Issue and Options 2023

Daeth i ben ar 6 Mawrth 2023

12. Plan content

Chapter 12 looks at the proposed content of the South Warwickshire Local Plan. Your views are sought on the following issues:

Issue P1: Part 1 and Part 2 plans

The South Warwickshire Local Plan will be divided into two parts. Part 1 would be a single document, while Part 2 could consist of multiple documents. Neighbourhood Development Plans would form part of the wider Development Plan for South Warwickshire, but would not fall within either Part 1 or Part 2. There are also various other aligned documents which sit outside of the Development Plan, including Development Briefs, Masterplans, Design Codes and Supplementary Planning Documents. Figure 26 shows the proposed structure of the SWLP.

Figure 26 - Proposed structure of the South Warwickshire Local Plan

Proposed structure of the South Warwickshire Local Plan. Development Plan. SWLP Part 1: Vision > Strategic Objectives > Growth Strategy / Strategic Policies. SWLP Part Two: Detailed policies - in one or more Development Plan Documents (DPDs), Area Action Plans (AAPs) > Neighbourhood Development Plans (NDPs). Development Briefs and Masterplans, Design Codes, Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs)n

Each part of the plan is expected to cover the following areas:

Table 16 - Part 1 plan – proposed broad contents



Growth strategy

Setting out broad locations for growth to 2050

Strategic site allocations and broad locations

For example, large urban extensions, or new settlement locations. Depending on the situation, strategic sites may be allocated in Part 1; or broad locations may be indicated, with allocation coming in Part 2.

Development principles for strategic sites

Setting out high level principles for comprehensive development of strategic sites

Green Belt boundary

If it proves necessary to add or remove land from the Green Belt, these changes would be made in Part 1

Allocation of other sites as necessary for short-term development

To ensure sufficient sites can come forward in the first years after adoption, to maintain a healthy 5 Year Housing Land Supply

High level and strategic policies

Policies which have a material influence on the growth strategy – i.e. which would influence where growth happens

Table 17 - Part 2 plan – proposed broad contents



Strategic site allocations

Those strategic sites which were indicated with broad locations in Part 1, would be allocated in Part 2

Smaller and non-strategic site allocations

Providing further detail to the broad locations set out in the growth strategy in Part 1

Detailed policies

This may be in the form of one or more Development Plan Documents (DPDs). Some topics may have further clarification in Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs).

Area Action Plans

Area Action Plans (AAPs) are a type of DPD that provide policy and guidance for a specific geographical area, e.g. for a particular town

Neighbourhood Development Plans

While not strictly sitting within the Part 2 plan, NDPs form part of the development plan

Table 18 - Other associated documents which do not form part of the development plan



Design codes

Design codes may be developed for defined areas, certain neighbourhood types, and / or for South Warwickshire as a whole

Development briefs and masterplans

Large strategic allocations are likely to have their own development brief and masterplan

Supplementary Planning Documents

Documents which provide more detailed advice or guidance on policies in an adopted local plan. These can be topic-based or location-based.

(139) Q-P1.1: Do you agree with the proposed broad content of the Part 1 plan? 

Q-P1.2: If no, please indicate why

What you said:

66% agreed with the approach of starting with a high-level, strategic part 1 Local Plan. The most common arguments in favour were to expedite the plan making process, providing clarity and certainty for developers and communities, and to allow focus on the strategic priorities.

19% did not feel a part 1 plan was the best approach. The most common arguments against this approach were the timescales for the second part to come forward, and the potential impact of a lengthy plan process on the 5 Year Housing Land Supply. Also highlighted were potential confusion and uncertainty, particular with regard to the allocation of sites in smaller villages.

This Issues and Options consultation is concerned with the Part 1 plan. This plan will cover only high-level and strategic policies. The existing 2016 Stratford-on-Avon District Core Strategy and 2017 Warwick District Local Plan each contain a mixture of strategic and non-strategic polices. This means that consideration must be given to which policies should be addressed in Part 1, and how to handle those policies which will not be addressed in Part 1.

The 2017 Warwick District Local Plan identified which policies were considered 'strategic'; the 2016 Stratford-on-Avon District Core Strategy did not. There is no hard and fast definition of what constitutes a 'strategic' policy. When determining which policies to address in Part 1, a slightly broader selection has been used than the 2017 Warwick plan, in order to cover all the policies which have a material impact on the growth strategy – i.e. those policies which would influence where growth happens.

Policies will be addressed in one of the following ways:

Table 19: Table of possible actions for Part 1 and Part 2 plans



How this is indicated in the tables below

Addressed in Part 1

This could mean:

Adopting an identical policy

  • Adjusting or re-working a policy
  • Creating a new policy on the same subject

Cells shaded blue

"Saved" for Part 2

The current adopted policy remains in force for each Local Planning Authority Area until such time that a Part 2 plan is adopted. Saving a policy to be addressed in Part 2 is not a judgement on the importance of the topic or the quality of the existing policy; it merely defers the consideration of that topic until a later date.

