Land East of Kenilworth Development Brief

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Land East of Kenilworth Development Brief

3. Delivery of an effective and efficient transport system

Representation ID: 71319

Received: 14/01/2019

Respondent: Individual

Representation Summary:

Please see attached.



Land East of Kenilworth Development Brief

2. Delivery of high quality employment land

Representation ID: 71320

Received: 23/11/2018

Respondent: Individual

Representation Summary:

Please see attached.



Land East of Kenilworth Development Brief

3. Delivery of an effective and efficient transport system

Representation ID: 71326

Received: 18/01/2019

Respondent: Individual

Representation Summary:

a) The Council have always held strong on the view that Thickthorn Close is not a suitable access point due to it being a narrow road. It is clear that it is now a main access point for the new estate. There was a commitment that the amenity of residents in Thickthorn would not be impacted and this clearly does impact.



Land East of Kenilworth Development Brief

Walking and cycling

Representation ID: 71328

Received: 02/12/2018

Respondent: Individual

Representation Summary:

a) Currently no safe cycling route from Kenilworth to Abbey Park in Stoneleigh. There will be more vehicles on the road following development making it worse. Stoneleigh Park and the NAC is just across the A46 from Kenilworth with many businesses based there, now is the perfect time build a cycle way from Kenilworth to both business parks. With hundreds of workers and even more visitors to the NAC wouldn't it make a great showcase for Warwickshire to show how it's connecting people to their workplaces. It will have health benefits for employees too.



Land East of Kenilworth Development Brief

3. Delivery of an effective and efficient transport system

Representation ID: 71329

Received: 12/01/2019

Respondent: Individual

Representation Summary:

Please see attached.



Land East of Kenilworth Development Brief

1. Delivery of a mix of housing

Representation ID: 71330

Received: 12/01/2019

Respondent: Individual

Representation Summary:

Please see attached.



Land East of Kenilworth Development Brief

3. Delivery of an effective and efficient transport system

Representation ID: 71331

Received: 09/01/2019

Respondent: Individual

Representation Summary:

a) Object to the access on Thickthorn Close. The close is unsuitable to take the type of traffic, well intentioned how it seems will only act in future as a main entrance. The primary route is very close to the island junction that carries fast moving traffic.



Land East of Kenilworth Development Brief

3. Delivery of an effective and efficient transport system

Representation ID: 71332

Received: 14/01/2019

Respondent: Individual

Representation Summary:

Please see attached.



Land East of Kenilworth Development Brief

3. Delivery of an effective and efficient transport system

Representation ID: 71334

Received: 13/01/2019

Respondent: Individual

Representation Summary:

a) Taking into account the sheer devastation that will be made to the surrounding area, especially the local wildlife, will I ever hear our owl again?
b) I am ready to sacrifice even Rocky Lane, the main haunt of dog walkers, for the spine road to continue through the new estate. How can it be considered sensible to keep it when all the traffic problems will be considerable and Glasshouse Lane, a quiet road will become the North Circular of the Town.



Land East of Kenilworth Development Brief

3. Delivery of an effective and efficient transport system

Representation ID: 71335

Received: 14/01/2019

Respondent: Individual

Representation Summary:

a) Whilst no objection in principle to the development, do not agree with the main 'spine road' using a section of Glasshouse Lane instead of being contained within the new development, as was shown in the original scheme. I believe this will encourage the development of 'rat runs' through existing residential areas and will have a significant negative affect on the quality of life in those areas affected.


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