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Preferred Options

ID sylw: 47919

Derbyniwyd: 25/07/2012

Ymatebydd: Gillian Hayward

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

This land has great recreational value to the local community. It is enjoyed by many runners, riders, walkers and cyclists. It is also prime food producing agricultural land which once destroyed can never be replaced. According to the NPPF the fundamental aim of Green Belt is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open. The Green Belt in Old Milverton and Blackdown fufils the 5 purposes of Green Belt set out in the NPPF. There are other non Green Belt sites to the South that could be developed, from the 2009 Core Strategy, with existing employment opportunities and infrastructure.

Testun llawn:

Scanned Letter



Preferred Options

ID sylw: 47932

Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2012

Ymatebydd: Jo Ciriani

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Objects to development at Blackdown as the area is an asset to Leamington Spa. It is enjoyed by many walkers, runners, and cyclists and should be preserved at all costs. It would result in destruction to wildlife, ruined skyline and a loss of precious English countryside.

Testun llawn:

I am writing to oppose the Council's plans to develop on greenbelt land as shown in the 2012 Preferred Options booklet.

I object to building on greenbelt land in Blackdown and Old Milverton, because this area is an asset to Leamington Spa. It is enjoyed by many walkers, runners, and cyclists and should be preserved at all costs.

Aside from this, there will be destruction to wildlife, ruined skyline and a loss of precious English countryside.

I would suggest that other areas could be developed if there is a need for additional housing.


Preferred Options

ID sylw: 47942

Derbyniwyd: 23/07/2012

Ymatebydd: Verity Pullen

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Objection on the grounds that the land is used by the local community, goes against the National Planning Policy Framework, other sites exist which are not in the greenbelt and plenty of brown field sites exist which could be used instead. It was also suggested that decisions taken now would limit options in the future.

Testun llawn:

I object to the proposed development in Old Milverton and Blackdown contained in Warwick District Councils's Preferred Options for the Local plan.

This land has great recreational value to the local community. It is enjoyed by many runners, riders, walkers and cyclists.

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that the Government attaches great importance to Greenbelts and that the fundamental aim of Greenbelt is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open.

The Greenbelt in Old Milverton and Blackdown fulfils the 5 purposes of Greenbelt set out in the NPPF and therefore should remain as open Greenbelt land for ever. It

* Prevents the unrestricted sprawl of Leamington to the north

* Prevents the merging of Leamington and Kenilworth

* Helps safeguard the countryside from encroachment

* Helps preserve the setting and special character of Leamington (a
historic town)

* Helps urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of
derelict and other urban land

There are other sites which can be developed that are not in the Greenbelt.
These sites, which are mainly to the south of Leamington, were included in Warwick District Council's previous plan (the 2009 Core Strategy).
Employment opportunities and infrastructure already exists here, and this land should be used in preference to the Greenbelt.

The NPPF states that Greenbelt boundaries should only be altered in exceptional circumstances. As there are alternative sites, there are no exceptional circumstances which outweigh the harm caused by altering the Greenbelt boundaries in Old Milverton and Blackdown and allowing development on this land.

There are plenty of brown field sites that could be used instead. Instead of allowing another supermarker to be built at the Ford Foundry that area should have been considered for housing. Protect the countryside or we wont have any left for the next generations. Be wise about this.


Preferred Options

ID sylw: 47957

Derbyniwyd: 25/07/2012

Ymatebydd: Graham Hanson

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

The development map shows that the council are trying to win approval for building on Green Belt when White and Brown land was already set aside from the 2009 plan without justification. Why are we trying to build more houses than is required by the National Plan. If National Plan numbers are adhered to then no extra land is required saving building a new road plus other infrastructure projects to support over 1400 houses in what is currently Green Belt. The Green Belt area is enjoyed by many local residents and should be preserved for the future.

Testun llawn:

Scanned Letter



Preferred Options

ID sylw: 47964

Derbyniwyd: 24/07/2012

Ymatebydd: Ben Lane

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

There are other sites, which can be developed that are not in the Green Belt. These sites mainly to the South of Leamington were included in Warwick District Council's 2009 previous plan. So what has changed? Employment and infrastructure already exists there, this land should be used in preference to the Greenbelt.

