DS2 Providing the Homes the District Needs
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 64508
Derbyniwyd: 23/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Warwickshire Fire & Rescue
The Fire Service strongly recommends an inclusion on the use (as a requirement) of fire sprinklers in residential developments in accordance with the business case submitted.
Business case for provision of domestic sprinklers in residential developments.
Every year fire claims around 600 lives in the UK and many more suffer long-term injuries, the vast majority of these deaths occurring in residential properties. Residential sprinklers can provide a package of fire protection for homes, which protect not only lives, but also has the advantage of reducing property and content damage. The benefits are simple:
1. Proven success - Fire sprinklers are by far the most efficient and effective safety devices known to man. Over the past 130 years they have had a success rate of over 99% in controlling fires around the world.
2. Widely used - More than 70 million sprinkler heads are installed worldwide each year. The UK lags far behind the rest of the world; this is a trend Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service is determined to reverse.
3. Ultimate protection - The installation of sprinklers will virtually eliminate fire deaths, reduce injuries by at least 80% and reduce property damage by 90% and substantially reduce damage to the environments by the reduction of unwanted air pollutants. This is good for our economy and environment.
4. Dependable - Fire detection can only warn of a fire starting. Sprinklers not only warn but they also immediately act to control it, even if no one is present. In fact it will probably have gained control before the Fire Service arrives.
5. Responsive - Over 60% of fire casualties are physically or mentally disadvantaged, which slows or prevents their escape. Fire sprinklers will aid their safety by controlling the fire while others react to the alarm to support their escape.
6. Saves lives - 75% of all fire casualties occur in the home. You are most at risk in the home from fire than anywhere else. Your chance of experiencing a serious fire in your lifetime is 1:5 so sprinklers provide good value for money.
7. Cost effective - Sprinklers are not expensive, costing around 1-2% of the cost of construction (less than estate agents fees in many cases). The use of sprinklers will allow design freedoms and Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service will work with developers to actively look for reductions in construction costs and improve usability of the buildings, potentially making their fitting cost neutral.
8. Reliable - Records show that the chance of finding a faulty head is about 1:16,000,000. You have more chance of winning the lottery.
9. Work individually - Each sprinkler head is individually triggered by the heat from fire and initially just one head operates, which in many cases is sufficient to extinguish the fire alone. Typically just 60 litres of water is needed to control the fire because it is detected so early.
10. Uses less water - Sprinkler use less water than the fire service because it tackles the fire immediately when it is much smaller. Within 10 minutes (our best response standard) a fire can be out of control. A fire sprinkler uses between 1/25th and 1/100th of the water used by each fire service hose. Water damage is minimal.
The process of installation is similar to putting in central heating but with much less pipework and less disruption. Ideally this should be done during construction.
An adequate water supply of reliable water is needed for a sprinkler system. This can normally be obtained from the mains but in some cases may need to be stored on site.
Assistance from Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service
We have close contacts with industry experts who can provide technical specifications and costs.
We will consider ways in which we can keep development costs low or cost neutral by seeking reductions in other ways e.g. extending the distances between fire hydrants where sprinklers have been fitted to housing sites.
We will encourage the use of sprinklers in all residential properties but especially social housing, houses in multiple occupation and large residential developments of more than 500 homes.
If you need to speak to someone for further advice please call 01926 423231, asking for Fire Protection or go the website
Area Commander Greg Pace - Organisational Risk Management
May 2014
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 64681
Derbyniwyd: 09/06/2014
Ymatebydd: Federation of Small Businesses
The number of jobs created, rather than the size of land allocated is important to FSB. Any employment land allocation should be matched to the location of new housing sites. We need to think about the occupiers and their travel to work patterns. The Warwick District local plan therefore needs to look wider than the sub region; particularly to neighboring authorities such to evaluate the impact of their employment land allocations on the residents and businesses in the district.
The number of jobs created, rather than the size of land allocated is important to FSB. Any employment land allocation should be matched to the location of new housing sites. We need to think about the occupiers and their travel to work patterns. The Warwick District local plan therefore needs to look wider than the sub region; particularly to neighboring authorities such to evaluate the impact of their employment land allocations on the residents and businesses in the district.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 65513
Derbyniwyd: 27/06/2014
Ymatebydd: Sharba Homes Group
Asiant : PJPlanning
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Nac Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Nac Ydi
This policy should be more clearly tied into Policies DS4 and DS7, to
clearly set out what the housing needs are for Warwick District, and
how these will be explicitly be delivered within the district. At present,
this policy seems incomplete and almost unnecessary, due to other
policies more clearly being able to translate into development on the
ground whilst considering objectively assessed need.
Please see the attached representation submitted by PJ Planning on behalf of Sharba Homes Group
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 65635
Derbyniwyd: 25/06/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr Ian Lovecy
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
Very definite numbers of houses required over a period of 18 years - Calling something an Objectively Assessed Need does not make it any more firm a prediction than an informed guess - and experience elsewhere shows that such estimates can be inaccurate by considerable margins in either direction. Over a period of 18 years the potential changes in demography, ways of working through increased use of telecommunications and policy changes by three Governments make the prediction to the nearest ten houses either cynical or an indicator of naivety
See attached
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 65662
Derbyniwyd: 24/06/2014
Ymatebydd: McCarthy & Stone Retirement Lifestyles Ltd
Asiant : The Planning Bureau
sub-clause b) the inclusion of wording detailing a requirement for older persons housing is noted and supported.
see attached.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 65682
Derbyniwyd: 02/07/2014
Ymatebydd: Cllr Bob Dhillon and family
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Nac Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
Objects on the following grounds: Population released in the ONS show the 12,900 in the plan are too high and 8800 seems more in line with what is required by the area.
Infrastructure plan are not in place to provide the facilities to accommodate the high numbers stated in the plan
The cost of the infrastructure is under stated and in current climate not achievable.
The High number will have an adverse impact on the historical and medieval town of Warwick.
Air Quality is currently above the EEC limits and the plan will only see a rise such as Asthma and breathing related problems as per the report from WCC Health assessment.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 65711
Derbyniwyd: 27/06/2014
Ymatebydd: West Midlands HARP Planning Consortium
Asiant : Tetlow King Planning Ltd.
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
Concern is expressed over the evidence provided by the Council to meet its objectively assessed housing need. The figure of 268 new affordable houses per year between 2013 and 2031 has been calculated based on an assumed period of 18 years over which the backlog of affordable housing should be met. However the 2012 SHMA identified a need for 698 affordable dwellings per annum in the
District; a figure which is significantly higher than that of the joint SHMA, but which is only one year older. Further concern is that the 2013 Joint SHMA incorporates an assumption of zero migration; this is in contrast to the 2012 SHMA for Warwick which included trend based migration of 460 persons per annum.The zero migration scenario employed in the 2013 SHMA is likely to have underestimated the need for affordable housing.
See attachment
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 65715
Derbyniwyd: 27/06/2014
Ymatebydd: Centaur Homes
Asiant : McLoughlin Planning
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Nac Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Nac Ydi
Centaur Homes object to Policy DS2 in entirety. It is not required as the aims of the policy are within the Framework and the policy does not deviate or go beyond these.
