Radford Semele Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Submission

Ended on the 18 August 2020

(2)3.0 Planning Policy Context

3.1 The current local planning policy framework for the Neighbourhood Plan area comprises the Warwick District Local Plan 2011 to 2029, adopted in September 2017; and two other development plan documents (DPDs) in preparation the Gypsy and Traveller DPD and the Canal DPD

National Planning Policy and Guidance

3.2 National planning policy is set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)[3] published in revised form in February 2019. This sets out in paragraphs 7 and 8 that the purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development, and that the planning system has three overarching objectives: an economic objective, a social objective and an environmental objective.

3.3 Neighbourhood plans must: "support the delivery of strategic policies contained in local plans or spatial development strategies; and should shape and direct development that is outside of these strategic policies." (NPPF, paragraph 13). In the case of Radford Semele, its policies must align with the Warwick District Local Plan.

3.4 Within this framework, neighbourhood planning: "gives communities the power to develop a shared vision for their area. Neighbourhood plans can shape, direct and help to deliver sustainable development, by influencing local planning decisions as part of the statutory development plan. Neighbourhood plans should not promote less development than set out in the strategic policies for the area or undermine those strategic policies." (NPPF, paragraph 29).

3.5 This means that as well as being consistent with national planning policy and guidance the RSNDP must also be in "general conformity" with the strategic local planning policies in the Warwick District Local Plan.

3.6 The Warwick District Local Plan defines Radford Semele as a growth village. The Local Plan identifies an envelope where new development should be located and includes two large housing sites (Information Map 4). Housing commitments arising from site allocation and planning applications has resulted in up to 300 new homes in the village comprising 275 dwellings from major developments (planning consents reference 16/0196 at Land South of Offchurch Lane {150 units}, 14/0322 & 15/1293 at land North of Southam Road {60}, and 14/0433 & 15/2129 at Land at Spring Lane {65 units}) and a smaller commitment on land opposite Radford Hall for 25 dwellings (planning consent reference 15/1761). These developments, once built, will grow the village by 38%. There are no further Local Plan housing allocations remaining.

Information Map 4 - WDC Local Plan, Radford Semele Village Envelope

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