Cells shaded pink

Some elements addressed in Part 1 and some elements saved for Part 2

Some policies contain a mixture of strategic and non-strategic elements. In such cases, new policy in Part 1 may supersede the strategic elements, while non-strategic elements are saved for Part 2.

Cells shaded purple

Deleted at the adoption of Part 1

Where non-strategic policies are already considered to be obsolete, there is no benefit in saving them for Part 2. Instead, these will be identified and deleted on adoption of Part 1.

Cells shaded yellow

The tables that follow list all the policies in the current adopted plans for Warwick and Stratford-on-Avon, and indicate which policies will be addressed in Part 1 and which in Part 2. A further table shows topic areas where neither plan currently has a policy, but which are intended for inclusion in Part 1.

(95) Q-P1.3: Do you agree with the selection of policies to be addressed in the Part 1 plan? 

Q-P1.4: If not, please indicate why

Stratford-on-Avon District Core Strategy 2016

Table 20: Proposed action for policies in the Stratford-on-Avon District Core Strategy 2016

Policy ref

Policy name

Key aspects of policy

Proposed action



Sustainable Development

Presumption in favour of sustainable development

Principle to secure a high quality environment, managed economic growth and social equity.

Development to contribute to character and quality of District and wellbeing, located and designed to contribute to and maintain sustainable communities.

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Climate Change and Sustainable Construction

Development to include measures to mitigate and adapt to impacts of climate change. List of measures inc. SuDS, Heating and Cooling, GI and Biodiversity.

High sustainability standards in buildings encouraged, promotion of energy hierarchy. Non-residential to comply with BREEAM 'Good' standard. Extensions or major refurbishments to demonstrate energy performance improvement

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Sustainable Energy

Provision to be made for renewable and low-carbon energy generation through a number of means.

Solar and Wind energy supported where impacts can be made acceptable and subject to a range of listed criteria an in accordance with Renewable Energy Landscape Sensitivity Study.

Biomass energy supported where impacts are made acceptable and subject to a range of listed criteria

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Water Environment and Flood Risk

Development to take into account predicted impact of climate change on water environment in relation to:

Flood Risk areas – Sequential approach to development in flood risk areas

Surface water runoff and SuDS

Enhancing and protecting the water environment

Water Quality

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP



Development to minimise and mitigate impact, inc. cumulative impact, and where possible improve landscape character and quality.

Range of criteria listed to be satisfied

Some elements addressed in Part 1, some elements saved for Part 2

Largely considered non-strategic for SWLP. However, some elements will be covered in new Green Infrastructure policy.


Natural Environment

Development to contribute towards a resilient ecological network that supports ecosystems and provides ecological security. Developments likely to have an adverse impact on designated site will not be permitted.

Development to minimise impacts and where possible secure a net gain on biodiversity in line with mitigation hierarchy, range of criteria listed.

Development that affects geological features need to safeguard and where possible enhance features.

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Green Infrastructure

Existing GI network to be promoted through protection, enhancement, restoration and creation. Development to demonstrate how they contribute to this network.

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Historic Environment

Historic environment will be protected and enhanced, prioritising those listed that contribute to the character and identity of the district.

Proposals affecting the significance of a heritage asset

Appreciation, design and management

Some elements addressed in Part 1, some elements saved for Part 2

The overall protection of heritage assets is considered strategic for SWLP; details of how this is achieved is considered non-strategic.


Design and Distinctiveness

Development to improve the quality of the public realm. Range of listed factors to ensure high quality design

Design innovation encouraged

Factors to be considered regarding advertisements.

Some elements addressed in Part 1, some elements saved for Part 2

Most of this policy is considered strategic for SWLP, but part D (advertisements) is considered to be non-strategic


Green Belt

Purposes of Green Belt upheld by resisting inappropriate development within it, except in cases where very special circumstances are justified in accordance with national policy.

List of development that is not appropriate in the Green Belt

Two areas of land removed from Green Belt:

ALC3 north of Arden Road, Alcester (7ha)

REDD2 Gorcott Hill, north of Mappleborough Green (9.8ha)

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Development within or affecting AONB should conserve and enhance the special qualities and scenic beauty of the AONB and be consistent with objectives in Cotswolds AONB Management Plan, and take into account economic and social wellbeing of the area.

Areas of AONB in District are 'tranquil areas' where minimisation of noise, traffic congestion and light pollution is a priority.

Large scale development in line with national policy

Small scale development appropriate in line with AS10 but must not harm quality and character of the AONB

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Special Landscape Areas

Landscape quality of the SLAs to be protected by resisting development that would have a harmful effect, including cumulative impact.

4 SLAs identified within the District (Arden, Cotswold Fringe, Feldon Parkland, Ironstone Hills Fringe)

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Areas of Restraint

Development must not harm or threaten open nature of AOR taking into account cumulative effects

Large scale development only permissible if has community benefits and contributes to Core Strategy objectives, and no suitable alternatives outside of AOR.

Development that enhances AOR will be encouraged.

