Map 1
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
ID sylw: 67538
Derbyniwyd: 08/12/2014
Ymatebydd: Mrs Emma Jones
Consultation process seems to be deeply flawed. The consultation process has remained less than transparent and possibly even unfair. Today (08/12/14) the online questionnaire relating to the Stratford Road site has been removed from the council's website, when the deadline is 12/12/14.
The council has failed to provide any real detail in their publications. In some aspects (such as Impact on Local Economy), the council have provided no information whatsoever; in others alluded to further updates which have failed to materialise. The consultation appears rushed and lacking in data.
The site did not appear in the short list in early 2014. It has been added with absolutely minimal public consultation. Many residents were unaware of the site several weeks into the process.
The two drop-in sessions both ended at 18:30, making it virtually impossible for most working people to attend. WDC refused to attend a public meeting.
It is not clear that the site is actually available. Severn Trent Water state that they do not support the plans. I understand there is a third party involved also.
Site is on a flood plain, next to an industrial water treatment works, near an extremely busy motorway and A road. The cost of mitigating flood risk, road noise, odour would be expensive and make the site unviable. Guidelines for site selection state that run down or disused locations should be chosen where possible - the proposed site is green field.
There is also no existing access of sufficient quality. STW will not allow access through their site, so significant works would be needed to make safe access from the busy A429.
Fail to see how the site will lend itself to allowing integration with the community.
The potential impact on the local economy is not clear but likely to be negative given the plans for new employment land on the same site. Vacant units on Tournament Fields business park and the proposal would do nothing but make the employment unappealing.
The site would also dominate Longbridge village in terms of size. The proposed number of pitches for a single site is again at odds with government guidelines which are based on experience of sites that have been successfully integrated.
see attached
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
ID sylw: 67543
Derbyniwyd: 08/12/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr Mark Jones
Consultation process seems to be deeply flawed. The consultation process has remained less than transparent and possibly even unfair. Today (08/12/14) the online questionnaire relating to the Stratford Road site has been removed from the council's website, when the deadline is 12/12/14.
The council has failed to provide any real detail in their publications. In some aspects (such as Impact on Local Economy), the council have provided no information whatsoever; in others alluded to further updates which have failed to materialise. The consultation appears rushed and lacking in data.
The site did not appear in the short list in early 2014. It has been added with absolutely minimal public consultation. Many residents were unaware of the site several weeks into the process.
The two drop-in sessions both ended at 18:30, making it virtually impossible for most working people to attend. WDC refused to attend a public meeting.
It is not clear that the site is actually available. Severn Trent Water state that they do not support the plans. I understand there is a third party involved also.
Site is on a flood plain, next to an industrial water treatment works, near an extremely busy motorway and A road. The cost of mitigating flood risk, road noise, odour would be expensive and make the site unviable. Guidelines for site selection state that run down or disused locations should be chosen where possible - the proposed site is green field.
There is also no existing access of sufficient quality. STW will not allow access through their site, so significant works would be needed to make safe access from the busy A429.
Fail to see how the site will lend itself to allowing integration with the community.
The potential impact on the local economy is not clear but likely to be negative given the plans for new employment land on the same site. Vacant units on Tournament Fields business park and the proposal would do nothing but make the employment unappealing.
The site would also dominate Longbridge village in terms of size. The proposed number of pitches for a single site is again at odds with government guidelines which are based on experience of sites that have been successfully integrated.
see attached
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
ID sylw: 67544
Derbyniwyd: 18/12/2014
Ymatebydd: Mrs Melanie King
Surely one of the criteria that the gypsy community desire is a place where people would live ie not next to a motorway or a sewage works.
High flood risk
Poor access - Seven Trent will not be allowing access across their land
Residents should have been consulted before the site was added to the list
Potential new residents would be put off the idea of living in the new estates
Site would impact this limited local government budget as amenities need to be installed and the general up keep would be significant.
Stratford Road is a major road into Warwick and would impact on the "first impression" that tourists have and potential businesses relocating to Warwick.
A traveller community would not benefit and promote Warwick to more new business.
Fear of increase in crime rate, insurance increases, house prices falling.
Potential diseases from dogs that have not been vaccinated
I write to strongly oppose the decision to now include Stratford Rd as a possible location for a Gypsy and traveller site.
I moved to Stratford Road in Warwick as I would regard it as one on the "premier roads" to live on in Warwick.