Testun llawn:

Scanned Letter



Preferred Options

ID sylw: 47965

Derbyniwyd: 25/07/2012

Ymatebydd: James Green

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Object to Old Milverton and Blackdown development.
Recreational value
Importance of green belt in preventing urban sprawl (NPPF)
Fulfills purposes of green belt.
Non green belt land available previously identified in Core Strategy with employment opportunties and infrastructure existing.
No exceptional circumstances.

Testun llawn:

Objection to Old Milverton and Blackdown site attached electronically. See attachment for full text.



Preferred Options

ID sylw: 47968

Derbyniwyd: 26/07/2012

Ymatebydd: David and Gillian Moore

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Object to Old Milverton and Blackdown development.
Loss of recreational land.
Green belt guards against urban sprawl
Fulfills purposes of green belt. Other sites available south of Leamington Previously identified which have employment and infrastructure existing.
No special circumstances outweighing harm.

Testun llawn:

I object to the proposed development in Old Milverton and Blackdown contained in Warwick District Councils's Preferred Options for the Local plan.
This land has great recreational value to the local community. It is enjoyed by many runners, riders, walkers and cyclists.
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that the Government attaches great importance to Greenbelts and that the fundamental aim of Greenbelt is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open.
The Greenbelt in Old Milverton and Blackdown fulfils the 5 purposes ofGreenbelt set out in the NPPF and therefore should remain as openGreenbelt land for ever. It
Prevents the unrestricted sprawl of Leamington to the north
Prevents the merging of Leamington and Kenilworth
Helps safeguard the countryside from encroachment
Helps preserve the setting and special character of Leamington(a historic town)
Helps urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land
There are other sites which can be developed that are not in the Greenbelt. These sites, which are mainly to the south of Leamington, were included in Warwick District Council's previous plan (the 2009 Core Strategy). Employment opportunities and infrastructure already exists here, and this land should be used in preference to the Greenbelt.
The NPPF states that Greenbeltboundaries should only be altered in exceptional circumstances. As there are alternative sites, there are no exceptional circumstances which outweigh the harm caused by altering the Greenbelt boundaries in Old Milverton and Blackdown and allowing development on this land.
Please reconsider your Preferred Options


Preferred Options

ID sylw: 47981

Derbyniwyd: 23/07/2012

Ymatebydd: D. N. J. Green

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

The Green Belt land borders Lillington and New Cubbington, it provides a 'green lung' of open countryside for the benefit of many thousands of residents. This valuable amenity would be lost forever if the proposed development is allowed to proceed. Development of Green Belt can be permitted if 'exceptional circumstances' exist and no other suitable land is available. However, the council's own plans already show adequate non-Green Belt land South of Leamington to be available, which has close proximity to existing infrastructure and employment opportunities. The threatened Green Belt provides much amenity and adds much character its loss is inexcusable.

Testun llawn:

Scanned Letter.



Preferred Options

ID sylw: 47988

Derbyniwyd: 25/07/2012

Ymatebydd: Ms Beth Forster

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Object ot Old Milverton and Blackdown development.
Loss of precious green belt.
Rural landscape a haven for wildlife.
Provides unrestricted views.
Loss of recreational land. One of few green spaces left for dog walking now there are exclusion areas in town parks.
Damage to North Leamington
Could find brown or white field sites in preference.

Testun llawn:

It is with great sadness to learn that Leamington residents may lose precious Greenbelt land due to possible development in Old Milverton and Blackdown. In my view this rural landscape is a haven for wildlife and offers unrestricted views whilst providing benefit to families, cycle riders and runners from Leamington and other local residents without the need to get in the car.

There are only a few green spaces left where dog walkers can exercise their pets outside of the Dog Exclusion areas that are now in place in Leamington parks. One of the attractions and assets of Leamington is the proximity of rural areas and footpaths, from the town and residential areas and for this reason alone should be preserved for future generations.

So I'm writing at this time to register my objection to the new Proposed Development Plans. It would be unforgivable and irresponsible of planners to damage this area of North Leamington, when with a little effort and thought they could find other more appropriate sites such as Brown or White field sites.

I look forward to receiving your firm assurances that no development for this area is being planned in the future.


Preferred Options

ID sylw: 47989

Derbyniwyd: 01/08/2012

Ymatebydd: MJ and CJ Brayne

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Object to Old Milverton and Blackdown development.
Road safety and congestion. Speeding already an issue with resulting accidents.
Increase in local traffic to additional housing would add to problem and to peak travel time congestion.