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Vale of Evesham Control Zone

Business related development in the Zone which result in a 5%+ increase in HGV traffic need to satisfy a number of listed criteria

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Distribution of Development

Distribution based on pattern of balanced dispersal based on Main Town, MRCs, New Settlements, LSVs, Large Rural Brownfield Sites, Other Settlements, Local Needs Schemes.

Development in settlements to be considered against a range of listed criteria, larger developments to require a masterplan setting out a range of listed aspects.

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Housing Development

To meet the OAN for 14,600 homes to be distributed in line with CS15.

Strategic allocations listed

NDPs encouraged to identify sites to meet or exceed housing requirements

Phasing and Delivery as per trajectory

SAP will identify Reserve Housing Sites to meet agreed housing requirement inc. that arising in C&W HMA and to need arising outside of C&W. Criteria for when Reserve Sites will be released.

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Accommodating Housing Need Arising from Outside Stratford-on-Avon District

Plan to be reviewed if evidence demonstrates significant housing needs arising outside of District that should be met within the District and cannot be met adequately without a review.

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Affordable Housing

Affordable Housing requirements and thresholds dependent on location. Requirement for 35%

Requirements relating to onsite provision, affordability and tenure, on-site integration and delivery.

Some elements addressed in Part 1, some elements saved for Part 2

Some elements of this policy are considered strategic while others are considered non-strategic for SWLP


Housing Mix and Type

New homes to contribute to balanced and sustainable communities by meeting identified local and district housing needs in terms of mix, size, tenure and type.

Preferred type and mix for general needs housing set out.

Specialist accommodation supported if meets a range of listed criteria

Flexible design encouraged

Some elements addressed in Part 1, some elements saved for Part 2

Some elements of this policy are considered strategic while others are considered non-strategic for SWLP


Existing Housing Stock and Buildings

Proposals will not result in the net loss of dwellings through demolition or change of use unless there is a specific and overriding justification. Requirements in relation to alterations and modifications, replacement dwellings and empty homes.

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople

Proposals for new G&T pitches to be considered against a range of criteria listed.

G&T Local Plan to identify sites but consideration to be given to pitch provision as a component of allocated sites where appropriate.

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Provision of pitches is considered strategic and will be addressed in Part 1. Policy CS.21 dealt with matters which are considered non-strategic for SWLP


Economic Development

Economic development promoted in sustainable locations

Provision to be made for at least 35ha of employment land primarily for B1a and B1b

Further 19ha in allocations REDD1 and REDD2

100ha at GLH to enable expansion of JLR and 4.5ha for Aston Martin Laguna

Flexible approach to accommodating wide range of employment generating uses.

Loss of employment uses resisted unless not longer viable or appropriate.

Knowledge based and other high value added sectors encouraged.

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Retail Development and Main Centres

Retail and commercial development to strengthen function and character of town and rural centres.

Roles of main town and MRCs to be supported through encouragement of new and enhanced shopping and other business and community uses.

Locations identified for large scale retail and commercial development

SAP to identify sites for large scale retail development.

Sequential approach to large scale retail development

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Tourism and Leisure Development

Role of tourism to be increased by supporting growth and improvement of existing and encouraging new and dispersing throughout the District.

Large scale schemes or overnight accommodation should be located in Stratford or MRCs. Elsewhere need to be considered against a range of factors listed.

Small scale development supported where appropriate to size and role of settlement and/or nature of location.

Access to canals and waterways encouraged.

Development to be sensitive to character and maximise benefits to communities affected

Should be located in existing or replacement buildings where possible

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP. Some elements will be picked up in strategic policies on other topics.



Range of principles listed for development within Stratford-upon-Avon area

Some elements addressed in Part 1, some elements saved for Part 2

Largely considered non-strategic for SWLP, although some elements will be covered in other policy topics



Range of principles listed for development within Alcester area

Some elements addressed in Part 1, some elements saved for Part 2

Largely considered non-strategic for SWLP, although some elements will be covered in other policy topics



Range of principles listed for development within Bidford-on-Avon area

Some elements addressed in Part 1, some elements saved for Part 2

Largely considered non-strategic for SWLP, although some elements will be covered in other policy topics



Range of principles listed for development within Henley-in-Arden area

Some elements addressed in Part 1, some elements saved for Part 2

Largely considered non-strategic for SWLP, although some elements will be covered in other policy topics



Range of principles listed for development within Kineton area

Some elements addressed in Part 1, some elements saved for Part 2

Largely considered non-strategic for SWLP, although some elements will be covered in other policy topics



Range of principles listed for development within Shipston-on-Stour area

Some elements addressed in Part 1, some elements saved for Part 2

Largely considered non-strategic for SWLP, although some elements will be covered in other policy topics



Range of principles listed for development within Southam area

Some elements addressed in Part 1, some elements saved for Part 2

Largely considered non-strategic for SWLP, although some elements will be covered in other policy topics



Range of principles listed for development within Studley area

Some elements addressed in Part 1, some elements saved for Part 2

Largely considered non-strategic for SWLP, although some elements will be covered in other policy topics



Range of principles listed for development within Wellesbourne area

Some elements addressed in Part 1, some elements saved for Part 2

Largely considered non-strategic for SWLP, although some elements will be covered in other policy topics


Countryside and Villages

Applies to areas outside BUABs for Stratford and MRCS, GLH, LAM and large brownfield sites.

