Baginton and Bubbenhall Neighbourhood Plan
Baginton and Bubbenhall Parish Councils would like to express
their thanks and appreciation to all those that have been
involved with the development of this Neighbourhood Plan.
With assistance from
Executive Summary
This Submission Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) for the
neighbourhood area and two Parishes of Baginton and Bubbenhall
has been prepared by a joint steering group on behalf of the two
Parish Councils. The Plan was published for formal public
consultation in Winter 2016 and the revised Submission Plan has
taken into consideration the representations submitted on the
Draft Plan.
As required by Government guidance, the Plan has been prepared
in line with the "saved" policies of the adopted Warwick
District Local Plan and the evidence base underpinning the
emerging new Local Plan. The NDP will be used to guide
planning decisions up to 2029.
The Plan has a vision and objectives and a number of planning
The Plan includes general planning policies which are
applicable to all the areas, such as:
- protecting local landscape character,
- improving traffic and transport,
- supporting appropriate investment in business and employment opportunities, and
- reducing flood risk.
The Plan also includes more detailed planning policies
relating to each of the villages, with policies addressing
matters such as:
- guiding the development of proposed housing sites in Baginton, including ensuring adequate provision of affordable housing and housing which meets local needs,
- design principles for development in the villages and
- protecting locally important green spaces and local
Overall the Plan seeks to maintain and enhance the rural
character of Baginton and Bubbenhall villages, both currently
washed over by the green belt (although the emerging Local Plan
proposes taking Baginton village out of the green belt), and to
protect local landscape character and wildlife of the wider
(6)1.0 Introduction and Background
Map 1 Designated Neighbourhood Plan Area
Bubbenhall Parish Council (Licensee) License No.
1.1 The Localism Act 2011 gives Parish
Councils and other relevant bodies new powers to prepare
statutory neighbourhood development plans (NDPs) to help guide
development in their local areas. Through neighbourhood plans,
local people now have the opportunity to shape new development
as planning applications are developed in accordance with the
development plan, unless material considerations indicate
otherwise. The Warwick District Local Plan and the Baginton and
Bubbenhall Neighbourhood Development Plan (once made) will be
part of the statutory development plan for the area. The
National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) is a material
consideration in any planning application determinations.
1.2 The two Parish Councils of Baginton and Bubbenhall have decided to prepare a joint NDP for the two Parishes. A Steering Group, comprising Parish Councillors and local residents has been established to progress work on the Plan. The steps in preparing a Neighbourhood Development Plan are set out in Figure 1 below.
Figure 1 NDP process
1.3 Baginton and Bubbenhall Neighbourhood Plan Area was designated by Warwick District Council's Executive on 14th September 2016. Baginton and Bubbenhall Parish Councils were the relevant bodies that applied for the designation. Previously the two Parish Councils were working with a third Parish Council, Stoneleigh and Ashow, to prepare a joint NDP across all three areas, but in Summer 2016 the Parish Councils all agreed that Baginton and Bubbenhall would prepare a joint plan only for the area covered by those two Parish Councils.
1.4 The Draft Plan was published for Regulation 14
Public Consultation from 24th October 2016 to 19th December
2016. Further information about this is provided in the
accompanying Consultation Statement. The two Parish Councils
have given careful consideration to all representations and the
NDP has been amended for submission to Warwick District Council.
On receiving the submitted NDP and supporting documents, the
local authority is responsible for checking that the submitted
Neighbourhood Plan has followed the proper legal process, such
as the neighbourhood area being designated and that the plan has
met the legal requirements for consultation and publicity.
1.5 Warwick District Council will publish the plan
and invite anyone interested to comment on it by a specified
date (not less than 6 weeks from it being publicised). The local
planning authority will also notify anyone referred to in the
consultation statement that the plan has been received before it
is subjected to an examination and then referendum. If more than
50% of those voting in the referendum vote 'yes', then the local
planning authority will bring the plan into force and it will be
used to help determine planning applications alongside the
Warwick Local Plan and NPPF.
Strategic Environmental Assessment
1.6 In line with European legislation, there is a
requirement for the Plan to be subjected to a Strategic
Environmental Assessment Screening Process which will determine
whether a full Strategic Environmental Assessment is required.
This process is iterative and may lead to amendments in the plan
as it is prepared to help ensure that any adverse environmental
effects resulting from policies and proposals in the plan are
minimised. The Screening Assessment was undertaken on the
emerging Draft Plan by Warwick District Council, who consulted
with the Environment Agency, Historic England and Natural
England. The Consultation Bodies agreed with the Warwick
District Council Screening Determination that a full
Environmental Report was not required.
Early Plan Development and Consultation
1.7 A Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group was formed in
2014 consisting of representatives from each Parish. Planning
Consultants were engaged to support the process and to provide
expertise where it is needed. From the very start both Parish
Councils and the Steering Group were determined that the Joint
Neighbourhood Plan would reflect the views of those living and
working in the designated area. Therefore, early versions of the
Plan were informed by a questionnaire used to identify the key
issues that the Plan would need to address. The Plan became a
standing item on the agenda of both Parish Councils where
members of the public could attend, hear an update on progress
made with the plan and make comments on its content. Evidence on
the local need for housing has been taken from either existing
surveys or from newly commissioned housing need surveys.
1.8 Informal consultation was undertaken in both
parishes during February 2016 and gave stakeholders four weeks
in which to respond. Stakeholders were invited to drop in
sessions where they could find out more about the plan and make
their views known. A leaflet explaining the content of the plan
was delivered to all households and businesses and the leaflet
contained a return slip through which people could send their
written comments. Returns could also be made via email and
through both parish websites.
1.9 Further information about this is provided in the
Consultation Statement. All comments received were carefully
considered by the Steering Group and used to inform the
Neighbourhood Development Plan.