After speaking to a many residents and neighbours I was surprised to hear that the potential site selected was at the end of the Stratford Road. I can also add that I was surprised that it was a recent addition to the long list of potential sites selected
I oppose the site for the following reasons
* Also surely one of the criteria that the gypsy community desire is a place where people would live ie not under a railway bridge, not next to a busy motorway or not next to a sewage works like the Stratford Road Site.
* This area has a high flood risk
* There is poor access to the site - Seven Trent will not be allowing access across their land
* As a payer of Council Tax like the many resident on Stratford Road, we should of been consulted long before the site was added to the list, surely surveys and consultation were taken long before the site was added. Full consultation and consideration period were given to the other sites.
* Being so close to a new housing estate Chase Meadow and Beaumont Meadow, potential new residents would be put off the idea of living there, creating less potential sales.
* We pay a large amount of council tax to fund WDC and we are always informed on how governments cuts need to be made to cover other services, surely this site would impact this limited budget as amenities need to be installed etc and the general up keep of the site would be significant.
* The Stratford Road is one of the major roads that lead into Warwick and I am surprised that WDC would not think a site would impact on the "first impression" that tourist have and potential businesses relocating to Warwick.
* Warwick has seen a steady decline of local shops unfortunately closing down but recently local restaurants such as Micatto and shops such as Hatton and Harding have help create a town where people have the desire to be and want to live and shop, a traveller community would not benefit and promote Warwick to more new business.
* The site is by a premium business park, several pubs and hotels (Holiday Inn and Hilton). The presence of a gypsy community would impact this a great deal. I have had first hand experience of the gypsy community whilst living in Oxford, several venues became off limits to the public and roads had to be closed and extra police were required for certain gypsy events.
* Without stereotyping the gypsy community residents will surely fear an increase in crime rate, insurance increases, house prices falling. The area will become an area where there will be houses that people cant sell and people not wanting to buy them. This devaluation of property prices could surely lead to a council tax review as the houses are worth less therefore WDC receiving less council tax this would also leave alot of residents in negative equity.
* Being a dog owner I know that the potential diseases from other dogs that have not been vaccinated is a great threat and would worry of possibility of my dog being stolen.
I would like to be kept fully informed on the activity surrounding this application and the process involved in any decision making.
Please note I do not wish the contact details (name, email or address) to be publically displayed on the planning website.
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
ID sylw: 67545
Derbyniwyd: 01/12/2014
Ymatebydd: Deirdre Richardson
A Traveller site would ruin the tourist town of Warwick
Warwick is a beautiful tourist town with hundreds of visitors to the Castle annually .
A Traveller site would simply ruin our town.
As Chris White MP is a local resident it would be extremely disappointing if he does not champion the cause of the local people who work, pay taxes ,and add value to society . He has been elected by the people so lets here his voice now .
Do we want everyday to be like Race Day in Warwick ......?
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
ID sylw: 67546
Derbyniwyd: 01/12/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr Steven Baker
Access, effect on local eco system, economic grounds, the site is a flood plain and the consultation process has been deeply unfair.
The site is on a dangerous bend and does not have good access, and will also have a massive impact on the local eco system and wildlife.
The site identified is a flood plain zone 2 and 3. Works can be undertaken to mitigate this, at whose expense is this being done?
Economic effect will also be severe in that a Traveller site opposite Tournament Fields condemn it to being half empty for a further few years.
Site has never been in any published list and therefore makes a complete mockery of the entire process and is grossly unfair.
see attached
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
ID sylw: 67547
Derbyniwyd: 02/12/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr Andy Bacon
The proposal cannot meet the criteria for suitable access (especially safety services) to the site where, as I understand, access via the Severn Trent Water Works will not be granted
The site cannot meet the criteria for suitable air quality. I question the sense in placing families so close to such poor air quality
Question the rationale for placing a Traveller site on the main access to the town. It can only detract from the way the town is perceived and undoubtedly with a knock-on negative impact to commerce in the area
see attached
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
ID sylw: 67548
Derbyniwyd: 08/12/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr Christopher Duckhouse
Access to the site is not at all suitable for the sort of vehicles that will be using the narrow farm track on a regular basis.
The road from the A429 that leads to the Longbridge Village is unsuitable for the size of vehicles and an accident black spot. Long, slow vehicles will be leaving that road junction to join traffic that is already travelling at 40mph. I deem this to be totally inappropriate & makes it dangerous for all road users. This is an unnecessary & unacceptable risk for the current local residents.