To maintain vitality of rural communities and strong rural economy provision to be made for wide range of activities and development in rural areas, proposals to be assessed against principles of sustainable development as listed.

Requirements for community, residential, business, tourism and leisure listed.

Some elements addressed in Part 1, some elements saved for Part 2

Largely considered to be non-strategic for SWLP. However, the general principals of sustainable development are considered strategic, and will be covered in overarching policy elsewhere in the document.


Large Rural Brownfield Sites

Reuse and redevelopment of extensive PDL sites in countryside outside of Green Belt to be assessed against a range of listed criteria.

Approach set out to specific sites at Gaydon, Former Engineers Resource Depot (Long Marston), Former Southam Cement Works (Long Itchington), Former Harbury Cement Works (Bishops Itchington),

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Healthy Communities

Suitable arrangements to improve infrastructure, services and community facilities alongside development to mitigate its impact and integrate it within the existing community.

Existing community facilities to be retained unless a number of criteria listed are met.

When justified by scale new housing development to contribute towards open space in line with set standards.

Consideration to more diverse forms of provision where respond to local needs and make a positive contribution to local environment.

Design of new open space

Loss of public or private open space without suitable replacement resisted unless a number of criteria are satisfied.

Some elements addressed in Part 1, some elements saved for Part 2

Provision of infrastructure as part of development is considered strategic for SWLP and will be covered in broad infrastructure policy. Details of the extent and type are considered non-strategic, as are the criteria around retaining existing facilities.


Transport and Communications

Development to be consistent with LTP with emphasis on encouraging modal shift

Developments permitted if mitigation provided in line with a range of listed criteria

Encourage provision of EV charging points in development

Parking Standards to reflect local circumstances and have regard to need to promote sustainable transport. Council to produce SPD guidance on parking standards

Support and safeguard land for strategic transport schemes in IDP and also reinstatement of railway line from Stratford to Long Marston.

Aviation to be supported at Snitterfield and Wellesbourne

Information and Communications Technologies – development to contribute to and be compatible with local fibre and high speed broadband infrastructure.

Some elements addressed in Part 1, some elements saved for Part 2

Provision of infrastructure as part of development is considered strategic for SWLP and will be covered in broad infrastructure policy. Details of the extent and type are considered non-strategic.


Developer Contributions

To introduce a CIL

Affordable Housing and local infrastructure essential for development to take place or to mitigate impact will be secured through planning obligations, on-site where appropriate.

To be provided concurrently or in advance of development and have regard to phasing of housing delivery.

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP

Warwick District Local Plan 2017

Table 21: Proposed action for policies in the Warwick District Local Plan 2017

Policy ref

Policy name

Key aspects of policy

Proposed action



Supporting Prosperity

Ensuring sufficient and appropriate employment land is available within the district to meet the existing and future needs of businesses

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Providing the Homes the District Needs

To provide in full for the OAN for housing and for unmet housing need arising from outside the District where this has been agreed. To include AH, Specialist Housing and G&T

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Supporting Sustainable Communities

Promoting high quality new development inc. design, heritage, regeneration protection of significant assets, delivering low carbon economy and environmental sustainability

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Spatial Strategy

Focussing growth within and adjacent to built up areas. Majority of growth in main urban areas of Warwick, Leamington, Whitnash and Kenilworth and on southern edge of Coventry. Some growth in growth villages. Allocations to take account of a number of criteria.

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development

Positive approach to development that reflects the presumption in favour of sustainable development

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Level of Housing Growth

Provision to be made for 16,776 new homes between 2011 and 2029. Annual requirement 600 2011/12 to 2016/17 and 1,098 for 2017/18 to 2028/29

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Meeting the Housing Requirement

Housing requirement to be split between a number of categories

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Employment Land

Provision to be made for a minimum of 66ha of employment land to meet local need

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Employment Sites to be Allocated

Additional 19.7ha employment land to be allocated at 2 strategic sites – Thickhorn, Kenilworth (8ha) and Stratford Road, Warwick (11.7ha). 6.5ha to be accommodated at allocated sub-regional site

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Broad Location of Allocated Housing Sites

Split of allocated housing sites by typology e.g. urban brownfield, growth villages, rural areas, greenfield.

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Allocated Housing Sites

List of housing allocations and associated infrastructure requirements

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Allocation of Land for Education

Allocation of 2 sites for Education – Southcrest Farm, Kenilworth and Land at Myton.

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Allocation of Land for a Country Park

Allocation of country park on land adjoining the Tachbrook

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Allocation of Land for a Community Stadium and associated uses

Allocation of land at Myton, adjoining Warwick Technology Park as a Community Stadium

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Comprehensive Development of Strategic Sites

Proposals for a number of residential allocations to represent a comprehensive development scheme for the whole site inc. identified infrastructure

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Sub-Regional Employment Site

235ha land in vicinity of Coventry Airport allocated as major employment site

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Supporting Canalside Regeneration and Enhancement

To prepare and adopt a Canalside DPD

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Green Belt

To apply national policy to proposals within the Green Belt

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Review of the Local Plan

Plan to be reviewed prior to the end of the plan period in the event of one of a number of circumstances or following review against national policy and evidence by March 2021.

