GT08 Depot to the west side of Cubbington Hill Farm
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 53948
Derbyniwyd: 28/07/2013
This is an isolated depot site in open countryside. That it has an element of 'brownfield' does not make it suitable for re-use by a gypsy site. If the present use ceases another employment use without greater footprint or height of buildings should be considered.
This is an isolated depot site in open countryside. That it has an element of 'brownfield' does not make it suitable for re-use by a gypsy site. If the present use ceases another employment use without greater footprint or height of buildings should be considered.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 54399
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: WAYC
It would be great to be able to offer sessional youth work support to the young people on the sites. The Warwickshire Association of Youth Clubs would be interested in offering such support if funded by say the Community Levy
It would be great to be able to offer sessional youth work support to the young people on the sites. The Warwickshire Association of Youth Clubs would be interested in offering such support if funded by say the Community Levy
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 54612
Derbyniwyd: 01/08/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr Wayne Olorenshaw
Vigorously oppose this site. Previous experience of gypsies and travellers mean that the plans will be opposed.
Please be aware that if there is any more development on housing these criminals near to our homes will be opposed vigourously by petition by the residents. Everytime they settle here during shows we have crimes at our homes and at the field where we house our horse - these are all recorded by the police. DO NOT LET THESE CRIMINALS LIVE NEAR US.
They pay no taxes
They steal
They leave rubbish which we have to pay to clear up
They have no rights ( they pay no taxes )
The plans WILL be Opposed
Please take note - they are not our problem - send them back where they came from.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 54675
Derbyniwyd: 03/08/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr Peter Forrest
As a close neighbour (150 yards away) object to proposed gypsy site GT08. Apart from nuisance caused by gypsies and fall in property value, the site is unsuitable as the entrance is on the brow of a hill and not clearly visible. The road has a 50 mph speed limit but most vehicles, particularly motor bikes, travel along it at more than 70mph. Understand the site has no utilities and the excavation needed could disturb dangerous asbestos which may have been placed there as the site has always been used as a refill site for building material.
I have recently been informed of the plan to possibly develop a gypsy site on Leicester Lane (GT08 Depot to the west side of Cubbington Hill farm).
As I live only about 150 yards from the site you can imagine the last thing I want living near me is a number of gypsies causing a nuisance and de-valuing my property.
Apart from that, the site you are proposing is just not suitable as the entrance is on the brow of a hill and not visible if travelling from Bubbenhall. The road is now supposed to be a 50 mile an hour limit but most vehicles travel along it at 70+ mph. Particularly motor bikes that all seem to use it as a test track and open it full throttle as soon as they are passed the round about leaving the built up area.
I understand that the site has no utilities at present, so considerable excavating would be required. The site was always used as a refill site for mainly building material and I would expect it to contain asbestos in the ground. Any digging would risk disturbing the asbestos and all the risks associated with it.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 54779
Derbyniwyd: 28/06/2013
Ymatebydd: Mark Butler
Strong objection to the traveller sites at the following locations:
Land at the Warwickshire Exhibition Centre, Fosse Way GT02
Land at Barnwell Farm, Harbury Lane GT03
Land at Harbury Lane, Fosse Way GT04
Land at Tachbrook Hill Farm, Banbury RoaGT05
Depot site to the west off Cubbington Hill Farm GT08
Have been a victim of burglary and these locations further degrade the security and safety of all local residents.
Would add further blight to those affected by HS2. If the exhibition centre site goes through will have train to one side of property and the Gipsy site to the other, rendering the property unsellable.
I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposals laid out in the revised development plan for traveller sites at the following locations.
Land at the Warwickshire Exhibition Centre, Fosse Way GT02
Land at Barnwell Farm, Harbury Lane GT03
Land at Harbury Lane, Fosse Way GT04
Land at Tachbrook Hill Farm, Banbury RoaGT05
Depot site to the west off Cubbington Hill Farm GT08
I live on the Fosse Way, near to the exhibition centre. I feel that, having three times recently become the victim of burglary, these locations further degrade the security and safety my family and the local residents.
I also believe it would add further blight to those already affected by HS2. If the exhibition centre site goes through I will have the train to one side of my property and the Gipsy site to the other. This, I believe will render my property unsellable.
