Burton Green Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Submission

Ended on the 23 November 2020


At the heart of the vision is the community cohesion of the Village so that residents, established, recent and future will live in a village which promotes organic and sustainable growth, responds to the climate emergency, is sensitive to the natural environment and ensures that residents are able to enjoy walking and cycling with access to community activities many of which are associated with the Village Hall and the village Primary School.

4.1.1. Justification - The vision was distilled from the responses to the 2018 BGRS report, the 2018 BGHNS report and the 2017-2019 CCR. It also draws on the evidence base underpinning the 2014 BGPP 'Planning for the future' (BGPC website). Burton Green will double in size over the next few years through two housing developments, the first, currently under construction of 92 houses, the second, a development of 425 houses has outline planning permission but building has yet to begin. There will possibly be further housing development on land to the south of Bockendon Road safeguarded in WDLP Policy DS21, Proposal S1. The village is also being affected by the construction of the HS2 line which will go through the NDPA, north to south through a cut and cover tunnel beneath Cromwell Lane utilising the cutting currently used by the Greenway with the attendant impact on the natural environment within the NDPA.


4.2.1. Strategic Objective 1: Agricultural Land (SO1)
To protect and enhance the Best and Most Versatile agricultural in the NDPA in response to the significant infrastructure changes taking place over the next few years.

4.2.2. Strategic Objective 2: The Natural Environment (SO2)
To manage the woodlands, hedgerows and wildlife habitats throughout the NDPA so that the present bio-diversity is maintained and possibly improved in response to significant infrastructure changes, and to ensure the much-valued views of the surrounding countryside are preserved.

4.2.3. Strategic Objective 3: The Built Environment (SO3)

  1. To protect the setting and experience of a wide range of domestic architecture which spans over 500 years.
  2. To enhance the village's built variety by encouraging innovative, high quality modern architecture and design which will ensure the continued tranquillity and low noise levels enjoyed by residents.
  3. To promote the organic and sustainable growth of the village.

4.2.4. Justification- The Strategic Objectives are fundamental to the realisation of the NDPA Vision and reflect the responses to the 2018 BGRS and BGHNS reports and the 2017-2019 CCR. They also reflect the Needs/Evidence and Actions set out in the 2014 BCPP 'Planning for the Future' and are a necessary response to the infrastructure changes taking place in the NDPA.

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