The amount of hard standing that is proposed this will have a significant negative impact on local wildlife, as well as the management of the water in the area. The proposed site I believe is also on a flood plain and caravans are vulnerable. Flood alleviation schemes are expensive and often fail to deliver.
The proposed development will dominate and overshadow the existing Longbridge village.
Impact on tourism and local economy.
Facilities are stretched - GP surgery, Warwick Hospital and schools will place greater burden on Council funds
Consultation leaves a lot to be desired. This site was not on the original list. Council railroading decision making
see attached
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
ID sylw: 67549
Derbyniwyd: 08/12/2014
Ymatebydd: Dr Rachel Lander
Not clear whether existing services are able to sustain the increase in population. Will there be enough places at local schools to support the increase in children which will have a detrimental effect on the children that already live in the local area and increase travelling further afield. Difficult to access local dentist.
The councils SA states the effect on the economy is uncertain at this stage. Negative impact will result from decreasing the demand for the Tournament Fields Business Park.
The site is near the A46/M40 junction, however details of the access to the plot inadequately addressed. Unacceptable to plan a site and hold a consultation without the necessary information. The current narrow farm track to the land is currently inadequate and would not provide access for emergency vehicles. Access to the site from Longbridge would also place the main entrance of the site next to a Grade II listed building which is located on a dangerous bend with poor visibility.
The site is of suitable size, however with size of plot comes increased residents.
The Councils SA states that air, soil and water quality are of significant concern and the development could have a potential negative effect. Although it claims this can be 'mitigated' there is little further detail with regards to this.
A site close to a sewage works and a busy motorway network will require a significant cost to rectify these aspects to ensure safety.
There is flood risk and sites should not be built where there is probability that flooding will occur. Whilst 'mitigation work' has been alluded to, there is no information with regards to what this will be, how much this will cost or whether the risk can be eliminated.
How will the site be adequately screened. The Stratford Road site is the main entrance road into Warwick from the motorway and tourists travel up the road. Even with a screen, the Gypsy and Traveller site will be visible and have a negative impact on the town.
see attached
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
ID sylw: 67550
Derbyniwyd: 08/12/2014
Ymatebydd: Ms Kerry Stewart
Impact on the economy not only on Tournament Fields, but to hotels, shops and pubs.
Detrimental effect on house prices
High risk of not only flooding but also extremely dangerous for children being so close to the river and sewage works.
Close to the M40 and Stratford Rd; both very busy.
Negative impact on wildlife near to and on the proposed site including birds, newts, otters etc.
Site would overpower the surrounding housing and greenery.
Noise generated from the M40
Unfair to house these families within a short distance of the sewage works where the smell can be very bad.
Dangerous junction will become even more dangerous. Travelling caravans visiting or leaving the site and the communities work vans pulling in and out on a number of occasions.
Proposed access road is unsuitable for not only the increase in traffic but also the kind of traffic, caravans, and large vans that would continually use it daily..
Site has never been part of the local plan when developing Chase Meadow and for the schools and doctors I believe that this proposed site and the families living there would add an increased burden on the local services and community.
This community should and can be found a suitable location in Warwickshire but Stratford Rd unsuitable.
I would like to submit my objection to the proposed Traveller / Gypsy site on Stratford Road in Warwick.
The reasons for my objection are as follows.
Although it may be claimed otherwise there will be a significant impact on the economy in the surrounding area by choosing this site. The impact will not only be on the existing Tournament Fields estate but will also be detrimental to surrounding businesses including hotels, shops and pubs. The site will also have a detrimental effect on house prices in the surrounding area, making some in the close vicinity almost unsellable. The negative financial impact on so many homes will be significant.
The chosen location is at extremely high risk of not only flooding for the residents but is also extremely dangerous for the residents children being so close to the river and to the sewage works. It is also very close to both the M40 and the Stratford Rd, both very busy roads. I believe the cost to manage the risk of flooding the proposed site and the cost to make it safe for families would be too high to justify selecting this location.
There will be a considerable negative impact on wildlife near to and on the proposed site including birds, newts, otters etc. There are surely more suitable sites that will have no negative impact on nature and without having to ruin another piece of this green land and beautiful scenery with caravans, sound reducing hills and the likes.