I would ask that you rethink these proposals.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 54795
Derbyniwyd: 10/06/2013
Ymatebydd: Mark Butler
I live on the Fosse Way, near to the exhibition centre. I feel that, having three times recently become the victim of burglary, these locations further degrade the security and safety my family and the local residents.
I also believe it would add further blight to those already affected by HS2. If the exhibition centre site goes through I will have the train to one side of my property and the Gipsy site to the other. This, I believe will render my property unsellable.
I would ask that you rethink these proposals
I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposals laid out in the revised development plan for traveller sites at the following locations.
Land at the Warwickshire Exhibition Centre, Fosse Way GT02
Land at Barnwell Farm, Harbury Lane GT03
Land at Harbury Lane, Fosse Way GT04
Land at Tachbrook Hill Farm, Banbury RoaGT05
Depot site to the west off Cubbington Hill Farm GT08
I live on the Fosse Way, near to the exhibition centre. I feel that, having three times recently become the victim of burglary, these locations further degrade the security and safety my family and the local residents.
I also believe it would add further blight to those already affected by HS2. If the exhibition centre site goes through I will have the train to one side of my property and the Gipsy site to the other. This, I believe will render my property unsellable.
I would ask that you rethink these proposals.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 55760
Derbyniwyd: 30/08/2013
Ymatebydd: Cubbington & District OAP Association
Asiant : Cubbington & District OAP Association
We object to the proposal to use this site for a permanent gypsy and traveller site on the grounds of loss of income to the Association and others in the community.
The land will be compulsory purchased from the Cubbington Freeholders, who donate the rent they receive from the site to local schools, the Church and our Association.
Our Association has approx 700 members of state pension age and above from Cubbington and outlying villages. We arrange member activities, such as day trips, particularly for those who are less-abled. Without donations this would not be possible. Loss of income from the Cubbington Freeholders would limit what the Association can provide to the senior citizens and less-abled of the local community.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 55917
Derbyniwyd: 16/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Cubbington Parish Council
Access on brow of hill on fast road with risk to occupants and road users.
Combined with potential HS2 disruption does not fit into local surroundings on edge of Green Belt.
North Leamington and local junior and infant schools have pressure on numbers, with too large classes. Other local amenities and services.
No local industry increasing pressure on already congested road network.
Sites historically attract social and nuisance problems and unwelcome impact on property prices and neighbourhoods.
Further residential development in 'green belt' of North Leamington and Cubbington has been rejected.
Numerous small sites costly to maintain.
Question if proposal will assist protection of council land from occupation.
Land to the west of Cubbington Heath / Hill Farm
I would like to express my views that I believe this site to be inappropriate for the following reasons ...
1. The depot entrance / highway access is on the brow of a hill on a relatively fast road, the risk to travellers & their families regularly entering / exiting the site represents a risk to both them and other road users.
2. Combined with the potential HS2 disruption in the local area this is another development that does not fit into the local surroundings on the edge of green belt.
3. North Leamington School and local juniors & infant schools have pressure on numbers already and class sizes are too large together with other local amenities & services.
4. No local industry exists and therefore pressure will increase on the already congested road network, only making the situation worse.
5. These sites historically attract other social & nuisance problems, the impact on local property prices and neighbourhoods is both an issue and unwelcome.
6. The recent review of the local plan rejected further residential development in a 'green belt' area of North Leamington & Cubbington
7. The enlargement of existing sites would seem to be a more sustainable plan rather than numerous smaller and more likely costlier to maintain
8. The protection of existing council land ie. playing fields from being occupied by travellers seems a growing problem, I question if these sites will change this situation?
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 56083
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr & Mrs Kidd
Strongly object to the proposed gypsy site at Cubbington.
We are writing to let you know that we strongly object to the proposed gypsy site at GT08 Cubbington
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 56084
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr & Mrs Price
Strongly object to the proposed gypsy site at Cubbington.
We are writing to let you know that we strongly object to the proposed gypsy site at GT08 Cubbington
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 56744
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr Juzar Singh Kandola
No amenties - GP, school, public transport.
Accident blackspot with access to busy roads and no pedestrian footpaths.