Testun llawn:

My wife and I wish to lodge our strong opposition to development of houses off Leicester Lane

The prime objection is on the grounds of road safety and further peak time congestion

Leicester Lane is a road where the 40 mph limit is regularly ignored and where, over the years, there have been a number of accidents and near misses as vehicles are hit from behind while waiting to turn into their own drives. My wife was a victim of such an accident when a car crashed into the rear of her car. The police attending the accident esimated that the other vehicle was travelling well in excess of 50 mph

At this present time a police presence would result in large numbers of speeding offences

An increase in the "local" traffic to additional housing would greatly add to this problem and, being a main access route to and from Leamington, would add further to the peak travel time congestion


Preferred Options

ID sylw: 47990

Derbyniwyd: 01/08/2012

Ymatebydd: Mr Ian Clarke

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Object to Old Milverton and Blackdown development.
NPPF states inappropriate development harmful to green belt and should only be approved in special circumstances. New buildings are inappropriate. Exceptions does not include housing/commercial development.
DIP includes for possibility of new road which would violate green belt.

Testun llawn:

I am writing to express my disquiet about the proposals in the Local Plan Preferred Options to allocate Green Belt land for development. Green Belt policy has served the nation well for many years.
The National Planning Policy Framework makes clear that inappropriate development is harmful to the Green Belt and 'should not be approved except in very special circumstances'. It goes on to say that construction of new buildings should be regarded as inappropriate; a list of exceptions does not include housing or commercial development!
Warwick District Council has not demonstrated 'very special circumstances'; indeed the Authority's own documents show ample suitable land is available without the need to violate the Green Belt. The identification of sites to the south of Leamington as being appropriate is supported by their previous inclusion in the Core Strategy Preferred Options.
I am also very concerned that the Draft Infrastructure Plan includes for the possibility of a completely new road from the vicinity of Old Milverton Lane to the A429/A46 grade separated junction. Again, this would violate Green Belt.
I urge you to oppose this element of the Local Plan Preferred Options proposals and throw your support behind what will surely be an overwhelmingly popular campaign to protect the Green Belt.


Preferred Options

ID sylw: 47991

Derbyniwyd: 04/07/2012

Ymatebydd: ? ? Woodysbade

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Object to Old Milverton and Blackdown development.
Non-green belt sites identified available.

Testun llawn:

I wish to register our objection to the proposed use of green belt land to the north of Leamington for 1980 homes, instead of other non-green belt land, indentified by your own team as "suitable for development"


Preferred Options

ID sylw: 47992

Derbyniwyd: 08/07/2012

Ymatebydd: Neil Bevan

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Object to Old Milverton and Blackdown development.
No justification for green belt land use.
New housing needed but non-green belt sites exist south of Leamington identified in Core Strategy. Option then was adopted and is far less harmful.
Land less attractive to developers does not constitute special circumstances to
Land fulfills green belt purposes (NPPF).
Would deprive people of invaluable recreation space and erode different identities of towns.
More noise, congestion, air pollution, urban blight and flooding.

Testun llawn:

The Government's Green Belt policy states that Green Belt land should be built upon only "under special circumstances" and only if the benefits of doing so outweigh the inevitable harm done to precious open spaces.

The proposed development on Green Belt land North of Leamington Spa has no such justification.

* Few dispute that new housing is needed, but alternative space for it exists in the non-Green Belt land South of Leamington identified in the 2009 Core Strategy.

* The above option was, I understand, actually adopted by the Council a couple of years ago. It is still viable, it is still available, it is still a far less harmful option.

* The Council argues that the land South of Leamington will be a less attractive option for the developers since they will make smaller profits from it than they would from the Green Belt land to the North of the town. This may constitute "Special Circumstances" for the development companies - but it certainly does not do so for the electorate of Leamington, Kenilworth and Warwick.

* The land that would be encroached upon under the so-called 'Preferred Option' fulfils all five requirements set out by the NPPF for Green Belt land. The new development would, therefore - in addition to depriving thousands of local people of invaluable opportunities for peace, recreation and healthy exercise and irrevocably eroding the very different identities of Leamington Spa and Kenilworth - directly contravene NPPF guidelines.