This proposed site would overpower the surrounding housing and greenery. It would be quite a blot on the landscape and surely can't be acceptable if it stands out, even if hidden by shrubbery or these mounds to soften the noise pollution. As it would dominate the surrounding area I believe that this would be unacceptable to allow this proposed site.
The families expected to move to the proposed site cannot be expected to put up with the level of noise generated from the M40. From over 1km away we can hear it very well and can't believe that the council would propose to house families within a few hundred feet., especially when it is at a lower lever and where it would be impossible to shield regardless of the type of sound barrier.
It is also very unfair to house these families within a short distance of the sewage works where the smell can on occasion be very bad.
The choice of road into the proposed site means that an already dangerous junction will become even more dangerous. With travelling caravans visiting or leaving the site and the communities work vans pulling in and out on a number of occasions and probably at the busiest points of the day. This junction would become a death trap for those not only entering or exiting that stretch of road but also for traffic using Stratford Rd.
I have checked out the proposed road to the proposed site from this junction and I believe it is unsuitable for not only the increase in traffic but also the kind of traffic, caravans, and large vans that would continually use it daily. The cost to improve their road to a satisfactory width and to be capable of handling the amount of traffic again makes this unviable.
As this site has never been part of the local plan when developing Chase Meadow and for the schools and doctors I believe that this proposed site and the families living there would add an increased burden on the local services and community.
My final point is related to the way in which after a long process of selection where Stratford Rd was never mentioned I feel that it has been included in quite a hurry and that those who have selected it as a possible location have not fully considered many points while being in a hurry to provide any location for this travelling community. I also believe the manner in which it was communicated was in really bad taste as it all seemed to happen suddenly as if to catch the local and existing community by surprise and hoping to push it through without considering the impact on the area, and the families themselves.
Although I agree that this community should and can be found a suitable location in Warwickshire I believe that my reasons for this proposed site not being selected at Stratford Rd should be enough for this objection to be accepted.
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
ID sylw: 67551
Derbyniwyd: 07/12/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr & Mrs William & Louise Walsh
Nifer y bobl: 2
Appears a 'fait accompli' position seems to have been adopted
Road Safety: located at recognised hazardous corner and high risk to encourage more use of junction. Impossible for safely manoeuvring of large vehicles.
Increased Traffic
Schools: There is not room for more entrants. Aylesbury School has been expanded/improved, is further school development now required and at who's cost?
Flooding: Expansion of Chase Meadow making situation worse. Traveller site will remove run-off land and become susceptible to flooding itself.
Sewage works: Is there no regulation against 'enforced' housing close by with health effects?
Noise/pollution: high risk close to motorway and impact on health service.
Tax payers are involuntarily funding the scheme. Undemocratic.
I am writing in relation to the proposed Traveller and Gypsy site which is suggested to be located at the southern end of Stratford Road.
I have tried to use the 'online consultation' process but despite being a regular user of online services and also using many complex IT systems daily in my work life, remain unable to fathom how to use it!
I like many others are a concerned resident (of Stratford Road) who is disappointed that it appears a 'fait accompli' position seems to have been adopted by the council regarding this matter.
There are almost too many concerns to air regarding the proposal but my main issues are as follows: (in no particular order)
- Road Safety. The location of the site is at a recognised hazardous corner and it is high risk to encourage more useage of the junction adjacent to Longbridge Manor. Specifically if travellers caravans & trailers are to use this route it will almost be impossible for them to safely manoeuvre their vehicles into and out of the entrance to the site.
- Increased Traffic. Longbridge Island is already practically at gridlock during most rush hours. We do not need more traffic throttling this artery.
- Schools. Our childrens school (Newburgh Primary) has already been doubled in size to deal with the added burden from the apparently ever growing Chase Meadow. There is not room for more entrants.
- Schools. Aylesford which is the secondary school will then feel consequently a similar burden. It also has been recently expanded / improved. Is a further wave of school development now required? At whos cost?
- Flooding. Chase Meadow expansion again is causing possible saturation of Flood Plain land. The Traveller Site being positioned adjacent to the river will remove valuable run-off for drainage from the lower part of Stratford Road and it will also become susceptible to flooding itself
- Severn Trent facility. Is there no regulation / directive regarding placing 'enforced' housing directly adjacent to a sewage works? There is likely to be a health effect from this which will then create a further burden to the local health authority
- Noise / Pollution. As above, as this is more of an 'enforced' housing scheme, it is high risk that being so close to the motorway will cause further health issues which again will burden the health services.