Spoil character and natural environment.
No services or employment.
The rent for the land goes to charity and will be greatly ?
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 56751
Derbyniwyd: 06/09/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr Timothy Loakes
Contravenes green belt. Agricultural land used as storage depot with no buildings.
Huge site for 6 pitches: will encourage others onto site.
Only 180 yards from houses contravening policy if avoiding areas of potential noise/disturbance.
Council has obligation to provide sites but greater obligation to settled community paying council tax. What will sites cost to set up and can we afford it?
Will facilites be paid for? What will pitch fee be? Elsewhere there have been non-payment problems.Will there be a manager? What about insurance/licencing?
Bad experiences of Kenilworth Horse Fair.
Will scrap businesses be allowed or rubbish burning? What does 'safe access to road network' and 'provision for parking and turning and servicing' mean?
More information needed regarding transit sites.
G&T want to travel and settle. Reputation in relation to settled community.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 56966
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mrs Jacqueline Bird
Access onto A445 which is busy road and already the scene of fatal accidents.
Would put an additional burden on services - school, doctors etc.
Land is old quarry owned by Cubbington Freeholders. Loss of income would mean community organisations would not be supported.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 57054
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: George & Shirley Savage
Objects to this site given previous experiences of travellers who were anti-social (criminal damage, violence, aggressive touting for work) and lack of support or action from the Police.
If the government says sites must be provided then let them make room in Downing Street and Kensington.
This email is in opposition to the proposed applications for gypsy sites around Long Itchington. My objections are based on 15yrs living in Bidford on Avon where we were plagued with travellers who smashed up the youth club, destroyed the local garage/ filling station. Attacked local youths and called at my house many times demanding to be driven to places, aggresively pushed for work including tarmacing. landscapeing and various other things over the years. They drove around Bidford and Marlcliff spitting on whoever came within range. Men, women and children were all their targets with NO support or action from the Police. The sites are no-go areas and overcrowded with little or no repect for the planning laws. If the government says sites must be provided then let them make room in Downing street and Kensington. They would see it from an entirely different point of view.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 57344
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mrs Lorna Simpson
Site adjacent to busy road but no pavement and nearest bus stop half a mile away.
Road is busy and used by lorries but is narrower than other A-class roads. Site access is on brow of a hill with poor visibility and no grass verges or street lighting. From personal experience the road is getting busier and there have been fatal accidents recently along this stretch of road. Work traffic from HS2 will add to the problems.
Impact on property prices.
No mains seweage waste disposal in the area.
Important to retain existing hedgerows to screen the site.
Site is rural and workers are only occasionally on this site. This proposal will change the character of the site.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 57352
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr & Mrs James & Elizabeth McIntyre
Site adjacent to busy road but no pavement and nearest bus stop half a mile away.
Road is busy and used by lorries but is narrower than other A-class roads. Site access is on brow of a hill with poor visibility and no grass verges or street lighting. From personal experience the road is getting busier and there have been fatal accidents recently along this stretch of road. Work traffic from HS2 will add to the problems.
Adverse impact on property prices.
No mains seweage waste disposal in the area.
Important to retain existing hedgerows to screen the site.
Site is rural and workers are only occasionally on this site. This proposal will change the character of the site.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 57357
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Cubbington Silver Band
Site is owned by charity and income solely from its lease to WCC for storage.
Charity grants help local organisations such as Cubbington Silver Band. Loss of grants may mean this would have to be wound up. Oppose sale of land.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 57582
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Cubbington Village Hall Trust
Agree with all points raised by Cubbington Freeholders and have been in receipt of assistance from this organisation in the past. This and other local organisations would miss financial support if funding were no longer available and land sold.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 57843
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Robert Golder
Land was stone quarry and owned by charity. Income has been used to make grants for good of parish and village based community organisations. Loss of income would have detrimental effect on village as proceeds are unlikely to give similar return.
Site it not on public transport route and would mean cars joining busy road at difficult spot. Accidents often occur and traffic needs calming not increasing in volume.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 57844
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Elaine Golder
Land was stone quarry and owned by charity. Income has been used to make grants for good of parish and village based community organisations. Loss of income would have detrimental effect on village as proceeds are unlikely to give similar return.