See attachment
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 65747
Derbyniwyd: 25/06/2014
Ymatebydd: The Leamington Society
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
The population projections on which the plan is based are out of date. The 2012 ONS projections show a lower population growth. This is also true for most neighbouring districts with the exception of Coventry. If WDC continue with their plans to build homes, this will mean the homes are built in the wrong place.
Projections in population growth in Coventry are uncertain due to volatile inward migration from abroad. The ONS figures for Coventry represent 1.2% increase per year which implausibly large in comparison with national picture and other cities. This should not therefore be used to justify building homes in Warwick.
The latest ONs projections provide the best basis for the Local Plan, however these demonstrate that the Plan is unsound as they indicate the population is projected to be over 6000 fewer than those on which the Plan is based.
The need for additional homes is sensitive to average household size. The Plan assumes 2.181 by 2029 on the basis that the trend will decrease. However the are conflicting possible trends and this trend is not supported by the 2001 and 2011 census data.
12,860 is therefore an excessive figure and even if the ave. household size is 2.181 this is 2760 more dwellings than are needed.
see attached
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 65994
Derbyniwyd: 27/06/2014
Ymatebydd: Richborough Estates Ltd
Asiant : Strutt & Parker
Strategic Policy DS2 is supported in principle, in particular the Council's ambition to provide in full (emphasis added) for the objectively assessed housing need. It is considered that Strategic Policy DS2 is positively prepared; justified; effective; and consistent with national policy as set in paragraphs 47, 50 and 159 of the Framework.
see attached
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 65998
Derbyniwyd: 26/06/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr H E Johnson
Asiant : Bond Dickinson
We support the Council's stated aim to provide in full for the Objectively Assessed Housing Need in accordance with paragraph 47 of the NPPF.
see attached
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 66008
Derbyniwyd: 27/06/2014
Ymatebydd: Bishop's Tachbrook Parish Council
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Nac Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Ydi
Wish to help devise a sound local plan, but the publication draft is not sound for a number of reasons. The overriding reason is that the housing requirement doesn't take account of mid 2012 population projections. This means the plan is based on outdated data. The 2012 projections show population growth 28.7% less than used for the Joint SHMA. this changes the no. of dwellings required and means less infrastructure investment is needed. This in turn changes the selection of housing sites and allows brownfield sites to be committed before green field sites. This in turn enables a realistic achievable plan to be prepared.
PPG: 2a-003 "Assessing development needs should be proportionate and does not require local councils to consider purely hypothetical future scenarios, only future scenarios that could be reasonably expected to occur." Ensuring there is a supply of sites is necessary with affordable housing. but the Plan also needs to comply with Para 157 of the NPPF. It is also important to keep a balance between jobs and homes.
DTC is also important the JSHMA achieves this, but this needs to be re-examined to address the ONs projections, taking a particular problem with Coventry in to account. The JSHMA indicated a need for 67,536 homes over 18 years across the HMA. The revised projections (based on 2012 ONS) indicate a need for 68,152. However this masks an issue with Coventry's requirement whereby international migration makes up a significant element of the projected increase in Coventry's population. However international students inflow has increased since 2005, but corresponding outflow has not to the same extent (as students are generally resident for 3 years). This indicates that the increase in inflow may be due to international students on courses that are not yet completed. This temporary anomaly is projected forward in the population projections. It does not make sense to provide housing for this population as they won't be there.
If adjustments are made to reflect this, then a worst case scenario for Coventry would be an inflow of 40,000 (instead of 74,000) which is still lower than the JSHMA figure. This in turn would lead to a reduction in the HMA's housing requirement from 68,152 to 51,327.
with this level of housing Warwick District could justify a lower level of housing at the same time as fulfilling the DTC.
Bishop's Tachbrook Parish Council Response to Warwick District Council Publication Draft Local Plan 2011 - 2029
Submitted on behalf of Bishop's Tachbrook Parish Council,
Contact. Councillor Ray Bullen
Representation 1.
1. In responding to this consultation, the Parish Council emphasises that its sole interest is to help devise a Local Plan that is positively prepared, justified, effective and consistent with national policy, complying with the National Planning Policy Framework and the Planning Practice Guidelines published in March 2014.
2 It is our belief however that draft Local Plan is not sound in a number of aspects.
But over-riding all the matters is the fact that because the plan is based on the joint SHMA, it was only able to use the mid-2011 ONS Population Projections when it was prepared.
On the 29th May 2014, the ONS published the mid-2012 population projections. As we indicated to you at the Planning Forum before the publication draft was approved by the District Council on April 23rd, the new projections show a very significant reduction in population projection for the plan period up to 2029.
3. National planning policy places Local Plans at the heart of the planning system, so it is essential that they are in place and kept up to date. PPG12-001, NPPF157 * 2.
To start a new Local Plan based on outdated data cannot be seen as a sound plan and an Inspector will have to conclude that procedural requirements have not been met and question whether the Plan is sound.
For Warwick District, the joint SHMA uses for Proj 1A a population growth of 23,858 over 20 years, this being 21,472 over 18 years. The mid-2012 ONS projection for 2029 is 153,049, which is a population growth of 15,313 from mid 2011. This is 28.7% less than the Joint SHMA.
This is a very significant change since, amongst other things, it
* Changes the number of dwellings to meet local need
* The lower population will need commensurately less infrastructure support, optimising the use of capacity in existing infrastructure
* Changes the emphasis on the selection of sites for new housing
* Allows brownfield and regeneration sites to be committed before greenfield sites meeting NPPF112 and PPG8-026 and this also places less pressure on Green Belt.
* Can provide a deliverable plan rather than a plan that is too ambitious and unrealistic in the period of the plan
The new projections indicate that 8,343 persons are due to natural change; movement between Warwick District and the rest of the UK account for 5,971 net inflow and International migration shows a net inflow of 999 persons over the plan period.
Further detail is given in Appendix 1 pages 1 to 7.
Until the population targets are revised to the latest projections, the plan cannot be considered ready for submission to Inspection.
Explanation paragraph 2.7 in relation to DS2 commences by saying "The Council's ambitions align with national policy in recognising that housing needs are met for all. "
The parish council agrees that housing needs identified in the district based on up to date population projections should be met, but that the ambitions of the district must also be realistic. Planning practice Guidance on the definition of need, advises that
PPG: 2a-003 "Assessing development needs should be proportionate and does not require local councils to consider purely hypothetical future scenarios, only future scenarios that could be reasonably expected to occur." Ensuring that there is a supply of sites for new housing is clearly necessary with affordable housing and housing that can be afforded being an important part of the plan.
But it is also important to comply with NPPF 157 Crucially, Local Plans should:
* plan positively for the development and infrastructure required in the area to meet the objectives, principles and policies of this Framework;
* identify land where development would be inappropriate, for instance because of its environmental or historic significance; and
* contain a clear strategy for enhancing the natural, built and historic environment, and supporting Nature Improvement Areas where they have been identified.