In summary this scheme will further stratch the local facilities and infrastructure and should not be considered.
Considering we the tax payers (at quite some expense) are involuntarily funding the planning, building and subsequent service provision for this scheme without choice, is a completely unacceptable and non-democratic action.
I implore the proposal to be scrapped and a less burdensome scheme for the town of Warwick be devised.
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
ID sylw: 67552
Derbyniwyd: 07/12/2014
Ymatebydd: Mrs Gillian Kaye
Not enough complete and correct information has been given to enable an informed decision.
The suggested access route has changed following Severn Trent's objection but this has not been confirmed by WDC. Access would be along a narrow/unsuitable farm track from a busy main road. This is beside a small hamlet of cottages and listed buildings and access for emergency vehicles would be extremely difficult. Traffic would be held up on the main road by vehicles attempting to turn onto the access road. Any changes to the highway would come at a huge cost to the local Taxpayer.
Not a pleasant/safe environment for anyone to want to live close to the Sewage works and the M40. There also has to be safety issues regarding the close proximity of the River Avon and sewage works for children living there. Simply screening does not address safety issues.
Not clear who will be paying for development of the site therefore as a Taxpayer, object until this has been clarified.
The Council say this site is available but it is not.
No assurance regarding methods to prevent the site expanding through overcrowding.
No evidence to prove that there are spaces as local schools and GP surgeries are already full.
Site is in Flood Zone 3 but WDC have glossed over this in their proposal for this site. Any rectification would be costly and involve considerable disruption.
see attached
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
ID sylw: 67553
Derbyniwyd: 07/12/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr Robin Kaye
Council failed to follow due process with inadequate opportunity for residents to understand plans through lack of information.
Listed criteria do not cover all issues on which public is entitled to object.
Severn Trent unwilling to provide access over their land, so current narrow farm track is only alternative and is inadequate. Not addressed the cost of improvement to the access, the traffic on the busy A429 and the close proximity of a listed building to the proposed alternative access .
SA states air, water and soil quality as having a 'potential negative effect'. No evidence as to how this can be mitigated.
Site near sewage works and busy motorway unsuitable for children.
Site is in Flood Zone 2 or 3 and is therefore unsuitable. Council must prove that the risk can be eliminated.
Employment land near the proposed site not an issue raised by the Council.
No details of how the Council plans to deal with expansion beyond the boundary limits
Not made clear if the land is available
see attached
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
ID sylw: 67554
Derbyniwyd: 07/12/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr Adam Smith
Site has been demonstrated to be unfit for habitation on grounds of noise and air pollution from major roads, proximity to water courses, River Avon and proximity to sewage works - particularly due to vulnerability of caravans/mobile homes.
Would require significant effort to mitigate the issues as well as allowing for manoeuvring of mobile homes, emergency vehicles and safe turning points, which do not exist.
Not suitable for immediate development and full costs and time requirements are unknown.
Would have significant negative impact on local economy, particularly the further development of Tournament Fields: also the new residential developments.
Impact on small residential community if size of site. Smaller sites are recommended.
Places further demands on overstretched schools and GP surgery.
Previous sites nearby were classed red and dismissed within 1 mile of this site, for reasons including proximity to M40/A46, flood risk and proximity to sewage works.
Optimism in potential of site illustrates commitment and 'fait accompli'.
Unwillingness to consider potential consequences. Dismissive of criticism by reducing consultation period to minimum and holding minimum number of workshops at inconvenient times, also choosing not to attend public meeting.
see attached
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
ID sylw: 67555
Derbyniwyd: 03/12/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr Mark Williams
Formal objection to the proposed Gypsy & Traveller site off Stratford Road in Warwick.
I would like to lodge my formal objection to the proposed Gypsy & Traveller site off Stratford Road in Warwick.
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
ID sylw: 67556
Derbyniwyd: 04/12/2014
Ymatebydd: Highways England
Given the relatively small scale of the site and its likely provision of up to 15 permanent pitches, with access off the A429, it is expected that the level of trip generation would be low and that there would be no material impact on the nearest sections of the Strategic Road Network - which, in this instance comprises the A46 and M40.
The proposed allocation is unlikely to have any bearing on the overall transport evidence underpinning the Local Plan or the related IDP - on which the Agency's comments of 16 July 2014 were based.
