Chase Meadow is largely unadopted by the council and it already suffers with issues surrounding speeding
Traveller sites pose risk to the tourism economy.

Testun llawn:

It is my understanding that Warwick District Council met on the 13th August to approve an amendment to the local plan with reference to a proposed site on the Stratford Road Warwick, alongside the Severn Trent site down to the M40 for the purposes of Employment land.

As part of this proposed change was the inclusion for a 15 pitch Gypsy and Traveller permanent site!!

This site was NOT part of the original consultation, nor was it a part of the short list.
I find this ability to "move the goal posts" to suit the council completely unacceptable and brings a mockery to the entire consultation process previously run.

It appears that council have the authority to do entirely as they wish, without consideration to the residents of the town that it is here to serve!

My objections to this site as well as the proposed sites on Hampton Road (GT11 Land at Budbrooke Lodge, Race Course and Hampton Road) remain unchanged;

- School Places;
It is my understanding that the children from traveller communities will be given a higher priority with regards to the allocation of school places and this is a concern that the schools in the proposed areas would be unable to cope with any potential increase.
This is two-fold. Firstly, with the projected school intakes for 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 based on the birth rates in the area and secondly, taking into account the large extensions to family estates such as Chase Meadow where it is not possible to estimate the additional places required.

- GP Access;
Living on Chase Meadow, I know how difficult and stretched the GP Surgery (The New Dispensary) is and my concern is that this surgery can not cope with the number of additional patients that the proposed sites may house.

- Infrastructure;
Chase Meadow is largely unadopted by the council and it already suffers with issues surrounding speeding on the estate and leading to and from the estate. One of the proposed sites (plot 11) is located on the border between a 30mph and 60mph limits. My concern is the additional traffic flowing through the chase meadow estate and the need to police the speed limits on the unadopted roads.
Hampton Road is a fast road and the concern of an additional turning so close to an existing turning on this type of road is a risk to the residents safety.

- Aesthetics of the Warwickshire countryside.
Warwick is such a beautiful and historic town for which tourists travel to visit annually. Having seen a number of traveller sites over recent years and months, the risk to the tourism economy for Warwick has to be taken seriously.
The proposed Hampton Road and Junc 15 sites are key routes into Warwick and should be preserved.
Also, the Hampton Road site is located next to the Flat Straight for Warwick Race Course and will be visible to those attending the races.

I would like to thank you for taking to the time to read and file my objection to these proposed traveller sites and look forward to the opportunity to meet with you at the forthcoming meeting.


Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

ID sylw: 67346

Derbyniwyd: 25/08/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr & Mrs Brad & Lesley Miles

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Approx. 50% of site is in Flood Zone 3, designated flood plain; further sections in Flood Zone 2. Building a site in the flood plain would be unacceptable
Site is bordered on two sides by busy roads. The A429 Stratford Road is the main thoroughfare into Warwick; road noise would be a significant consideration, compounded by deceleration/acceleration at the roundabout and also 24-hour access to the West Midlands Ambulance Station.
The smell from the sewerage facility is obtrusive
The land has been designated as grade 2 grazing land.
Even with proactive landscaping, the potential impact on tourism is a concern
The site is in close proximity to two of Warwick's largest hotels. There is potential to reduce numbers of guests and conference delegates, with users choosing to utilise alternative venues. Companies will be reluctant to move their business premises to Tournament Fields in an area adjacent to a G&T site.
Buyers will be deterred from purchasing houses currently being built to the south east of the Chase Meadow estate.
We would question whether the Gypsy & Traveller Community really want to purchase and setup a semi-permanent residence sandwiched between two busy roads, a sewerage works and a flood plain?

Testun llawn:

We are very concerned to hear about the proposal to establish a Gypsy & Traveller site on land adjacent to Stratford Road, Warwick. This site was not included in the original shortlist, or indeed the list of sites put forward in the initial consultation.

We wish to object to this proposal on the following grounds:

1) Flood Risk: Approximately 50% of the proposed site is deemed by the Environment Agency as Flood Zone 3 - a designated flood plain. Further sections are identified as zone 2. Sites GT04. GT15 and GT19 were all either excluded or reduced in size as a result of flood risk. WDC are quoted in their response to GT04 as saying, "...building a site on a flood plain would be unacceptable."
2) Noise: The proposed site is bordered on two sides by busy roads. The M40 corridor has already been excluded due to noise levels in previous proposals. The A429 Stratford Road is the main thoroughfare into Warwick. At 40 MPH, the road noise would be a significant consideration. This is compounded by deceleration/acceleration at the roundabout and also 24-hour access to the newly positioned West Midlands Ambulance Station - with associated warning sirens.
3) Smell: On occasions the smell from the sewerage facility is obtrusive and can be unpleasant when simply driving past the site.
4) Loss of Grazing Land: The land within the proposed site has been designated as grade 2 grazing land. Within the exclusion justification for GT12, WDC have stated that, "...ideally grade 2 land would not be used for development."
5) Impact on Tourism: The A429 is the primary tourist route into Warwick and also links the town to Stratford-upon-Avon. Even with proactive landscaping, the potential impact on tourism is a concern. Buses and coaches travelling along the A429 would undoubtedly observe the site - a large proportion of the 750,000 visitors to Warwick Castle alone each year. There is also a possibility that the site will be visible from the top of the towers within Warwick Castle.
6) Impact on Local Businesses/Economy: The site is in close proximity to two of Warwick's largest hotels - bordering one. There is potential to reduce numbers of guests and conference delegates, with users choosing to utilise alternative venues. The Tournament Fields development is already struggling to attract tenants to the existing properties, with land identified for further development. Companies will be reluctant to move their business premises into an area adjacent to a G&T site. Buyers will be deterred from purchasing houses currently being built to the south east of the Chase Meadow estate, as a result of the G&T development.
We would question whether the Gypsy & Traveller Community really want to purchase and setup a semi-permanent residence sandwiched between two busy roads, a sewerage works and a flood plain?
We look forward to hearing your response to these above concerns.


Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

ID sylw: 67347

Derbyniwyd: 26/08/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr & Mrs Andy & Janet Mathias

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Recent illegal encampment left in a terrible state during and once they had left.
Stratford Road is the main route into Warwick from the M40 and thereby has hundreds of visitors to the area travelling along it every day. This should be protected from any potential disruption or negative visual impact.
We also have concerns about the way in which the site has been put forward at such a late stage, not being on the initial list of alternatives, or preferred options.

Testun llawn:

We would like to add our names to those concerned by proposals for a permanent traveller site on the Stratford Road, in Warwick known as site B in the local plan draft.

As residents of Chase Meadow, we know only too well of the impact of the minority of the traveling community, when during their recent stay near the entrance of Aylesford school, they left the area in terrible state during and once they had left.

As most other local residents would say, we would prefer this not on our doorstep. But bearing in mind that the Stratford Road is the main route into Warwick from the M40 and thereby has hundreds of visitors to the area travelling along it every day. We believe this should be protected from any potential disruption or negative visual impact.

We also have concerns about the way in which the site has been put forward at such a late stage, not being on the initial list of alternatives, or preferred options, which were known publically as early as June 2013. Then subsequently being fast tracked down to a list of three based on land for potential development becoming available.

We hope to have the opportunity to express our concern further during the consultation on the site during September.