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Directions for Growth South of Coventry

Area of growth identified South of Coventry where comprehensive proposals are required with masterplans, development briefs etc. The area will be subject to early partial local plan review

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Safeguarded Land

Safeguarded land identified so that it may be utilised if required to meet longer term strategic development needs beyond the Local Plan period – relates to S1 land south of Westwood Heath Road

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Former Police HQ, Leek Wootton

Former Police Headquarters to be developed for housing. Need for masterplan and criteria for assessing applications against.

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Land for outdoor sports and recreation in Kenilworth

Land at Castle Farm and Warwick Road to be allocated for outdoor sport

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Prosperous Communities

Promoting sustainable economic development to support a thriving and vibrant economy in line with a number of principles listed.

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Direction for new employment development

Sets out the detail of locations and criteria for locating new employment development to urban and rural areas

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Farm Diversification

Criteria based assessment to permitting diversification of agricultural and land-based rural businesses

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP as part of a wider topic on diversification of the economy


Protecting Employment Land and Buildings

Protecting employment outside of town centres unless certain criteria can be satisfied

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP. While the current use class order has revoked class B1, the policy is still considered to play a role in protecting other B2 and B8 uses.


Protecting and Enhancing the Town Centres

Town centres uses to be permitted in town centres if of appropriate scale in relation to role and function of the centre and non-shopping proposals do not compromise the shopping function.

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Directing Retail Development

New retail should be located in retail areas as a first preference. Sequential approach then follows i.e. edge, out of centre.

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Safeguarding Existing and Potential Retail Floorspace

Within retail areas defined changes of use to non A will not be permitted except in secondary retail areas where changes to hotels and assembly and leisure will be permitted

Policy to be deleted – consideration will be given to whether a replacement policy is achievable

Changes of use from retail to other commercial, business and service uses cannot be prevented under the current use class order. This policy is therefore considered to be obsolete.


Chandos Street Town Centre Development Allocation, Royal Leamington Spa Town Centre

Retail and other appropriate main town centre uses on the Chandos Street car park.

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Providing for Shopping Growth in Royal Leamington Spa Town Centre

Large scale shopping development that satisfies sequential requirements will be permitted if satisfy a range of criteria listed.

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Primary Retail Frontages

Change of use from A1 to A2/3/4/5 permitted if meet a range of criteria

Policy to be deleted – consideration will be given to whether a replacement policy is achievable

Changes of use from retail to other commercial, business and service uses cannot be prevented under the current use class order. This policy is therefore considered to be obsolete.


Secondary Retail Frontages

Change of use from A1 to A2/3/4/5 permitted if meet a range of criteria

Policy to be deleted – consideration will be given to whether a replacement policy is achievable

Changes of use from retail to other commercial, business and service uses cannot be prevented under the current use class order. This policy is therefore considered to be obsolete.


Warwick Café Quarter

Changes of use from A1 and A2 to A3 or A4 permitted

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

The current use class order has changed the landscape regarding uses previously within class A. However, drinking establishments are now 'sui generis' meaning that this policy is considered to still hold some validity and is not wholly obsolete.


Royal Leamington Spa Restaurant and Café Quarter

Change of use from A1 to A3 permitted

Policy to be deleted – consideration will be given to whether a replacement policy is achievable

Changes of use from retail to restaurants and cafes are already permitted under the current use class order. This policy is therefore considered to be obsolete.


Royal Leamington Spa Area Action Plan (AAP)

Commit to preparation of AAP

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Warwick Town Centre Mixed Use Area

A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, C1, D2 and B1 permitted within defined mixed use area of Warwick Town Centre.

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Protecting Town Centre Employment Land and Buildings

Loss of existing employment within defined town centre employment areas will not be permitted.

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP. While the current use class order has revoked class B1, the policy is still considered to play a role in protecting other B2 and B8 uses.


Protecting the Residential Role of Town Centres

Change of use from residential to non-residential areas in predominantly residential areas in town centres only permitted if proposed use maintains the residential character of the area

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Protecting Residential Uses of Upper Floors

Changes of use from residential to other uses on upper floors in the town centre will not be permitted

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Access to Upper Floors in Town Centres

Development that denies access to the upper floors of buildings within the town centres will not be permitted

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Design of Shopfronts

New or replacement shopfronts will be permitted where they satisfy a number of criteria

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Local Shopping Facilities

Sets out detail on changes of use in Local shopping Centres, protecting local shops outside of town and local shopping centres, and supports rural shops where they meet a need. Loss of rural shops resisted unless a number of criteria are satisfied.

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

The current use class order has changed the landscape regarding uses previously within class A. However, drinking establishments and hot food takeaways are now 'sui generis', and a new class F2(a) (Local community shops) was established. This means that this policy is considered to still hold some validity and is not wholly obsolete.


