Burton Green Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Submission

Daeth i ben ar 23 Tachwedd 2020

Appendix 2 - Local Green Space Site Assessments


An NDP may designate a Local Green Space (LGS) if it meets the criteria of the NPPF2 which states that the designation should only be used:

  • Where the green space is in reasonably close proximity to the community it serves:
  • Where the green space is demonstrably special to a local community and holds a particular local significance, for example because of its beauty, historic significance, recreational value (including as a playing field), tranquillity or richness of its wild life; and
  • Where the green area concerned is local in character and is not an extensive tract of land.

This appendix contains the assessment of the Local Green Spaces in the NDP area. All the sites assessed are local in character and none is an extensive tract of land.

LGS1 - The 'new' Village Green

Site description and current land use

The 'village green' is being provided by Carla Homes in their development of the Burrow Hill site. It is a small area of land bounded by hedges at the junction of Red Lane with Hob Lane. The area will be grassed.

Planning History

The area is part of the Cala Homes development of the site agreed by BGPC and WDC

Site ownership

When completed, the ownership will be taken over by BGPC

Site constraints

The site is within the NDP Development Boundary

Public Access

The site adjoins the new housing development

Proximity to the local community

The site is located within the local community

Ecological significance

The site bounded by mature hedges on two sides will support and protect the wild life associated with the hedges.

Special qualities and Local significance

This will be an open area and potential focus point for the new housing development and the whole village

Summary and Suitability for designation as LGS

The 'new' village green will have recreational significance for the new housing development and have social value as a meeting area.

No pictures exist as not yet developed

LGS2 - Burrow Hill Park Playing Field

Site description and current land use

This site is being provided by Cala Homes as an aspect of their development of the new housing development. It is designated as a playing field and will be a fenced, flat grassed area

Planning History

The area is part of the Cala Homes development of the site agreed by BGPC and WDC

Site ownership

When completed, the ownership will be taken over by BGPC

Site constraints

The site is within the NDP Development Boundary

Public Access

The site is within the new housing development with access to all residents and possible usage by the Primary School for recreational/sports activities.

Proximity to the local community

The site is in the centre of a new housing development and available to the primary school and the rest of the village.

Ecological significance

The site will be grassed and be an open area

Special qualities and Local significance

The site provides a green space within the new housing development. The fencing will ensure the grassed area will be free from dogs and the field will be appropriate for use by children, young people and residents of the surrounding houses.

Summary and Suitability for designation as LGS

It offers a recreational space for children, young people and adults and creates a green space in keeping with Burton Green and the vision of the NDP.

No pictures exist as not yet developed

LGS3 - The Red Lane Playground

Site description and current land use

The playground is a grassed area, bounded by hedges on 3 sides and a gated fence. There is a range of play apparatus for children including swings, climbing frames, slide, see-saw and goal posts. There is also a picnic table and bench. There is a sign prohibiting dog walking.

Planning History

The site was originally developed by WDC

Site ownership

The site has been taken into ownership by BGPC

Site constraints

The site is outside the village Development Boundary

Public Access

The site is reached by a drive from Red Lane and is accessible to residents of the village, in the main, those who live adjacent to the playground.

Proximity to the local community

The playground is situated behind the gardens of the houses on Red Lane

Ecological significance

The site provides a managed grassed area and is surrounded by hedges which support local wildlife

Special qualities and Local significance

The site provides a safe play space for local children

Summary and Suitability for designation as LGS

The playground is an important local facility providing a safe space for children's play and exploration (dens in the hedge). It is maintained and regularly inspected by BGPC to ensure apparatus is up to safety standards

29 - Red Lane Playground

30 - Red Lane Playground

LGS4 - The top of the 'Cut and Cover tunnel' on Cromwell Lane

Site description and current land use

The space will be available on completion of the cut and cover tunnel housing the HS2 line through the village. HS2 will transfer the ownership of the Cover area to BGPC

Planning History

The cover is part of HS2 construction plans for the HS2 line

Site ownership

On completion, expected to be BGPC

Site constraints

The site is within the Development Boundary. The NDP includes the Cover in its project to link the 2 new housing developments and make the area of recreational use by the local community.

