Burton Green Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Submission

Daeth i ben ar 23 Tachwedd 2020

Appendix 1 - NDP Steering Group Constitution

Burton Green Parish Council - Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group Constitution and Terms of Reference.

1. Objectives

The objectives of the Burton Green Parish Council (BGPC) Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group (NDPSG) are to:

  1. Oversee the preparation of the Neighbourhood Development Plan with the support of BGPC and progress the plan to successful independent examination, a successful community referendum and adoption by Warwick District Council (WDC)
  2. Engage with the local community to ensure that the Neighbourhood Plan is truly representative of the aspirations and ambitions of Burton Green as a whole. NDPSG should seek to maximise support for the approach taken in the Neighbourhood Plan (NP) by ensuring high levels of community engagement throughout the plan-making process.
  3. Undertake the development of the NP in a democratic, transparent and fair fashion, encouraging widespread participation and giving equal consideration to opinions and ideas from all members of the BG community.
  4. Make provision for regular public meetings that seek to maximise public involvement and at which input of ideas and endorsement of proposals is sought from residents.

2. Roles and responsibilities

The roles and responsibilities of NDPSG shall be to:

  1. Actively and publicly support and promote the preparation of the BGNP
  2. Undertake analysis and evidence gathering to support the plan production process throughout the duration of the project.
  3. Produce, monitor and update a project timetable.
  4. Produce a consultation and engagement strategy, showing how the public will be involved throughout the process.
  5. Ensure that all decisions made shall be fully evidence based and supported through consultation with the local community.
  6. Provide a copy of NDPSG meeting agendas and summaries, and a verbal report at BGPC meetings, identifying key elements of progress and any setbacks.
  7. Request BGPC approval for any proposed financial commitment.
  8. Liaise with relevant consultees, authorities and organisations to make information gathering as effective and complete as possible.
  9. Develop and agree a draft Pre-Submission version of the BGNP and submit it to BGPC for endorsement.

3. Structure

To enable the Objectives to be achieved NDPSG should adopt the following preferred structure:

  1. NDPSG will include at least one Parish Counsellor who will act as Chair of the group and provide input to the strategic management and co-ordination of the group on behalf of BGPC.
  2. NDPSG shall not exceed 12 members but when necessary can co-opt members for specific purposes and for and a particular time period.

4. Meetings

Meetings of NDPSG shall:

  1. Be quorate when 3 or more members are present.
  2. Keep a record of meetings covering progress made and propose decisions to be considered by BGPC. The meeting summary shall be an agenda item for each meeting for approval.
  3. NDPSG will agree a schedule of meetings
  4. Decisions for approval by NDPSG will be arrived at by consensus. A simple majority vote is required to support any motion, the Chair to have a casting vote, use of which is discretionary.
  5. Approved meeting summaries will be published on the NP section of the BGPC web site.

5. Decision Making

  1. NDPSG shall deliver its plan making functions up to and including delivery to BGPC of the proposed draft Pre-Submission version of the draft Neighbourhood Plan.
  2. All publications, consultation and community engagement exercises undertaken by NDPSG shall be on behalf of BGPC.
  3. BGPC shall review and consider for approval the draft Pre-Submission version of the BGNP.
  4. The plan-making process remains the ultimate responsibility of BGPC as the qualified designated body.

6. Internal Working Groups

  1. NDPSG may establish its own internal working groups to aid them in any NP related work.
  2. Each internal working group shall have a nominated lead person; the lead person or nominated deputy will be expected to attend meetings of NDPSG.
  3. Internal Working Groups should seek approval from NDPSG before undertaking work outside the agreed work scope.

7. Finance and Administration

  1. All grants and funding will be applied for in the name of and held by BGPC who shall ring-fence the funds within the overall Parish Council accounts for NDPSG work.
  2. NDPSG shall advise BGPC of future finance requirements and expected external financing in a manner and within a timeframe to inform the BGPC budgeting process.
  3. Expenditure-commitment: NDPSG does not have the delegated authority for financial commitment. NDPSG purchase requirements shall be agreed by BGPC and passed to the Parish Clerk for payment.
  4. Expenditure-approval: All NDPSG invoices shall be passed to the PC Clerk who will arrange authorisation. The net value of the invoice shall be deducted from the NDPSG budget.
  5. Expenses: Where necessary personal expenditure up to a maximum of £50 may be expended and reclaimed as expenses; any need to incur personal expenditure above £25 shall be authorised in advance by the PC Clerk and will be settled by the PC Clerk and payment made by cheque, the amount to be deducted from the NDPSG budget.
  6. Insurance provided by BGPC shall cover the activities of NDPSG. NDPSG in liaison with the PC Clerk is responsible for ensuring that the terms of the insurance are not breached.

8. Conduct

  1. All members of NDPSG and leaders of internal Working groups shall abide by the principles and practice of BGPC Codes of Conduct, unless otherwise agreed in writing, which will specifically include making a declaration of interest.
  2. NDPSG members shall be clear and open when their individual roles or interests may be in conflict.
  3. NDPSG members will treat everyone with dignity, courtesy and respect regardless of their age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion or belief.
  4. NDPSG members shall actively promote equality of access and opportunity.

9. Changes to the terms of reference

This Terms of Reference and Constitution shall be reviewed on an annual basis; however, they may also be amended at any time with agreement of at least two thirds of the NDPSG membership and with the approval of BGPC.

10. Dissolution

  1. The NDPSG shall be dissolved once its objectives have been attained and/or when at least two-thirds of its members and BGPC consider its services are no longer required.
  2. NDPSG shall then arrange for the disbursement of any remaining funds held in accordance with any conditions imposed by the grant funders and in the best interests of and with prior approval of BGPC.
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