Affordable Housing SPD
(5)Policy Background
National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)
The NPPF has a number of paragraphs that detail the definition of Affordable Housing, along with how such a need is identified and how it is to be met. In the interests of brevity these paragraphs have not been repeated here, but provided in Appendix
ii. However, it is clear from the conditions within the NPPF that the adequate meeting of Affordable Housing needs should be one of the key tenets of a Local Plan.
The Warwick District Local Plan 2011 – 2029
The District's Local Plan was adopted in September 2017. The Plan contains a number of policies concerned with the appropriate provision of affordable housing in the district and these are reproduced in full in Appendix i.
Neighbourhood Plans
Neighbourhood planning is designed to empower local communities to play a direct role in planning the areas where they live and work. Once made, Neighbourhood Plans form part of the development plan and are used to guide decision making in the planning application process. Neighbourhood Plans are required to conform with strategic policies of the Local Plan, however they may seek
to differ from non-strategic policies where there is sufficient local evidence on which to do so.
The Local Plan policies which relate to affordable housing (see above) are not defined as strategic policies. There is a potential therefore, that neighbourhood plans could seek to require a different amount of affordable housing provision within their neighbourhood area, provided there is a local justification. Where a 'made' (adopted) neighbourhood plan does include different affordable housing policies to those in the local plan, these policies will take precedence (where they differ) over the local plan and this SPD.
Other relevant policies, strategies and documents
Housing and Homelessness Strategy 2017-2020
Warwick District Council's Housing and Homelessness Strategy was produced in 2017, and is founded on the key principles of the Sustainable Communities Strategy. It is intended that it will be reviewed on an annual basis to measure achievement against its objectives. Objective 2 of the Housing and Homelessness Strategy is about meeting the need for new housing across the district.
Definition of affordable housing
The Warwick District Local Plan sets out that affordable housing should meet the definition set out in Annex 2 of the NPPF in terms of tenure, affordability and provider. This definition in the NPPF was updated in July 2018, and is reproduced in Appendix ii.