Farm Shops

New farms shops to be permitted where they meet a range of criteria listed.

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Directing New Meeting Places, Tourism, Leisure, Cultural and Sports Development

Sequential approach for new meeting places, tourism, leisure, cultural and sports development within town centres, edge of centre and out of centre

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Directing New or Extended Visitor Accommodation

Hotels permitted in town centres in accordance with other policies. Other visitor accommodation in urban areas permitted if easily accessible by sustainable transport. In rural areas permitted in growth villages and should be proportionate to location.

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Protecting Existing Visitor Accommodation in Town Centres

Loss of visitor accommodation only permitted if certain defined criteria apply.

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Extensions to Tourism, Cultural and Leisure Facilities in Rural Areas

Extensions in rural areas permitted if a number of defined criteria are satisfied

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Camping and Caravan Sites

Permitted if can be integrated into landscape, are in accessible location and do not generate significant traffic. Defined criteria for new buildings and conversion of existing buildings

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Warwick Castle and St Mary's Lands, Warwick

Development permitted where brought forward with a masterplan containing a range of aspects listed

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


University of Warwick

Development permitted in line with a masterplan/development plan containing a range of aspects listed

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Major Sites in the Green Belt

May be very special circumstances for further development at Honiley Airfield (automotive and motorsport industries) and Stoneleigh Park (rural innovation and equine activities). Masterplans, development briefs or planning applications that demonstrate that the sites continue to contribute to the green belt purposes will be supported.

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP



The Plan will provide in full the district's housing requirement, in locations which enable sustainable lifestyles, protect most highly valued aspects, and which support and regenerate existing communities. Ensuring new housing delivers quality and mix of homes needed inc. AH, specialist needs and G&T

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Directing New Housing

Identifies locations for new housing growth and relevant criteria to assess appropriateness. Includes urban areas, allocated site, growth villages, limited infill villages, open countryside

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Affordable Housing

Developments of 11+ or floorspace of 1,000sq m requires 40% affordable housing

Details of provision and viability considerations at planning application stage, range of defined criteria to be considered. Exceptional circumstances for off-site contributions.

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Affordable Housing on Rural Exception Sites

Permitted if satisfy a range of defined criteria

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Securing a Mix of Housing

Proposals required to include a mix of market housing that contributes towards a balance of house types and sizes across the district in accordance with latest SHMA. Range of defined circumstances to take into account

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Specialist Housing for Older People

Permissions granted where a range of defined criteria are met

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Houses in Multiple Accommodation and Student Accommodation

Permission only granted if a range of criteria are satisfied. Certain exceptions may apply

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Meeting the Accommodation Needs of Gypsies and Travellers

Council to produce DPD to allocate sufficient land to meet permanent accommodation needs of 31 pitches and a transit site of 6-8 pitches. Support WCC for one stopping place in north and one in south of the County to meet transit needs

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


New Gypsy and Traveller Sites

Applications to be assessed against a range of defined criteria

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Compulsory Purchase of Land for Gypsy and Traveller Sites

Council to consider use of CPO powers to acquire sites for G&T if insufficient sites come forward by landowners

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Bringing Forward Allocated Sites in the Growth Villages

Allocated sites in Growth Villages permitted where the mix reflects up to date local housing need evidence. In the absence of or beyond the scheme should reflect the needs of the District.

Some elements addressed in Part 1, some elements saved for Part 2

While this is considered a non-strategic policy for SWLP, the definition of Growth Villages may be addressed in Part 1


Limited Village Infill Housing Development in the Green Belt

Permitted in a limited infill village where a number of defined criteria are satisfied

Some elements addressed in Part 1, some elements saved for Part 2

While this is considered a non-strategic policy for SWLP, the definition of Limited Infill Villages may be addressed in Part 1


Housing for Rural Workers

Permanent housing for rural workers in open countryside permitted where essential need to live permanently at or near place of work. Factors listed to be taken into account

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Replacement dwellings in the Open Countryside

Replacement dwelling should not be materially larger than existing dwelling and have no greater impact on character and openness of the rural area. Removal of pd rights will be considered.

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Extensions to dwellings in the Open Countryside

Extensions to dwellings permitted unless result in disproportionate additions to original dwelling

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Custom and Self-build Housing Provision

Proposals are encouraged and will be approved in suitable, sustainable locations in compliance with other policies a) south of Coventry b) other major strategic housing sites c) brownfield sites in built-up areas d) growth villages and e) appropriate locations within infill villages

NDPs encouraged to identify sites

Council to produce SPD to assist in delivery

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Sustainable Communities

New development to be high quality and enable strong communities to be formed and sustained, whilst protecting and enhancing historic, built and natural features. Set of defined criteria for new development

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Layout and Design

New development permitted where it positively contributes to character and quality through good design. Set of defined criteria for new developments to satisfy.