The projected population increase of 15,313 people will clearly require employment opportunities but it is also important to balance the jobs/homes ratio so that the current ratio, generally regarded as good, is maintained.
4.1 The plan has to be prepared in accordance with the Duty to Cooperate with Neighbouring authorities. This has been accomplished through a joint SHMA. The mid-2012 ONS Population projection has had a similar result for the Warwickshire Districts. There is however a possible problem with the Coventry result.
4.2 This table summarises the revised population growth and the number of dwellings resulting from the same dwelling density as the Joint SHMA. The joint SHMA identified a need for 67,536 homes. The revised projections now identify 68,152 homes.
Population increases JSHMA ONS-2012 projection Population % change
population homes population homes
North Warwickshire 4,074 2,970 3,038 2,218 -25.4%
Nuneaton & Bedworth 16,380 8,892 12,395 6,736 -24.3%
Rugby 23,706 11,844 14,360 7,176 -39.4%
Stratford-on-Avon 14,364 9,684 9,848 6,636 -31.4%
Warwick 21,474 12,924 15,313 9,217 -28.7%
Coventry 43,884 21,222 74,796 36,168 +70.4%
TOTAL HMA 123,882 67,536 129,751 68,152 +4.7%
4.3 Coventry's 2011 ONS population was 316,915 and is projected by 2029 to be 391,711. This is an increase of 74,796 over the plan period. This is made up from
* The net effect of natural change which accounts for 50,734 people by 2029.
* The net effect of people moving in and out of Coventry from other parts of the UK is a net outflow of 50,592 over the plan period.
* The net effect of international migration is an inflow of 74,654 over the plan period.
However, analysis of the numbers of people in single age groups for each year from 2002 to 2029 identifies two problems with this projection.
The first is that the 2 universities currently have about 13,500 international students. Most Coventry students and many Warwick University students live in Coventry. Looking at the 17 to 20, 21 to 24, 25 to 29 and 30 to 34 age groups it was found that there was in increase in these cohort numbers of International inflow from 2005 but not a corresponding outflow. Between 2002 and 2004 the net inflow was between 3400 and 3700. From 2005 inflow increased in significant steps to 7700 by 2011. In younger and older age groups the numbers remained fairly constant for the whole period. This reflected a time when universities sought to increase international students.
There was not a corresponding change in international outflow until 2009 to 2011 but the volume of the outflow was less that the volume of the inflow 3 years earlier. This indicates that the increase in inflow may be due to international students on courses that are not yet completed.
The problem for the population projection is that the higher inflow is reflected in the population projections because it takes the 6 year average from 2007 to 2012 with the higher numbers, but a related outflow at the completion of courses has not yet begun except at a lower level. It would be expected that as courses and related academic activities for each student came to an end then the outflow would approach the previous level of inflow. Hence the projection for outflow on the same 6 year average is based on a low level. This represents a temporary student bulge that in the course of time should rectify as student turn over numbers give equating inflows and outflows.
The 2002 to 2004 net inflow was between 1000 and 2000 per year, but by 2011 and 12, this had become over 5,000 per year.
In the meantime this gives an overall increase of 74,654 due to international migration over the 18 year plan period. It does not make sense to plan to build homes for a population that is theoretical and will not be there.
If the student bulge is factored out by relating student age groups to the younger and older age groups to estimate the possible non-student element, this indicates that the total number of 74,654 will fall to between 25,000 and 40,000 depending the averaging method used. Without any other detail data this is the closest estimate that can be given. Take the worst case of 40,000 inflow due to migration, then this is still lower than the migration inflow in the Joint SHMA of 43,884.
Hence, Coventry would still have a reduced requirement over the JointSHMA of almost 9%, which would indicate that Coventry is unlikely to seek to ask neighbouring authorities to meet its housing need.
The table below shows the result.
Population increases JSHMA ONS-2012 projection Population % change
population homes population homes
North Warwickshire 4,074 2,970 3,038 2,218 -25.4%
Nuneaton & Bedworth 16,380 8,892 12,395 6,736 -24.3%
Rugby 23,706 11,844 14,360 7,176 -39.4%
Stratford-on-Avon 14,364 9,684 9,848 6,636 -31.4%
Warwick 21,474 12,924 15,313 9,217 -28.7%
Coventry 43,884 21,222 40,000 19,344 -8.85%
TOTAL HMA 123,882 67,536 94,954 51,327 +4.7%
4.4 Further detail is given in Appendix 1 pages 12 to 16.
Bishop's Tachbrook Parish Council Response to Warwick District Council Publication Draft Local Plan 2011 - 2029
Submitted on behalf of Bishop's Tachbrook Parish Council,
Contact. Councillor Ray Bullen
Representation 2.
4. To which part of the Local Plan or Sustainability Appraisal (SA) does this representation relate?
Policy Numbers DS6
5. Do you consider the Local Plan is :
5.1 Legally Compliant? No
5.2 Complies with the Duty to Co-operate? Yes
5.3 Sound? No
6. If you answered no to question 5.3, do you consider the Local Plan and/or SA unsound because it is not: (please tick that apply):
Positively Prepared: √
Justified: Effective: √
Consistent with National Policy: √
9. If your representation is seeking a modification, do you consider it necessary to participate at the oral part of the examination? Yes, I wish to participate at the oral examination.
10. If you wish to participate at the oral part of the examination, please outline why you consider this to be necessary: To ensure the Inspector is fully aware of the implications of the method by which the 2012 population projections are converted to the number of dwellings required in the plan and that a fully justified housing need is objectively assessed.
DS6 states that the District will provide 12,860 homes over the plan period. This has to relate to the population projection that the up to date assessment of population growth determines.
This number needs to be revised to comply with the reduction in population growth now known.
To convert population to homes, the JointSHMA used an abstract concept of Headship rates, based on information contained in the 2011-based CLG household projections about the relationship between the total population in an age group and the number of household reference persons (HRPs) in that age group. But this is only true at the time the data is taken. HRP's can be any age and are mobile. It can only be a subjective and not an objective assessment.
It is critical because small changes in the average household size can alter homes required significantly. The JointSHMA bases its chosen headship rate on an arbitrary split between 2008 and 2011 headship rates.
It also bases its average household size on the total population. This gives an incorrect result. ONS calculate the population estimates and projections on the total population less those living in communal establishments adding these back into the total population at the end of any calculation. This gives a true average household size which is different to the SHMA household size and varies the relationship between areas as each has a different communal proportion.
If the population less communal residents is added to the Joint SHMA plan,, the 2029 population becomes 156,150 plus communal. The combined dwellings total 71,603 and the resultant household size is 2.181.This is a very low figure compared with the 2011 census.
Add the existing and new populations together 2011 census including growth to mid-2012 18 year plan 2029 projection
population 134,678 + 21,472 = 156,150
dwellings 58,679 + 12,924 = 71,603
Persons/household 2.295 = 2.181
If the population growth is going to be less, then the household size to use needs to be addressed.