Highways Agency has no further comment in respect of this document.
see attached
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
ID sylw: 67557
Derbyniwyd: 04/12/2014
Ymatebydd: Peter McKenna
Consultation document does not address the issue of access. Not aware of any agreement with Severn Trent for access across their land which would leave the narrow farm track leading to the site from Longbridge as the only route, which would be inadequate.
Air, water and soil quality identified as an 'area of significant concern' in the SA. Suggested these could be mitigated but little further information given. Close to motorway and sewage works is not suitable for permanent residential development, especially where children would live.
Site is in flood zones 2 and 3. Caravans are vulnerable and should not be located in such an area. The cost and extent of any mitigation is not given and may not eliminate risk.
Unknown effect on local economy but likely to impact on remainder of Tournament Fields land.
The location will do nothing to reduce tensions between the Travelling and the settled communities, as witnessed by the petitioning and social media campaign.
Local GPs and schools already under pressure and more houses are imminent. Has consultation been carried out with health managers and schools.
Lack of effective consultation. Speed with which the site has been chosen.
see attached
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
ID sylw: 67558
Derbyniwyd: 07/12/2014
Ymatebydd: Miss Naomi West
Site unsuitable for young families next to noisy M40, smells from sewage plant and potential danger of River Avon.
Air quality likely to be poor.
Not a safe environment, particularly for children.
In flood plain. Not clear how mitigation can be achieved. A large area of hardstanding would increase risk.
Two proposed accesses: Severn Trent are unwilling to grant easement over their land or sell land for access. Unclear whether it would be possible to compulsorily purchase which would be costly and time consuming. the existing lane is on bend on fast road with safety issues including for emergency vehicles.
Site was not in original list of proposed sites and not clear on what basis it was selected.
Site should be smaller as government states 15 is maximum number to be allowed.
see attached
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
ID sylw: 67559
Derbyniwyd: 05/12/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr Anthony Jackson
Why would the council install flood defences for the Gypsy site, no plans have ever been circulated prior to this to project the local properties.
Local schools are at current capacity, with proposed extensions catering for the expansion of local housing developments
What consideration has been given to protect both the local and the gypsy inhabitants from the foul odours emitted from the sewerage works. Again this has not been considered until now to my knowledge
see attached
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
ID sylw: 67560
Derbyniwyd: 06/12/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr Stuart Oldham
Site is adjacent to a larger area of 12 hectares proposed for employment/commercial use, and in close proximity to the river Avon, STW sewage works, the M40 and major residential areas. This is a large and still expanding residential development with a planned completion of 1,250 dwellings housing some 4,000 residents
Site fails to comply with criteria.
Site would not be safe due to flood and drowning risk to children. Caravans are highly vulnerable. Site is in Flood Zone 3.
Provision of suitable access to road network would be costly with safety issues for pedestrians crossing the road. Currently there are two accesses from A429; one owned by Severn Trent and the other a farm access. STW will not allow their road to be used for G&T site, whilst farm access is poor condition and requires widening and improvement at significant cost. This access is off A429 on bend with limited visibility. Large, slow moving vehicles many towing caravans/trailers would increase accident risk.
Location close to motorway would fail noise/air quality test.
Access to facilities neither convenient or safe due to crossing road. GP practice and schools have no spare capacity.
Viability issues
Negative impact on environment and visually.
Site would be out of scale and nature with surroundings
Economic impact on prospective businesses/investors in Tournament Fields.
Evidence for need. Assessments have varied widely from 2008 - 2012
see attached
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
ID sylw: 67568
Derbyniwyd: 11/09/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr _ Lukasz
Previous illegal encampment experience
I would like to take opportunity to express my view on your proposal to locate Travellers site in our area.
Couple months ago (may or june), gypsies have stayed on Tapping Way for few days and nights.
They have burnt tyres, urinated on the street, left piles of rubbish, broken tvs and kitchen appliances.
Our area is clean and safe and I hope it will be in a future too.
I can not agree with your proposal.
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
ID sylw: 67569
Derbyniwyd: 10/09/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr & Mrs David Mc Gee
Object to a Gypsy & Traveller site at Stratford Road
I 'am writing with my wife and on behalf of Chase Meadow residents that we are against the move of a Gypsy and Traveller site to Stratford Road.
I would be grateful if this message can be added to the list of formal complaints about the proposed decision.