Is there, honestly, any really good argument for going ahead with the proposed development? It will undoubtedly create more noise, more congestion, more air pollution, more urban blight and, possibly, more (and more serious) flooding. What would we get in return? Little or nothing. Certainly nothing that we can't perfectly well do without.

Please think again and take a fresh look at the South-of-Leamington option.


Preferred Options

ID sylw: 47993

Derbyniwyd: 08/08/2012

Ymatebydd: Andrew & Nicola Brown

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Object to Old Milverton and Blackdown development.
Green belt land when other land available. Criterion of special circumstances therefore not met.
Land at Europa Way towards Bishops Tachbrook has transport links to M40 and A46. Kenilworth Road clogged most of the day and extra traffic makes things worse.
Green belt local amenity.
No public footpaths on available land nor used as public amenity.

Testun llawn:

We live in Fryer Avenue close to the proposed new housing development plans. We are dismayed to see that there is a possibility that new housing will be built on land behind Northumberland Road and Kenilworth Rd. We think this is poor decision making from a planning perspective, for the following reasons

1. It is on Green Belt land, when there is other land available. Because of other available land the exceptional circumstances criterion is not met.
2. The land around Europa way towards Bishops Tachbrook has excellent transport links to the M40 the A46. The Kenilworth Road is already clogged for most of the day and will become worse with the extra traffic these homes will bring.
3. This Green Belt land behind Northumberland and Kenilworth Roads is a local amenity. Our family walks the dog and exercises on its footpaths, this access to the country side will be lost if these homes are built. There are no pubic footpaths on the available land, nor is it used as a public amenity.

We would urge you to focus on where the most appropriate site for these houses are, not simply look and say ,well both north and south Leamington can share any redevelopment. New homes should be built on the available land NOT on Green Belt.


Preferred Options

ID sylw: 48002

Derbyniwyd: 28/07/2012

Ymatebydd: Mark Armstrong

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Object to residential, infrastructure and employment uses to noth-west of Lillingotn/Blackdown/Old Milverton.
Proof of need?
No exceptional circumstances.
Environmental impacts of traffic, drainage and loss of amenity.

Testun llawn:

I should like to formally object to the proposals as detailed in the local plan for significant residential, infrastructure and employment uses on the north-west boundaries of Lillington/Blackdown/Old Milverton

My objection is centred on;

a) There is no or little proof of need for additional land for housing over and above current provision.
b) I cannot see that there are exceptional circumstances to develop this portion of the Green belt as there are other more suitable sites (i.e. Europa way) with infrastructure and employment/social facilities heath and education all nearby
c) Notwithstanding the loss of green belt the environmental impact in terms of traffic, , drainage , loss of amenity onto already very heavily congested series of traffic routes would severely impact on the area.


Preferred Options

ID sylw: 48003

Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012

Ymatebydd: Mrs Kathleen M Greenwood

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Object to green belt development in Old Milverton and Blackdown.
Cannot see reason for cross country road plus all services.
Loss of recreational land.
Risk of merging with Kenilworth.
Valuable farming land.
Are all houses needed?
Spoiling delightful part of the country.

Testun llawn:

I wish to object to the proposed building of houses and the North Leamington Relief Road in Blackdown and Old Milverton as shown on the Preferred Options Plan. My husband and I are frequent visitors to this area and are very concerned about the effect this proposed development will have on this Green Belt Land. Also we cannot see the reason for having this cross country road plus all the services etc. that go with modern road developments eg. Park and Ride which uses up a lot of valuable green belt land. The A 46 is already a very busy road.

The area is enjoyed by many walkers, runners and cyclists and should be preserved if at all possible. This Green Belt Land prevents Leamington Spa merging with Kenilworth and safeguards the countryside and valuable farming land.

Please explore all other options before going ahead with what appears to be a very expensive project. Are you sure all these houses are required here?

You represent a delightful part of the country please do not spoil it with this proposed urban development.


Preferred Options

ID sylw: 48009

Derbyniwyd: 24/07/2012

Ymatebydd: Mr & Mrs J. A. R. Garvey

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Fundamental reasons to support our objections:
1. Land has recreational value.
2. Fundamental aim of Green Belt is to prevent urban sprawl.
3. Prevents merging of Leamington and Kenilworth, helps preserve setting and character of Leamington.
4. Green Belt helps safeguard countryside from encroachment and helps maximise wildlife habitats.
5. The proposals ignore WDC's study of the Green Belt land at Old Milverton and Blackdown, which concluded that these areas had high Green Belt value.
6. NPPF requires 'very special circumstances' for development in the Green Belt.
7. Land South of Leamington was identified and is still available for development.