Public Access

Access, still to be developed by HS2, has been promised to enable the space to be used by the local community

Proximity to the local community

The site is at the centre of the village

Ecological significance

It will provide a green space above the HS2 line

Special qualities and Local significance

The cover will provide space for recreation and relaxation (hopefully) after the upheaval of the construction phase of the HS2 line

Summary and Suitability for designation as LGS

The site is at the heart of the community and will include the Greenway as it passes under Cromwell Lane in a tunnel adjacent to the HS2 line. The cover will therefore be linked to the Greenway and provide recreational space for residents and support the NDP vision in contributing to local cohesion and encouraging cycling and walking.

No pictures exist as not yet developed

LGS5 - The Jubilee Verge

Site description and current land use

The site is the verge on Cromwell Lane at the junction with Red Lane. The Burton Green Residents Association (BGRA) applied to WDC to develop the verge to mark the Queen's Jubilee in 2012. The verge is grassed with flower tubs, a memorial plaque and 3 mosaics put together by the local community

Planning History

The verge was owned and maintained by WDC until it was taken over by BGRA.

Site ownership

The verge was owned and maintained by WDC until it was taken over by BGRA.

Site constraints

The site is within the Burton Green Development Boundary

Public Access

Access is directly from the pavement on Cromwell Lane

Proximity to the local community

The Jubilee Verge could be considered to be at the heart of Burton Green

Ecological significance

The flowering tubs provide a habitat to be exploited by flying insects and the grassed verge with bulbs planted within it contributes to the green dimension of Burton Green.

Special qualities and Local significance

The Jubilee Verge showcases the creative side of the Burton Green community. The village Christmas tree takes pride of place on the verge every year and the community gather at the site to celebrate Remembrance Day and light the BGRA beacon in the adjacent field.

Summary and Suitability for designation as LGS

The area of the Jubilee Verge is small but its position at the junction of Cromwell Lane and Red Lane makes it an ideal site for community gatherings including Christmas carols by the Burton Green Choir.

31 - Jubilee Verge

32 - Jubilee Verge

LGS6 - Land between new village hall and HS2

Site description and current land use

The area is currently on HS2 safeguarded land. It borders the Greenway and is currently a mixture of fallow and dug ground due to enabling words

Planning History

This land is required during construction but will be released once HS2 is built

Site ownership

The site is currently the responsibility of HS2. On completion of the new Village Hall and the HS2 works it is anticipated that BGPC will take ownership

Site constraints

The site is outside the Development Boundary

Public Access

This land lies next to a public footpath, and the Greenway

Proximity to the local community

The area will be at the heart of the village and benefit from the community use of the village hall.

Ecological significance

The area will be developed as a community orchard or wild space, with ecological benefits for wildlife

Special qualities and Local significance

CCR (section 5.4 activity 4) Group D identified a community orchard, including heritage local fruit trees/bushes" as a worthwhile project. Supported by NDPSG this area would be appropriate to develop as a community orchard/wild-space. The project will have considerable community significance.

Summary and Suitability for designation as LGS

The area is not large but will provide a suitable site for the development as a community orchard. When mature the orchard will be an appropriate backdrop from the Village Hall and Red Lane, softening the impact of HS2 and the cut and cover tunnel portal structure.

No pictures exist as not yet developed

LGS7 - The new tree plantation and wetland area

Site description and current land use

The site has been defined and planted by HS2 to replace trees destroyed in Broadwells Wood by the construction of the HS2 line. The area is grassland between the Greenway and the new line and will include ponds and native trees.

Planning History

Part of the HS2 planning process to replace woodland affected by the construction of the HS2 track.

Site ownership

Currently in HS2 safeguarded land

Site constraints

The site is outside the development boundary and between The Greenway and the position of the proposed HS2 line.

Public Access

The site is crossed by Public Footpath W from the Greenway and so is accessible to anyone using the Greenway

Proximity to the local community

The site is close to the Greenway within the span of Viewpoint V2

Ecological significance

The site is an area of regenerating woodland and will provide habitats for plants and wild life associated with woodland and the ponds in the area compensating to some extent for the loss of much of Broadwells Wood

Special qualities and Local significance

This area of regenerating woodland will shield the Greenway from the HS2 Line and go some way to restoring the valued landscape view V2. Its growth will also mitigate against the loss of areas of Broadwells Wood and fulfil the NDP vision aspiration for residents to enjoy open views over woodland..'' and Objective 1 '' (to) ensure the preservation of the much-valued views of the surrounding open countryside and protect the woodlands, hedgerows and wild life habitats in the NDP area.

Summary and Suitability for designation as LGS

This site will help restore this part of the NDP area to woodland and provide the local community with the opportunity to explore new woodland at its associated habitats.

33 - HS2 Woodland Plantation

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