The following options could be considered -
a) If the population of 15,313 is substituted in to the table above so that the household size in 2029 remains as 2.181, then 10,100 would be needed.
b) Proportionately, the revised population growth would require 9,217 homes producing an average household size of 2.209.
c) Using census data for 2001, the average household size excluding communal was 2.32. But the 2011 size was 2.295. If the size dropped at the same rate in the next 18 years it would become 2.245. If this is used for the revised population projection, the calculation becomes
Add the existing and new populations together 2011 census including growth to mid-2012 18 year plan 2029 projection
population 134,678 + 15,313 = 149,991
dwellings 58,679 + 8,118 = 66,797
Persons/household 2.295 = 2.245
d) However, there is no evidence that says that any drop in household size will be at the same rate. The closer that the size gets to 1, the slower will be the reducing rate of change. If the 2011 census rate of 2.295 prevails then 6,715 homes would provide for 15,313 people.
e) Because the built home is normally constant, the size and tenure of a house, on average over time, is a better indicator of household size than the variable HRP. Given that we know from the 2011 census the number of people in the number of house of each tenure type, we have an up to date household size for each dwelling type, for example, the average household size for a detached house or bungalow was 2.585.
Further details are given in Appendix 1 pages 8 to 11 where a calculation for a typical development takes the 2011 census data for each dwelling type adds on the densities arising from Affordable homes that will be allocated to match families to the number of bedrooms they need and the market housing developers have selected the type they want to include in their development. From Page 10 in the appendix, in the example given, the average household size calculates at 2.325. So the likelihood is that the household size will rise rather than fall. If it should rise to 2.325 over the whole of the 2029 population, then only 5,785 homes will be required.
Two other factors will also affect future measures of household size. Over time as affordable homes are reallocated to existing occupants, vacant spaces will become occupied. For owner occupiers, as people find house prices unaffordable, rather than move they tend to stay where they are but extend their properties to accommodate extra children etc. So a calculated outcome can be used to provide the capacity in a lower but acceptable number of homes.
As well as being better in terms of providing the right tenure mix, it is also better from a sustainability point of view as it takes less land, avoids loss of agricultural land, is better from a CO2 emissions reduction viewpoint both from energy used in homes and travel from fossil fuel vehicles, reduces costs and makes all homes more affordable and spreads the homes required around the district, reducing the amount of infrastructure needed by the additional population. This is what the NPPF6 means by "The purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development. The policies in paragraphs 18 to 219, taken as a whole, constitute the Government's view of what sustainable development in England means in practice for the planning system. 7. There are three dimensions to sustainable development: economic, social and Environmental all of which should be achieved simultaneously."
Bishop's Tachbrook Parish Council Response to Warwick District Council Publication Draft Local Plan 2011 - 2029
Submitted on behalf of Bishop's Tachbrook Parish Council,
Contact. Councillor Ray Bullen
Representation 3.
4. To which part of the Local Plan or Sustainability Appraisal (SA) does this representation relate?
Policy Numbers DS4, DS7, DS10, DS11, NE5
5. Do you consider the Local Plan is :
5.1 Legally Compliant? No
5.2 Complies with the Duty to Co-operate? Yes
5.3 Sound? No
6. If you answered no to question 5.3, do you consider the Local Plan and/or SA unsound because it is not: (please tick that apply):
Positively Prepared: √
Justified: Effective: √
Consistent with National Policy: √
9. If your representation is seeking a modification, do you consider it necessary to participate at the oral part of the examination? Yes, I wish to participate at the oral examination.
10. If you wish to participate at the oral part of the examination, please outline why you consider this to be necessary: To ensure that in the selection of sites for development, compliance with all NPPF matters from provision of housing and infrastructure to protecting Green Belt, conserving the natural and historic environment is achieved.
DS7 identifies 13,014 sites for a plan of 12860 homes. This has to relate to the population projection that the up to date assessment of population growth determines, so that this number needs to be revised to comply with the reduction in population growth now known.
DS7 lists sites completed between 2011 and 2013 as 406. This conflicts with a previously published number of 447 in the June 2013 % year housing land supply document.
It makes no provision for the following
1. As PPG3-036 no allowance has been made to deduct oversupply of 687 made in years previous to the start date of Apr 2011 when completions of 5,947 compared with the target was 5,260.
2. Completions of 450 in the 2013/14 financial year, listed in the rough update April 2014 is not shown.
3. No allowance is made for completions since 1st April 2014.
4. An up to date assessment of sites under construction is not included.
5. No allowance has been included for vacant dwellings returned to use since1/4/11 to date, as reported to DCLG and upon which new homes bonus has been received by the District.
6. No allowance for vacant dwellings being returned to use through the remainder of the plan period has been included.
Explanation 2.22 states that the balance of housing outside of DS7 is to be provided on allocated brownfield and greenfield sites across the District. Reference is made to DS4.
Policy NE5 Protection of Natural Resources para d) includes reference to NPPF112 concerning best & most versatile agricultural land. It is a somewhat watered down version of NPPF112 that requires LPA's to take into account the economic and other benefits of the b&mv ag land. Even where significant development of b&mv ag land is identified, it has to be demonstrated that it is necessary and seek to use poorer quality land in preference to it. Explanation clause 5.198 expands NE5d) satisfactorily until it gets to the last few lines where it alters the sense of NPPF112 with a less stringent condition requiring any lower grade land to be excused if it has adverse sustainability impacts such as ...... sustainable patterns of development. This last phrase could mean anything to a developer. It may well explain why NE5 conflicts with DS11 where the Local Plan includes a significant number of sites as a first call for the housing required, before brownfield and urban regeneration sites have been fully examined.
Explanation 2.23 states that the housing strategy shows a timeline for the delivery of housing across the plan period. The housing trajectory is unexplained and shows annual targets that are unlikely to be met. For a trajectory to be achieved, it should be site related so that as sites are approved they can be included in the trajectory correctly and confidently. 2014/15 is supposed to deliver over 1,000 homes but as yet none of the large sites have commenced.
DS4 Spatial Strategy contains statements that are not being observed.
a) in the first instance, allocations will be directed to previously developed land within urban areas. If this is the case why have 5 major sites been approved in advance of any (except for affordable homes on Queensway) previously developed land within the urban areas? Regeneration and enhancement sites remain to be identified in principle let alone activation. The strategy is right, but its needs to be fully implemented.
b) greenfield sites will not need to be identified for housing because the revised population projection shows that the number of homes have either already been built, permission granted, allocated without involving greenfield or green belt for up to 10,100 homes, more than is now known to be required.
DS10 and DS11 sets out a list of allocated housing sites.
Taking these lists and the current programme position, the sites have been listed in appendix 2. This appendix shows that 8,482 sites have been identified as -
1. Previous years oversupply; completions to date; sites under construction; vacant dwellings already returned; permissions not started; further permission between April and December 2013; offices to residences approved; windfall sites for the plan period; small urban sites on SHLAA sites and consolidation of existing employment areas and canal side development.
This means that if the housing numbers identified as needed by a revised approach on population numbers and the conversion method to number of dwellings up to 8482 dwellings for this set of supply categories , then no further applications need to be granted to meet the plan as there is already a surplus provision. This applies to options c), 8,118 d), 6,615 & e) 5,785 in Representation 2 from Bishop's Tachbrook Parish Council.