Testun llawn:

Scanned Letter



Preferred Options

ID sylw: 48017

Derbyniwyd: 23/07/2012

Ymatebydd: Tawna Wickenden

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

It is my passionate belief that Green Belt land should be sustained for the preservation of wildlife habitat and recreational and educational enjoyment. As no 'very special circumstances' have been presented for the development of the Green Belt space, I can see no reason to seek this as the obvious choice for the proposed plans. Previously developed land has already been identified which is still available. The proposed development would further encourage an urban sprawl between Warwick, Leamington and Kenilworth. Furthermore in the current economic climate many can ill afford to purchase homes, is it practical to build more?

Testun llawn:

Scanned Letter.



Preferred Options

ID sylw: 48019

Derbyniwyd: 23/07/2012

Ymatebydd: Joan & George Payne

Nifer y bobl: 2

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Objection to the proposal for houses and commercial premises in the North Leamington area. We support the need; however object to the location of this project on a Green Belt site. Available land has already been identified in other areas that do not require sacrificing Green Belt land, which was designated to protect our living environment. Although estimated building requirements appear to support this massive programme, we feel they may be too excessive in view of Government determination to reduce immigration. Developing on the Green Belt will result in urban sprawl and the merging of Leamington and Kenilworth.

Testun llawn:

Scanned Letter



Preferred Options

ID sylw: 48024

Derbyniwyd: 26/07/2012

Ymatebydd: Dr E P Harrison

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

This project will be detrimental to the area and will encroach on what is essential Green Belt land, which provides an essential leisure area to the population of Leamington. The project does not adhere to Green Belt policy set out in NPPF, in that it will not protect the countryside from encroachment and will encourage the merging of both Leamington and Kenilworth. It would be sheer vandalism to destroy this area, which provides the allotment owners with a healthy activity as well as fresh produce. There are alternative sites to the South of Leamington identified in the 2009 Core Strategy.

Testun llawn:

Scanned Letter



Preferred Options

ID sylw: 48031

Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012

Ymatebydd: Christine Hardy

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Building in this area destroys the open space between the towns and the rural atmosphere, used by local residents and visitors. To support housing development here requires even more loss of Green Belt for communications, schools, and roads. What are the 'special circumstances' as per the 2009 Core Strategy put forward by the WDC to support the development of this area? There are other areas to build the houses as per the booklet.

Testun llawn:

Scanned Response Form



Preferred Options

ID sylw: 48035

Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012

Ymatebydd: Mr Richard Scragg

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Objection as there is plenty of brown field sites and non green field sites. Development on green belt can never be justified. National Planning Policy Framework promotes protection of green belt for wider community and this land fulfills the 5 purposes of Green Belt. This area has high recreational value.

Testun llawn:

I object to the proposed development in Old Milverton and Blackdown contained in Warwick District Councils's Preferred Options for the Local plan.

Simply put, I do not understand the need to develop on green belt land when there is plenty of brown belt or non-green belt land that can be developed.

We can see this land from our bedroom windows, so there is the obvious selfish view that we do not want that view to be impared by buildings.

In addition, this land has great recreational value to the local community. It is enjoyed by many runners, riders, walkers and cyclists.

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that the Government attaches great importance to Greenbelts and that the fundamental aim of Greenbelt is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open.

The Greenbelt in Old Milverton and Blackdown fulfils the 5 purposes of Greenbelt set out in the NPPF and therefore should remain as open Greenbelt land for ever. It
- Prevents the unrestricted sprawl of Leamington to the north
- Prevents the merging of Leamington and Kenilworth
- Helps safeguard the countryside from encroachment
- Helps preserve the setting and special character of Leamington (a historic town)
- Helps urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land

There are other sites which can be developed that are not in the Greenbelt. These sites, which are mainly to the south of Leamington, were included in Warwick District Council's previous plan (the 2009 Core Strategy). Employment opportunities and infrastructure already exists here, and this land should be used in preference to the Greenbelt.

The NPPF states that Greenbelt boundaries should only be altered in exceptional circumstances. As there are alternative sites, there are no exceptional circumstances which outweigh the harm caused by altering the Greenbelt boundaries in Old Milverton and Blackdown and allowing development on this land.