Site it not on public transport route and would mean cars joining busy road at difficult spot. Accidents often occur and traffic needs calming not increasing in volume.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 58807
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Cubbington Methodist Church
Does not meet criteria.
Remote from facilities which are fully subscribed.
No public transport within easy walking distance.
Detrimental impact on local community.
Income from rental goes to local charity supporting local organisations. Loss of income would have huge impact on local organisations which would be detrimental to peaceful co-existence.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 58841
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: W Whitfield
Green belt and whilst a previously developed site, is in open countryside. Exceptional circumstances required to develop.
Remote location on busy A445. No pedestrian acces via footpaths so dangerous. Difficult therefore to access local facilities, especially children walking to school.
No GP surgery in Cubbingotn and no school places locally. Travelling to facilities not sustainable.
Fast moving vehicles on busy road and slow moving vehicles from the site on the brow of a hill a hazard. Road is proposed as haul route for HS2 which will increase HGV usage during construction.
Utilities are limited or non existent. Connection will be expensive.
Limited screening of site. Development would be visible and inappropriate in green belt/open countryside.
Site has been infilled and contaminated. Remediation costs likely to be high.
Badgers on site are protected species. Adverse effect on all wildlife.
NPPF and Planning Policy for Travellers guidance should be taken into account if Planning applications considered later.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 58858
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Our Lady and St. Teresa's Catholic Primary School
School has benefitted from Cubbington Freeholders Charity. Other organisations also benefit from this charity. With loss of government grants, this money is necessary.
If the land is sold, schools will suffer and philanthropic organisation terminated.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 58871
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr Graham Beard
Access to site dangerous due to bend and hidden dip on north side of entrance
Active badger sett
No mains services on site
No main sewerage locally
Originally a quarry, then filled and reinstated so likely to be contaminated
Risk if asbestos excavated on site.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 58874
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: PJ & JK Smith
Asiant : Margetts
Limited access to GP surgery, schools and public transport.
Accessed off A4445, a busy road with no public footpath and unsafe to site bus stop.
Located close to brow of hill making access difficult especially for vehicles potentially towing caravans.
No utilities bar basic electricity supply which requires upgrading. Mains water at some distance and no mains sewerage. All costly to provide.
Exposed location easily viewed from several directions.
Currently an industrial depot and likely to be contaminated.
Refer to NPPF and Planing Policy for Traveller Sites.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 58899
Derbyniwyd: 17/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Warwckshire County Council
Ex speed limit on Leicester Lane. Vis splays required to appropriate standard should be achievable.
GT01 Land adjacent to the Colbalt Centre:
Due to existing development, access would likely have to be taken from an existing private access
road. Without confirmation as to whether this would be permitted, the Highway Authority cannot
recommend a good place to gain access to the site from the existing Public Highway.
GT02 Land at Warwickshire Exhibition Centre:
If access were to be taken from the Fosse Way a new access would need to be created a minimum
215m from the existing roundabout. Visibility from the access would also need to be 2.4m x 215m in
both directions. It is considered that an access to meet these requirements could potentially be
achieved. If access were to be taken from the A425, a new access would need to be created a
minimum 160m from the existing roundabout. Visibility from the access would need to be 2.4m x
160m in both directions. Although potentially achievable the removal of a significant amount of
vegetation/hedgerow may be required.
GT03 Land at Barnwell Farm:
The Highway Authority would not recommend access taken directly off the Fosse Way in this
location. If access is taken from Harbury Lane, it should be at least 160m from the existing crossroad
junction with visibility splays of 2.4m x 160m in both directions. You should look to avoid position a
new access opposite an existing access. The existing access to Barnwell Farm is considered to be a
good location however; cutting back/removal of hedgerow is likely to be required in order to achieve
the required level of visibility.
GT04 Land at Harbury Lane:
The Highway Authority would not recommend access taken directly off the Fosse Way in this
location. If access is taken from Harbury Lane, it should be at least 160m from the existing crossroad
junction with visibility splays of 2.4m x 160m in both directions. You should look to avoid position a
new access opposite an existing access.