If the maximum figure for the reduced population projection figure of 9,217 is considered to be necessary, then to this list can be added allocated urban brownfield sites definites only; 2 greenfield sites in urban locations; 4 sites accepted in villages and 6 sites granted since January 2014 can be added giving 9,601 dwelling sites.
The reduced population projection and the related reduction in the number of houses required now means that the use of any further greenfield sites cannot be demonstrated to be necessary and those should be removed from DS11.
2. This applies to the following sites (See also APPENDIX 2)
Land west of Europa Way
East of Whitnash/south of Sydenham
Campion hills
East of Kenilworth (Thickthorn)
Both Kenilworth School sites.
All villages except Bishops Tachbrook, Barford and Radford Semele
Land south of Harbury Lane, including the former sewage works which is wrongly classified under Urban Brownfield sites. In any event this is a valuable green part of the Tachbrook Valley with a significant range of ecological biodiversity implications, a series of deep tanks across the site that would make any development difficult and a slope across the site which at the proximity of the Tach Brook turns into a steep slope. It is well planted and supports a number of mammals. Otters are known in the brook.
The photo below shows the former sewage works. This is not urban brownfield.
3. The list also shows
* Grove Farm at 200 dwellings which is currently subject to appeal after refusal,
* future vacant dwellings return and
* a list of 543 C2 homes for the elderly, all of which can be counted towards the housing supply in accordance with PPG3-037.
037 How should local planning authorities deal with housing for older people?
Older people have a wide range of different housing needs, ranging from suitable and appropriately located market housing through to residential institutions (Use Class C2). Local planning authorities should count housing provided for older people, including residential institutions in Use Class C2, against their housing requirement. The approach taken, which may include site allocations, should be clearly set out in the Local Plan.
With these it would no longer be necessary to keep the sensitive urban brownfield and sensitive greenfield shown at the end of appendix 2 in DS11.
So the 3 Kenilworth sites, land west of Europa Way and East of Whitnash/ south of Sydenham do not need to be included.
Bishop's Tachbrook Parish Council Response to Warwick District Council Publication Draft Local Plan 2011 - 2029
Submitted on behalf of Bishop's Tachbrook Parish Council,
Contact. Councillor Ray Bullen
Representation 4.
4. To which part of the Local Plan or Sustainability Appraisal (SA) does this representation relate?
Policy Numbers DS13
5. Do you consider the Local Plan is :
5.1 Legally Compliant? Don't know
5.2 Complies with the Duty to Co-operate? No
5.3 Sound? No
6. If you answered no to question 5.3, do you consider the Local Plan and/or SA unsound because it is not: (please tick that apply):
Positively Prepared: √
Justified: Effective: √
Consistent with National Policy: √
9. If your representation is seeking a modification, do you consider it necessary to participate at the oral part of the examination? Yes, I wish to participate at the oral examination.
10. If you wish to participate at the oral part of the examination, please outline why you consider this to be necessary: To ensure that best and most versatile agricultural land is protected sufficiently to conserve and enhance the Natural Environment
DS13 allocates grade 2 and 3a agricultural for the development of a country park as part of the offsetting of the housing development proposed south of Harbury Lane.
Now that the 2012 population projections show that land south of Harbury Lane is not necessary for housing development, this area of land should also remain as agricultural land. This is particularly important as it an essential part of the Tachbrook Valley and can be seen from long distances across the valley.
As part of the duty to cooperate, the District Council should work with the Parish Council, as we prepare our Neighbourhood Plan and in accordance with Policy NP2 stating that the Council will support communities preparing Neighbourhood Plans.
The developing Neighbourhood plan seeks to retain the agricultural economy of the land between Harbury Lane and the Tach Brook but at the same time open the area up in a limited way with a brookstray walk and habitat improvement for wildlife possibly through an extended Defra/ Natural England Stewardship scheme and a Local Greenspace designation over those stewardship areas. This could achieve the objectives in Explanation paras 2.57 but not commit to the expensive country park concept.
We doubt that the £1.5m needed to set up a Country Park, which will require car parks and facilities for the public, becoming urbanised and less friendly to wildlife, will be available nor can we see the expensive continual maintenance being affordable from reducing Council budgets. Hence we cannot see the Country Park will materialise.
Bishop's Tachbrook Parish Council Response to Warwick District Council Publication Draft Local Plan 2011 - 2029
Submitted on behalf of Bishop's Tachbrook Parish Council,
Representation 5.
4. To which part of the Local Plan or Sustainability Appraisal (SA) does this representation relate?
Policy Numbers DM1
5. Do you consider the Local Plan is :
5.1 Legally Compliant? No
5.2 Complies with the Duty to Co-operate? Yes
5.3 Sound? No
6. If you answered no to question 5.3, do you consider the Local Plan and/or SA unsound because it is not: (please tick that apply):
Positively Prepared: √
Justified: Effective: √
Consistent with National Policy: √
9. If your representation is seeking a modification, do you consider it necessary to participate at the oral part of the examination? Yes, I wish to participate at the oral examination.
10. If you wish to participate at the oral part of the examination, please outline why you consider this to be necessary: To ensure that the Local Plan has been prepared to a realistic level that can be supported by adequate income from developments CIL and other government payments such as new homes bonus to ensure that the additional infrastructure necessary to accommodate the increased population of 15,313 people
It is an important part of the local plan that the necessary infrastructure required to support the additional population has been fully identified , addressed in the plan as to where and how it will be delivered and that the costs have been assessed and a financial plan for their delivery determined.
An independent assessment of the plan for 12860 homes has been carried out by professionals concerned that this aspect is not properly covered, since the result of an inadequate financial plan would mean the necessary infrastructure is not provided or that it has to come from other source which the current inhabitants will have to meet the cost of.
DM1 says it will happen but there does not appear to be a plan in place to ensure that it does. If this is the case, then the inspector, who will have to ensure that such a plan is in place, will find that it doesn't and the plan will be found unsound.
However the amount of infrastructure necessary will depend on the population to be planned for, the housing numbers necessary to meet that need and the location of housing.
Across the district currently, much of the infrastructure is fairly fully stretched. Major items such Education, Hospitals and road networks are heavily utilised. But there are parts where there is some spare capacity that new developments can utilise.
If the housing needed is spread around the district, then some of the existing infrastructure can take up the spare capacity and in some ways that can be a good thing. But large amounts of new housing are concentrated in one place then large amounts of new infrastructure cannot be avoided.
For the 12,860 homes plan, our independent assessment indicates that the costs of the infrastructure required will be between £30m to £50m more than the income that will be received from section 106, CIL(when it applies), new homes bonus and other sundry incomes. This is on the assumption that the infrastructure costs are capital costs and that the revenue running costs will be met from income generated from Council tax and similar receipts.
In our assessment we have included the costs of road traffic schemes due to high concentrations of new traffic in underprovided areas, Health and hospitals, Education, sports facilities, recreational facilities , cultural and community , police and emergency services as well as parking provision for the additional users of the towns. All this additional infrastructure will require sites upon which to place the facilities and these had not been selected nor has any land acquisition cost been included.