Please reconsider your Preferred Options.


Preferred Options

ID sylw: 48058

Derbyniwyd: 26/07/2012

Ymatebydd: Dr Sylvester Arnab

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Objection as Green Belt Land in Blackdown and Old Milverton is used for recreational purposes by local people. This area shpould ne preserved at all costs and is a high quality landscape. Other alternatives should be exhausted first and the number of houses required should be checked.

Testun llawn:

This is my letter of objection to building on Green Belt Land in Blackdown and Old Milverton as shown in the 2012 Preferred options Plan. This area is an asset to Leamington Spa. It is enjoyed by many walkers, runners, riders and cyclists and should be preserved at all costs. I personally moved to this part of Leamington as I was attracted to the beautiful landscape. It would be shameful to build here until you have exhausted all alternatives and checked that the number of houses you require is needed!


Preferred Options

ID sylw: 48061

Derbyniwyd: 28/06/2012

Ymatebydd: Alison Williams

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Opposed to development at Old Milverton and Blackdown. The greenbelt north of Leamington acts as a green lung for the residents of leamington, used daily by walkers and cyclists. It is also equally as important for the species of wildlife that depend on it. The Council should be doing all in its power to protect it rather than replacing it with synthetic versions of the countryside which will be provided as part of development. Whilst the need for housing is understood it should not be allowed to destroy the important buffer between leamington and kenilworth. More houses, associated supermarkets and amenities and increased traffic will add to greenhouse gas emissions. It will be a gradual encroachment of land which will result in Leamington and kenilworth being joined in urban sprawl. The Council has not demonstrated the exceptional circumstances as set out in the NPPF. There are plenty of available brownfield sites, more housing should have been built on the Former Fords Foundry site rather than a supermarket. There is also derelict land between queensway and the shires and many more sites. Many apartments on the Pottertons site lay empty. The effect on wildlife will be devastating, the land supports hundreds of species some of which are endangered. Removing the allotments will strip people of another valuable open space and resource important for sustainable living.

Testun llawn:

Having heard about the proposals for massive development of the Greenbelt land in Old Milverton and Blackdown,I should like to state for the record that
I am utterly opposed ,and dare I say it, sickened by the idea.
Our beautiful Greenbelt land north of Leamington acts as a hugely important 'green lung' for the residents of Leamington but also, equally importantly for all the many many species of wildlife that depend upon these spaces for their wellbeing and lives.
The Greenbelt land is an important resource for the local community. It is used on a daily basis by many walkers, and cyclists. Leamington is a beautiful town made more so by our easy access to open countryside. The council say the new plans will incorporate green spaces. Why destroy what is already there just to replace it with a "Synthetic" version of the countryside? Rather, the council should be trying to do everything in its power to permanently protect the greenbelt, not committing atrocious acts of environmental vandalism.
Whilst it is fully understood that we need more housing for the future this should not be allowed to damage and destroy this important buffer zone between Leamington and Kenilworth. More houses ,superstores, roads and amenities will all add drastically to the levels of climate changing greenhouse gas emissions with all the increased traffic and congestion that is the inevitable result of this scheme if it were allowed to go ahead. The tranquillity of the area will be lost forever and not only us but also our children, grandchildren and generations to come will suffer as a result. It will be a gradual encroachment of land whilst more and more of the countryside falls foul of the bulldozers until eventually Leamington and Kenilworth will be joined in the urban sprawl of houses and development.
And does a town the size of Leamington really warrant a park and ride scheme?
The Governments NPPF document states that in order to allow building on greenbelt land to go ahead, councils must demonstrate "exceptional circumstances". They have not done this. There are plenty of Brownfield sites available in Leamington fit for development which would be much more appropriate. For ages the Ford factory site stood empty -why not have built more housing here rather than an unnecessary supermarket? There is derelict land between Queensway and the Shires and many more such sites besides. And what of the old Potterton site? Many of those apartments are still sitting empty due to lack of takers.