GT05 Land at Tachbrook Hill Farm, Banbury Road:
Access taken from the A452 would require visibility splays of 2.4m x 160m. Use of the existing
Tachbrook Hill Farm access would not be recommended as it is sited opposite an existing junction
and it would not be recommended to locate the access any closer towards the Motorway junction. If
access were to be created northwest of the existing Tachbrook Hill Farm access it should be done so
in advance of the existing traffic calming features. Access from Mallory Road would not be
recommended. It should also be noted that there may be issues regarding forward visibility due the
existing vertical alignment of the road. Forward visibility to match visibility from the access would be
required at all sites (160m in this instance).
GT06 Land at Park Farm:
Access created from the A425 would need to have visibility of 2.4m x 215m in both directions. The
existing access to Park Farm is likely to meet this standard. If a new access is to be created it is
unlikely that an access could be created any closer to the existing roundabout without the
requirement for removal of hedgerow/trees. Any access created North West of the Park Farm access
must adhere to the required visibility standards. The access should not be created in proximity of the
existing layby on the A425.
GT07 Land at Smiths Nurseries Stoneleigh Road:
Access from the Stoneleigh Road is unlikely to be achievable due to visibility restrictions unless taken
from Smiths Nurseries. Even then it would have to be demonstrated that the proposed site was
unlikely to generate significantly more vehicle movements than the existing development (and that
it has not caused a Highway safety/operation issue). From Coventry Road (within 30mph limit) it may
be difficult to achieve access due to proliferation of existing accesses. Splays of 2.4m x 70m would be
required in both directions.
GT08 Depot to west side of Cubbington Hill Farm:
Leicester Lane is subject to a speed limit of XX. An access with visibility splays of 2.4m x xxxm would
therefore be required with equal corresponding forward visibility. It is considered that this should be
achievable at this site.
GT09 Land to North East of M40:
The A452 is subject to a speed limit of XX. The Highway Authority considers that achieving an access
to standard from the A452 would be difficult due to road alignment. Creation of an access onto the
Warwick By-Pass would not be supported.
GT10 Land at Tollgate House & Guide Dogs National Breeding Centre:
Gaining access from the B4100 is considered to be difficult due to existing accesses/lay-bys which
makes it difficult to find a suitable location for creation of a new access. Access from Oakley Wood
road is considered unsuitable and an access with required visibility standards unlikely to be
GT11: Land at Budbrooke Lodge Racecourse and Hampton Road:
Land west of Warwick Racecourse - Access from the point of the existing access for Budbrooke
Lodge should be feasible. You would need to ensure that visibility splays of 2.4m x 160m can be
provided in both directions due to the access emerging onto a 50mph section of Highway. There
already appears to be a reasonable pedestrian connection to this point too.
GT12: Land at Westham House, Westham Lane
The by-pass onto which the proposed site off which Westham Lane adjoins, is subject to a
derestricted speed limit. Accordingly visibility splays of 215m in both directions must be provided.
This should be achievable. Westham Lane also narrows after a certain length and accordingly,
depending on access location and size of site proposed this may require widening. In addition if this
site was of interest, the Highway Authority would seek further comment from our transport
operations team to determine whether there was any capacity reason as to why a site could not be
served off the bypass.
GT13: Kites Nest Lane:
Kites Nest Lane and Brownley Green Lane are subject to a derestricted speed limit and although it is
acknowledged that vehicles are unlikely to be travelling at 60mph on either of these roads, a speed
survey would be required to establish the level of visibility required and this would ultimately
determine whether an access was feasible or not. In addition both roads are narrow and, depending
on the size of the site, some level of localised widening may be required.
GT14: Warwick Road, Norton Lindsey:
Warwick Road is subject to a derestricted speed limit and visibility from the existing access does not
meet standards of 2.4m x 215m. If it can however be demonstrated that vehicle movements from
the proposed development will not exceed that which could be generated by the existing permitted
development (and that the existing access has not caused a highway safety issues), use of the
existing access may be acceptable.
GT15: Land to east of Europa Way:
This section of the A452 is subject to a speed limit of 50mph and accordingly, splays and forward
visibility of 160m must be provided. It is considered that, with removal of vegetation, this should be
achievable at some point along the boundary line shown.