It will be appreciated that doing this exercise from outside the authority, much of the detail necessary is not available and it is dependent on published information from the District Councils website as to the amounts of payments so far agreed with developers on the early schemes.
Although the plan is for 12860 homes, many of these will not be paying contributions because they have been approved in advance of the programme, are affordable homes so will not be liable for payments and are part of small schemes for which 106 payments are not sought.
We find compared with an expenditure of in the region of £230m income that will be recovered to pay for those costs will be about £190m, leaving £50m unfinanced.
If the reduced population now known is taken into the plan then much of the infrastructure listed will cease to be required, because the sites are already known and are well distributed around the district. Some elements are population number dependent but lower numbers mean a smaller impact on them.
Depending on the housing number decided the assessment will to be reworked. Until thenthe plan does not have a sound infrastructure cost strategy.
Assessing development needs should be proportionate and does not require local councils to consider purely hypothetical future scenarios, only future scenarios that could be reasonably expected to occur.
Paragraph: 037 Reference ID: 3-037-20140306
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 66083
Derbyniwyd: 27/06/2014
Ymatebydd: Gleeson Developments
Asiant : Savills (L&P) Ltd
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Ydi
Cadarn? Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Nac Ydi
Strategic Policy DS2 refers to the need to provide in full for the objectively assessed housing need. However, it does not plan for any un met need in the surrounding areas. The Plan goes on to recognise a potential un met need in Coventry and Birmingham. The Strategic Policy should recognise the potential need in this regard.
See attachment.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 66180
Derbyniwyd: 25/06/2014
Ymatebydd: CWLEP Planning Business Group
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Heb nodi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
High Employment/housing ratio - This is potentially quite difficult in that it raises long term development issues that could lead to housing choices needing to be made in the future presenting WDC with some very difficult strategic housing land decisions about the whole balance of the development of Warwick/Leamington. This could eventually lead to a need to consider Green Belt releases to the north
Warwick District Council Local Plan Consultation:
Response from Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership
Thank you for inviting the CWLEP to comment on your Local Plan consultation.
The CWLEP notes that the Local Plan submission draft has been positively prepared and supports the growth ambitions of the C&W SEP for growth and investment. However more reference should be made to the overarching framework for growth and positive statements toward achieving inward investment and economic growth in line with the NPPF.
The CWLEP recognises that the pre submission Local Plan makes strong connection between the need for employment growth and housing growth. However, the CWLEP questions whether the plan makes adequate provision for new employment land, in terms of quantum, location and choice. Policy DS8 states the Council will provide for a minimum of 66 hectares and paragraph 2.29 says there is a need to allocate 19 to 29 hectares of new employment land. However Policy DS9 only allocates 19.7 hectares (plus an allowance for local needs at the sub-regional site). Furthermore both Policy DS8 and DS9 are framed to meet 'local needs' whereas an objective of the SEP is to also encourage and support inward investment. The policies need to be flexible and to enable the decision-taker to be responsive to meeting business needs. The CWLEP would advise that strong consideration should be given to the employment land study (the Atkins study).
The allocation of land in the vicinity of Coventry Airport as a sub-regional employment site (Policy DS9) supports the SEP. However Policy MS2: Major Sites in the Green Belt does not support the SEP. The local plan should take a more positive stance to the sites identified, which includes Honiley Airfield at Fen End, rather than merely comment that "there may be very special circumstances to justify further development." If this were to be the case there would be no need for the policy at all as further development could be allowed under existing Green Belt policy. The policy should identify the sites for development and set down development management criteria, which should include for flexibility in proposed uses.
Policy EC1 fails to comply with the policies of the NPPF in relation to opportunities for SMEs. The NPPF provides for the conversion of existing buildings (not just as part of a farm diversification scheme) plus the erection of well-designed new buildings within rural areas. The NPPF also provides for the replacement of a building. These forms of development do not appear to be provided for in the plan (except in the Green Belt). There should also be no need in EC1 - In rural areas, criterion e) to limit support to just the growth and expansion of 'existing rural businesses and enterprise'. In line with the SEP and NPPF the policy should allow for new business start-ups and enterprises moving into the area. The provision and effect of the policy is inconsistent with the explanation to it.
The CWLEP considers that there are a number of potential missed opportunities:
* Rail links - Warwick Parkway/Leamington stations should be identified and the implications should be considered. There could be opportunities to encourage sustainable interchange facilities and at Leamington there could be issues associated with the gyratory at Old Warwick Rd/Bath St/Spencer St/Lower Avenue.
* Employment sites - Notwithstanding the Green Belt issues at Fen End, Stoneleigh Park and Thickthorn the document is a bit cautious in tone. In addition, there should be a commitment for the monitoring and alignment of employment with the needs of business and investment, which should be based on evidence of revised economic forecasts.
* Kenilworth Station - a bit cautious in tone
* High Employment/housing ratio - This is potentially quite difficult in that it raises long term development issues that could lead to housing choices needing to be made in the future presenting WDC with some very difficult strategic housing land decisions about the whole balance of the development of Warwick/Leamington. This could eventually lead to a need to consider Green Belt releases to the north.
* Policy EC1 could be more positively worded, for example, it could be amended to read "It is not clear whether Policy EC1 applies equally within and beyond the Green Belt"?
* Monitoring and review - there should be a commitment from each Council and the C&W LEP area on monitoring and alignment employment. This monitoring data would identify the needs of business and investment should be based on evidence on revised economic outlook/forecasts and current market conditions. This data will also help to guide the alignment between housing and employment land provision for the sub-region.
CWLEP Planning Business Group, June 2014.
Please see the below e-mail sent on behalf of the CWLEP:
Please note that the response submitted on behalf of the CWLEP to the WDC Local Plan contained a minor error - please disregard the suggestion that policy EC1 should be more positively worded.
Kind regards
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 66199
Derbyniwyd: 27/06/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr Trevor Wood
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Heb nodi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
New LP prepared knowing ONS was reviewing population projections and therefore that forecast housing development/5 year land supply may need revisiting. ONS figures indicate forecast housing development can be reduced by 30% and there is a 5 year requisite land supply. WDC should review projections.
Many housing developments have been rushed through by developers/WDC to beat these new figures.
These outline, developments have been approved without adequate consideration to infrastructure. There are no local schools places,GP and NHS capacity, insufficient road infrastructure.
Comments from local residents not taken into account in approving applications.
Concentration of housing is illogical and does not take into account infrastructure and travel restrictions such as bridges to places of work and emergency services.
Alternatives are largely ignored. Recent offer of 5000 house site at Stoneleigh was dismissed without consideration. Other alternatives offered but not considered.
Compliance/adherence to the NPPF has been poor/non existent/selective.
No respect when approving developments next to existing businesses some of which may go out of business due to poorly considered applications.
I am writing to log my comments and objections to the New Local Plan 2011-2029.
The new local plan has been prepared knowing that the ONS was reviewing the population projections and therefore in the knowledge that the forecast housing development and 5 year land supply may need to be revisited. The recent ONS figures in fact indicate that the forecast housing development can be reduced by 30% and that Warwick District does have the 5 year requisite land supply. Therefore WDC should review all projections.
