Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

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Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Scale and Impact

Representation ID: 61227

Received: 20/01/2014

Respondent: Bloor Homes Midlands

Agent: Marrons Planning

Representation Summary:

-The statement within paragraph 4.10 of this consultation report that the lower figure now proposed of 835 dwellings reflects environmental and access restrictions will need to be robustly demonstrated on a site by site basis if this is to be taken forward into the Draft Local Plan and found 'sound'.


Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

1) Land north of Birmingham Road

Representation ID: 61229

Received: 20/01/2014

Respondent: Bloor Homes Midlands

Agent: Marrons Planning

Representation Summary:

Bloor Homes do not consider the Preferred Option represents the most appropriate when considered against the alternative, Option 2.


Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Preferred Option(s)

Representation ID: 61233

Received: 20/01/2014

Respondent: Bloor Homes Midlands

Agent: Marrons Planning

Representation Summary:

Bloor Homes support the principle of the allocation of the land to the south of the school, and will continue to engage with the Council and Neighbourhood Plan Group as they prepare their respective draft Plans. The exact boundary of the allocation and the quantum of housing development that can be accommodated should be informed by more detailed master planning as noted in the consultation report, and this work is underway.


Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Preferred Option(s)

Representation ID: 61236

Received: 20/01/2014

Respondent: Bloor Homes Midlands

Agent: Marrons Planning

Representation Summary:

Bloor Homes do not consider the Preferred Options represents the most appropriate allocation when considered against the alternative options, north and south of Hill Wootton Road. Furthermore, Bloor Homes do not consider that there are any adverse impacts of the development of the land north and south of Hill Wootton Road which would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits when assessed against the policies of the Framework as a whole.


Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Sites Review

Representation ID: 62047

Received: 20/01/2014

Respondent: Bloor Homes Midlands

Agent: Marrons Planning

Representation Summary:

-Bloor Homes do not consider that there are any adverse impacts of the development of Option 2 which would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits when assessed against the policies of the Framework as a whole.
-Bloor Homes respectfully request the Council to identify Option 2 as an allocation within their Draft Local Plan recognising that the site is of lesser environmental value, and that its development would meet a number of objectives of the Framework.


Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 63221

Received: 20/01/2014

Respondent: Bloor Homes Midlands

Agent: Marrons Planning

Representation Summary:

-Bloor Homes express concern that the Preferred Options set out within this consultation report have failed to even achieve the housing provisions made to the most sustainable villages (1,000 dwellings in total) as part of the interim level of growth within the Revised Development Strategy.

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