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Developing Significant Housing Sites

Sites over 200 dwellings or that have significant impact on character and appearance expected to comply with a development brief. Where absent applications should comply with BE1 and a set of defined criteria through a Layout and Design Statement

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP



Development not permitted if has an unacceptable adverse impact on amenity of nearby uses and residents and/or does not provide acceptable standards of amenity for future users and occupiers of the development

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Converting Rural Buildings

Re-use and adaption of existing rural buildings permitted subject to a series of defined criteria

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Broadband Infrastructure

Residential and employment developments encouraged to provide on-site infrastructure, including open access ducting to industry standards, to enable all premises and homes to be directly served by fibre optic broadband technology

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP – will be covered in overarching infrastructure policy


Electronic Communications (Telecommunications and Broadband)

Support development of electronic communications networks with regard to a number of factors listed. New installation to demonstrate need. Development in or around sensitive locations should not significantly harm the location or assets, a number of exceptions are listed. Should be sited to minimise impact on external appearance

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Access and Choice

Development only permitted if provides safe, suitable and attractive access routes for a range of users listed. Development to demonstrate that they satisfy a range of criteria relating to highway safety, access, circulation, EV charging, disability needs.

Some elements addressed in Part 1, some elements saved for Part 2

Largely considered strategic for SWLP, although part d (EV charging facilities) is considered non-strategic


Traffic Generation

Large scale development that results in significant traffic movements should be supported by Transport Assessment and where necessary a Travel Plan. Development with significant negative impacts on health and wellbeing will not be permitted unless effective mitigation can be achieved.

Development with significant negative impacts on air quality with AQMAs should be supported by an AQMP and where necessary a mitigation plan

Transport Statement may be required for developments with relatively small transport implications.

All measures to take account of cumulative impact of all development on traffic generation and air quality

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP – will be covered in overarching infrastructure policy



Criteria for parking within new developments. Developments to also comply with parking standards in Parking SPD

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Safeguarding for Transport Infrastructure

Development in areas safeguarded for HS2 and areas of search for park and ride will not be permitted where it could inhibit delivery of that infrastructure

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Safe Operation of Aerodromes

Development within safeguarded areas will not be permitted which inhibits the safe operation of an officially safeguarded civil aerodrome

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Healthy, Safe and Inclusive Communities

Potential for creating healthy, safe and inclusive communities to be taken into account in new developments. Range of considerations that support will be given for.

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Protecting Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities

Loss of open spaces and sport and recreation facilities will not be permitted unless alternative of at least equivalence or assessment demonstrating lack of need. Development on open spaces for sport and recreation purposes permitted subject to proposal being of sufficient benefit to outweigh loss.

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Local Green Space

Support principle of designating Local Green Space and can be designated in NDPs

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Improvements to Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities

Contributions sought to provide, improve and maintain facilities to meet local and district needs. Range of criteria to apply.

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Directing Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities

Support new and improved facilities, expected to demonstrate a range of defined aspects. Green Belt considered an appropriate location as long as preserves openness and does not conflict with purposes of including land within it

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Creating Healthy Communities

Development permitted if address a range of listed requirements to deliver health benefits to the community

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP – will be covered in overarching infrastructure policy


Crime Prevention

Layout and design encouraged to minimise potential for crime and anti-social behaviour and improve community safety. Developments to satisfy a range of listed criteria.

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Protecting Community Facilities

Loss of community facilities that serve local needs resisted unless a range of criteria are satisfied.

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Planning for Climate Change Adaptation

All development to be resilient to and adapt to climate change through inclusion of a range of listed measures where appropriate, inc. layout, use of GI, water efficiency and minimising vulnerability to flood risk

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Planning for Renewable Energy and Low Carbon Generation

New low carbon and renewable energy technologies supported in principle subject to a range of listed criteria

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Buildings Standards and other Sustainability Requirements

All non-residential development over 1,000 sq m to achieve BREAAM 'very good' unless financially unviable. Applicants to consider potential for large scale decentralised district heating networks on strategic sites

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Reducing Flood Risk

Applications to be submitted in line with meeting sequential and exception tests and NPPF requirements. Ensure developments are in line with a range of listed requirements.

If adjacent a watercourse a Water Framework Directive assessment required to demonstrate how waterbody will be enhanced

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Sustainable Drainage

Major developments to include SuDS outside of floodplain, presumption against underground storage of water. Developments to discharge at QBAR greenfield run-off rate

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Water Efficiency

Developments of 1+ dwelling to meet a water efficiency standard of 110 litres/person/day.

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Water Supply

Development to ensure adequate water supply to serve existing and proposed development.

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Designated Heritage Assets and their Setting

Development not permitted if leads to substantial harm or total loss of the significance of a designated heritage asset unless necessary to achieve substantial public benefits that outweigh harm or loss or that meet a range of listed criteria.

Some elements addressed in Part 1, some elements saved for Part 2

The overall protection of heritage assets is considered strategic for SWLP; details of how this is achieved is considered non-strategic.