Many housing developments have been rushed through by both developers and WDC to beat these new projected figures.( many on areas of restraint 1996-2011).
These approved, in outline, developments have been approved without adequate consideration to infrastructure. There are proven documented figures stating there are no local schools places, no local GP and NHS capacity, insufficient road infrastructure and yet all are approved.
The comments from local residents, which appear more accurate than WDC, are not taken into account in approving new applications.
The concentration of housing is illogical and does not take into account infrastructure and travel across restrictions such as bridges to both places of work and to emergency services.
Alternatives are largely ignored. A recent offer of a 5000 house site at Stoneleigh has recently been offered but dismissed almost immediately without any consideration. There have been other alternatives offered but not considered.
Compliance/adherence to the NPPF has been poor, non existent or selective to say the least.
Finally there is no respect when approving developments next to existing businesses some of which may go out of business due to poorly considered applications.
All of the above can be adequately substantiated with documentation if required.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 66226
Derbyniwyd: 24/06/2014
Ymatebydd: Crest Strategic Projects
Asiant : d2planning
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Nac Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Nac Ydi
We support this policy in principle which seeks to provide in full the objectively assessed housing need for the District as well as any other housing needs for adjoining Districts etc. However, the Local Plan does not carry through this objective and does not meet its full objectively assessed housing need either for the District or indeed adjoining Districts.
see attached
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 66252
Derbyniwyd: 27/06/2014
Ymatebydd: Lenco Investments
Asiant : RPS Planning & Development
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Heb nodi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
RPS objects to the Council's development strategy proposals set out in Section 2 of the Draft Plan, and principally how they are delivered through Policy DS1 Supporting Prosperity and Policy DS2 Providing the Homes the District Needs.
The Council's proposals are woefully short on the number of homes required and fail to balance the level of housing and jobs provided within the strategy of the plan, or the core Objectives of it.
Policy DS2 logically follows Policy DS1 which sets out that the authority will meet its full objectively assessed needs. RPS supports the general thrust and compatibility of these two policies.
The plan seeks to present a logical relationship between
balancing local housing and employment need, and gives the impression that these are in harmony. Yet Policy DS16 identifies employment land at the Gateway Site of sub-regional significance which is over and above its local employment requirements. RPS's objection is that the plan fails when considering the commensurate level of housing required, as no account of this major sub-regional employment location is taken in respect of the balance between of jobs and homes.
The proposals in the plan fail to provide for the objectively assessed need for housing, but more importantly fail to balance the provision of homes and jobs as advocated by the authority as being a fundamental component of the Plan's strategy and policy framework. It
is therefore ineffective and unjustified.
See attachment
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 66381
Derbyniwyd: 25/06/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr Robert Price
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
The calculation of housing numbers is highly speculative and inevitably based on poor quality evidence and data. Another equally competant assessment reached a figure of 5,500 rather than 12,900. Given development pressure for greenfield sites it would be safer to plan for alower figure. This could be revised upwards if need demonstrated during the 15 year period. The recently published ONS projections show a 29% reduction on the revious estimate showing the need for caution.
see attached
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 66416
Derbyniwyd: 27/06/2014
Ymatebydd: Hazel and Robin Fryer
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Nac Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Nac Ydi
It is claimed that the new housing requirement is the Districts objectively assessed need which is based on the needs of the Coventry and Warwickshire sub-region. No sub-regional plan has been published so the validity of these claims cannot be assessed.
As this is stated to be the basis of the housing need in Warwick District the evidence should be presented to allow community consultation on the officers recommendations for the JSHMA. If areas of Warwickshire are to be given to Coventry to fulfil its building requirements the residents must be presented with proof that Coventry has done everything possible inside its own boundaries. The policy of safeguarding areas of greenspace around Coventry needs to be critically addressed as the purposeof the 2009 green belt review was to find extra land for Coventry and not consider the needs of Warwickshireor adjoining communities. The basis of the calculation for housing development has been undermined by the recently stated aim of Coventry City Council to build housing development on Kings Hill.
see attached
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 66479
Derbyniwyd: 27/06/2014
Ymatebydd: Friends of the Earth
Nifer y bobl: 4
see attached
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 66490
Derbyniwyd: 04/06/2014
Ymatebydd: The Trustees of the F S Johnson 78NEL Settlement
Asiant : Tyler-Parkes Partnership
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Nac Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Nac Ydi
The housing requirement should as a minimum correspond with the full objectively assessed need identified in the Joint SHMA. This represents a need for an additional 100 dwellings over the plan period. The requirement is also likely to increase in response to the legal obligations arising from the duty to cooperate. It is likely that a number of Councils in the housing market area will have a shortfall, other risks may arise from Birmingham. Policy DS20 provides too much 'wriggle room' for the authority to escape its obligations. The policy does not have a timescale for reviewing the plan, instead there should be a committment for doing so within 3 years in order to address the needs of the housing market area.
see attached
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 66498
Derbyniwyd: 27/06/2014
Ymatebydd: Whitnash Town Council
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Nac Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Nac Ydi
WDC has not considered guidance of NPPF by seeking to approve planning applications for large number of houses prior to adoption circumventing LP before Inspector has considered it.
NPPF has considerations that should protect local people from unfair, unjustified and inconsiderate development. These considerations not considered.
Neighbourhood plans have little scope to influence planning policy because LP takes precedence. NPs should help form LP but unable to do so.
Avoidance of duplicating planning processes for non strategic policies where neighbourhood plan is in preparation has not happened
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 66578
Derbyniwyd: 27/06/2014
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
Net in-migration fell from a figure of over 2,000 per annum in the years immediately following the millennium to 400 in 2008-9 and net out-migration of 700 in 2009-10. In view of this dramatic change it is not acceptable, as the 2012 SHMAA did, to take the 460 average and simply project it forward over the plan period. There is a real possibility that there will be net out-migration from rather than in-migration to the district over the plan period. The past rate of growth of population and in-migration is unsustainable. the District Council should be planning for a very much lower level of growth in which housing and employment are balanced against environmental objectives.
The SHMAs cannot claim to have been an objective assessment of housing need. The work was commissioned by local authorities and the steering committees were dominated by development interests who have a vested interest in talking up the housing needs figures. Wider interests such as residents' groups and environmental bodies were excluded from the process. WDC have assumed population growth of 17% between 2011 and 2029. This rate of growth would be above that for almost all the SHMA Projection Scenarios, despite the plan period being two years shorter than that of the SHMA. No justification is provided in the Plan for the choice of this figure. Employment forecasts are subject to great uncertainty and cannot be reliably used.
The proposal for 12860 houses is not justified in the text. The Plan is therefore unsound in its provision for housing.
The Plan does jot take account of the latest ONS population projections, which shows a much lower rate of population growth than assumed in the JSHMA. This could suggest a reduction in the housing requirement of about 3700 homes. Further average household has recently stablilised, but the plan assumes continued reductions.