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
ID sylw: 67570
Derbyniwyd: 07/12/2014
Ymatebydd: Louise Hulse
Disgusted that not one employee of Warwick District Council attended the recent meeting organised by Chase Meadow Residents Association. The majority of people in the area work full-time and many commute, and so would never be able to attend your public meetings at the community centre during working hours.
The site is situated on a flood plain. Flood risks can be alleviated, I would like to know at what cost please?
The site access is very unclear. Concerned about additional traffic on Stratford Road.
Although the sites are permanent they can attract large numbers of additional temporary/ semi-permanent visitors.
Impacts on the local economy: This proposed site, so close to two hotels, will have a negative effect on tourism.
Firstly, I am disgusted that not one employee of Warwick District Council attended the recent meeting organised by Chase Meadow Residents Association. Over the last 6 years I have worked as part of the hospital team building and commissioning the QE hospital in Birmingham. Every step of the way, at least one hospital Director attended all residents meetings, no matter how volatile and difficult. For the record, the meeting last Thursday was very professional, and full of residents desperate for information. I think you and your team should be ashamed of the lack of consultation with residents who live close to the proposed site near Stratford Road. The majority of people in the area work full-time and many commute, and so would never be able to attend your public meetings at the community centre during working hours.
I would like to express my objections to the proposes site.
The site is situated on a flood plain. We moved to Warwick 7 years ago, the property we bought had been flooded approximately 10 years before we bought it. This almost stopped us buying the house. As commuters, we had many locations close to the M40 to choose from. Although, I know flood risks can be alleviated, I would like to know at what cost please? Both my husband and I are top rate tax payers and so we are keen to know how much will be spent on flood alleviation schemes? Indeed, has this even been costed out?
The site access plans are very unclear. I am concerned about the additional traffic on the Stratford Road, in and out of Warwick. Although the sites are permanent, I know from experience they can attract large numbers of additional temporary/ semi-permanent visitors.
We recently moved from the Stratford Road to Chase Meadow, and would not have considered buying a property so close to the travellers site if we had known. We met with a planning officer at the council to go through the lists of possible sites in the summer 2014, this site was not on the list. We know two Jaguar Landrover employees who were both looking to buy the new Bovis homes, they are now looking in Stratford. This is one of the impacts your decision will have on the local economy.
When we lived on the Stratford Road, I reported two incidents of theft from my car and garden, two years in a row. These will be logged with the police. I witnessed the theft and criminal damage caused to my car, the perpetrators were temporary travellers walking past my house in a drunken state.
In the spring/summer 2010, during a bank holiday weekend I visited the the Hilton hotel. I had recently joined the gym there. The main entrance had security men, and all of the door had been locked with chains and padlocks. I assumed a high profile person was visiting, and asked why the hotel was inaccessible. The security guard explained the travellers had cause £100k of damage to the hotel bar and restaurant the year before during the same bank holiday weekend. This proposed site, so close to two hotels, will have a negative effect on tourism. The small, beautiful town of Warwick will become less appealing to tourism, this will have affect the local economy.
I would like to request, under the freedom of information, when exactly was the Stratford Road site discussed for the first time publicly available and who was the first individual who bought the site to the table?
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
ID sylw: 67571
Derbyniwyd: 07/12/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr James Blyth
The area is subject to a high risk of flooding, and no firm methods of mitigation have been proposed.
No proposals for the prevention of pollution in the River Avon from surface water run-off, and human waste.
The proposed site has too many adjacent hazards to be safe for children (sewage works, council depot, river, busy road and motorway). To protect large numbers of children, it will have to be effectively fenced off, creating an unpleasant environment.
Will blight nearby properties, ongoing housing development and the future prospects of Tournament Fields.
I believe insufficient time for consultation on this site has been given resulting in frustration and confusion over lack of details and a general feeling that WDC are trying to push this proposal through as quickly as possible.
Access from Stratford Road is problematic and dangerous.
No real consideration has been given to the impact on local amenities, including GP practice, housing development, open spaces or the affect on local schools.
Longer public consultation would address concerns, including alternative sites which would reduce the impact on the existing local community, and a significant reduction in the scale of any sites in line with national guidance
see attached
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
ID sylw: 67572
Derbyniwyd: 07/12/2014
Ymatebydd: Ms Margaret McDonald
Site within reasonable distance of, but overstretched GP surgeries, schools and hospital.