GT16 Land West of A429 Barford:
The by-pass onto which the proposed site off which Westham Lane adjoins, is subject to a
derestricted speed limit. Accordingly visibility splays of 215m in both directions must be provided.
This should be achievable. Westham Lane also narrows after a certain length and accordingly,
depending on access location and size of site proposed this may require widening. In addition if this
site was of interest, the Highway Authority would seek further comment from our transport
operations team to determine whether there was any capacity reason as to why a site could not be
served off the bypass.
If access directly from the bypass is proposed this would be subject to splays of 2.4m x 215m being
achieved and an access road being constructed to meet highway standards (subject to no objections
being raised from Warwickshire transport operation team about the creation of a new access onto
the bypass).
GT17: Service area West of A46:
The A46 is under the jurisdiction of the Highways Agency and not the Local Highway Authority.
Accoringly, Warwickshire County Council would have no comment to pass other than recommending
that further comment be sought from the Highway's Agency.
GT18: Service area East of A46:
The A46 is under the jurisdiction of the Highways Agency and not the Local Highway Authority.
Accoringly, Warwickshire County Council would have no comment to pass other than recommending
that further comment be sought from the Highway's Agency.
GT19: Land off Birmingham Road, Budbrooke (Oaklands Farm):
The access would be taken from a section of highway subject to a 40mph speed limit. Accordingly,
splays of 2.4m x 120m should be achieved and 120m forward visibility be achieved on both
approaches. The Highway Authority considers that this visibility is likely to be achievable at some
point along the proposed site boundary.
GT20 Land at Junction 15 of M40:
The B4463 is subject to a derestricted speed limit and accordingly, visibility of 2.4m x 215m must be
provided unless a speed survey can demonstrate actual speeds are less than this. The Highway
Authority considers that it is unlikely that visibility for a new access can be achieved without a speed
survey being undertaken. Access should not be taken closer than 215m from the roundabout
Please note that the site assessments have been made following desktop studies only using various
software packages. It is likely that all comments accurately reflect the requirements of each site
however, in some circumstances the speed limit may have changed. For reference please note the
following basic visibility requirements set against posted speed limits:
Derestricted/60mph - 2.4m x 215m, Forward visibility of 215m.
50mph - 2.4m x 160m, Forward visibility of 160m
40mph - 2.4m x 120m, Forward visibility of 120m
30mph - 2.4m x 90m*, Forward visibility of 90m*
*absolute maximum - splays of 70m & 43m could also be applied depending on site location.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 58965
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr Derek Bird
Land owned by charity for the benefit of the parish.
Money earned from renting to WCC used for benefit of local groups.
Cross roads dangerous. Leicester Lane difficult to cross when egressing site.
Proposed as compound for HS2 work
Pressure on local facilities.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 59495
Derbyniwyd: 05/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Cubbington Freeholders
Owned by Cubbington Freeholders, a charity.
Formerly a quarry, currently leased to WCC as storage depot and sole income for charity.
Charity provides grants for community in Cubbington. Without these core organisations would be less well funded to achieve objectives for community.
Sale of land would result in demise of charity having serious effect on local community.
See attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 60048
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mrs Valerie Bowden
More suitable and sustainable to identify Brownfield sites within the urban areas of Kenilworth, Warwick and Leamington.
Should meet Gypsy and Traveller requirements through proposed major new housing developments in Kenilworth, Warwick and Leamington as more suitable, sustainable and integrated.
Should review Green Belt and allow all forms of development north of Warwick and Leamington
Site' ecological and environmental values have not been assessed.
Land south of Warwick and Leamington including Warwick Castle Park, The Asps and proposed Gypsy and Traveller Sites 5, 6, 9, 10 should be allocated as Greenbelt to protect the this part of the county.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 60362
Derbyniwyd: 12/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Cubbington Parish Council
Development of this site will impact on he financial support provided by the existing charitable trust which owns this site. The site is considered unsuitable because is does not have convenient access to GP services or public transport. It would increase noise and disturbance to neighbours. th Parish Council is believes that the approach used to identifiy sites and inform landowners was inappropriate and caused significant anxiety.