Conservation Areas

Presumption in favour of retention of unlisted buildings that make a positive contribution to character and appearance of a conservation area. Consent for demolition of unlisted buildings only granted if replacement will preserve or enhance character or appearance of conservation area. Measures taken to restore or bring back into use areas that make a negative contribution to conservation areas

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Locally Listed Historic Assets

Demolition or loss of significance of a locally listed historic asset will be assessed in relation to scale of harm or loss and the significance of the asset. Change to use traditional detailing and materials

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP



Development not permitted if results in substantial harm to Scheduled Monuments or other archaeological remains of national importance, and their settings unless wholly exceptional circumstances

Presumption for preservation of locally and regionally important sites unless benefits outweigh harm. Any remains of archaeological value to be properly evaluated prior to planning permission being granted. Agreed programme of investigation and recording where adverse effect from development.

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Green Infrastructure

Protect, enhance and restore GI assets and strive for integrated network. Natural environment to be planned for at a variety of spatial scales, recognising WCC Gi Strategy and Council to work with partners.

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Protecting Designated Biodiversity and Geodiversity Assets

Protect designated areas and species of national and local importance for biodiversity and geodiversity, varying levels of protection depending on whether national or local designation.

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP



Development permitted if protects, enhances and/or restores habitat biodiversity, with range of criteria listed to adhere to.

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP



Development permitted if positively contributes to landscape character, range of listed criteria to be demonstrated

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Protection of Natural Resources

Development permitted if ensures that natural resources remain safe, protected and prudently used. Range of listed criteria to be demonstrated.

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


High Speed Rail 2 (HS2)

When considering approval requests for HS2, appropriate mitigation and any significant environmental effects of HS2 on the natural environment, businesses and residents will be sought

Policy saved, to be addressed in Part 2

Considered non-strategic for SWLP


Use of Waterways

Waterways can be tools in place making and place shaping. Range of listed criteria that development should not incorporate.

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Infrastructure Contributions

Development to provide or contribute towards provision of measures to directly mitigate impact and physical, social and GI to support the needs associated with the development

To be provided in a timely manner

Contributions may be on-site and off-site and/or investments, scale to be related to form of development and potential impact including cumulative impact

Planning Obligations and CIL will contribute towards strategic infrastructure required to support the overall development in the Plan

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP


Assessing Viability

Developments to comply with policies in Plan unless will result in development being unviable.

Must be accompanied by Viability Assessment to be independently reviewed

Policy addressed in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP

Topic Areas not covered in either existing plan

Table 22: Policy areas for potential inclusion in the Part 1 plan, which are not covered by existing policy in either current plan.

Policy topic area

Proposed action


Hyperlink to relevant section in this document

Green and Blue Corridors

Potential inclusion in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP

Issue S1: Green and Blue Corridors

Green Economy

Potential inclusion in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP

Issue E1: Green Economy

Core opportunity area

Potential inclusion in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP

Issue E6: Core Opportunity Area

Housing Space Standards

Inclusion in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP

Issue H5: Housing Space Standards

Carbon sequestration

Inclusion in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP

Issue C3: Carbon Sequestration

Net Zero Carbon Buildings

Inclusion in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP

Net Zero Carbon Buildings

Climate Responsive Development Design

Inclusion in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP

Climate Responsive Development Design

Health Impact Assessments for major development

Potential inclusion in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP

Issue W2: Health Impact Assessments for major development

20-minute neighbourhoods

Inclusion in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP

Issue T1: 20-minute neighbourhoods

Smart cities

Inclusion in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP

Issue T4: Smart Cities

Environmental Net Gain

Potential inclusion in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP

Issue B5: Environmental Net Gain

Wildbelt designations

Potential inclusion in Part 1

Considered strategic for SWLP

Issue B6: Wildbelt designations

Issue P2: Equality and Inclusivity

Paragraph 130 (f) of the NPPF requires that we create places that are inclusive and accessible, and which promote community cohesion and resilience. A number of policy areas covered in this document – including 'Housing', 'Transport' and 'Energy' – will specifically tackle issues with direct relationships with inclusivity and equality such as (but not restricted to) access to appropriate housing which is affordable, access to and choice of an appropriate range of public transport, facilities and services to meet needs, and measures to tackle fuel poverty. Some issues are known to have a disproportionate impact on areas that have a high level of deprivation – for example, air quality issues relating to transport. Consideration of equalities and inclusivity should be woven through all the policies within the plan, with particular attention to areas of known or potential inequality.

An 'Equalities Impact Assessment' will form part of the evidence base for the SWLP, which will indicate if there are equalities issues resulting from the proposed policy content. In addition to this, it is useful to draw on the expertise of stakeholders to identify areas where further attention is needed regarding equality and inclusivity. This might influence the selection of policy options, or indicate new policy areas not currently considered.

(84) Q-P2.1: Are there any areas where equality and inclusivity in planning needs further attention? 

Q-P2.2: If yes, please give further details

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(14) Upload any supporting documentation

Call for Sites submissions should NOT be uploaded here – please use the separate Call for Sites form. The best way to provide your views is to answer individual questions in the consultation portal. If you are unable to do this and need to upload supporting documents here, please make sure it is clear which question(s) you are responding to. This will ensure that your response can be properly taken into account.

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