Good links to road network but potentially dangerous right turn when approaching from M40. Increased traffic
Site is in Flood Zone 3
Impact on property prices and quality of life
Experience of illegal encampments
Doubt there will be the appropriate infrastructure
see attached
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
ID sylw: 67573
Derbyniwyd: 07/12/2014
Ymatebydd: ms Linda Butler
Proposed site is within reasonable ? but already overstretched, overcrowded GP surgeries, schools and hospital. The surgery on Chase Meadow is already ?. Schools are full and the possibility of additional permanent or transitional traveller children would be detrimental.
There may be good links to the major road network but there will also be a potentially dangerous right hand turn into the road when approaching from the direction of the M40 roundabout. Traffic is already at a premium on the Stratford Road and this would make it worse.
The proposed site is at Level 3 risk.
Site would have a significant impact on property prices and quality of life. Experience of previous illegal encampments.
Traveller sites should be on the outskirts of a town, where any mess that is made will not impact.
Doubt that there will be a proper infrastructure for this.
see attached
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
ID sylw: 67574
Derbyniwyd: 06/12/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr J B Connor
Brought in at a late stage, local people have not had time to consider the details.
Public meetings held at times which made them inaccessible to working families. No paperwork outlining rationale.
No thorough Environmental Report of flora and fauna or impact of complex providing for human habitation.
Proposed access is on dangerous corner increasing potential for accidents. Poor access for emergency vehicles would appear to contravene government guidelines.
I wish to register my strong objection to the proposed Gypsy and Traveller Site located adjacent to the Stratford Road in Warwick. There are several grounds for my objection
Firstly, the late nomination of this site (after the initial consultation on a set of alternatives in which it was never even mentioned) means that the current consultation is not genuine, fair or reasonable. I believe that, on examination, the scheme would be ruled unlawful. Local people have not had adequate time to consider the details, suggest alternatives or digest the implications. The so-called public meetings have so far been held at such times as to render them inaccessible for working families with multiple responsibilities. At no time have we, as residents, been given paperwork outlining the rationale behind the sudden change in the Local Plan and the inclusion of the Stratford Road alternative.
Secondly, I have looked unsuccessfully for a thorough Environmental Report detailing the current distribution of flora and fauna at this site, together with an expert assessment of the likely impact on that environment of a large complex providing all the needs of human habitation. It is inconceivable that a plan could be considered lawful without such provision.
Thirdly, as a local resident I regularly drive down Stratford Road towards the M40 junction. The proposed access to the site is at a bend in the road, which would significantly increase the danger of serious road traffic accidents for residents, visitors and newcomers. Poor access for emergency vehicles would also appear to contravene current government guidelines.
This debacle is doing nothing for the reputation of Warwick District Council. The proposal is grossly out of proportion, given that it represents the majority of proposed pitches for the whole of the county being sited in an historic town with a small population.
I look forward to your reply, and am sending a copy of my letter to local councillors and our local M.P.
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
ID sylw: 67577
Derbyniwyd: 12/12/2014
Ymatebydd: Sylvia Clifford
Site will be bordered by river, sewage works, M40 and access to Warwick which is often grid-locked. Increase in traffic adding to problems
see attached
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
ID sylw: 67578
Derbyniwyd: 12/12/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr T Clifford
Proximity to sewage works
Site is on a flood plain
Access is on already busy road off dangerous bend
Effect on future housing and business development
Effect on tourism and hotels
Noise and danger from M40 and Longbridge roundabout
Views of residents should be the priority
see attached
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
ID sylw: 67579
Derbyniwyd: 11/12/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr John Berkeley
No evidence that Traveller families would want to live on any particular site
Access road issue. Proposed to be off cycle network route41 behind Grade 2 Listed Longbridge Manor on unlit section of A429 on a bend with hazard chevrons. The road is narrow with no pavements. Current access is narrow farm track with steep bank on one site and mature trees on the other which would require felling to widen the track. None of landowners involved support the site.
Noise pollution report was deficient having been taken over a short period in favourable conditions
Steps that would be needed to ensure health and safety make it unsuitable and unattractive in the landscape
Impact on wildlife.
Report that the brook does not flood is incorrect as it did in 2007. Widening the access track will have consequences for the brook.
Severn Trent's opposition means the site is unavailable and delivery impossible
see attached
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
ID sylw: 67580
Derbyniwyd: 11/12/2014
Ymatebydd: Miss J Spencer
Too near sewage works
Within Flood Zone
Increase in traffic on Stratford Road
Concerned about security
Inappropriate development would spoil Warwick town entrance
see attached