Taking all these factors into account, we consider that the Plan is unsound because its housing provision is based on out-of-date information and on an over-optimistic, inflated view of both employment and population growth prospects.
see attached
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 66717
Derbyniwyd: 27/06/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr. A. Burrows
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Heb nodi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
There are grave concerns about the lack of detail and lack of proper planning for infrastructure needs associated with all the allocated development in the Local Plan.
Many of the schools and roads are already full and sufficient planning and money has not been allocated to resolve the additional pressures that the planned development would bring. Indeed any plans that would solve the problems would in themselves ruin the local area and be completely unsustainable (NPPF requires development to be sustainable).
See attached
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 66732
Derbyniwyd: 01/07/2014
Ymatebydd: Hatton Parish Council
Nifer y bobl: 53
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
The housing numbers are highly speculative and based on poor quality evidence and data. The LPA calculate a need for 12,900 dwellings, while another equally competent assessment reached a figure of 5,500. Given pressure from developers to develop areas of high property value it would be safer to plan for lower figures. This could be revised upward if need were demonstrated. Recent ONS figures show a reduction of 29% on previous estimates showing need for caution in using this data. Insufficient planning for additional infrastructure necessary to support the level of growth, this would be constrained by the historic nature of Warwick and Warwick Hospital. Proposals are not in line with the principles of sustainability.
See attached
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 66760
Derbyniwyd: 27/06/2014
Ymatebydd: Coventry City Council
WDC and CCC worked jointly with its Warwickshire neighbours to
Commission the Coventry and Warwickshire Strategic Housing Market Assessment,
which was completed in November 2013. The Council supports WDC's intention to
accommodate its own objectively assessed needs within its own boundary in accordance with this Joint SHMA.
see attached
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 66788
Derbyniwyd: 26/06/2014
Ymatebydd: Gallagher Estates
Asiant : Pegasus Group
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
In light of the statement of intent proffered through Strategic policy DS2 that the full objectively assessed need for housing will be met in the Plan is robust, credible and sound. Policy DS2 is therefore supported as sound. It is laudable that the LPA has produced a joint SHMA however there are concerns about the robustness of the findings and, as a consequence, whether the housing requirement figure contained within the Plan at Policy DS6 (12,860 new dwellings as derived from the SHMA) is sufficient to meet the full, objectively assessed need for housing.
see attached.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 67221
Derbyniwyd: 27/06/2014
Ymatebydd: Bloor Homes Midlands
Asiant : Marrons Planning
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
The draft Local Plan has failed to demonstrate:
* it has proactively driven/supported sustainable economic development, and done everything it can to support sustainable economic growth;
* it meets the business needs of the area and delivers homes to support the growth of the local economy;
* it is based on the most up-to-date and robust evidence about the economic prospects and needs of the area; and,
* it integrates the strategic policies for prosperity (Strategic Policies DS1 and DS8) and housing (Strategic Policies DS2 and DS6).
The level of economic growth to be provided for is not defined within the draft Local Plan.
The strategy for prosperity in the draft Local Plan is to provide for the growth of the local and sub-regional economy by ensuring sufficient/appropriate employment land is available to meet the existing/future needs of businesses (Strategic Policy DS1).
Policy DS8 provides for a minimum of 66ha of employment land to meet local need (for the period 2011 to 2030). The strategy for housing is to provide in full the objectively assessed need (Strategic Policy DS2). Policies DS6, DS7 and DS10 provides for 12,860 new homes (for the period 2011 to 2029).
The evidence base fails to support Paragraph 2.7 of the LP that economic growth has been balanced with housing growth, and that meeting the full objectively assessed need for housing will complement and meet the economic and business needs and ambitions of the District.
The evidence can be found within the Economic and Demographic Forecasts Study (EDFS) (December 2012), the Employment Land Review Update (ELR) (May 2013), and its economic ambitions can be found within the Strategic Economic Plan for Coventry & Warwickshire LEP (SEP) (March 2014).
The economic strength of Warwick is undeniable, and is summarised in paragraphs 3.1 to 3.6 of the ELR. Its economy has outperformed the West Midlands and UK in terms of its growth and is forecast to continue that trend (both in terms of GVA and employment) into the plan period. Warwick has an economic structure which is aligned to the future growth sectors, such as professional services, healthcare, and IT.
Warwick also has a particular strength in the automotive/vehicle manufacturing sector, with several major employers including Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) who have facilities located both within and on the edge of the District. Given the significance of JLR to the national economy, it is no surprise that the Vision for Coventry & Warwickshire in 2025 within the SEP is to be recognised as a global hub and a UK Centre of Excellence in the advanced manufacturing and engineering sector. Many of the SEP's priorities and actions are focussed around facilitating the growth of this sector, including investment to deliver new/expanded facilities at several employment sites within and bordering Warwick District. The SEP has estimated its actions alone may generate over 50,000 jobs by 2030 across the sub-region.
It is very clear from the evidence that the Warwick economy is undoubtedly the 'powerhouse' within the sub-region and West Midlands region. Its future economic performance and continued success is therefore critical to the overall performance of the sub-region and regional economy, and the delivery of the ambitions within SEP.
Whilst the availability of suitable employment land is a key factor influencing Warwick's future economic growth and prosperity, it is not the only component that the Local Plan will need to influence.
A key challenges is to ensure that the planned growth of Warwick and the sub-region's economy is not frustrated by lack of access to skilled workforce. To deliver a global hub and national centre of excellence, requires businesses to be able to attract the necessary talent. Providing access to available homes of a high quality is an essential component of the offer. SEP recognises that the shortage of new homes can be a significant barrier to sustainable economic growth.
In this context, it is of concern that the objectively assessed housing need figure chosen by the Council fails to support a growth in labour supply that meets the forecasts for employment growth. The chosen housing figure only supports labour supply growth of 8,996 for the period 2011 to 2031 leaving a shortfall against the forecast of between 1,304 and 1,904 jobs.
This shortfall is likely to be under-estimated as the employment forecasts preceded the publication of the SEP and have not taken account of its potential influence in accelerating the rate of growth of growing sectors within Warwick. Mindful of the growth in housing supply not keeping pace with the economic ambitions for the area, it is noted that the SEP prioritises a review of additional future housing numbers across the sub-region by the end of March 2015 (page 8). The draft Local Plan does state that it has taken account of the SEP, although there is no reference to a review of its housing numbers within the draft Local Plan.
Whilst it is recognised that the shortfall in labour supply growth might be mitigated through people holding down more than one job, or increased in-commuting from outside of the District (as suggested within paragraph 7.28 of the SHMA), it is noted that when recommending the chosen housing figure, the SHMA advised the Council to consider its
alignment with forecast economic growth, and how employment growth will be supported.
It is not clear whether the Council has undertaken this exercise as the draft Local Plan does not explain how the shortfall between growth in labour supply and growth in jobs will be addressed, or what the implications may be. In commuting from outside the District is one possible consequence.
In this context, it is considered that the strategy has not been positively prepared as it has not proactively driven and supported sustainable economic development, or done everything it can to support sustainable economic growth. It does not meet the objectively assessed development requirements as set out in the evidence base, and therefore is not in accordance with the Framework.
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