The impact on the local wildlife will be devastating. At the moment this land supports hundreds of species including badgers, foxes, pheasants, herons, buzzards and sparrowhawks.There are also water voles living along the banks of the River Avon, these beautiful animals are an endangered species whose numbers have declined by 90% over the last 30 years. If the building of the new relief road goes ahead this inevitably will have a detrimental effect upon the population from which it may never recover.
The fields also support Skylarks. There is nothing more lovely than a summers walk listening to the sounds of larks singing as they rise into the air, the quintessential sound of a British summer. These wonderful birds are fully protected under the Wildlife and Countryside act 1981, after a 50% decline in numbers of breeding birds over the last 25 years, yet the council seem happy to ignore this fact and decimate the lot.
What also of the many allotments in this area? People have worked hard on these plots to get them fully established. If they are taken away you are stripping people of another much needed green space .We are always talking these days about sustainable living and the importance of people getting more exercise, if you remove the allotments you remove another valuable resource which allows people a chance to really make a difference to their lives and improve their health.
I strongly urge the council to reject this highly inappropriate development and to make a stand to save the Greenbelt not to sacrifice our countryside to the developers.


Preferred Options

ID sylw: 48067

Derbyniwyd: 26/07/2012

Ymatebydd: Lucy-Megan Reading

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

The green belt at Old Milverton and Blackdown is used for recreation by the local community, it helps prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open.
Other sites outside the greenbelt could be developed such as those south of Leamington. The National Planning Policy Framework should only alter in exceptional circumstances. No exceptional circumstances exist in Old Milverton and Blackdown

Testun llawn:

I object to the proposed development in Old Milverton and Blackdown contained in Warwick District Councils's Preferred Options for the Local plan.

This land has great recreational value to the local community. It is enjoyed by many runners, riders, walkers and cyclists.

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that the Government attaches great importance to Greenbelts and that the fundamental aim of Greenbelt is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open.

The Greenbelt in Old Milverton and Blackdown fulfils the 5 purposes of Greenbelt set out in the NPPF and therefore should remain as open Greenbelt land for ever. It
* Prevents the unrestricted sprawl of Leamington to the north
* Prevents the merging of Leamington and Kenilworth
* Helps safeguard the countryside from encroachment
* Helps preserve the setting and special character of Leamington (a historic town)
* Helps urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land
There are other sites which can be developed that are not in the Greenbelt. These sites, which are mainly to the south of Leamington, were included in Warwick District Council's previous plan (the 2009 Core Strategy). Employment opportunities and infrastructure already exists here, and this land should be used in preference to the Greenbelt.

The NPPF states that Greenbelt boundaries should only be altered in exceptional circumstances. As there are alternative sites, there are no exceptional circumstances which outweigh the harm caused by altering the Greenbelt boundaries in Old Milverton and Blackdown and allowing development on this land.

Please reconsider your Preferred Options.


Preferred Options

ID sylw: 48071

Derbyniwyd: 30/07/2012

Ymatebydd: Mrs J M Warr

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

1. It is not town infill but urban sprawl.
2. Green Belt land, valuable for its agricultural, aesthetic and amenity value would be squandered.
3. The green space between Leamington and Kenilworth would be eroded and would diminish in future plans, a slippery slope towards a big conurbation.
4. The proposed major road through Old Milverton would virtually destroy the village.
5. There is non-green belt land South of Leamington which could be used.

Testun llawn:

Scanned Response Form



Preferred Options

ID sylw: 48073

Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012

Ymatebydd: Phyllis Little

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

No proper publicity.
Object to Old Milverton and Blackdown developments.
Loss of recreational land.
Green belt prevents urban sprawl.
Land fulfills green belt purposes.
Other non-green belt sites available identified in Core Strategy.
No exceptional circumstances.
Air pollution.
Loss of identity.
Increase in crime.
Number of houses results in many more people.

Testun llawn:

Unfortunately today, I have only just become aware of the plans that are proposed for a large area of Leamington and surrounding areas in which I live. This concerns me gravely, it is my belief that the Council have not adequately informed other residents within the areas of Leamington that will be affected, about these proposals, therefore many will remain in ignorance of this proposed plan for such a vast development within the area in which we live .
I am very concerned that the required and desired CONSULTATION of ALL the residents in Leamington has not been correctly or at least fairly adhered to?. Many I believe will still be unware of this extensive land development and the consequences this will have on the intrastructures, highways and byways, life and health of residents; residents like myself who already live here, have in good faith, duely paid taxes in the expectation that the Councils and Planning authorities wil work on our behalf with our best interests; as individuals and a community to which they have a duty of care. It is also my concern rightly or wrongly; that this proposal for some reason, is not only being pushed through very quickly but without the proper notifcation of ALL residents.
I object to the proposed development in Old Milverton and Blackdown contained in Warwick District Councils's Preferred Options for the Local plan. There are several reasons for my objections in no particular order:
This land has great recreational value to the local community. It is enjoyed by many runners, riders, walkers and cyclists.
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that the Government attaches great importance to Greenbelts and that the fundamental aim of Greenbelt is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open.
The Greenbelt in Old Milverton and Blackdown fulfils the 5 purposes of Greenbelt set out in the NPPF and therefore should remain as open Greenbelt land for ever. It prevents the unrestricted sprawl of Leamington to the north; prevents the merging of Leamington and Kenilworth; helps safeguard the countryside from encroachment; helps preserve the setting and special character of Leamington (a historic town); helps urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land.
There are other sites which can be developed that are not in the Greenbelt. These sites, which are mainly to the south of Leamington, were included in Warwick District Council's previous plan (the 2009 Core Strategy). Employment opportunities and infrastructure already exists here, and this land should be used in preference to the Greenbelt.
The NPPF states that Greenbelt boundaries should only be altered in exceptional circumstances. As there are alternative sites, there are no exceptional circumstances which outweigh the harm caused by altering the Greenbelt boundaries in Old Milverton and Blackdown and allowing development on this land.
Health: Leamington I understand rightly or wrongly is one of the highest areas of air pollution in the country, therefore it would seem advisable to endeavour to prevent illnesses, and maintain the health of a population and not to introduce vast building developments, highways and vehicles, buildings. etc., that such a proposed development would bring.
There are of course other more subtle problems that over development and not keeping green belt land causes; societies loose identity, crime may well worsen, also please be aware that the population does not only grow by the number of houses, but by the number of people in the houses. This is therefore a VASTER development than it would first seem.
Consequently, with Greenbelt development now and in the future; there is nowhere left for anyone to exercise, enjoy open spaces, no where to live!
Please reconsider your Preferred Options.


Preferred Options

ID sylw: 48078

Derbyniwyd: 26/07/2012

Ymatebydd: Pauline Liggins

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

I object to the use of Green Belt land to the North of Leamington Spa when there is adequate White Belt land to the South of Leamington, with adequte services, road network and out of town shopping.

Testun llawn:

Scanned Response Form.



Preferred Options

ID sylw: 48087

Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2012

Ymatebydd: Kiran Mattu

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Objects to green belt development at leicester lane:

1. This is high value green belt land, there is land in the south available.
2. This level of housing is not needed, over the next 12 years more brown field sites and student houses will become available due to an increase in purpose built developments and nationally a decrease in student numbers 3. This is urban sprawl and against policy.
4. You will have an over supply of housing if this number goes ahead which is economically disastrous for Leamington.
5. There is no infrastructure to sustain this development.
6. Mr Cameron has stated he wants a reduction in the number of social housing being built.

Testun llawn:

I wish to strongly object to the development of leicester lane green belt on the below grounds.

1. This is high value green belt land, you have other land in the south available.
2. You do not need this level of housing as of the next 12 years you will have many brown field sites become available as well as many student houses as they are going to purpose built developments and nationally there is a decrease in student numbers so many more properties are being handed back to the community as landlords are unable to rent them to students.
3. This is urban sprawl and against policy.
4. You will have an over supply of housing if this number goes ahead which is economically disastrous for Leamington.
5. There is no infrastructure to sustain this development.
6. Mr Cameron has stated he wants a reduction in the number of social housing being built when this becomes policy many millions of pounds will have been wasted , which is criminal in these economic times.


Preferred Options

ID sylw: 48088

Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012

Ymatebydd: Mrs Eithne Goode

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Support for excellent submission by Friends of the Earth.
Areas of Blackdown and Old Milverton really are very special areas of Green Belt and would be significantly harmed by any more development in those areas.

Testun llawn:

Good afternoon. I was setting aside this afternoon to compose my response but have just had sight of the excellent submission by Friends of the Earth. Anything I could write I'm sure would not be a patch on this correspondence, therefore I would like to add my wholehearted support to the sentiments expressed in that submission.
I would also like to say that I believe that the areas of Blackdown and Old Milverton really are very special areas of Green Belt and would be significantly harmed by any more development in those areas.